Sarah Montana Living In The B...

By Cellienda

1.4M 10.7K 991

Krystal Hayden, treated as an outcast in this rich school she doesn't even want to stay in, aren't like any o... More

Ch 1-2. Trapped Here
Ch 3. He Applied Me As Him?!
Ch 4. The First Day
Ch 5. That's Not My Image
Ch 6. Embarrassing Or What?
Ch 7. First Text
Ch 8. Exposed
Ch 9. Don't Trust Anyone
Ch 10. Back At Home As Wrong Person
Ch 11. I'll Tell The Secret
Ch 12. Gotta Save Him
Ch 13. The High Lestér
Ch 14. D For Dangerous And A For Aware
Ch 15. Lost On The Stage
Ch 16. Influence And Money
Ch 17. I Can Fill Up 10 Buckets With Tears
Ch 18. Just Run Away~
Ch 19. New And Known
Ch 20. Three Looks And She Found Out
Ch 21. Slave, Smack, And Boom.
Ch 22. So Not Party Like A Rockstar
Ch 23. Odd Feelings
Ch 24. Girl's Day
Ch 25. Suffer With Him
Ch 26. Captured Heart?
Ch 27. Someone Unexpected At Home
Ch 28. They're Not Even Done
Ch 29. No Way Out Of This
Ch 30. Just Tell Them Then
Ch 31. Some People Still Have Their Hearts Left
Ch 32. Rush Hour 15
Ch 33. Just Hope It Lands On A Good Person
Ch 34. A Plan
Ch 35. Past Stuff
Ch 36. Ice Cream Act
Ch 37. Work Hard, Get More
Ch 38. Indeed, Uhuh, Oh Yeah
Ch 39. Let's Act Out
Ch 40. I Forgive You
Ch 41. Preparing
Ch 42. Performance
Ch 43. Taking On A Role
Ch 44. Fall For The Criminal
Ch 45. Final Blow
Ch 46. Misunderstanding
Ch 47. Trying To Tell Her
Ch 48. The Truth Behind Those Two
Ch 49. Not Ready Right?
Ch 50. Like Father, Like Daughter
Ch 51. Just The Start
Ch 52. It Has Begun
Ch 53. Planning It Out
Ch 54. A New Person
Ch 55. Distraction and Concentration
Ch 56. Chest Up, Make It Different!
Ch 57. Maybe Not As We Thought
Ch 58. Lights Everywhere
Ch 59. Sob Rules
Ch 60. Moments Of Family
Ch 61. Bad Boy
Ch 62. Filming On
Ch 63. Mind Drift
Ch 64. Could This Be A Date?
Ch 65. Kiss Interruption And Unknown Feelings
Ch 66. After Panic
Ch 67. Someone New
Ch 69. Nowhere To Be Found
Ch 70. No Knowledge, But Does It Matter?
Ch 71. Say My Name
Ch 72. Reaction
Ch 73. Hunt For A Dress
Ch 74. The Color Search
Ch 75.The Meadow
Ch 76. The Last Scene
Ch 77. Invading Me
Ch 78. Sudden Fire
Ch 79. Heaven Or Hell Doesn't Matter
Ch 80. The Art Of Losing And Accepting
Ch 81. Runaway?
Ch 82. Misunderstanding
Ch 83. False
Ch 84. Lost Control
Ch 85. Important Existence
Ch 86. Confused Along With Happiness
Ch 87. Closing My Eyes (Part 1)
Ch 88. Closing My Eyes (Part 2)
Ch 89. Nails In My Head
Ch 90. That Guy
Ch 91. Could This Be The End?
Ch 92. Get Me Out Of This World
Ch 93. Forgive Me
Ch 94. Nothing To Understand
Ch 95. Tracked
Ch 96. In Place
Ch 97. My Everything
Ch 98. Can't Get Any Better [The End]
Special Chapter
I Want More Than That

Ch 68. Interest Crash

12.2K 61 5
By Cellienda

Whoops. I forgot to tell you guys who's going to play the new guy, Kevin Clast in the cast. Hard decision. But I finally decided to gof for Chad Micheal Murray! Pic at the side! -------------->


"I agree." he repeated when I froze into a statue. No, it wasn't Darrén as someone like you would expect, but I wasn't freezing into an ice statue because I thought so or was surprised. I just remembered how my eye sight became more and more light.

