All Things Possible - Distric...

By MyMindAmusesMe

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[Book 2] - I wouldn't say I like him but I can't stop these intimate feelings for him. Like, I want nothing m... More

All Things Possible - District3 - Greg West
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 24
Part 25
Not an update.
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30

Part 23

95 2 0
By MyMindAmusesMe

Part 23

May Twentieth

Elianna’s POV

Well, there’s been so much happening lately. Lottie still hasn’t come back from the argument, Ella’s been sulking around, and Dan’s been feeling sorry. I know most of this is all on my head but Greg keeps telling me otherwise. Greg keeps saying it’s not my fault but I specifically know it is. I’m pretty sure no one had these arguments before I came into the picture, or Katie. Although, Katie has nothing to do with the arguments or knows as to what’s going on. No one’s telling her anything and I’m too terrified to open my mouth, in case it comes back to bite me in the arse. Everything always does.

   Greg, Katie and I were all sat in the living room to my flat; I must admit that it’s a little weird, especially because Katie is meant to be working.  As to why she was here, I’ll never know. She’s far too secretive for her own good. As for the house, we viewed three days ago, Ella’s placed a bid for it and she’ll know whether it’s gone through or not in a few days, maybe earlier. I have no idea.

      Everyone was quiet about everything, and it was eerily annoying. I wanted to talk and break the silence but I was scared. I was scared in case they snapped or I was blamed for even more than usual. And although Greg has been sleeping more, he still wasn’t eating properly and it did worry me. However, I had no one to speak to about it because I still had to wait another week before I saw m psychiatrist. One more week until the inevitable happens again. What scares me the most is the fact that Greg isn’t looking after his body properly, which is weakening his immune system, and making his stomach decrease in size. Making it impossible for him to eat much anymore. I wish I could force him into eating something, but I can’t and it’s horrid. This month was meant to be about spending quality time with Greg, getting to know him and to try to overcome the sarcastic responses we both gave to one and other. Yes, we both overcame the sarcasticness and the bitchiness, but we both got broken in the process. However, we did find love in a hopeless place. Although, thinking back, it makes me think as to whether Greg asked me out just because we both felt like it was our last moments alive or whether he felt sorry for me. I physically don’t have a clue as to what he was thinking, but I’m happy right now and I’m slightly content. But, what’s worrying me, is the fact that I’ve came between two best friends and a relationship. I’m the cause for Lottie walking away with Shannon. I’m the reason why Ella’s upset and barely talking to anyone. Yes, Ella stuck up for me when Lottie was attacking me but it then turned personal because of me.

   I wish I could turn back time and refuse to go out drinking, just so I didn’t get hurt. I wish Greg never got hurt either because he’s much frailer that I am. He’s like a new born baby but more grown up. Well, he doesn’t wear a nappy, so that’s a good thing. Nevertheless, I know Greg will become better in time, and he’ll be this socially acceptable person again. Sometimes, I miss the old us. I miss the bickering, the bitching, and the nasty comments we threw at each other. However, sometimes, I love the new us. We can understand each other in the moment of need and we can help each other through the dark times, something a relationship is meant to have. However, most importantly, we love and respect each other.

“So, who’s all up for a game of twister?” Katie spoke randomly.

“Katie, that is the most random crap ever” Greg spoke, in the politest way possible.

“Well, what do you expect me to do? It’s far too quiet here” She responded.

“Hey, don’t look at me. I’m the centre of all arguments so, why should I speak? I just breathe and it’s world war 3” I stated.

“It’s not all that bad. No offence to Lottie but she’s a right bitch. I know the argument was three days ago but to be honest with you, she had no right going off on one at you. Nor did she have the right to bring Ella’s deceased child into the argument. Yes, Ella and Micky have found happiness with baby Jonah but bringing their unborn dead child into the mix, was uncalled for. Miscarriages aren’t planned, nor are they unstoppable. What happened to Ella’s baby wasn’t anyone’s fault. Elianna, you need to stop blaming yourself for what happened in that warehouse, and you need to stop blaming yourself for what happened three days ago. Lottie should never have started on anyone” Katie spoke truthfully.

