Soulless (GirlxGirl)

By SkylarJapera

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More than a hundred years ago the world as we know it went into chaos. The population hit more than 12 billio... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 22

4.9K 222 66
By SkylarJapera

Chapter 22

Jamie yanks me into his home before shutting the door behind me. He then pull me up the steps in panic. “Jamie.” I whisper but he shushes me and take me up to the third floor. We climb the steps into the attic and Jamie looks at me again and examine me. “Your hair is shorter.” He say.

I pull at the curls and shrug. “I'm a wanted terrorist. It was either a chop or blonde.”

Jamie frowns at the suggestion. There is a pregnant pause before I speak. “I need your help.”

“Why should I?” He hisses. “You are a wanted terrorist.”

“Jamie whatever they are saying about me on the news is a lie. My brothers are criminals. They are trying to kill all of the SS patients. I'm trying to stop them. You have to believe me.”

“I don't have to believe anything.” Jamie scowls. “You disappeared Astra. Without a trace. I called you millions of times and the FBI raided my home looking for you. They said you team up with the SS patients who were also terrorist and you…” He pause. “You killed your own father.”

My eyes widen.

“I knew you didn't like the man but how could you murder your own…

“I didn't kill my father.” I hiss while bawling my fist in anger. “You know me Jamie I would never harm anyone.”

“But, you changed Astra. Zillah changed you.”

“Zillah has done nothing but protect me from my brothers.” I frown. How could he say such things to my face. I thought he was my best friend but I guess I thought wrong. I swallow and look to Jamie one more time before grabbing my bag. “I should not have come here. I will escort my way out.”

Jamie shifts uncomfortable and I yawn before heading to his mini fridge and taking his food and drinks. I shove them in my bag hoping this could last me a few days before I figure something else out.

I flinch when Jamie squeezes my shoulder. “I'm sorry I can't help you.”

“It's okay.” I reply sadly.

“You look bad.” Jamie say. “You can stay up here but you need to be gone before sunrise.” He head to the door. “I still care. Good luck Astra.”


I'm grateful for the hot meal Jamie sneaks up here while I sleep. I almost choke from eating too fast. Being on the run without Zillah was more difficult than I thought. She made it look easy. I lay my head back down on the couch. Jamie and I use to come up here and hangout. Play games and read. Anything to keep us occupied. This was our spot. I lean on the window sill and glance out as the sun set. I didn't have long before it was time for me to go.

I lay my head down and close my eyes for another nap. Someone beating on the door makes me jump out of my sleep. I quickly grab my things when the door is blasted open. “Fuck.” I hiss and dodge the bullets aimed towards me. My fangs emerge and my eyes begin to glow deadly. I was well rested and energized which made me more powerful.

“The boss need her alive.” One of the men shout.

“She's dangerous.” Another shout aiming the gun my way. I move quickly before they could argue any further and my dagger shoots into one of their thighs. He pulls the trigger while falling. His bullets flying everywhere.

I pick up his body and use him as a shield. He screams in agony at the bullet in his thigh but my strength hold him up. My ear twitches as I hear more men storming up the steps.

Walking out the front door was not an option. The men continue to point the gun at me and I wonder how they knew I was here. I was careful. I gasp in shock before frowning. Jamie. I slowly back up and the man in my arms scream as I drag him. I then push him and shoot bullets toward the men before jumping out the window. The glass shatters and I hop over the tall gate with no problem.

I continue to run through the trail until I can't hear anymore men behind me. I then jump in the cold river letting the current take me down and rid of my smell because I knew they were going to let the dogs track me.

I climb out the water and shiver. I groan and lean on one of the trees. I sniff and wipe my face. I couldn't believe Jamie betrayed me. I breathe in as much air as possible and continue running.

I begin to stumble and I fall too my knees. I then look at the figure above me and try to stumble back. I fight with all my might but the person grab my hands before tripping me to the ground.

I viciously bite but something is stab into my thigh and my eyes roll to the back of my head.


