Trapped 5: Happily Ever After...

By WereNotInvisible

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They're back!!!! For the 4th time!! In the biggest plot twisted book so far, lines are crossed and hearts are... More

Trapped 5: Happily Ever After *Sequel To Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life*
Chapter 1-The Wedding Reception
Chapter 2-The Dark Road Ahead
Chapter 3-Honeymoon Avenue
Chapter 4-A Little More Than I Bargained For.......
Chapter 5-An Argument On The Beach
Chapter 6-You Think You Have Problems?
Chapter 7-Can We Have One Chapter Without An Argument?
Chapter 8-Trapped
Chapter 9-One Direction Isn't One Direction Without Harry
Chapter 10-Three Left
Chapter 11-Broken.....
Chapter 12-Next Time Make Sure Your Twitcam's Off
Chapter 13-Homesick
Chapter 14-Phone War
Chapter 15-You Wouldn't Dare....
Chapter 16-I'll Make It Up To You, I Promise
Chapter 17-A Mix Of Emotions
Chapter 18-I Don't Believe It.....
Chapter 19-I'm His Bonnie And He's My Clyde
Chapter 20-Back Again
Chapter 21-Two Weeks
Chapter 22-Just A Lil' Tipsy
Chapter 23-Hung Over
Chapter 24-Laughingstock
Chapter 25-Payback
Chapter 26-The Ultimate Betrayal
Chapter 27-Complications
Chapter 28-Shattered
Chapter 29-Merry Christmas!
Chapter 30-The First Snowfall
Chapter 31-Liz's Past With Caleb
Chapter 32-Kaboom
Chapter 33-Mystery Girl
Chapter 34-VMAS
Chapter 35-Explanations
Chapter 36-Now You See Me, Now You Don't
Chapter 37-Well Let's Put It This Way....RUN!
Chapter 38-Bring It On
Chapter 39-Mastermind
Chapter 40-Uninvited Guests
Chapter 41-Happy Birthday Dylan!
Chapter 43-Happy New Year!
Chapter 44-Awkward
Chapter 45-Little Beauty
Chapter 46-A Work In Progress
Chapter 47-Ulterior Motives
Chapter 48-Moving Day
Chapter 49-Date Night
Chapter 50-Single Pringle
Chapter 51-Memory Lane
Chapter 52-What Really Happened
Chapter 53-Downward Spiral
Chapter 54-Harry's In Trouble
Chapter 55-Jailbird
Chapter 56-Listen To Zayn
Chapter 57-Meant To Be
Chapter 58-Not A Date
Chapter 59-Halloween Part: 1
Chapter 59-Halloween Part: 2
Chapter 59-Halloween Part: 3
Chapter 60-Go Figure

Chapter 42-Bitter

2.5K 64 24
By WereNotInvisible

*Harry's POV*

She's being an insensitive idiot. She doesn't realize that he hasn't changed one bit. She's asking for it. And when she gets hurt..............I don't know what I'm gonna do. Should I feel sorry and be concerned even though it was her fault for trusting that asshole in the first place? Or should I just not feel any guilt because she landed herself in that bad situation?

As the tension and awkwardness grows in the room, I awkwardly just push past my friends and their girlfriends to arrive in the kitchen where my son is patiently waiting to blow out his birthday candles. I walk over to our stainless steel fridge and pull out my son's Winnie The Pooh birthday cake. I doubt he even really knows Winnie The Pooh but it was really the only childish cake idea that I could think of. I didn't want the cake to be plain and I couldn't think of any other ideas for cake themes. I could've done Mickey Mouse or Elmo but I thought that Winnie The Pooh felt right for a one year old. If Liz wants to be a bitch and go sleep with the enemy, fine. But that's not gonna stop me from celebrating my son's birthday without her. She's missing out.......

In my opinion it's a pretty nice cake. I wish I had one as awesome as this when I was his age. Granted, I don't even remember if I even had a cake or if I did what kind of design I had on it but still. It's a pretty fucking awesome cake.

As I'm carefully maneuvering around the kitchen to deliver the cake to the dining room table, the boys slowly begin to file into the kitchen.

"Well hello. I figured you guys went to go look for Liz. That's fine if you do. I'll just stay here and enjoy spending time with my son. I mean it's not the first time I've been alone and it certainly won't be the last," I mumble, still proceeding over to the table.

