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A few months had gone by and so far, Cora didn't have any luck with Leopold.  He had admitted that he still loved her too but he couldn't get over what she had done to their daughter. She didn't blame him. She had done so many terrible things to their daughters and to him too. If she had kept her heart, none of this would have happened. However, she wouldn't have met Leopold then. She would probably be married to Rumple.

Hope had agreed to marry William, thinking she was now ready for it. She loved him and just wanted to be with him forever. Her family supported her and that was all that she needed to be happy. 

She and Destiny got closer and closer and were almost inseparable now, like twins should be. The girls really were one of a kind.


Hope was going crazy with the preparations for the wedding and she was really nervous. She just wanted everything to be perfect for her big day.

Her family was very supportive and helpful and she couldn't thank them enough for it. She loved her family so much. Even her grandmother.

Now, she sat on her vanity table while her mother was brushing her hair. Destiny sat beside her mother and helped her. She was so fascinated by her sister's hair. She used to play with their mother's hair all the time when Regina's hair was still down to the floor.

"It's so soft." She marveled and Hope smiled proudly.

"I was always wondering what it would be like to have a mother and sister. I'm so happy I'm here now. You are far more than I had ever hoped for. I love you all so much. " The blonde admitted and Regina got teary eyed at her daughter's words. She couldn't believe her little baby would marry in just a few days.

"Mom? Are you alright? " Destiny asked as she noticed her mother's tears.

Regina stood up and laid the brush on the table. Both girls looked at her quizzically.

"I just need a moment. " She explained and left the room.

Outside she ran into Robin who wrapped his arms around her tightly and rubbed soothing circles over her back.

"What is it, my love? " he asked concerned and kissed her head softly. Regina looked up at her husband and wiped her tears away with her sleeve.

"It's just... our little girl is going to be married in a few days. I just got her back, Robin. I don't know if I'm ready to give her to William just yet." She sobbed and the blonde stroked her hair carefully. He felt the same way about their daughter but they weren't their parents. They wouldn't destroy their daughter's love. They would always love and support their children.

"Shh, I know it's hard. I feel the same way, Regina. She is our little girl and we missed out on so many things but she is here now and she is happy. That's everything that matters. Just because she is going to get married doesn't mean that she will leave us again." He reassured his wife and held her close. He knew all of this was hard on her, especially with her parents fighting all the time and her mother being back in her life but he knew they would get past it.

"I know. I'm overreacting. I should go back now. The girls are probably getting worried." She gave him a soft kiss on his lips and he cupped her cheek lovingly.

"You are a great mother. Don't forget that. " he smiled and gave her a nudge.


A few days later it was time for Hope and William's wedding. It was a small ceremony with their closest friends and family in the castle gardens.

Hope wore a flowing white dress and her hair was down in soft waves with white flowers braided into it.

Regina couldn't keep from crying as she watched her little girl walking down the aisle with her father.

Beside Regina stood Cora who looked proudly at her granddaughter. She felt guilty for taking Hope but she was still glad she got to raise her, although she did some terrible things to her. The old woman noticed her daughter's crying and wrapped an arm around her.

Regina looked up at her mother and smiled slightly. 


After the ceremony there was a ball in the grand hall and everyone was dancing. Everyone except Cora. She watched her daughter dancing with Robin and lost herself in the moment. She didn't notice the person coming her way and shrieked as she felt someone touch her shoulder.

She looked up to see Leopold.

"May I have this dance?" He asked and Cora realized that it was the music they had on their own wedding dance and smiled. Maybe there was still a chance for them.

"Sure." She extended her hand and he took it, leading her to the dance floor.

"You know I've been thinking a lot about our marriage lately and I know that you didn't have your heart but I wasn't a perfect husband either. I was so focused on Snow all the time that I forgot what a wonderful wife I had. We both made mistakes but I still can't understand why you didn't tell me about Regina. " Leopold explained and surprised Cora with this. She had never really cared that he had focused more on Snow White because she didn't have her heart.

"I don't really know myself. When I ripped my heart out I did it because I chose power for love. I knew I was pregnant but I was afraid. I didn't want to be poor anymore and I knew Rumple couldn't make me Queen. If I hadn't Regina would have had a good life. But I knew if Rumple found out about her he would have taken her away from me. And I knew that Henry would figure it out that she wasn't his daughter so I faked her death. When I married you I could have, should have, told you about her but I was afraid you would judge me for having a bastard child like you did with Zelena. So I told everyone she was dead." She explained with tears in her eyes and he sighed. He knew he made a mistake when he send her away that first time. He thought Eva was better for him but he never loved her like he loved Cora.

"I'm sorry that you had to give up Zelena because of me. I love you, Cora. But I want us to be honest with eachother for this relationship to work out." He reminded her and pulled her closer.

"So you want us to be together?  Even after everything I've done?" Cora never expected this from him. She was utterly shocked.

"Love is blind,  I guess. Yes, I want us to be together. We never got divorced in Storybrooke and I'm glad we didn't. However I think in order for us to work out we need a fresh start. Cora Mills, will you marry me again? " he asked and Cora was at a loss for words. All of this was very sudden and spontanious but she liked that about him.

"Yes, I will. " she smiled and kissed his cheek.

Regina watched her parents with a bright smile. She knew they would make amends.

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