I wake up and turn over throwing up in the bucket that is place right next to the cot I'm sleeping in. I wipe my mouth disgusted in myself and turn over groaning. My stomach was not settling.

I look up when the door is pulled open and try to move but it was useless because of how weak my body was. I shut my eyes quickly pretending to have been fell back asleep.

The person walks into the room and place something down on the table before walking back out and closing the door. I open my eyes and take the cup of water greedily swishing it in my mouth before spitting it back in the can.

I then arch my eyebrow at the strip of gum. Who leaves gum for their prisoner. I take the gum and chew on it the minty flavor making me feel better. I lay back and shut my eyes and patiently wait until my strength comes back.


I shoot my eyes open and try sitting up and I'm grateful that the dizziness is gone. I stand and breathe before heading to the door. I open it quietly and sneak down the long hall. I swallow when I hear voices. I turn away and head the other way. I wasn't strong enough to fight just yet.

I round the corner and try to sneak out but someone notice me. I growl and strike before I even get a glance at their face. The person take a step back and I use my anger to my advantage. How dare they try to capture me.

I kick the person in the chest which makes them fall and hit the ground hard. I see something flash and I quickly dive behind the a wall. I then hear other footsteps and I growl in frustration. I was to weak to handle one how could I handle….I listen intently. Four? Maybe five?

I head down another hall and luck is in my favor when I noticed a door. I rush through it the bright sun shining down on me brightly. I notice my surroundings quickly. I gulp. There was only destruction and all the buildings were destroyed. Everything begins to vibrate violently and I look up nothing a chopper heading my way.

Someone snatches me back into the dark hole.

“Are you crazy!” They growl.

I push them away and stand. “Stay away from me.” I touch my head the dizziness returning. The person takes a tentative step forward. “I'm not the enemy.” They say.

I frown stepping away. I couldn't trust anyone. I begin to panic maybe I should have stayed with Zillah. I squeeze my fist and swing hitting the person in the face. They groan holding their face and I try to run but they catch my ankle tripping me to the ground. We wrestle and they end of topping me but I don't give up. I can't.

“Astra.” I freeze. I knew that voice. I stop struggling and lay there. The person let me up and lights are snapped on and my eyes widen at my mother on the other side of the wall.

“Pluto?” I ask.

She nods and smile. I rush into her arms and she squeezes me before giving me a kiss on the cheek. The other person...a woman. Continues to frown and hold her nose. “You could have appeared earlier.” Her shirt began to soak with blood as she try to stop it. I gulp guilty….just a little.

“Sorry.” I say anyway. “I thought you were the enemy.”

“Well, obviously I'm not. There you go.” She huffs. I take her in further and she was shorter than me. Maybe even younger. Around fourteen or fifteen. Her black hair was covering most of her face but I could tell she was upset as she finally stop the blood from spilling from her nose.

“Its broken.” I comment. “I can fix it.”


I take a step back. I could tell from her smell that she different just like Pluto and I but I don't know….something was off.

I chew on my bottom lip and stare at her a little longer before she growls and storm away. I look to Pluto with answers but she grab my upper up and pull me in another hug. “How?” I question. I feel horrible. I left her to help and never returned.

“There is so much to tell.” Pluto say. “Follow me.”


We walk through the dark halls and I could feel the other girl behind us. Pluto open another door and the room is small but it holds a table and a stove and small fridge. “Sit.” Pluto orders. “You must be hungry.”

I nod and the other girl open the fridge and begin to boil water. “We only have white rice.”

My stomach growls. I could honestly eat anything at this moment. Pluto sits across from me and explain, “After you left my body became worse. The others waited as long as they could but after much time we accepted you wasn't coming back.”

I look away sadden. “I'm sorry.”

“It's not your fault. The girl...Nyx argued with her friends about leaving me to die. Nyx wouldn't let them just leave me. She brought me here and Cia has been taking care of me. She's Nyx little sister.”

My eyes widen at the story. Cia looks at me and frown before returning her attention to the rice. She looked just liked Nyx. “She didn't have to save you...why?”