I begin to set the cake down when Dylan suddenly springs up from his chair, anxiously trying to snatch some of the cake out of my hand.

"NO!" I sternly yell at Dylan, causing him to sink back into his chair in fright, "stay in your seat."

The boys shoot me confused looks probably wondering what's gotten into me. The fact that Liz is out with Nathan unsupervised is just pissing me off and scaring me. I don't know what kind of tricks he plans to pull but I still don't trust him no matter what Liz says. I've never trusted him before so what should make me start to trust him now? Nothing, exactly. So I'm not trusting him. I just don't like him. Every time I'm around him I always feel this creepy vibe almost like it's saying 'look out! Avoid him at all costs'. Or maybe that's just me being extremely paranoid.........

*Liz's POV*

As Nathan's driving through a snowy forest, he suddenly stops unexpectedly causing me to become frightened thinking that something's wrong. I enjoy being with Nathan. I trust him. I feel safe around him and I truly believe that he really has changed. He's not trying to be nice and then suddenly seduce me or anything like that. He just wants to be my friend. And that's all I really need right now is a friend.

"Everything OK?" I ask while looking out the window to see snow falling through the trees. 

There must be at least a half a foot of snow on the ground or something..........

"Yeah. I just thought that Harry maybe overreacted a bit back there. That's all," he answers, shrugging as though it's not really a big deal to him.

"He's just really protective of me. He's kind of like my dad even though he's my husband. Although when you're married you should both treat each other equally instead of like my situation with Harry when one person is suddenly higher up and in charge of the other person. Harry just thinks he's in charge of me all the time and I can't blame him. He loves me and let's face it.........I can be pretty stupid sometimes."

"I'm sure you're far from stupid," he smiles sexily.

"No sometimes I can be pretty stupid," I laugh, causing Nathan to chuckle along with me, "I think Harry just needs to get to know you a bit more. Maybe he'll finally start warming up to you and not feel like you're going to kill me every time you come over."

"Do you wanna go home?" He quietly asks after a few moments of short silence, "I have no problem taking you home. I mean it is your son's first birthday. I can leave right after I drop you off if it makes Harry feel better-"

"Don't even go there Nathan. I trust you. Don't leave. You are welcome to stay if you would like to. I don't care if the other boys want to show up at my room with pitchforks and torches I still want you to be there. You're my friend and I care about you as long as you don't change because I like you just the way you are."

"Thanks," he blushes, "t-that means a lot."

I smile and then look out the windshield to see the snow beginning to slow down. I fasten my seat belt to look over at Nathan to see him smiling at me. It's not a sly smile. It's more like a truly happy smile. He's really happy that I finally forgave him for everything he did to me because I honestly believe that he regrets every bad decision that he made. I smile myself when I suddenly feel as though he wants to kiss me. Or maybe he wants me to kiss him. I don't know but I really wanna kiss him. I mean just look at him! He's adorable. He reminds me of a sloth. A very cute sloth to be exact. I begin to lean in to kiss Nathan as he does the same when I realize that this isn't right. We just aren't meant to be together like this. Sneaking around and all this. If we're going to be together, we need to be public about our relationship. We can't hide it. But then I'd have to choose Nathan or Harry. Oh please don't make me choose because they're both cute even though we all know that Harry is much cuter. I awkwardly pull away, allowing awkwardness to fill the car and to cause Nathan to feel rejected.

"I'm sorry. I just can't do this," I mumble apologetically.

"No I totally get it. You have Harry and I don't wanna make you do something that you're not comfortable doing. Let's just go home so you can spend time with your son."

"Sounds good."

I'm glad that he's so understanding and sincere. He didn't take the rejection to heart which actually surprised me. I figured he would hate me or something.

*Harry's POV*

Placing the cake on the table, I push it back to the middle of the table so Dylan doesn't have a chance at grabbing it. I nod to Danielle as a signal to turn out the lights, but it's not long till we realize that we turned off the lights and there are no candles lit. I feel intelligent now...........

"Light the candles Styles," Zayn states before tossing me his lighter.

"Thank you. It would help if I had some candles too," I state after catching Zayn's flame designed lighter. 

