Silence (Camila/You)

By ArianaToMyGrande

54.8K 1.8K 1K

Y/n was the mysterious badass at Miami High, he never showed up to classes and no one had ever heard him spea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 6

4.6K 162 126
By ArianaToMyGrande

Your POV:
"Natalie?" I call out, searching around for my younger sibling, only to get an "in here" in response from her room.

I walk up the stairs and enter her bedroom, seeing her sitting there on the edge of her bed holding something in her hands.

I walk a little closer and sit beside her, noticing now she was holding the last family picture we had ever taken as a full family, back when mum and dad were here with us.

I wrapped my arm around her and brought her in for a tight hug knowing how upset she can get thinking about the old days. I press a kiss to the side of her head mumbling "it's ok, they're in a better place bug." She nods "I know they are but I...I miss them Y/n/n" she says beginning to sob so I held her tighter.

"I miss them too but we have to stay strong, mum and dad would want us to." I tell her, pressing a few more kisses to the side of her head. "It hurts though" she mutters. "I know it does but they wouldn't want us to sit here and cry, mum and dad would want us to make the most of our lives, they would want us to make them proud and keep going even if they can't be here for us physically."

Natalie just began to cry harder so I hugged her tighter and rubbed her back, whispering sweet nothings to her as I hated seeing my sister cry. "You're right" she said, her voice a lot hoarser from crying. "But I just want them here" she continued, crying once again.

I shushed her and moved her so she was sitting in my lap as I began to think of more ways to comfort her and make her happy.

"Hey bug" I say after a minute or two of silence "Yeah Y/n?" She questions, I take her smaller hand and place it on my heart. "You feel that?" I ask her, she nods a little as she feels the beating of my heart. "I do" she confirms. "As long as my heart is beating and your heart is beating then mum and dad are here, they'll always be here as long as we both are still alive and breathing." I explain, giving her a smile but only getting a small one in return.

"What happens when we die though?" She whispers "Well, when we die, we get to reunite with them again, and be a happy family again up in heaven." I tell her softly as she begins to calm down once more.

"I'm sorry for getting so emotional" Natalie sniffles, laughing slightly at the end "I just wish they were here." "I do too but we still have each other and always will. Now put down that picture and get ready. We aren't gonna sit here and be sad thinking of the old memories. We-" I stop to point between Natalie and I "-are gonna have a siblings day out and make more memories."

She lets out a squeal of happiness and jumps up and down "Really? We can have a siblings day out?" She asks excitedly, I nod with a chuckle "Yeah we can, get dressed and we'll go get breakfast somewhere and then we'll do whatever you want to do." She smiles and replies "Alright, can we go to IHOP?" "Of course we can little one, anything for my lil sis." I ruffle her hair before I leave her room, allowing her to get dressed for the day ahead.

I go to my own room and strip down to my boxers, deciding on wearing a plain white t-shirt and a grey leather jacket, a pair of black skinny jeans and some grey and black Supras. On top of it all I put on a white beanie with "Miami" wrote on it in black letters.

I looked at myself in the mirror, giving myself a nod of approval before I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth again since I'm a bit of clean freak.

I walked towards Natalie's and knocked on it, "Y/n/n you don't need to knock every time you wanna come into my room." She giggled which made me laugh too, "I won't knock next time then. I just like giving you your privacy though." I explain with a shrug as I walk into my little sister's room.

She was dressed in a pale pink sweater that was a little big on her, a pair of skinny jeans and some pink converse to match with her sweater. "Ready to go?" I question "Yeah, I'll race you to car." She yelled as she sprinted off down the stairs and out the front, I shook my head in amusement at her antics and walked downstairs, grabbing my wallet and car keys before locking the front door behind me.

Natalie was sitting in the front seat, beat all ready buckled, bouncing in her seat with excitement. It had been a while since we had a siblings day out and I was excited too.

I got into the driver's seat and buckled up too, driving off to the nearest IHOP. The whole ride Natalie and I just talked about the quickly approaching school trip she was going on. She was really looking forward to it.

Around 10 minutes later we pulled up to the IHOP parking lot and got out of the car, I locked it behind us and followed Natalie inside.

Natalie and I began to look for seats in the pretty crowded breakfast place and soon enough found some near the back of the establishment.

Once we sat down a waiter came over and took our orders, both of us ordering chocolate chip pancakes.

I glanced around the place as Natalie talked to me about a girl in her class who had been crushing really badly on a boy in the grade above them.

My eyes landed on a brunette who was laughing loudly, her head thrown back as she continued to laugh at something a tall boy facing her said. They were  alone though, most likely on a date.

My eyes widened when I realised the brunette was Camila and the boy she was laughing at was Shawn.

This couldn't be happening.

She kept turning him down.

I lost her before I even had her.

I sighed, clenching my jaw as I watched Shawn flirt with my girl. She's not mine really but she could've been. I should be the one sitting in Shawn's position but no. I'm too fucking scared to talk to her, to even talk to anyone besides Natalie and the school librarian.

God I'm such a fuck up!

"Y/n" Natalie said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "What?!" I ask a little too harshly, instantly feeling guilty for snapping at her as I see the tears well up in her eyes. "No, no, no, no, no bug I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to snap, I'm just a little upset."

Her bottom lip quivered so I moved around the table so I was beside her, I pulled her into a tight hug. "Why did you yell?" She asked quietly "I saw Camila and this guy who likes her. I got hurt since I really like her." I explain, Natalie nodded and hugged me.

"You have to talk to her Y/n, I think you're the guy she likes." She spoke "Really?" I wondered. "Really. You need to talk to her soon though."

I began to hype myself up to go talk to her when I saw her and Shawn stand up, beginning to leave as Shawn left behind enough money to cover their order.

I watched every step they took as they reached the door, that's when I saw something I never wanted to see.

Shawn had leant forward and connected his lips with Camila's. And to make things even worse, she fucking kissed him back!

But she rejected him. Twice! And now her she is playing tonsil tennis with this Canadian fuckboy who is just gonna break her heart.

I was furious. "Come on Natalie" I managed to say through gritted teeth as I slammed the cost of our meals down on to the table and stormed off, purposely bumping shoulders with Shawn which caused him to fall and interrupt his make out session with the girl I loved.

Natalie got into the car without a word, as did I, slamming my foot on the gas pedal of my car I sped off, not once looking back at Shamila. It would hurt and anger me too much.

My knuckles were white as my grip on the steering wheel tighten. My match on Saturday couldn't come sooner, I needed to release all this anger before I broke Shawn in half...that would definitely destroy all chances with Camila I have.

Oh who am I kidding? I have no fucking chance with her now.

Soon I was at mine and Natalie's house, we got out, still no words being exchanged.

As soon as we got inside Natalie ran off to her room while I went to the kitchen, looking for some water.

I tried to calm myself but it didn't work, I couldn't get the vision of what I saw out of my head. Shawn and Camila. Kissing.

And with that my fist had collided with the wall, cracking a hole in it. My hands shook with anger, my now bruised and bloodied right hand falling to my side.

"I'll show you Camila" I spoke aloud "I'll show you why I'm the person you need to be kissing. You'll forget all about your precious Shawny boy on Monday. I'm going to break this silence and I'm going to make you mine."

And here it finally is, another update for Silence. I hope this made up for the large period of time since my last update (which by the way I'm very sorry there was such a long wait for this chapter).

Fingers crossed you all enjoyed this though. Leave me any feedback you have and I'll take it on board. As always give me your comments since I read them all.

Thank you all so much for reading, expect another update soon. -Mason

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