What is this feeling ..... Love?

609 13 1

Alexis p.o.v

I woke up to the Sound of pots and pans clanging. I made a, what was meant to be quite but turned out loud, groan. The pots and pans all stopped.

"I see your up , finally." Kylo said as he walked into the room.
"Now get up. You have training in ten minutes. There are clothes in the wardrobe and you can have a quick shower."

I walked into the wardrobe and got a black tank top and some black baggy pants. I went passed Kylo and into the bathroom. In the bathroom I turned on the shower and made it the perfect temperature.

After about 5 minutes I got out and got dressed. I did my make up in a smokey eyes and black non-smudge lipstick. Well I am training so I can't have it smear every where. I did my hair up into a lose fish tail plat. Once I was all done I walked out to see if Kylo was still there. And he was.

"Hurry up you took forever." Kylo said to me.

"Well it's not my fault that you didn't wake me up. I need to get ready for the day thank you very much." I said back in the most aggravated voice I could do.

"Well let's go before we are even later." He said. Then he put on his helmet and walked out. I followed him down the hallways and like last time I gave up trying to meme rise where we where going.

"Can you please take off the helmet. I feel like I am talking to a wall." I ask quietly.

"No I can't. No one else must see me with out my mask while I am walking around. Get it?"

"Ok." I mumbled.

We finally got to the training room after about five minutes. When we got in Kylo closed and locked the door, then he walked over to a table and took off his mask.

There is that amazing face.

"What did I say about your thoughts?" He said all of a sudden.

Omg I am an idiot.

"Yes you are." He remarks.

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!" I yelled, furious that he was reading my thoughts.

"Ok ok. Today where will be working on your hand to hand combat."
With that he jumped at me but I simply side stepped out of the way. He then lunged at me and tried to trip me but I pushed his leg out from underneath him and sent him toppling onto the floor. As he was going down he grabbed onto my wrist and took me down with him. I ended up falling on him.

"S-sorry f-for th-that." I managed to stammer out.

I watched as his cheeks went a bright pink. I started daydreaming when I hear Kylo clear his throat. I quickly got off him and stood up.

"It's ok. I would say it always happens but... It doesn't really." He chuckled.

Then there was a knock on the door.

"WHAT!!" Kylo yelled at the door.

"G-general h-us wants to s-see you." A storm trooper said from the other side of the door.
I just realised that I haven't meet anyone other than Kylo.

"Would you like to meet other people?" Kylo asked.

"Can't you not go into my head please? And yes I sort of would. I mean it's going to get really lonely. You know if I only have o e person to talk to." I replied.

"Ok then you can come to meet general hux."

"Ok... Cool." I said very exited I will be meeting someone other then Kylo.

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