Sarah Montana Living In The B...

By Cellienda

1.4M 10.7K 991

Krystal Hayden, treated as an outcast in this rich school she doesn't even want to stay in, aren't like any o... More

Ch 1-2. Trapped Here
Ch 3. He Applied Me As Him?!
Ch 4. The First Day
Ch 5. That's Not My Image
Ch 6. Embarrassing Or What?
Ch 7. First Text
Ch 8. Exposed
Ch 9. Don't Trust Anyone
Ch 10. Back At Home As Wrong Person
Ch 11. I'll Tell The Secret
Ch 12. Gotta Save Him
Ch 13. The High Lestér
Ch 14. D For Dangerous And A For Aware
Ch 15. Lost On The Stage
Ch 16. Influence And Money
Ch 17. I Can Fill Up 10 Buckets With Tears
Ch 18. Just Run Away~
Ch 19. New And Known
Ch 20. Three Looks And She Found Out
Ch 21. Slave, Smack, And Boom.
Ch 22. So Not Party Like A Rockstar
Ch 23. Odd Feelings
Ch 24. Girl's Day
Ch 25. Suffer With Him
Ch 26. Captured Heart?
Ch 27. Someone Unexpected At Home
Ch 28. They're Not Even Done
Ch 29. No Way Out Of This
Ch 30. Just Tell Them Then
Ch 31. Some People Still Have Their Hearts Left
Ch 32. Rush Hour 15
Ch 33. Just Hope It Lands On A Good Person
Ch 34. A Plan
Ch 35. Past Stuff
Ch 36. Ice Cream Act
Ch 37. Work Hard, Get More
Ch 38. Indeed, Uhuh, Oh Yeah
Ch 39. Let's Act Out
Ch 40. I Forgive You
Ch 41. Preparing
Ch 42. Performance
Ch 43. Taking On A Role
Ch 44. Fall For The Criminal
Ch 45. Final Blow
Ch 46. Misunderstanding
Ch 47. Trying To Tell Her
Ch 48. The Truth Behind Those Two
Ch 49. Not Ready Right?
Ch 50. Like Father, Like Daughter
Ch 51. Just The Start
Ch 52. It Has Begun
Ch 53. Planning It Out
Ch 54. A New Person
Ch 55. Distraction and Concentration
Ch 56. Chest Up, Make It Different!
Ch 57. Maybe Not As We Thought
Ch 58. Lights Everywhere
Ch 59. Sob Rules
Ch 60. Moments Of Family
Ch 61. Bad Boy
Ch 62. Filming On
Ch 63. Mind Drift
Ch 64. Could This Be A Date?
Ch 65. Kiss Interruption And Unknown Feelings
Ch 66. After Panic
Ch 67. Someone New
Ch 68. Interest Crash
Ch 69. Nowhere To Be Found
Ch 71. Say My Name
Ch 72. Reaction
Ch 73. Hunt For A Dress
Ch 74. The Color Search
Ch 75.The Meadow
Ch 76. The Last Scene
Ch 77. Invading Me
Ch 78. Sudden Fire
Ch 79. Heaven Or Hell Doesn't Matter
Ch 80. The Art Of Losing And Accepting
Ch 81. Runaway?
Ch 82. Misunderstanding
Ch 83. False
Ch 84. Lost Control
Ch 85. Important Existence
Ch 86. Confused Along With Happiness
Ch 87. Closing My Eyes (Part 1)
Ch 88. Closing My Eyes (Part 2)
Ch 89. Nails In My Head
Ch 90. That Guy
Ch 91. Could This Be The End?
Ch 92. Get Me Out Of This World
Ch 93. Forgive Me
Ch 94. Nothing To Understand
Ch 95. Tracked
Ch 96. In Place
Ch 97. My Everything
Ch 98. Can't Get Any Better [The End]
Special Chapter
I Want More Than That

Ch 70. No Knowledge, But Does It Matter?

12.1K 67 6
By Cellienda

I kind of felt like posting an early release since I'm in a good mood.

This chapter is kind of boring. Warning, only the end is important, but for those who like Krystal's mind blabbering, here you go.

I want to dedicate this to xOxLilmarisaXoX, because she is one of those who has showed me a lot of support lately. Thanks a bunch :P I love your comments, because I know what's on my readers mind when they read it.

I'm really happy that there has been so many adding my story lately! My readers are definitely increasing. And I kind of wonder how all of you find my story... I post them sometimes on the forum but not that often. Please tell me ;)

Then here ends my blabbering(that are kind of the source to Krystal's blabbering), so enjoy it!


