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Henry woke up as he heard his sister Regina and Robin fighting. This happened very often these days but it had never been this bad. He walked inside his sister's chamber after he heard Robin leave the room. What he found inside made him very sad.

Regina was lying on the floor, crying, and he was sure it had something to do with Robin.

"Hey, what happened? " The young boy asked and helped her sit up. Regina wiped at her eyes to try to stop the flood of tears, however she just couldn't stop. She was having another baby and Robin didn't seem to care one bit. He had walked out on her and she wasn't sure they would ever be able to fix this mess. All because of her own mother.

"Robin and I had a fight. I said some hurtful things and I told him that I'm pregnant again and he just walked away. I don't know what to do. " she sobbed and Henry wrapped his arms around her tightly. During the past five years he had grown into a fine young man and was just as tall as her. Her little brother was growing up.

"Shh, I'm sure it's not that bad. I will talk to him." He explained before standing up and making his way out the door to find Robin. He was angry at the older boy but didn't let it show in front of his sister.

He found the blonde just outside the castle storming to the stables. "Hey!" the boy shouted and Robin turned round to see Henry running in his direction. "How could you just walk away? She is pregnant!" He screamed and hit Robin in the stomach. Neal saw this and ran over to them.

"Henry, stop it! What has gotten into you?" He asked his son as he helped Robin up.

"He hurt Regina. She was heartbroken when I found her and it's all his fault." The teenager shouted and his dad understood. He had always been quite protective when it came to his sisters and Neal liked that about him. His son was an honourable young man but sometimes he went too far.

"I understand, Henry, but you can't just go around hitting people because you are angry. Now go to bed. I will deal with Regina. " he scolded and the boy did as he was asked. Neal just left Robin standing in the dark as he made his way back to the castle.

Regina still hadn't stopped crying as her older brother stepped into her chamber and pulled her in a tight embrace. They weren't really close because Regina was always busy with finding Hope but he was her older brother and loved her no matter what.


"Grandmother, please tell me about Mommy again. " little Hope asked again as Cora had finished braiding her hair and brought the little toddler to her bed.

"Fine because you've been such a good girl today. What do you want to hear? " The old woman asked as she drabbed the covers around the cute blonde. Big brown eyes staring at her in concentration.

" What was Mommy like? And why isn't she with us? " Rapunzel asked innocently.

"Well, she was just like you. At the beginning. But then she met your daddy and left me." Cora explained her voice dripping with anger. Rapunzel was oblivious to this but she could see that it bothered her grandmother.

"Were you sad when Mommy left?"

"Yes, I was. But you never leave me, right?" Cora questioned in a manipulative tone.

"No, Grandmother. I will always stay with you. I sometimes dream about Mommy and Daddy. And a little girl who looks like me but she has dark hair like you and Mommy. Who is that? " Rapunzel asked curious and Cora stared at her in shock. How could Rapunzel know about her twin sister?

"Well, like I told you Mommy and Daddy died. They were killed by bad people and the little girl was your twin sister. She is dead too. That's why you need to stay here where you are save. " the brunette faked some tears and pulled her granddaughter close. Rapunzel was silent and fell asleep in the old woman ' s arms.

Regina :

Regina told Neal everything and cried into his shoulder. "Shh, it's going to be okay. But you need to take a break from searching for Hope. You are pregnant and you should take time for Destiny too. I know how it feels to be abandoned by my parents and believe me you don't want that for her." He explained and stroked some of her hair behind her ear.

"I know. I will take a break. It's best for all of us. I just- I said some hurtful things to Robin and I'm afraid that I can't take those things back. He won't forgive me." Regina sobbed but Neal shook his head.

"No. I'm sure you two will be fine. "

"I'm sorry " Robin said as he saw his girlfriend and wrapped his arms around her tightly. " I love you and we will figure it all out. You just need to focus on our child now." He said kissing her head.

"What happened to you? " The brunette asked as she inspected his face.

"Your brother punched me for making you cry." Robin explained and Regina looked to Neal who shook his head.

"Henry " he mumbled. Regina was shocked but thought it was kind of cute how her little brother wanted to protect her. Still he had to be punished.


The next day the whole family gathered in the council room to discuss what had happened between Robin and Henry and to make a few announcements.

"Henry how could you?" Emma scolded and the teenager lowered his head in shame.

"I think it's best to just ground him for a few days. He said sorry so I think we are good. " Robin said and everyone nodded.

"Why Daddy hurt?" Destiny asked suddenly and Regina chulked.

"Because he was an idiot but now everything is fine. I have an announcement to make." The brunette smiled and Robin grabbed her hand tightly. "I'm pregnant again. " Everyone gaspsed but they were very happy for them.

"What does that mean?" Destiny asked her parents and Regina bend down to her level.

"Well, sweety, it means that you are going to be a big sister soon. Mommy is having a baby." Regina smiled softly and Destiny's widend.

"Really? "

"Yes, really." Robin agreed and picked his daughter up.

Snow smiled at them and stepped forward. "Well, I'm pregnant again too." She confirmed and Regina hugged her sister tightly.

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