My Name is Three

By Smith1984

40.3K 1.2K 465


My name is Three
My name is Three (Chapter 2)
My name is Three (chapter 3)
My Name is Three (chapter four)
My Name is Three (chapter 5)
My Name is Three (chapter 6)
My Name is Three (chapter 7)
My Name is Three (chapter 9)
My Name is Three (chapter 10)
My Name is Three (chapter 11)
My Name is Three (Chapter 12)
My name is Three (Chapter Thirteen)
My Name is Three (chapter 14)
My Name is Three (chapter 15)
My Name is Three (Chapter Sixteen)
My Name is Three (chapter 17)
My Name is Three (chapter eighteen)
My Name is Three (Chapter nineteen)
My Name is Three (Chapter Twenty)
My Name is Three (Chapter 21)

My Name is Three (chapter 8)

1.5K 57 18
By Smith1984

 --Vocal recording 66398--Cell 84--



[pause 19.5s]

"Sometimes it's hard to know where to start."

[pause 19.5s]

"Last time, I said... where had we got to?"

[pause 32s, voices]

"Oh, yeah, of course. Yeah, Eight came in, covered in blood, and told Twelve to kill me. I remember... she looked kind of surprised for a moment, but then she just shrugged - and then she..."

[pause 24s]

"...She... pulled a knife out from somwhere or other, and she... held it up against my throat."

[pause 36.5s]

"She said... exact words again, this isn't the kind of thing you forget... she said   "sorry about this, but hey, it won't hurt too much. Ten seconds at worst, then it'll stop."

[pause 19.5s] 

"And then she laughed - she laughed - and I,  I remember thinking what a stupid, pointless way I was about to die..."

[pause 60.5s]

"I don't want to say any more."




[pause 9.5s]

[singing, too quiet to be discerned 27s followed by laughter 2s]

[pause 18s, voices]

"Oh, we've... OK, sure."

[pause 10.5s]

"I wonder... If Twelve had killed me then... would they have not been caught, later on? I think about that a lot. Sometimes... but as I say, why speculate?"

[pause 12.5s]

"So anyway, Twelve was just about to kill me, and the others, with Eight, were moving towards the doors..."

[pause 8.5s, voices]

"I told you, it was in the industrial district, it was some kind of warehouse..."

[pause 15.5]

"Anyway, Twelve was just about to kill me, when... I remember... Another one of them... stopped her. It was Two, who did it."

[pause 10.5s, voices]

"Two was... he was an old man, old for the D.E.M. at least. He was... always the... the kindest of them. He was the friendliest."

[pause 11s]

"Yeah, he... he held arm, to stop her from... and he said something to her that I didn't hear, and after a moment she just shrugged again, and took the knife away from my throat, and ran out of the door with the others. Two stayed behind for a second, and then said to me  "run", and I did."

[pause 29s]

"I ran away, not with the rest of them, but out through an open window - lucky, really, I was on the ground floor - and just ran, faster than I'd ever run before in my life, away from the warehouse."

[pause 12s]

"As I ran, I looked behind me, and I... I saw what the others had been running from."

[pause 8.5s]

"It was a group of Mapmen."

[pause 13s, voices]

"You've never heard them called that? "Mapmen is the street name for the M.A.P, the Manuductive Authority Police."

[pause 21.5s]

"When I was smaller, they used to scare me. They always seemed so... big. Those black trenchcoats they wear, and their riot masks - they always wear those too, they like to keep their faces hidden - they just really frightened me. I used to have nightmares about them, when I was little. They'd take off their masks, in the dreams, and... underneath, they'd  have horrible monster faces. I used to wake up screaming."

[pause 17s]

"My parents... they used to say... well, what parents are supposed to say. You know the sort of thing, "you musn't be scared of the Mapmen, they're there to help you"

[pause 50s] 

"But it never really helped. I still had the dreams."

[pause 39s]

"Can we finish here, please?"


Hope you njoyed the latest installment, guys! 

I've always said tht there'll b 12 chapters to "3", but I think that'll have to be xtended to more like 15 or something as the story continues. Stick with it! (I know u will, hehheh :-)

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