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When Cora came home from her meeting that afternoon she found her husband all alone in the living room. This was very odd. Normally when she wasn't home Henry,Regina and Leopold would always watch TV or play together or read but not this time.

The older man sat in one of the armchairs in the large living room reading a book and sipping on a glass of red wine.

"Hello,dear." She greeted him with a kiss to his cheek and then went upstairs to search for her children.

However, she couldn't find either Henry nor Regina. Fuming she stomped back downstairs with her hands on her hips and screamed at her husband.

"Where are they?" Leopold laid his book in his lap and looked up into his wife's flaming eyes. He had never seen her this angry. Not that he would remember anyway.

"They are safe. With Emma and MM where they belong. You have no right to keep Regina locked in this house and she deserves better than you. Henry deserves better! You are not touching either one of them ever again." He shouted angrily and rose from his seat.

Cora couldn't believe what she was hearing. She would not have this. He had no right to tell her what to do. Ever since Emma came into town her family changed for the worst. She had to stop this once and for all. Her curse depended on it. Her life depended on it! If the curse would ever be broken she would be powerless and not a single soul in town would hesitate to kill her.

"No you don't have a right! Regina is my child and mine alone. You won't get away with this. I want a divorce! And then you will be left with nothing. This is my house. And Regina and Henry are my children. You won't get custody over them. You can consider yourself lucky if we you get to see them once a year after we get through with this. Now leave my house and don't dare to ever step foot into it again! " she pointed to the door and he smirked.

" With pleasure, Ms. Mills." He whispered into her ear before making his way up the stairs to get his things and leave the hell hole he had called home for god knows how long.

Cora couldn't believe that he was actually standing up to her. Normally he was a coward and would comply to her every whim. That's how she made him with her curse. She made him just like her former husband Henry Sr.

It only took him ten minutes to get his things and he left the big white mayoral mansion without sparing his wife a glance. He was really done with her.

Cora however was never one to sie back and lose. She would get her little puppet back. Regina belonged only to her and she wouldn't share her with anyone. It would only be a matter of time until the bald girl was back to kiss her feet again. She would make sure of that.

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