“Babe, Katie is right you know. For the last three days, you’ve barely said a word and I know in that small little head of yours, that you’ve been blaming yourself. You’ve been over thinking every situation and confrontation. It’s not your fault for Lottie’s misfortunes; it’s hers for only having escorting experience and nothing else. Ella did offer her a job too, so she can’t actually blame you. It’s hers for not accepting Ella’s proposal” Greg commented.

“I know but if I wasn’t here, or a part of your lives then none of this would’ve happened. You wouldn’t be broken and bruised and Dan wouldn’t be upset and in hiding. Lottie would still be here and you’d all be one big happy family. But ever since you began dating me, I’ve been nothing but a burden to you all. I’ve broken down so many times, that it’s made you all feel like you have to babysit me 24/7. I’ve literally broke you to shreds, and so badly that you can barely speak to your fans anymore. It’s my fault for even coercing with those idiotic leeches in the first place. I made friends with my kidnappers. You have every right to hate me Greg, I ruined everything for you,” I argued back. I know we weren’t fighting but I’m telling the truth. If I wasn’t a part of their lives then Greg would be normal and Lottie would still here, plus Dan wouldn’t be heartbroken. He literally had to choose between his friends or love, and let me tell you, it’s not an easy decision to make.

“So what you’re saying is that you wanna break up. You wanna be like Lottie and Dan?” Greg asked unexpectedly.

“No, but what I am saying is, if I wasn’t here and wasn’t your girlfriend then Lottie and Dan wouldn’t be apart. Neither of them would be hurting, Ella wouldn’t have had to have relived the past and you wouldn’t be broken. You wouldn’t be so scared out your mind; you’d be eating normally and sleeping normally, without having to rely on someone for comfort. I don’t wanna argue but I’m just stating the truth” I retaliated. Oh how I wish I was normal…

Katie’s POV

When Elianna said that Greg would’ve been better off without her at the start. I felt conflicted. I was conflicted because those two are a match made in heaven. They’re like the second best pairing, next to Micky and Ella. They understand each other and help each other, I’m just angry that she thinks everything’s her fault. It’s not, and it never will be. Lottie was the one who brought up Ella’s first child, no one else and it wasn’t Elianna’s fault that they got kidnapped or drugged, it was the idiots that done it in the first place. I know she’s going to keep blaming herself for the rest of her life but it wasn’t her fault, she wasn’t to know that people she called friends would turn their back on her. Turn her life into nothing because they were jealous.

   Elianna and Greg were talking back and forth, about what had just happened but left them to it. I walked out and into Greg’s flat. Because we were so close now, Elianna and I were allowed to walk in at any time, as long as we announced that we were there. I was glad that Elianna has found another friend, especially in Ella and that’s not me talking in a money-grabbing sense, I’m talking in the sense of true friendship. Ella’s been a real good asset to Elianna’s life, it’s what she needed. It may have come after what happened but Ella’s been there for Elianna in her time of need, she’s also been there for Greg, when he had his mental breakdown at the door. I just loved at how motherly Ella actually was. Motherhood definitely suits Ella very much.

   After telling Micky I was here and the reason why I was here, he let me through. I was specifically here to see Dan. I know I’m in love with him but I’m not here to hit on him. He’s just broken up with someone he’s in love with, he’s broken and alone. I actually came here to talk to him. He’s the only one who’s able to talk some sense into Elianna. He’s the only one who knows of his reasons for ending things with Lottie, no one else. Elianna thinks it’s because of her but only Dan knows the true reasoning. Maybe he’ll know the truth.

   I knocked on his bedroom door. I was scared to walk in, in case it he was butt naked, just laid there. Unfortunately, it’s happened to me before with someone I used to know. So therefore, I’ve learned my lesson about not walking in on people.

“Go away Micky” He spoke in a hoarse voice.

“Dan, it’s not Micky. Please open the door,” I pleaded.

“Why should I?” He questioned.

“I need to talk to you. And you need some social interaction for once in your life” I answered.

“I do not need social interaction. I’m fine as I am,” He stated.

