Teach me (Kylo Ren love story)

By anacog

9.4K 187 52

What happens when Alexis a scavenger from the outer rim trades her house for a space ship and as she is trave... More

A new home.
Kylo Ren
Un masked....and young?
What is this feeling ..... Love?
Why are they looking at me like that?
The kiss
Failed mission.
Oh no.
I win
Forgive and forget.
A whole new world
The risistance.
Im sorry
The fight.
Realisation and anxiety
The honeymoon
Fail misson, rescue success.
Well, here's hoping...
Untitled Story Part

Wheres the food?

473 10 5
By anacog


I woke up in Kylos arms. The memories of last night came flooding back.

Are we a thing now or what???

I looked over at Kylos sleeping figure and started to play with his hair.

"It's not nice to stare at me while I sleep Alexis." He said, in a husky morning voice.

"But you hair is just so bouncy!" I said telling why I was playing with it.
There was a knock on the door and I got up to answer it. When I opened it I saw a storm trooper.

"Hux wishes to see Kylo ren in the command room. General Hux has a mission plan for today's attack on the risitance."

The trooper was looking at me and could tell he was fantasising about me.
Kylo was now behind me griping onto my waist as he looks into the mind of the storm trooper.

"I see what is in your mind. It. Is. Stupid!" And with that the storm trooper was thrown into a wall.

Kylo went to put his helmet on and just before he did he came over to me. He placed a small peck on my lips and said " keep training while I'm gone, when I come back you might've trained enough to go on a mission with me."

I felt butterfly's in my stomach just at the thought of being able to travel the galaxy with Kylo. I mean sure we will have to kill people but we will be killing people together.

As Kylo walked off he put his helmet on and some other trooper came and took the one on the floor away.

I wonder where rick is.

I needed to get to the training room and start training. As if just on time I saw rick coming around the corner.

"Rick hey.  Could you please take me to the training room?"

"Of corse." He said back. We started to walk there and when we got there he opened the door for me and waited out side till I was done. When I got in there i started with the punching dummies. I stopped pinching it when it's head flew off. Then I moved on to the punching bags. I worked on my kicks and side sweeps. I soon got bored of that aswell. After an hour of training it was time for lunch. I went back to our room and looked to see what was in the fridge. Nothing. NOTHING. NOTHING was in the fridge. Well what am I going to eat? I can't go out to a garden or go and buy food. What am I goin to do.
Rick. Rick can take me to get something right???

I went to the door and opened it. I looked outside and I saw rick standing about ten meters away talking to another storm trooper. Once he finished talking to the trooper i called out his name.

"Rick." I called out. He turned around and I felt his presence change from dull and bored to happy and exited.

"Hey alexis. What's up?" He asked.

"Wel I was hoping that you could take me to go and get some food. Kylo disny have anything on the fridge." I said.

"Yea sure. Follow me. I will take you to the mess hall." He said and he started walking away. I followed him and we just went left them right and down a hall then we where at a door that had a big sign on the door that said 'mess hall'. We walked in and there were heaps of storm troopers with their helmets off and eating slop stuff. I saw general Hux and a silver storm trooper sitting down at a table. Hux looked up ad saw me. When he saw me he called me over to sit with them. I got my food and went to sit down with Hux and the silver storm trooper.

"Hey Hux." I said.

"Hey alexis. This is captain phasma. She is the head of the storm trooper department."

"Hey. So your alexis." She said after she took her helmet off.

"Umm yea???" I asked more than replied.

"What I mean is your the poor girl that snoke is going to make marry kylo." She said clearing it all up.

" oh yea. I am but I think that I could change him if I try. You know to become a better leader and sith lord and less of a tantrum throwing adult toddler." I said. Trying to sound like I know what I am going to do.

" if you could do that it would be amazing. I have lost ten storm trooper to him in the past two weeks!! TWO WEEKS!! They are dropping like flies around him." She said sounding really pissed that all her hardest work is being wasted because if kylos temper tantrums.

Hey guys, please comment and tell me what and who you would like to see in this story.

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