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"He is handsome, isn't he?" Regina nudged her daughter and smiled. Destiny scoffed and flicked her long hair over her shoulder.

"Ew, Mom, he is terrible. You know I don't like those kind of boys. They think they are the greatest but honestly they aren't. They are just little cry babies." She explained and Regina laughed at that.

"Of course, sweety. Whatever you say."


The next morning William returned to Wonderland to meet the girl in the tower.

He saw the old woman enter the tower with the robe of long, lucious hair and waited until the Queen left again after an hour.

After he was sure the Queen was gone, he approached the tall tower and called for the girl's hair, like Cora had done before him. Rapunzel let her hair down and he began to climb up on it.

As he entered the tower, Rapunzel was shocked and shrunk back in fear.

"Don't be afraid. I'm William and I heard you singing. I just had to meet you and when I saw the Queen climbing up your hair I just had to try it too. I'm sorry, if I scared you." He spoke softly to her and she slowly lost her fear. She had never seen a man before, however he was quite handsome and seemed nice. Nicer than Cora, anyway.

"My name is Rapunzel, as you already know. It's nice to meet you, but you can't stay. If my grandmother sees you here, she will kill you. " She admitted, disappointed that he couldn't stay. She craved a friend, but Cora would never allow it.

"She doesn't have to know. We could keep it a secret if it gives you too much trouble. " he smiled at her and looked her up and down. She was beautiful, probably the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Although she looked a lot like Destiny.

"I would like that, but it's really dangerous."

"I don't care. You are beautiful,Rapunzel. " he took her hand and the teenager wasn't sure she liked this. However, as he touched her, she felt an odd sensation in her stomach. Shivers ran down her spine as she looked into his beautiful blue eyes.

"Thank you " she smiled nervously, not sure how to react. Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all.

He was from outside, maybe he knew her parents and sister.


"A boy was here over night?" Robin exclaimed as he came back from another useless search.

"Oh, calm down, sweetheart. She is 16 and besides we weren't that much older when you got me pregnant, Mister. She doesn't even like him so stop worrying. " Regina laughed and watched Roland playing with her sisters.

"She better not. Otherwise I would have to shoot him."

"Oh, please. My mother didn't shoot you and you got me pregnant with twins." She reminded him but his face suddenly changed. He looked sad.

"Your mother cast a curse just to keep us apart! She almost killed you! She took our daughter! So don't compare this woman to us. We could never be as bad as that!" He screamed and Regina shrunk back slightly. She had never seen him so angry before.

"I'm sorry. You are right. Still no luck finding her?" The brunette asked and he sat down, shaking his head with tears in his eyes.

"I hate your mother so much." He laid his head in her lap and Regina began to stroke his hair slowly.

"I hate her too" she replied with tears in her eyes and kissed his head.


William visited Rapunzel every evening after Cora left the tower and the two of them became really close.

One evening they sat at the fire place and he brushed her long blonde hair carefully as she turned around and gave him a quick kiss on his lips. William smiled at her lovingly and quickly answered with a very passionate kiss that sent shivers down her spine.

She was in love with him and William was in love with her.


As he left in the morning he ran again into Destiny.

"Hey, Prince, seems like you can't get enough of me." She scoffed and he just smirked at her.

They met over and over again in the forest and got closer and closer, friends even. Destiny really began to enjoy there little meetings and began talking to him about her family, especially her sister.

Slowly, however, Destiny began to feel more than just friendship for him. She was falling for him.


"Rapunzel! Let down your hair! " Cora called and Rapunzel lowered her long hair down the tower. Cora took the braid and started climbing the robe of hair.

"Good morning, grandmother. " Rapunzel bowed her head and took the cloak from her and hung it in her closet.

"Good morning to you too, child." She replied and looked around the tower critically. "This room needs cleaning. Why can't you do anything right, stupid girl!" She shouted and slapped the teenager across the face. Rapunzel held back tears as she rubbed her cheek, already feeling a bruise.

This was not the first time her grandmother had slapped her, but it hurt just the same as it did the first time.

"Do as I say or it will get worse." The witch threathend and grabbed her chin tightly, her long nails digging into the soft skin.

"I'm sorry, grandmother. " she sobbed. Cora glared at that.

"You are pathetic, just like your stupid, ungrateful mother! " she screamed and vanished in a cloud of purple smoke. Rapunzel fell onto the floor and cried herself to sleep.

The calling of William woke her again and she let her hair down for him. As he reached the top he gaspsed, seeing the bruise on her beautiful face.

"Oh, Rapunzel, what happened? " he asked worried and wrapped his arms around her as she cried into his shoulder. The young man stroked her blonde curls lovingly and kissed her head.

"It was stupid. My grandmother got angry because I didn't clean the tower. It was all my fault." She explained and wiped her tears away.

"No. None of this is your fault. She is terrible and shouldn't treat you like this. No one deserve this." He explained and kissed her again, this time on her mouth. Rapunzel stopped crying and wrapped her arms around his waist, letting him comfort her.

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