“I don't know.” Pluto shrugs. “This dark hole has been keeping me alive so far. The sun and contact still burns my skin but I'm content...almost comfortable. We're just waiting for Nyx to come back. She said she wouldn't be long but it's been weeks.”

“Nyx and the others are…

“You've seen my sister?” Cia questions.

“Yeah.” I nod my head and catch them up with everything that had happened to me. “I'm different now somehow. I have urges….this violent blood thirst. I'm not sure what they did to me.”

“So you left.” Cia growls. “My sister left me to save your ass and Zillah and you left them. You're a coward.”

“I was trying to save everyone. How is that….

“Are you so naive and stupid.” The young teenager spats but her words made her seem older. “No matter what those evil bastard will want us dead. Sacrifice or not. I should have left you in the forest.”

Cia growls and storms out the room.


“I thought I was doing the right thing.” I whisper to myself. I pick at my rice and Pluto squeezes my shoulder. Cia was right. I left my friends behind. I left Zillah behind.

“You cut your hair.” Pluto says trying to change the subject. She run her fingers through my curls. “Let me wash it.” I nod my head not caring what she wanted and my hair was tangled and a wash would do some good.

I lay in the bed when she's done and sigh not able to rest. My hair was clean. I hear the door creak open. It's Cia. “I'm sorry.” I tell her.

“I don't want your apology.” Cia hisses. “I want you to get up.”

I arch my eyebrow and get out of bed. She throws me a pair of pants and a sweatshirt. “We're leaving. To get my sister back.”


Hours later Cia and I are on the road. Surprisingly, Pluto didn’t try to stop us. Cia was just like her sister. She didn’t talk unless spoken to and sometimes she would frown at me and ignore me. I sigh leaning my head on the window because she wanted to drive. I wouldn't let this little girl get to me.

“We should stop.” I tell her. “It’s been weeks and I don’t know where they could be or even think to go.”

“Oh I know where they’re headed.” Cia say.

I sigh. She wouldn’t even listen to me. “If so.” I push. “It’s not smart to drive during daylight with a fugitive in the car.”

Cia ignores me and I huff in my seat. I didn’t have time for this. This rescue mission will be useless if we are caught. Cia pulls into a motel and I put on my hat and quickly get us a room however my face was plastered on every wall. Cia drags me back to the car and we get back on the road. She then pull off the road several miles later into the trees. We parked the car and she lean her seat back before closing her eyes. I do the same.

When night fall hit we’re back on the road. I didn’t know where we was heading but I didn’t argue with Cia because at least she knew where to start. However, when things start getting familiar I hiss, “Why are we in the city? Are you crazy.”


“Cia. Turn back. We could get stop at anytime.”

“That is the risk we will have to take.” Cia frowns. “I can feel her. She’s here.”

I arch my eyebrow. I knew Cia was different but I didn’t know her senses was heighten like this. “This is how you found me in the woods?” I question.


“What did they do to you?” I question.

“I don't know.” Cia say. “And I don’t want to talk about it. I just want my sister back.” I nod my head and I’m on alert the entire time. This was such a big risk. I could see my face on each and every build board. My brother would never stop looking for me. I would be a target for the rest of my life.

I start the notice the area we’re in. “Turn left here.” Cia actually listen to me. We get out of the car and I remember the old warehouse. “Stay behind me.” I whisper to Cia. She roll her eyes and we slowly walk into the warehouse. I look around and everything still look the same but it looked abandon. My ears perk up when I hear something click. I push Cia back and something sharp and painful go into my shoulder. I growl my eyes enhancing through the dark. I could see three figures.

“Hold your fire.”

My heart begins to beat wildly when Zillah comes into the light. “Zillah.” I call for her. She rushes to me and put pressure on my shoulder. I hiss in pain but she ignores me. Nyx rushes to her sister in confusion but Cia throws herself in her arms. “What are you doing here?” I could hear Nyx asking. Cia smiles and wrap her arms around her older sister neck.