It became so light that I could only see white. It shifted into dark brown and I could only see things that were darker than dark brown. But it didn't really help anyway. My body was numb and I couldn't feel it, or move it.

Then it just became dark. Pitch-black.


It smelled weird. Nothing I've ever experienced before. I tried opening my eyes without any results. But then again, I am not the type to give up and tried until I could finally see.

I was on a white bed. Everything here was white. The bed, the walls, the floor, the machines that keep saying 'beep'.

Could this be? Could this be a hospital? Now I'm kind of sounding like a fool because I've never been at one. As a child I've been on the safe side, never hurting myself more than a little bruise. But after the parent thing I took care of myself and never went to hospitals because I didn't have the money.

There were about five doctors here all of them wearing white. Is it normal to have five doctors at once?

"You're awake." one of them said when he noticed me staring with wide big eyes.

"What happened...?" I suspiciously asked them. You can never be sure. What if they just took me from behind with chloroform and took me here to get a scoop or something? And you normally just have one doctor right?

"Take it easy." she chuckled and gestured to my left. I saw Emíne rushing to my sixe and Justin standing there looking all worried. "The rest is outside."

"What happened?" I groaned when Emíne fell into my bed crying, and clutching on the blanket. I patted he head.

"You lost your conscious." a doctor butted in, writing something in his notebook. "It was a small concussion."

I fainted? What's the matter with me? I've never fainted in my whole life! And then, from nowhere I faint!

"I saw the shoot." Kevin popped in. What is he doing here? "You really tried hard. The shoot did go on for hours and maybe you're sensitive to lack of water."

Lack of water? Is he kidding me? I know that I drink water often but what? I'll faint if I don't get water for hours. Maybe I'm more fragile than I thought? No, enough of questions to myself.

"Is it true?" I asked the doctor. He nodded.

"We've been taking tests and the results showed that your body demands more water than a normal body would. Your blood cycle contains more-"

"Wait, wait, I get it!" I interrupted him. I wouldn't get it anyway even thought he'd explain a whole biology class. After taking in Emíne's and Justin's sobs telling them that I'm fine the hospital finally let me go.

"So why are you here Kevin?" I turned and pushed off Emíne, still half crying.

"I was there with you?" he said with a tone of sarcasm, or rather something that would make it obvious.

"So that was you!" I half yelled. I never had the chance to turn around to see him at that time. Lucky that he was there when I fainted.

"Yeah, how about I drive you back there?" he smiled and again, that grin the Clasts own, flashed before my eyes. I nodded, still patting Emíne's head.

"I-i... Justin and I came here with his car so we'll go back by ourself." she sobbed, trying to hide it.

"Okay. But take it easy Emíne, I'm fine okay?" I tried calming her down and she let out a sigh.

"Okay. See you guys later then."

We waved goodbye and I stepped into Kevin's car. It was silent and kind of awkward but we started talking.

"How do you know Dan?"

I chuckled. "Nothing pleasant actually." He was smiling and I knew that he wanted to know. "Well he found something out about me and threatened me to tell the press about it. But it has cleared up now and we're friends now."

"Okay." he normally answered, without any reaction.

"Don't tell me he does that often..." I chuckled and he grinned.

"No, of course not! But I just think it would be so like him to do something like that..."

"Oh whatever, forget about Dan for now." I laughed. "So you're a model too?"

"Nope. Guess."

"Actor." He shook his head. "Photographer." Wrong. "Is it backstage or are you the one getting the spotlight?" I groaned, trying hardly to figure it out.

"Spotlight, doll." he grinned again and I couldn't stop thinking of Dan again seeing his cousin's exact imitation, or rather just a thing between related.

"Don't call me doll, is it people for embarrassing commercials?" I asked.

"You just said everything except of the obvious!" he laughed and turned the car, making me fly to the right side. But the most spotlighted famous people I can think of is actors, and singers. I could probably imagine that he'd be an actor but he's not, so the only option left is... Could he really...?


"Ding dong." he shouted and turned again, scaring me to death with the turn at the same time as the shout made me think of Jeopardy.

"You're a singer?!" I shrieked. I'd never imagine a Clast to be a musician. Seriously. I'd think that a Clast would rely on only their looks like Dan, but now I shouldn't really judge him.

"Do I need to ding dong again?"

"Don't." I shrieked.

"What's the big deal with it?"

"It's just... I would never think that a Clast would rely on anything that hasn't to do with looks."