"We're looking," Eleanor mumbles as her and Louis frantically open drawer after drawer in search of some candles, "here catch."

 I hold the box of striped candles in my hand and begin to place them on the cake when I hear the sound of footsteps and suddenly Liam appears. He approaches me so I decide to give him a job and hand him some candles to put around the cake. I don't wanna put too many candles on it because Dylan will probably never be able to blow them out and I'd probably also light the house on fire and we don't want that, well, maybe the haters would but we barely have any haters so no biggie. I place the box down when suddenly Dylan picks up the box and begins trying to eat it, but Liam's quick to swipe the box from his possession.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, NO! We do not and I repeat, do not play with candles. Understand?" Liam disciplines.

Dylan's just been so difficult and naughty lately. I have no idea what could have gotten into him but he's just misbehaving so much it's ridiculous. I understand that he's only a little kid but still. I guess this is just a preview as to what he will be like when he turns two.......

"How the hell does this thing work?!?" I grumble as I try to get Zayn's lighter to work.

"Here. Let me do it," he mutters while suddenly pushing me out of my spot, taking my place.

The candles are lit and the lights turn off when we begin to sing with Dylan. As we're in the middle of singing Happy Birthday, I pull out my phone and begin snapping pictures like crazy. Liz isn't here so we're not waiting on her to have cake. We're hungry, it's getting late, she's not here........what else are we supposed to do because I'm not sitting around and waiting for her to come home. 

"Blow out the candles Dylan," I coo to him while kneeling down beside his high chair.

Dylan takes one blow and when no progress has been made, Niall decides to turn on the ceiling fan and then quickly turn it off when the candles are out. We could've waited for Dylan but I'd much rather have a spit free cake thank you very much. I applaud my son when Louis steps in through the chaos with a knife ready to cut the cake.

"Alright who wants a piece of Pooh cake?" Louis asks, "that just sounded really wrong."

"Yes, yes it did," Liam chuckles.

"I want a piece!" Niall shouts.

"You want a piece Harry?" Louis asks while holding out a paper plate with a tiny piece of chocolate cake on it.

"No thanks. I'll pass-"

"I'll gladly take it," Danielle smiles before carefully taking the piece of cake out of Louis' hand.

As we're in the middle of socializing while enjoying some cake, we all hear the sound of the front door open. Simultaneously, our attention averts to Nathan and Liz walking from the foyer into the kitchen. Liz looks uncomfortable with us staring at her and while she's beside Nathan. And by that guilty look plastered on her face, I can tell something happened.

"I should go," I hear Nathan whisper before beginning to walk away.

"No please stay!" Liz insists.

"'It's obvious that I'm not wanted here-"

"No Nathan please wait!!!" Liz yells while running after Nathan who is now walking down our sidewalk with his hands in his pockets and his hood over his head, "you see what you guys do?!? He was just trying to be nice and you guys make him uncomfortable. Why don't you just throw him out instead of scaring him?!?"

"Liz he's a jerk," Liam begins before pushing his chair out and standing up.

"He was being really nice to me. He's my friend......and right now I need a friend more than I need you guys-"

"What are you saying then?" I snap.

"I...............I don't know........." she sighs before running upstairs.

"I better go talk to her then........." I mumble before heading upstairs.

I proceed upstairs to our bedroom and then walk over to our bedroom when I suddenly realize that our door is locked. I knock a few times, hoping she'll answer.

"Go away!" Liz calls.

"Baby open up. I need to talk to you."

"If it's about Nathan then I have nothing to say-"

"Well I do have some things to say so please open up," I beg her.

"I know you don't trust him. You don't like that I'm hanging out with him. You think that he's gonna hurt me and blah blah blah. Well guess what, you think you know him but you don't! And you never will unless you take some time to get to know him"

She has a point.........but I'm not gonna admit that. No way.....

"If I agree to get to know him better will you open up?" I suddenly ask.

If this is the only way that I can get her to open that door then dammit I'm gonna do it. No matter how badly it kills me I will do it........for her. But I still don't trust him. I feel like he's trying to take her away from me and I don't want that. After a few brief moments I hear the door unlock and then see Liz standing in front of me with a huge smile on her face.

"I'm glad you're finally seeing it my way," she smiles.

What have I just gotten myself into?!? Oh I know.........

A date with the enemy, that's what............

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