“Daniel Thomas Ferrari-Lane, you open this door right now before I send Ella in to beat your ass. You know very well what she’s capable of and she won’t hold back. Look, I’ll be out your hair within five minutes, but I just need to talk to you. Although, if you don’t open, I will walk in or break the door down” I spoke sternly.

“You ain’t my mother”

“No but I could get a hold of her”

“How?” He questioned stupidly.

“Through the other boys. And you don’t want your mum involved, do you?”

“Of course not” He answered sullenly.

“Well, open the door” I spoke sternly.

     After a few minutes, Dan unlocked his door and opened it ajar. I knew he was scared and whatnot but he shouldn’t be. None of this was his fault, or anyone’s fault for that matter. It’s Lottie’s for being so damn insecure about the fact that she couldn’t get a job. She shouldn’t have flown off the handle at Elianna for her own misfortunes. As I walked into Dan’s room, I noticed the mess that he’d created in anger. No wonder he didn’t wanna open the door to people. There was glass and clothes everywhere; there were also food wrappings and dirty plates. I didn’t wanna be judgemental since he’s just gone through a break up but damn, he could clean up. His beard was also growing through, which gave him the rugged look of a homeless person. Although, saying that, some homeless people are better looking than what Dan is right now.

“So what do you want?” He spoke.

“Wow, you look like shit,” I stated.

“Thanks for pointing the obvious, but seriously, why are you here?”

“Can you please talk to Elianna and tell her to stop blaming herself for the break down in your relationship. It’s all she’s thought about for the last three days and I hate seeing my best friend tearing herself apart,” I muttered.

“Katie, it wasn’t Elianna’s fault. Sometimes these things just happen. However, it was Charlotte’s fault. She’s the one who brought up things that was in the past. I know Greg and Elianna are trying to get over it, and I know that won’t happen for a while because they’ve both been betrayed. More so Elianna than Greg but they’re both feeling the effects of things. But now, Charlotte’s painting me as this bad person on Twitter and the rest of us. However, she’s mostly painting Elianna as the bitch, making everyone hate Elianna more than so. She’s saying that Elianna’s the reason of our split, that it’s because of Elianna that she brought up Ella’s dead baby and it’s was all Elianna’s fault for the kidnapping and the assaults. She-“

“SHE DONE WHAT?!” I interjected.

“Uh, she’s posted stuff online about Elianna and I. And she’s making people hate the band. She’s saying that we don’t care about anyone and that we’re a bunch of fakes. She also told the world that Micky and Ella only got married because Ella was on her deathbed. I was about to propose to that bitch as well” Dan muttered.

“Imma kill a bitch in a minute. She has no right in posting Ella’s personal stuff all over the internet. Nor does she have the right to call you all fake and that you don’t care about your fans. You freaking worship your fans and you aren’t like the rest of the people in the music industry, you like communicating with your fans and having a relationship with them. Obviously, not in the lateral sense but you try to help them in any way that you can. You literally make their day by following them on Twitter or replying to them. Ugh, what did you see in her? No offence to your relationship or anything but what did you see in her?”

“Honestly? Uh, I liked her so much but over the last few months, since we all moved down here. She changed. When she found out I was hanging around with you and Elianna, she flipped and became so possessive. When she actually moved her, I wasn’t ignoring you; she just threatened me about things. The only time, as you saw, I was allowed to speak to you, was when she was around. I apologise for that by the way. However, what I saw in her was, love and happiness. I saw someone I thought I could make my wife and start a family with. She was the best girlfriend but I guess we just drifted apart. So how come you haven’t got a boyfriend?”

