The kiss

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Kylo POV

I turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. I put my ear against the door to see if I could hear any Sounds coming from the bed room. I heard Alexis snoring softly. I opened the bathroom door and there she was asleep on her bed. Maybe this whole marriage thing won't be so bad after all. I mean I do love her right? Yea but if I let people see that they will use her against me.

"Kylo?" I heard he voice say. I looked at her but she was still asleep.



I walked over to her and tried to wake her up.


Start of dream
I was in a forest covered with snow and I heard foot steps commingled towards me. In front of me was a mask similar to Kylos except it didn't have the silver parts and was a different shape.

Behind them was another mask, but this one was Kylo. I think?

"Kylo?" I said, unsure if that was him. But he didn't have the same vibe as normal. This one was just plane cool and dark.

The masked man took out a silver cylinder and lit it up. Something in the back of my head said to run but I couldn't. The man took his lightsaber and lofted it above my head. He was going to kill me!

I need to get help but who? Kylo!

"NO DONT PLEASE KYLO HELP ME PLEASE. STOP WHAT ARE YOU DOING PLEASE HELP ME KYLO!!!!!" I stated yelling. Kylo just stood there looking at me.

"Finnish her grand-dad." Kylo said and with that I was Brought out of the night mare with someone shaking me.

End of dream
"Alexis, Alexis wake up." I opened my eyes and saw Kylo unmasked kneeling next to my bed with his hands on my shoulders. He had a look of concern and worry sckeched   Into his face.

"Are you ok. You where yelling. What happened?" He asked me helping me sit up.

"Oh um nothing. It was nothing. Don't worry about it." I said hoping he would drop it.

" it wasn't nothing, now I demand you to tell me what's going on." He said.

I to,d him about my dream and by the end of it he was on my bed with me cuddled into his side. His arm was wrapped around me like he was scared I would go somewhere.

"I'm sorry." He said to me.

"Why? You shouldn't be sorry. It's not your fault. You can't control the dreams we have." I said reassuringly. He looked at me and then before my brain could comprehend what was happening I felt his soft lips on mine.

He's kissing me. I am kissing Kylo Ren the lord of darkness.

I started to kiss back. Our lips moving in synch. His hands guided me to sit so I was straddling him. I felt his tongue graze my bottom lip. Asking for entrance, That I decline. What I was going to play hard to get. After about two more minutes we pulled apart. Our breathing was heavy and Kylo rested his forehead on mine.

"Wow" I said.

"I didn't know you where that good at kissing." Kylo said in a surprised voice.

"Neither did I." I joked.

"Alexis, no one can know we really like each other. If they find out they will use you against me ok. I can't lose you." Kylo said very seriously.

"You won't lose me and I won't tell anyone. I promise." I said reassuringly.
We lay down in bed together and fell asleep in each other's arms.

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