Kylo Ren

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Oh no. I thought as soon as I was looking into the dark place where I had thought his eyes where. I thought I saw them looking back at me.

His hand started rising and I felt a strong pressure gripping my throat.

"NO LEAVE HER ALONE PLEASE!!!" Yelled Anne. I just saw her brake down in tears when the darkened consumed me.

Time skip brought to you by Matt

I felt my eyes slowly flutter open. As soon as they where open I was blinded by a bright light. After about five minutes I got my sight back and I saw I was tied to a vertical table. (Like in the movie) I started to freak out.
What did they do to Anne?
Is she ok?
Please say she's ok I can't lose her.
I hope she wasn't killed by the masked man.
Who is the masked man?
Was he a follower of Kylo Ren?
Was he a Knight of ren?
What if he is ...... No he couldn't be. Kylo Ren would have a cooler outfit.
But what Did he do to Anne? She can't be dead please don't let her be dead.
I then thought of the song that we sang together just before I was taken by the masked man.
Before I could think about what I was doing I started to sing.

"Just close your eye
The sun is going down
You'll be alright
No one can hurt you now
Come morning light
You and I'll be safe and sound."

I was so caught up in the song and calming my self down I didn't hear the door open and closed.

"You have a nice voice you know." A voice from behind me said.
I knew who it was and I was to scared to turn around. But I didn't have to for the masked man walked in front of me for me to see the cold still mask.

"What do you want!" I said with confidence I didn't realise I had.

"Oh the little girl is acting all strong now huh?" He said. I could hear the smirk from behind his mask. Even with the voice modifier.
"You should learn to respect me."

"Two things.
1) I don't respect people who are to scared to show their face they hide behind masks.
And 2) I don't even know you so why would i respect you? Oh and you took me from my family."

"You wanna know who I am? Well I, my dear, am Kylo Ren. And Alexis I wouldn't talk back to me if you wanna live."

I gulped so hard I think that you could have heard it from the other side of what ever we are on.

"Now getting down to business, you are to join the first order or you will be killed. You have a power within you and I am going to train you to use it."

"What if I say no." I pestered on having no idea where this sudden curage is coming from.

"Well child if you say no then I'm afraid I will have to... I don't know.... Maybe kill you?"

I didn't know what to say. My life was literally on the line so of course I said...



"I said yes. I will join you. Not of choice but because if I don't I will die. But I still and will always hate you." I said with venom dripping from every word.

He walked over to me and pressed a button on the side of the chair, that opened the cuffs that had me strapped down to the chair. As soon as the cuffs where open I fell forward and on top of Kylo.

Oh god help me please.
I got off him as soon as I realised what happened.

"If we are going to be see a lot of each other then please can I see what you actually look like?"

Without a second thought he put his hand to his mask and pressed a button and the mask made a

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