The risistance.

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Alexis POV

Oh no

"Who are you? And why did you come in a tie fighter?" Finn asked me.

"I am a part of the first order. I'm so sorry i didn't know that this was your system. Please can I go back home. I won't come back. My fiance will be worried about me." I said in quiet a hurry. I just wanted to get out of there.

"Who is your fiance?" Rey asked suddenly acting very interested.

"Kylo ren. Why?" I asked. I wondered why they needed to know who my fiance is.

"You must come with us right now!" Rey said as Finn grabbed at my arms and dragged me along with them. We walked through the forest for about ten minutes and we got to a docking bay. It was full of resistance pilots and their fighters. Then a middle age lady came out through the crowd. She looked kinda like some one but I don't know who.

"General organa, we have a first order member and she is a very special one as well." Rey said. After she said the Finn walked off to find some one called Poe. At least that is what I over heard hime say to Rey.

"How is she special." The general said.

"She is Kylo Rens fiance." Rey said. As soon as the general heard this she looked as though she had seen a ghost.

"Ben has fallen in love?" She said with a weak and quiet voice.

Who's Ben?

At this point I was so confused and I just remained quite.

"Rey could you leave us so I can talk to her alone please?" The general said.

"Of course." Rey said as she left the room.

The general walked me into a different room and told me to sit.

"So is it true. Are you engaged to Kylo ren?" She asked.

"Um..... Yes that is true. May i ask why you seem so interested in it?"

"Has Kylo ever told you about his life before he became Kylo ren?"

"Um .. Not I don't think he has." I was overly confused.

"Well then... I will tell you my self." She said.


"Well." She continued. "Kylo was called Ben before he was called Kylo and he was raised on the resistance base. His parents were both part of the resistance. When they found out that he had the force he was sent to train at the Jedi academy. His parents sent him there because they saw a lot of a past relative in him who was on the dark side." She paused to wipe a few tears. " while he was there he was tempted by snoke and over time snoke had complete control of Kylo. Snoke told Kylo to kill all of the Padawan in the school and so he did. Then he ran away to Snoke and Snoke trained him to be a sith lord. The only person left was the Jedi master, Luke skywalker. Kylo looked up to one person and that was his grad-father, Darth Vadar, and has vowed to complete what Vadar started. That is how Kylo became how he is today."

I looked at her understanding some of it.

"Any questions?" General asked me.

"Um yes. Just one." I said back to her.

"Go ahead." She said encouraging me to say it.

"How do you know all of this?" I asked. To be honest I was kind of scared of the answer.

"I know all of his because." She took a deep breath. "I am Kylos mother."

I was so shocked. She had been through all this and who knows what else. Yet she is still mentally stable. Or so I know.

"Is There any thing else I should know?" I asked. I was really drawn into this topic.

"Yes. Two more things. First. Kylo killed his father not to long ago." She said as tears started welling up in her eyes. I went into hug her and she gladly accepted.

"Who was his father?" I asked.

"Hans Solo" she said.

"What is the other thing that you want me to know?" I asked.  Feeling sorry for her.

"There is still good in him and him finding love only proves it even more. Please help him come back to the light side. Help him realise that what he is doing is wrong and bring him home." She said having a full on melt down at that moment.

"I will do my best." I said reassuringly. To be honest I had no idea how I was going to do it but I promised her and I keep my promises.

"You need to get back so he Dosnt get suspicious. Please don't tell him you talked to me and also you can't tell him where we are. If you do he will destroy us." She said gaining her posture.

"I won't. I promise." I said.

"Thank you and have a safe trip back. Please bring him home." She said.

And with that I went back to my tie fighter and flew back to the star killer. When I got there and had landed Kylo was waiting out side for me.

"Where the heck have you been!!!!"

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