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Hey, long time no update I know but school is just really busy at the moment. Sorry! I hope you like this chapter. Please let me know what you think!
Storybrooke :

Today was the day of the trial and Regina was as nervous as ever. She had changed her outfit five times before she realized that the first was the best. She wore a plain dark blue dress with long sleeves and a black blazer and black shoes to match. Her hair wasn't styled since it was only stubs but it was growing none the less.

" Regina! " Mary called her from downstairs. She took a deep breath and looked over her outfit once again to make sure everything was perfect. The brunette wanted to look her best, probably because her mother had always told her to look her best so that she wouldn't be embarassed.

She went downstairs into the living room where Emma helped Henry with his dark blue tie that matched her dress. He look really cute even though it was a very serious day. Regina was afraid that Cora would win and she would have to go back with her.

"You okay?" Emma asked, breaking her out of her day dreams.

"Yeah, just really nervous. " the brunette mumbled and fumbled with her bracelet that she never took off. It was her lucky charm and she's always had it but she had no idea who gave it to her.

"It's okay to be nervous. It's a big day but I just know that we'll win." She felt her sister's hand rubbing over her back to sooth her. Mary was always so full of hope and sometimes it was really annoying to her, however right now it was something she desperately needed.

They all drove to town hall in Emma ' s yellow bug. Emma and Mary in the front and Regina and Henry in the back seat. On the whole drive there Regina never let go of Henry's hand and the little boy gave it a resuring sqeeze occasionly.

" It's going to be alright. " he whispered and gave her a small smile.

In court she saw her mother sitting next to her new lawyer Albert Spencer. Cora never once stopped smirking in her direction which made her even more nervous. Seeing her mother so smug made her sick to the stomach. What if Cora would win? What if she had to go back? Thousands of what ifs ran through her head until she felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up to see Mr. Gold giving her a comforting smile. The old man was confident that they would win.

The judge called Cora in first and Gold was asking her a lot of questions but Regina didn't really pay attention. She searched the room for Robin but couldn't find him in the crowd. The room was just to full. Suddenly Cora said something that caught her attention. ". ..Gold helped me with the contact. He said he would make sure that the babies wouldn't be a problem anymore. " the brunette glared at her lawyer, suddenly angry that he had betrayed them.

The judge then called in Mr. Gold. Why had he done this? Why? That was the question everyone was silently asking.

" Mr. Gold, is it true that you made the contract for Ms. Mills and helped her out of jail?" Spencer asked him. For a minute everyone was silent.

" Yes. It is true." Gold finally admitted.

"And why were you doing this? You must have known that she was an abusive parent. And still you worked for her." The older man continued.
Gold gulped suddenly as if he was hiding something. He was holding things back.

" I -I - uhm- I am Regina's - Uhm - fa- father. I did it because Cora was holding Regina against me. She said if I didn't do what she wants she'll hurt Regina. And that I would never get to see her alive. I just wanted to protect my child. I just found out that I have a daughter and I couldn't risk losing her. What would you do? I already lost one child, I couldn't lose another." Everyone gaspsed and Regina began to cry. Her hands were shaking and she felt sick. Without another word she ran out of the room and to the bathroom. Clearly the babies were upset about this as well. She felt a hand on her back and looked up to see Robin.

"What are you doing here? It's the girls' bathroom. " She said but deep down she was happy that it was him and not her sister or Emma.

" Did you know?" He asked softly and wiped her mouth, before helping her up.

"No. I had no idea. I ran into him on Mainstreet once and he knew. He didn't say a word. He just asked for my name and when I told him he left without another word. He looked at me and didn't tell me. He didn't care what I was going through. He wanted me to lose the babies." She cried and he wrapped his arms around her as best he could with her belly in the way.

" He wanted to protect you. That is more than your stepfather ever did. Cora would have taken the babies anyway but he saved your life and that of the babies. And he didn't tell you because he was too shocked. " Robin resured her and kissed her head. "Come on. Let's get back inside and win this case." He took her hand and led her back to the room. Right now her father, no Leopold, was telling them his side of things. Again Regina didn't pay attention, until it was her turn. She told them everything. Every painful Detail of her childhood with Cora. She never once looked up into Gold's eyes.
She was too angry and confused at the moment.

After her speech the court and the lawyers went into a separate room to decide what was going to happen now. She just hoped the jury would decide the right thing. Her mother belonged in jail. Locked away for years just like Regina had been. But that wasn't the case. She got away with a restraining order so that she wasn't allowed to see her children without another adult present. And she wasn't allowed to touch them.

The custody of Henry went to Leopold. Regina had hoped that the same would be the case for her, however they decided that the custody would go to Gold. Still she was allowed to decide for herself where she would stay. But where? Mary's loft was far to small and Leopold still lived at the inn. And she sure as hell didn't want to move in with Mr. Gold, her dad. Her only real option was Robin but was their relationship developed enough for a flat just for them?

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