Let down your dark hair

By onceuponatimefreak

21.5K 1.1K 350

Regina has been locked in a tower almost all her life by her mother Cora. One day a thief sneaks into her tow... More



354 21 5
By onceuponatimefreak

A few days later...

Life had been hard for Regina ever since she lost her daughter. All the days were spend searching for the young girl while Snow or Ruby tended to Destiny. It hurt her to not be able to spend more time with the little girl and sometimes she even thought it would be easier to pretend Hope was never born but she could never do that to her child. Hope needed her just as much.

The relationship between her and Robin had suffered greatly from all of this because he aparently didn't have a problem with forgetting about his other child from time to time and wanted to move on. However Regina couldn't move on just like that.

So today she decided to take a ride through the woods to her old home to see if her mother was hiding there. Aparently Destiny and Hope had some strange connection due to them being twins.

"Mommy where are you going? " Destiny asked as she entered the stables. Her mother had promised to play with her today but it seemed like she would have to play alone again because her mother was busy with searching for her sister.

"Destiny, I can't play with you now. I need to find Hope. Please go back to Aunty Zelena. I'm sure she would love to play with you. I will play with you when I get back, I promise you." She dismissed the girl and mounted her horse Rocinate that her father had gotten her for her birthday four years ago. However her daughter was having none of it.

"You always promise but you never keep it! Why do you not like me like Hope? It's not fair! " the toddler screamed just as Zelena entered the stables to find Destiny angry and in tears while Regina looked helplessly in her direction.

"Destiny, mommy can't play with you now but I'm sure she'll read you a bedtime story once she gets home. Come on, we can play together. " the older woman explained and took her niece in her arms. Regina mouthed a quick 'Thank you ' before speeding off into the forest. Destiny screamed and cried for hours, not understanding why her mommy couldn't play with her. Not even her daddy could calm her down until she finally fell asleep.

As Regina returned, again without succes, Robin pulled her into their bedroom without saying another word.

"What's wrong with you? I just wanted to kiss Destiny good night." She demanded as she looked into his angry face.

"After you ran off today when she begged you to stay? No. What's wrong with you, Regina? Destiny is our daughter too and you treat her like she doesn't exists. There is a chance we might never find Hope again but we still have Destiny and should cherish her like she deserves. " he shouted and Regina was shocked. She didn't recognize the man in front of her. She had never seen him this angry.

"So I should move on and forget about her? Like you? I can't do that, Robin. You weren't there when Cora cut her out of my body! You don't know how much it hurts to look at the scars everyday and be reminded of what I've lost! I can't move on! Not with my mother doing the same things she did to me to our daughter. You have no idea what it was like living in that tower all my life and constantly being told you aren't good enough. So don't act as if you can relate to my pain. She is my daughter!" she screamed. She knew it was unfair but that was the way she was feeling right now. She just couldn't understand why he couldn't see the importance of finding their other daughter.

"You know what? Save it. I won't bother you anymore. " He said in a low voice. Shivers ran down her spine and new tears gathered in her big brown eyes. He was about to leave the room but Regina stopped him.

"Robin, please I didn't mean it. I'm sorry! " She sobbed and grabbed his hand desperate for his touch.

"Why should I forgive you? Clearly you don't care about your family anymore. So why would you stop me now? " he demanded and slapped her hand away.

"I'm pregnant " her voice cracked and she broke down in a heap on the cold stone floor.

Robin wanted to hold her and wipe away her tears but he was too angry right now. He left the room not caring that his girlfriend was falling apart.

Sorry this chapter was very short and a lot sadder than I intended but I hope you'll like it anyway. There will be a lot happier chapters in the future but right now there will probably be more chapters like this one however if you have some ideas for happier moments just let me know and I will gladly work it in. ;-) :-)

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