Im sorry

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"Well where have you been!"

"I'm sorry I was just out for a flight. I came back on time didn't I?"

"Yea but your ship went out of the tracking range. God Alexis. Do You know how scared I was. I thought I had lost you." He said. I could hear the sadness and sorrow in his voice.

"I am so sorry Kylo. But can we not talk about this in the middle of the docking bay?" I asked not really wanting to have a fight in the middle of the docking bay.

"Fine. Let's go back to the room." He took my hand and we went back to the room.

When we got there he took his mask of and put it on the table and sat in his bed with his head in hands. I walked over to him and sat next to him. He looked at me and I could see the sorrow and hurt in his eyes.

"Alexis. I'm so sorry for overreacting. Forgive me???" He said. He was nearly in tears.

"Kylo it's fine. I forgive you. But you put to much pressure on your self. You just need to relax a bit ok."

He turned to me and placed his lips in mine. I started to kiss back immediately. His toung grazed my bottom lip and I gave him entrance. I felt his toung explore all the creases and crevises of my mouth. After about three minutes of this we pulled apart.

"I'm relaxed now." Kylo said with a smirk.

"Thats good." I said back. I wished that every day could be like this. But it can't. I wanted so bad to tell Kylo that I know every thing about him. Well most things and also that I want to comfort him about it but I can't. I promised leigha that I wouldn't and I intend to keep my promise.

"What are you thinking about?" Kylo asked me.

Oh no. What do I tell him.

"Nothing. Just wondering...." I said. Not wanting to Finnish that sentence.

"Wondering what?" Kylo pressed forwards.

Do I ask him. Stuff it. I'm gonna ask him.

"What was your life like before you became Kylo ren?" I asked.

"Do you really want to know. If you know then you will think of me as a monster."

"Yes I really want to know."

"Fine. Well..."  He told me pretty much exactly what leigha told me. But he left out the names of his parents. He even told me that he killed his father.

When he finished I went to hug him. I wrapped my arms around him and he did the same.

"Kylo. I will never think you are a monster. I love you and always will." I said.

"I love you to. So much. I can't lose you ok. I can't ever lose you. You are my every thing. If I lost you I won't know what to do. Please just don't leave me." He said. I saw a few stray tears leak from his eyes.

"Never in a million years." I said back to him. Every word that I said I meant with all my heart. Wow. I'm in love with the most powerful man in the galaxy. And Im as happy as I could be.

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