I wanted to cry. But I couldn't. I wanted to pretend that everything was fine - but it'll never happen unless I get out of here. I get in weird situations. I'm lying on the beach, not even knowing where I am. Yes, after walking around, I returned here. This beach feels comfortable because my saviour left me here. Like that person would watch over me if I stay here. And I knew that I'd just make it worse if I keep walking around, thinking that I'd possibly get to the right road home. Dream on.

It was soon about 2pm or 3pm. I don't know the real time, okay? My phone was dead, and it wouldn't budge when I tried to open it. No battery. How typical. This kind of feels like I'm stuck on an island without any technology and I need rescue, but I'm really on land this time. Am I this pathetic? Is my sense of direction so bad that I can even compare this to being stuck on an island? Wow.

But it was kind of nice here anyway. I was just lying on the beach, digging my manicured fingers in the sand, just feeling how the sand gave me soft and dry skin. Bathing in sand can be compared to peeling. The sand peels of the skin and shows the new surface.

It was actually relaxing to be able to get away from reality sometimes. It was comfortable to be able to lie around for hours, without anyone that comes with drama in their hands for me, or a job request. I'm not really against job but I need freetime.

People would try to help someone when someone is lying down on the ground but I was on the beach and everyone passed by, probably thinking that I tried getting tanned. Not really my intention, but it's nice not having a big commotion when you just try to relax and people think you're halfdead.

Maybe I didn't really want to return deep, deep into my heart? Sure, I want - but as I said before, it's nice escaping reality sometimes. But me not wanting to go back for a while may be the reason I'm not trying harder to find my way back or asking someone for directions. Because I'm sure anyone would know where East Creket is, since it's so big that no one is able to miss it when they pass by.

But I promise that I'll return when I'm restored. When I'm ready facing reality again. When I have had enough time figuring out my thoughts and actions.

Okay. Number one then. Why is Darrén mad at me? That question is already done actually. Because I brought the guy that stole his girl a day after they broke up. His heart needed to have time to heal, and then some guy snatches her. But a breakup is a breakup. When you break up, you're free to do whatever you want, no matter what circumstances. I understand both of the sides. But when something like that happens to you it's 100% that you'll lean against your side, because people think of themselves. Only those wise enough think the other way around. Hey, I'm not saying that I'm wise, it's only because I'm not involved in this. You've seen my own situations, I've only thought about myself. Never thought about the other way around, like the reason Dan blackmailed me. Well that was actually pure evilness, bad example. But he turned out to be a good person anyway.

Then how about my mom? I didn't know that she could be easily manipulated. And now the windows of her mysteries are all open.

About an hour passed by, faster than I thought. Even though it was fall soon there were some people coming down here, tanning. They always looked at me before laying down their towel and putting on their sunglasses. I sat up and looked at my legs, all dry. I covered them with sand, making it like a tower. It felt nice and I kept doing it until it reached my waist.

Before knowing it, I was singing Trapped. Not loudly so that the tanners would hear, just lower and a calmer version of it.

"I'm trapped in this mystical hole..." I sang and played with the sand that ruined my manicured nails. Not really that I like them that way, it's just good for the image according to Justin.

I started getting really hungry. Darn this shit. I don't want to go back. But I'm hungry... I'm not a person that says no to food and it's hard for me to stand against my hunger. And I don't really think I'd enjoy standing on the street begging for food or singing to get money. At least someone would recognise me, and I bet there are plenty of other guys that can recognise me by my chest like Dan.

I stretched out my arms and legs, and felt a wave of relief going through my body. I spred out my body, maybe even looking like a star. Sometimes I want to be a star. Even though it's not really possible in that way it's like the stars are watching over us. I want to be able to watch over someone, wherever they are - like Darrén, because I don't know where he is. But a star feels kind of special.

Like someone who's so light and just can watch over their dearest. Now my description sounds like a ghost but you know what I mean. I knew that I wanted to stay here longer, but with my hunger it won't be possible. And I can't stay here another night, this time I'll get raped for sure. And my saviour can't stick around me, whoever it was forever.

I put on my Chris-sneakers and walked to the direction I came from. I met some people, passing by and asked for directions but they didn't know, which surprised me well. East Creket is an elite school(I am not proud that I go there, okay? Before this secret thing I hated East Creket.).

Don't give up. My mom's words. I kept asking but no one knew. Did I go so far that no one knew where that school was? This isn't a hobo place, and I know that someone knows where it is.

Now I really need to hurry. I'm freezing. My legs are barely covered and I don't have any extra under the shirt except of a chest band.

A guy approached me. He stopped and looked at me embarrassed. He was about thirty years old and he wore a guitar on his back.

"Uh... Can you leave?"

What did he just say? "This is a public park." I told him and he got a bit red. He pointed at a girl by the trees.

"I'm going to propose to her and I don't want there to be anyone around." he explained and I couldn't help thinking that it was cute.

"Give me your guitar." I told him.