"Wow. Ouch. How the hell did you get such a impression of us Clasts?!"

"Why don't you guess?" I gave him a big fat grin and he knew right away.

"I actually think that Dan is the only one like that." he covered up. Maybe.

"Then... Do you know about me then?"


"Guess!" I grinned. He stole some glances from me, trying to get some clues.


I shook my head with a smile.


"No jackass!" I laughed. "Singer!"

"You too?!" he yelled. I grinned. I don't know, but it was like I heard a click at that moment. We talked about music and about how interesting in was, how we started out, and our love for it. It was amazing and it was the first time I had talked with someone about something like this.

I stopped myself from groaning when the car stopped, because I still wanted to discuss with him. He practically looked the same and he grinned, telling me that he could follow me in. I looked at the gates and sighed when the two guards was standing there.

"You sneak in." I told him and pointed at the wall. He nodded and I thought that it might not be a good idea but whatever. I passed the guards suspicious looks and headed off to the wall he was climbing over.

He jumped down, falling right on his feet but unluckily he fell down because his land wasn't that great.

"Talk about unflexible..." I muttered and he laughed when he heard it.

"I'm a singer! Not an actress or a model that mostly has to work up their bodies."

"Some singers have to work out to get popular." I said when I helped him up. He shook his head.

"Well, I'm so great that I won't need it."

"Hah, says who?"

"My adorable fans." he joked.

"I bet all of your fans are hobos." I added which made him chuckle.


"Hey, want me to show you my music room?" I asked eagerly. His eyes lit up. I already knew his answer and I could see myself in him when I was a kid and got my piano. That eager, happy look when I saw that beautiful piano standing there. And his reaction was just the same. He ran, just like I did before - to the piano and started to play some small, easy songs.

"I'm more of a guitarist, but anything that has to do with music is something I love." he explained when I had expected him to rock the piano. I smiled and pointed at the guitar hanging on the wall, just for the decoration. He jumped out of the seat that I stole when he grabbed it.

"Why don't we play together?" he suggested.

"Which song?"

"Anything you've got?" he asked while touching the guitar, inspecting it's sound. I wanted to play Trapped. The song I debuted with. It's still my favorite song.

"How about my first song?"

"Sure. Tell me the chords." he told me and strummed the guitar. It sounded so much better than I thought because it has been on the wall for a while and I thought that it would sound awful because it hasn't been played on for whatever months.

"For guitar it's... E minor... C, G and D." I stuttered, because it's differently arranged between guitar and piano. "And for the chorus it's G minor, E flat, B flat, and F." He nodded when he had written it down. He was going to ask something but I already knew. "Four beats each chord."

He smiled, and I was surprised when I discussed these stuff. I could never for instance talk to Emíne about different chords or beats because I bet that she'd just say something like "What?". May be her favorite word.

I played the intro and he entered in when the song started. After two beats it was time for the lyrics and I sung with a loud voice. I saw his face expression just for a second and he looked shocked - and I mean shocked beyond the limit. He didn't even expect it to have lyrics in it. Well he might just thought that we were only going to play together, not sing.

But I couldn't help myself from smiling, and enjoying this wonderful time with music surrounding me, and invading my ears that thankfully took the notes in.

The long half note in the end made me sigh. I wish that my songs would go on for eternity sometimes. Because this is the first time I've enjoyed singing Trapped this much.

"That was great." he mumbled.

"Thanks." I smiled. "But it looked like you had stroke or something when I started singing, was it that bad?"

He laughed and even dropped the guitar. When he lifted his head and realised the guitar lying on the floor he picked it up, brushing it off with shame as if it was something really precious.

"Darn no. You just surprised me, because I didn't think that you'd sing that well."

"Thanks, Kevin." I grinned. I looked out and saw the sunset.

"It's getting late. I better get going." he groaned when he followed my eyes looking out. I went with him, and when we reached the door he said goodbye.

"Don't get caught." I said and he nodded, looking at the guards. "And land well this time." That kind of made him chuckle.

He turned and was just going to head off but I couldn't help seeing that he was looking behind me. He stopped and froze.

I saw Darrén, and he was just going to enter the music room. I saw how he first looked at me, and then at Kevin.


Ehehe warning that the chords I wrote are only random chords. Well actually the first one is from 'I love the way you lie' by Rihanna but that's because the only song I can play on guitar is that one. And the chorus chords was just made up by me lol. Good luck to me when it's about music.


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