“I’m not allowed one. Strict job policy. Only gotta entertain the customers and that’s it. I wish I could have one but I can’t. Nevertheless, hey, about you ignoring me, it’s fine. I knew something must’ve been wrong with the whole situation. However, Dan, don’t beat yourself down about the outcome of what happened. You had no idea that she was that malicious, especially against her own boyfriend and best friend. Sometimes, it is best just to move on from everything, even though you don’t want to”

“That sad part of the whole thing is, I love her still. We’d been together for over a year and then she just maliciously attacks me online, turning everyone against us. And the sad thing for the group is, because of me and because of Charlotte’s actions, we’ll become a flop and no one will wanna buy our music anymore”

“You can’t turn off really strong love, even after 3 days. Especially, after you were together for a year. As for your bands failure, that’ll never happen. Your 3eeks know the truth rather than the failure. You’re the most open band possible, next to The Wanted. All you can do is set the record straight, tell them how it is. Does Micky and Ella know what she’s said?”

“Nope, I can’t face them to tell them. It’s why I’ve been keeping my door locked, so they can’t barge in and then I’ll end up spilling to them. Ella needs to remain positive for Jonah’s sake. I know if she knew, then she’ll be on the first train back to Windsor to kick the crap outta Charlotte

“Maybe that won’t be such a bad thing. She needs to be brought down a peg or two. Her ego is getting the better of her. It’s as Ella said in the argument, that she was only using you for fame. That might be true but it might not be. I don’t know, nor do I understand her motives for everything”

“I’ve felt that too, so don’t worry about being a bitchy person. However, I’ll talk to Elianna; she needs to be told that it wasn’t her fault. Nothing was her fault in the first place. However, you should know, your best friend is such a strong person. Normal people would probably break if something like that happened to them, but Elianna, Elianna has proved she’s a wonderful human being. She cares deeply for Greg and he quite clearly cares for her in the same sense”

“Their love is quite cute, even though they were bitter enemies at the start of their friendship. Quite weird really. The only thing I hate is the fact that they had to go through a horrible ordeal to find out that they loved each other”

“Yeah, sometimes life is completely unfair to the people who need someone the most,” He admitted.

“Yeah, unfortunately. Anyway, I best get going before I’m late for another gruelling day on the pole” I spoke as I stood up.

“Why don’t you change jobs?” He questioned.

“I have no qualifications or experience so therefore I can’t. I can’t exactly put stripper on my resume; everyone would laugh at me for it. Just how life goes, unfortunately” I smiled. It’s true though, if I put that on my resume, then I’d be the laughing stock of the world. Luckily, my boss is as caring at the next person and fully understood as to why I was doing this job and as to why my hours were limited. The other girls that I work with are a little jealous of how popular I am with some of the punters but I just like putting on a good show. However, my little endeavour is my singing. Surprisingly I’m quite good and that’s how I make the company the money.

   I walked out of the boys’ flat and into my own. Elianna and Greg had vacated the house, for which I was thankful. I sometimes needed a break from seeing their love displayed in front of my face. I was extremely happy for my best friend because she’d found her soul mate, whereas, I couldn’t even get a boyfriend. My boss wanted me to be this single girl, for the amount of time I’m working there. I just wish it were different, I wish I could say about my undying love for Dan and stuff but it’s impossible. Everything’s just a daydream away.

Greg’s POV

I was taking Elianna for a day out. I needed to try to take her mind off the hatred she’s giving herself right now. No one’s blamed her for the breakdown of Dan and Lottie’s relationship and no one will blame her. Yes, Dan’s hiding away from everyone right now but he’s literally just lost the one person he loved for over a year. I also know he’s hiding away from Ella and Micky because of what Lottie’s said about them on Twitter. Because she’s so sour from the break up, she’s started this hate campaign on everyone, especially Dan and Elianna. I hope that our fans, our 3eeks can see that she’s only bitter because of her break up with Dan. I just hope none of them actually turns against us. However, that’s a thing, which is most likely to happen.

   We were walking along the streets of London, looking for a cute, quaint café to reside in. We’d walked around just taking in the sights. Dodging paparazzi and other random people. I just don’t want her to be faced with having to tell everyone what happened or having people snapping at her or upsetting her. I know I’m probably the weaker out of us both but I’d much rather have her whole than broken. But she’s already broken. We all are. 


So I finally got updated, yay! But I apologise for not many updates laltely but I am busy with college and other things now so I don't have much time to write. Sorry. I hope you enjoy this part and I'll see you sometime soon :) 

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