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The next day. ..

"Snow I know what you are thinking about and I don't like it." Zelena said, concern all over her face as she noticed her stepsister staring at Regina, who was teaching Destiny how to ride a horse.

"What are you talking about? " The brunette asked innocently and cradled her new born son in her arms.

"I know jealousy when I see it. I know what it feels like to be jealous of Regina and you've got to stop it. It's not her fault. I once felt exactly like you. I used to hate Regina when I found out Cora kept her but then I saw what my mother was doing to Regina and I realized that envy was wrong. Regina has suffered enough already, don't push her away. She doesn't deserve anything that happened to her and she certainly doesn't deserve your hate. She never wanted to be Queen so you don't need to worry about your throne. Regina would never take that away from you. " the red haired woman stated but Snow didn't seem convinced.

"You think so? " She asked unsure.

"Take it from someone who literally turned green of envy, Regina loves you, adores you and she looks up to you. You are her hero. She would never do something that would hurt you. She feels things deeper than most people and she can sense that you are angry at her. Don't push her away."

"So she doesn't hate me?"

"Regina could never hate you. She doesn't even hate Cora and if there is anybody who deserves to be hated it's my mother. " she resured and finally Snow seemed to understand. Regina didn't deserve any of this at all and they had to be a united front for what was about to come their way. She felt bad for feeling badly about her little sister.

"You are right. I need to fix this. I can't lose her." Snow realized and handed her son to Zelena before she headed to Regina.

"Regina? " She called and the younger girl looked up at her sister.

"Yes, Snow?" She asked not sure what was going on.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been angry at you. It's not your fault. Can you forgive me?"

"Oh, Snow, of course I can. I didn't even know you were still angry. " she said softly and wrapped her arms around her sister's neck tightly.

"I love you. " the black haired girl whispered and stroked over her sister's thick hair.

"I love you too. "


On that same evening after dinner everyone gathered in the council room after Snow had told them she wanted to announce something really important. She grabbed David's hand as he held their son in his other arm.

"We would like to present our son, Prince Reginald. " she said and could see the tears in her sister's eyes. Regina walked over to her and hugged her tightly.

"You named him after me?"

"I told you he would be named after a really important person in my life. " she smiled and wiped her sister's tears away.

Two months later Regina went into labour. This time her mother wouldn't ruin this for her. She was sure of it. However this time she would experience the pain of labour to the fullest. Hours went by with Regina screaming and holding onto Robin's hand. When it was almost midnight a cry filled the room and a new prince was born. He had his mother's dark hair and his father's blue eyes. He was perfect. Everything his parents could have wished for.

"Do you already have a name in mind? " She asked as they sat side by side in their bedroom and enjoyed a peaceful moment just to themselves.

"I thought Roland could be a good name." He suggested and Regina nodded in agreement.

"Our little Roland. " She whispered and turned to give him a passionate kiss.

"Ew, gross. " Destiny said as she entered the room and saw her parents kissing. Zelena chulked as she went after her niece to see the new born prince.

"Do you want to see your brother? " Robin asked as he led his daughter over to the bed and pulled her close.

"This is Roland. He is your little brother. " Regina smiled softly as she showed her daughter the baby. The toddler crounched up her face.

"He so wrinkly. " She said sternly.

The adults had to laugh at that.

"That's the way babies are, sweety. You were too. He will look better after a few days." Regina explained and stroked her daughter's hair.


Three years later. . .

"How dare you! " Cora screamed as she caught her granddaughter going through her things. Rapunzel knew not to go into her room.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to find something of Mama. " The blonde sobbed. She knew her grandmother would punish her now. The old woman had never physically hurt her but sometimes words were enough to do damage to a young mind.

"You know not to go into my room and you disobeyed me. " Cora explained her voice booming with unbelievable anger. Rapunzel was silent. "Now I have to punish you. " She said sternly and grabbed her arm tightly and sat down in her usual spot at the table. She bend Rapunzel over one knee and began to swap her behind with a shoe. She had done this to Regina as well and knew it would make the lesson stick. The little girl began to scream but it only made things worse. Cora hit her harder until she finally stopped screaming and sat her back on her feet.

Rapunzel rubbed over her sore behind and sobbed. "I won't be staying here. You don't deserve my company if you want to look for her. Your mother is gone so stop looking for answers." She shouted angrily shaking the girl. "I will visit you as much as I can but I won't be staying here to spend the night."

Rapunzel just cried not knowing what else to do. She couldn't lose her grandmother too. Before she could say anything the old woman vanished leaving the little girl in tears.


Destiny woke up screaming and Regina was quick to run into her daughter's room. " What happened? What did you see?" She whispered and stroked over her hair and back.

"The bad lady hurt Rapunzel. " she sobbed and buried her head even more into her mother. Regina didn't know what to say. Her mother was really doing the same things she did to her to her daughter. They had to find her before it was too late.

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