"I'll play a song when you ask." I said and he lit up, as if it was the best idea ever. He gave me his guitar and told me their favorite song. I got to listen to it a bit on his phone and then he gave me the chords. I hid behind a tree. B flat, C, G minor, and E flat.

I played the intro as I watched how the woman looked around, wondering where the music came from.

"What is this, Max?" she asked, still looking around.

"Will you marry me?" he asked out of the blue, going into the proposing stance. She looked so shocked, not daring to utter a word. The lyrics were soon going to come and it only took them an intro to ask and saying yes. She yelled yes and jumped on him with a hug.

I sang and they looked to this direction. His eyes were big and he was going here but the woman stopped him.

"Our song..." she sighed and kissed him. I made a shortcut to the end and left the guitar there so he wouldn't need to come after me.

I wish I had time to ask him where East Creket is. But I couldn't stop thinking that it was a great proposal. I have no idea how I'll get proposed to. Or if I'll even get a boyfriend. All guys in my life has never seen me at all, not even as a friend until now actually.

I'm so annoying sometimes. Do I even have a future?! I want a family when I grow up and that's impossible without a man. I can't see myself with a guy when I grow up. I can only imagine how I have Darrén, Emíne, Ambreal, mom, Chris, and maybe even Dan beside me, smiling and helping me at my worst situation. Especially Darrén, since he has always helped me, no matter what.

He's actually the first guy - or rather the first one that made me trust so much; except of Chris. He just helps me. He saves me. He is like a... an angel. An angel that protects me no matter where I am. He'll fly over there immediately, just to save me. He just knows how to take care of me.

Now I want to go back. I want to go back, to make sure that he's there and fine. I asked everyone about direction but again, no one knew.

"So you're here again..." a voice from behind said. I turned around, and saw that guy from yesterday.

"What do you want?!" I groaned. Not him again. This time I won't get away.

"Just missed you..." he grinned. He was getting closer.

I backed some steps, looking at him trying to hide how scared I was.

I thought that I didn't really need my hero. I am a girl and that doesn't mean that I'm not able to protect myself. I don't need anyone behind my back, looking everywhere for me if it's safe. I only need selfconfidence.

He was about to place his hand on my shoulder but I slapped it away, grinning like hell. He seemed surprised of my attack but seemed even more amused. He slipped his phone out of his pocket and unlocked it. I knew that he was going to call for backup, and that's the last thing I need right now.

But I finally understood how pathetic he was, only having the power to pick up a girl with force if he has his friends with him to help him. I had no other choices and had to hinder him from calling them. But I only had one weapon to get him away from that. I threw my phone on his, that he had just places to his ear and he dropped it, and it fell down the hill. It was fine, and I bet it'd still work if you just go get it, but mine was history. It's not an Iphone, because I'd ruin it long time ago if I had one considering how the screen breaks so easily if you just drop it once. But I had thrown my phone - on purpose and it was clearly broken, in two halfs, the other half on the floor - and the other half right in front of that guy.

He was furious, as he watched how his phone rolled down the hill. I knew that may not have been the best choice, but I don't regret it because I knew he couldn't handle me by himself. I looked around and saw no one around us, which was an advantage for him because a girl's most precious weapon is screaming, and there has to be people around you or it won't work. You know, how people react when a girl screams when there's a guy after them? It's kind of good sometimes but sometimes it's annoying because you can't be out late or something will 'happen'. Not that I had anyone to stop me.

I didn't need to hear what he said. I could see in his eyes how furious he was and only that was enough to make me a bit scared; but still not scared enough to let go of my pokerface.

But this wasn't a nice guy. Not as in bad that he'll rape me, but he'd definitely hit me. Remember, a boy that dares hitting girls are bad guy. Really bad.

I wanted to go home. Just lying on my Chris-bed and talk to Darrèn. But right now I need my saviour. There's no way he'll come. I tried to run but seeing him running after me so fast I knew that he was an athlete.

"Help!" I yelled as loud as possible. Nothing. "Help!"

I felt tears running down. I don't want to be hit. Guys power is surprisingly strong, you know?

"Help!" I tried once again.

I felt how my foot twisted. I flied up and fell down. I had tripped, and I knew that I'm as good as dead now. But I fell on something warm and soft. I looked up and saw Darrén.

"Darrén!" I shrieked with sobs. I couldn't be more happier when seeing his wonderful smile.



Why did I write that? Randomness. Maybe I'll make it my signature from now on except of commote? Hmm... Why not?

Tell me what you think about the chapter! Well it's obvious I guess... -.-' It's kind of boring and even I was a bit bored writing it. No, I take it back because I get easily amused by my own weird thoughts.

COMMOTE GIRLS! Yes, I doubt that boys read my story.

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