Ryker also comes out the shadow and he’s pushing a random teenger. I growl. The boy jumps back. He’s the one who shot me. Zillah picks me up and carries me to one of the rooms. She works on my shoulder and I noticed that she hasn’t looked me in the eye yet. “Zillah.” I call. She ignores me. I sigh. She was pissed and she had every right to be. I let her patch me up. Once she is done she tries to walk away but I stop her. “Please. Talk to me.”

Zillah growls and her eyes are piercing red. I gawk. “Zillah doesn’t want to speak to you.” I’m confused and almost frightened at the same time. The low dark voice take me by surprise.

“Zillah.” I call but she ignores me. I chew on my bottom lip and flinch when she slams the door. I cry myself to sleep and maybe two to three hours later someone is waking me up. It’s Nyx.

“What do you want!” I hiss.

Nyx ignores me and snarl, “You did that to her. You did. There is no room to blame me for your own mistakes.”

“I thought I was doing the right thing.”

Nyx roll her eyes. “Zillah was outraged when she couldn’t find you. She tried to kill Ryker believing one of us betrayed her. Once I calmed her down she broke down in confusion and reverted back into her old self. For weeks her other side has been here. I’m afraid she’s trapped inside of herself and it’s your fault!”

My eyes widen. “But...They were. They are one!” I frown. “How is that even possible?”

“I don’t know. Apparently, it isn’t permanent. You need to fix this.” Nyx growls. “Before she hurt someone or worse...herself.”

I swallow and nod my head. I had to face this. I had to face both sides of Zillah. Nyx was right. This was all my fault. “Where is she?” I ask.

“On the roof.” Nyx say before leaving me alone. I make my way to the rooftop and open the latch on the door. There is Zillah leaning against the wall under the moonlight.

I approach her slowly. “I thought I made myself clear.” She snarls. I don't flinch and she turn around her eyes fire red. Glowing underneath the moon. I take a tentative sit next to her and she growls. I don't say anything first. I was waiting for her to scream at me...anything. But, she ignores me as if I'm not even there.

“Zillah.” Nothing. I become frustrated. “Zillah!” I hiss grabbing her chin forcing her eyes my way. “I'm sorry.” I whisper. “I know you can hear me. You can't fool me.” I try to kiss her but she snatches away from me. I chew on my bottom lip not fighting her. “I know you're mad but my decision was for the both of us.”

“Stop.” She speaks. “Stop talking!” I swallow. “I don't want to hear your excuses. She doesn't want to hear your pathetic excuses. It's over”

I gawk.

She stands and I stand along with her. “Zillah.” I grab onto her shoulder. “Zillah. No. I'm sorry. Please...Zillah.” She shrugs me off. “Zillah please. Look at me. Don't you dare do this!”

She growls and pushes me into the wall. I look up at her and a single tear slides down my face. Zillah breathes and I move my neck to the side. She swallows. I know my smell was getting to her. I use it to my advantage. Zillah other side was always addicted to my smell. I relax against the wall and she runs the tip of her nose down my neck. I freeze letting her hands roam around my body. Memories of our first time in the dark alley hitting me. But, this was different. I wanted this...I wanted her.

Her tongue nips at my neck softly before she bites down drawing blood. I groan and she suck viciously. I squeeze her hips but she smack my hand away. I squeeze my fist by my side as she assault my neck.

“She won’t forgive you.” She taunts me. “But, that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun.” She nips on my ear but I push her away. She growls in anger.

“No.” I tell her. “Not like this.”

Zillah roll her eyes before smirking. “Your lost. I’m positive I can entertain myself with someone else.”

I swallow but refuse to say anything. I didn’t want to take the bait. “There is no one else in the world who has what I have Zillah. You and I both know that.” Zillah eyes lights on fire. “I’m sorry.” I say again. “I’m sorry I hurt you but I’m not going anywhere...not again. When you’re ready I am.” I walk upon her. “But, this isn’t over.”

Zillah moves quickly. “You're mistaken.” She whispers before vanishing. I clench my jaw refusing to cry but I was breaking inside.

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