Just A Glance (Lesbian) ( Une...

By BigPimpinPooh

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What Happens when life throws you into a spiralling down fall and misconceptions of youth. Most feel hopeless... More

Chapter 1 - A Better Life or So It Seems
Chapter 2 - Just Like Any Other Day
Chapter 3 - Home sweet home, Not
Chapter 4 - Party So That All Is Forgotten
Chapter 5 - Karmas A Bitch isn't it
Chapter 6 - Summers For Loving, Right?
Chapter 7 - New Year, Same Story
Chapter 8 - The Mind Of A Deceiver
Chapter 9 - Pain is Pleasure
Chapter 9 part 2 - Pain Is Pleasure
Chapter 10 - The 1st Hit Never Counts
Chapter 11 part 2 - Your My Hero
Chapter 12 - When Lies Turn Into The Truth
Chapter 13 - The Road To Recovery
Chapter 14 - Love Thats Right Like A Glove
Chapter 15 - She Completes Me

Chapter 11- Your My Hero

771 8 1
By BigPimpinPooh

Lana moved faster then Mark could think because the

next thing I know shes swing her fist and hitting him

square in the jaw. With one hit he was down but not

knocked out, then I blinked and she was on top of him

punching him some more. At some point I realized she

was going to kill him, so I stepped in and pulled her off of

him. That was a bad idea, because she snapped on me.

Lana- What!?

Me- He's not worth it

Lana- Fuck that he deserves to lose his balls (kicking him)

Me – Stop! Yes hes wrong but if you seriously hurt him,

you lose your future

Lana – (visible shaking and looking down at Mark) You

live today, touch her again and your a dead man. You got


Mark - (glaring at me, then looking at her) Yeah

Lana – And don't fucken look at her( kicking him again)

Me – Lets Go(looking at her getting


Lana – Wheres the Nurse at?

Me – You injured your hand?

Lana – No you need to get checked and report him

Me – No! You can't tell anyone what you saw, who is

gonna believe the school hoe has been getting raped?

Lana – Because I saw it, wait!.........Raped? This wasn't

the 1st time?

Me – We'll no....(begins to cry) its been going on for

almost 3 weeks

Lana – (walking to the bathroom) Lets talk in here?

Me – (not wanting to argue, I follow) Why are we in here

besides to talk?

Lana – Look in the Mirror

Me – why? I stopped looking at myself weeks ago, whats

so different now?

Lana – Just do it ( she says softly), then you'll see why

I'm so mad

Looking in the mirror I see a girl who looks nothing like

me. My face is bruised and nasty looking. My eyes have

bags under them and look blood shot and swollen.

He did this to me?

Touching my cheek causing me to flinch, my eyes begin to

burn. I know its coming but I don't want to cry in front of

her. Crying shows weakness and I'm not weak, at least I

don't think I am? Feeling my chest tighten I know I wont be

able to hold it any long, if I try ill have a panic attach.

Collapsing to the floor I start to cry and really just let

everything out. I'm weak I know it, I'm crying around a

complete stranger. This though causes me to get

somewhat a hold on my emotions. Without me even

knowing it Lana had got on the floor with me and was

rocking me.

When did she coming to me?

How long have I been out of it?

Looking up at her with tears in my eyes I tell her sorry and

try to stand. She pulls me back down and starts to rub my

back. Me being the person I am I start crying again, I've

never had anyone comfort me before. Th feeling is

comforting and I don't know I feel safe in her arms.

Acting on emotions solely I kiss her and pull away quickly.

She looks surprised but not angry so thats good. But

being unsure I try once again to move and this time she

lets me stand with no problem. Oh no I scared her away,

stupid emotions!

Starting to freak out I begin to pace back and forth. I just

blew it with s girl who could've been a great friend. I really

like what I do see so far when it comes to her, shes really

protective and kind. Hearing my name I don't answer at

first until the person shouts it.

Looking around I see Lana standing looking at me as I

keep pacing. Opening my mouth I start to apologize, only

to be cut off. You wanna know what it was that cut me

off? Well it was the most amazing thing ever, it was her

lips. She kissed me and that effectively shut me up.

I feel like someone threw me outside on a warm summer

night, its like little tangles running from my toes to my

head. I never felt anything like this with Anna, this must be

what love feels like. I know I haven't known her past 2

days but she in the two days I've known her has done

more for me then anyone in my life has. I don't know if this

feeling is love but I know I embrace it fully.

Pulling away breaking that breath taking kiss Lana starts

to speak.

Lana- wow

Me – yeah, my thoughts too

Lana – I've never done that before

Me – kissed someone? Or kissed a girl?

Lana - ( laughing a angelic laugh) Kissed a girl

Me – Did you like it? ( wanting to hear yes)

Lana – Yeah, but I don't know how I feel about it

Me – okay , so now what?

Lana – We can take it one day at a time, and for now you

need to go to the nurse?

Me – (starting to panic again) No! I'm fine

Lana – No your not, lets go!

Me – (looking down) Fine but were not telling her what

happened and your staying with me, deal?

Lana – Deal

Nurses Office -

Nurse – What happened to you? (rushing to me)

Me – Well.......

Lana – (cutting me off) She was......

Me – (beating her to it) I was jumped

Nurse – Oh my Goodness! Are you okay?

Me – Yes I just wanted some ice

Lana – Can you look her over? (glaring at me)

Nurse – sure, (looking at me) who did this?

Me – I don't know ( Looking at everything but her)

After checking me over she sent us to the office to tell the

principle. Once there he asked what happened and we tell

him the whole story. He looked shocked at first then

asked why they did it. In a panic I tell him I was jumped

because I was gay. I know I shouldn't have but the real

story is so much worst to tell. And I just can't tell that story

right now.

God how I wished I had told the real story, because not 5

minutes later he was on the intercom....

Principle – Staff and students I have an announcement,

today one of your own was a victim of a hate crime. She

was beat up for being gay, we will not stand for this

behavior in this school! If anyone has information on who

did it contact me or Natasha Hunter. Any information will

be greatly appreciated. Thank you and have a nice day.

Fuck in telling the school that he has just effectively outed

me to the entire school. Great, now I have to deal with the

homophobic idiots in this school. They are going to kill me,

I have no idea how to fix this mess. Looking at Lana she

looks as shocked as I am that he just did that.

As is he finally realized she was with me the principle ask

why Lana was there, snapping both of us out of our

shocked states. What Lana said shocked me even more,

she told him she was my girlfriend and she came with me

to make sure I was okay. Me being in my state of shock

just stood their with my mouth open, the principle looked about the same as I did. He recovered 1st and said we

could leave school early. I hauled my ass out of there as

fast as I could until I was at my locker. Looking back I see

Lana running towards me, when she gets there she asked

why I left her.

Explaining myself I let her know I didn't do it on purpose

and I was just trying to get out of there. Looking in the

locker my mind then remembers Anna, fuck what am I

going to do about her? She thinks I cheated on her with

Mark, I can say I definitely lost her now. God I hate Mark.

Taking all my stuff out so I can get a new locker I close it,

and begin to walk.

Lana is walking with me but not speaking. You'd think id

be uncomfortable with the silence but its comforting. I'm

beginning to think that everything with her is comforting to

me. Anyways we walk out the front door and head to the

buses, thats when I remember I have no where to go.


Okay this is just a filler it was supposed to be longer but i cant focus. This is so you have something to hold you off until the next update. Let me know what you think guys, have a good day.

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