Why are they looking at me like that?

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Alexis p.o.v

We walked into a big room that had a window as the wall. The window was looking out at the universe. In the middle of the room there was a big table with heaps of seats. Siting on the seat at the head of the table was a red headed man. As soon as he saw us he stood up and started walking over to us.

"Aaahhhhh, Kylo ren your here. Oh and who might this be?" The man said looking at me.

"This is Alexis, my new student." Kylo said in a dark voice.

"Ah ok then. Well how old are you dear?" The man asked.

Should I really tell this man how old I am?

"Just tell him and it will be over with." Kylo states to me.

"Um I-Im 19." I said very nervous about this man. I don't even know his name.

"I am General Hux. It's a pleasure to meet you." Hux said with a cheeky grin.

"Now Hux, you asked to see me?"

"Ah yes well it seems that we have found the location of the resistance base. Should we attack or.....?" His said suddenly looking very wery.

"Why are you acting to strange now?" I asked looking around.

"Nothing. Alexis go and wait outside." Kylo said to me.

"Ok." I said and walked out side.

I'm was waiting by the door when I heard yelling from inside the command room. Then I heard the sound of a lightsaber whizzing to life. I looked at the floor and I saw a red light.

It must be coming from the lightsaber.

I heard the sound of the lightsaber coming down on metal.

Damn Kylo. Couldn't you keep your anger under control for on minute?

I then heard the Sound of a lightsaber turning off and with that the door open to reveal a sacred looking Hux and a puffing Kylo ren.

Kylo started walking away and so I followed him.

"Kylo. Are you ok? What happened?" I asked very worried of what he did or what happened to him. But all he did was ignore me. We went right back to our room and then he took off his helmet and put it on a table.

"Kylo are you ok?" I asked when I saw his sweaty face.

"I'm fine." He said back to me, sounding anoyed.

I hesitantly took steps towards him. When I got to him I carefully put my hands on his shoulders and started massaging them in attempt to calm him down. I felt his shoulder tence when I touched him but they relaxed as I massaged.

"Better?" I asked after about ten minuets of massaging.

"Um yea. Thanks." He said as he stood up straiter. He turned to look at me and we stood there looking into each other's eyes for a minute. Then there was a knock on the door. I went to open it and on the other side there was a storm trooper looking very scared. But when he saw it was me he stood up straiter.

"Supreme leader snoke would like to talk to you and Lord Ren."

"Ok thank you." Kylo said from the other side of the room.
I looked at the trooper and gave him a friendly smile. With that he walked away.

"Let's go." I said to Kylo as he put in his helmet.

What dose Snoke want?

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