The Fame Game C.H.

By Foreverattached

21.1K 464 177

"This can't be it." His voice wavered as he looked at me with heart-stricken eyes. I stared at him for a few... More

One // New York To Los Angeles.
Two // Live. (Flashback)
Three // Party.
Five // Realization
Six // Fallout.
Seven // Public. (Flashback)
Eight // Press Tour.
Nine // Truth be told.
Update on updates.
Ten // New Beginnings.
Eleven // Broken Pieces.
Update ♡

Four // Paparazzi

2.1K 58 19
By Foreverattached

Calum's P.O.V

If you had told me that by the time I was nineteen I would have toured the world with my best friends and Made two incredible albums then I would of laughed and told you that you were insane.

People like me didn't get this far. I wasn't meant to be the guy who got to live out my wildest dreams but by some twist of fate, I was doing just that.

It still didn't seem real to me. People liked....hell they loved the music that I and the boys had written. Music that I had put my entire being in to and it was one of the best feelings in the world.

"Bye Cal! See you soon." I hear Bryana call out and as  I make eye contact with her she gives me a genuine smile before giving me a small wave.

"Bye Bryana, thanks for coming." I tell her as Ashton walks her to the door of the house that we were currently staying at. I didn't know If Michael and Luke were still asleep of even if they were here. All I knew was that apart from Ashton and Bryana, I was the only one up and I was actually enjoying the down time.

I loved the boys to death and all and I wouldn't want to change my current lifestyle but sometimes I just wanted time to myself. Time to reflect on this crazy ride that I was constantly on and time to just relax.

Wasn't it strange how you could want to feel lonely but not actually be lonely?

"Last night was insane!" Ashton beams proudly as he joins me in the kitchen. He grabs a bottle of water from the fridge and takes a massive swig from it.

"It was pretty sick huh? I don't think I'll ever get sick of hearing people praise our music." I admit and Ashton nods in agreement. Practically everyone who was at the listening party told at least one of us how much they loved the new album and that in itself was rewarding. It was special to hear what people who were close to you had to say but it hearing what the fans had to say was on a whole another level, simply because of how passionate they were.

"Me either mate." Ashton says looking content. "So what did Everly think of it?" Ashton questions me and I feel myself instantly deflate.

"She didn't get the chance to hear it." I answer nonchalantly. The boys didn't really notice that Everly had left when she did and I was relieved. I didn't feel like explaining how much of an idiot I was to them last night.

"Uh why?" Ashton raises his eyebrows at me in both curiosity and confusion. Out of all the boys I hated talking to Ashton about Everly the most for two reasons;

1. Ashton was the oldest and so he was a little more knowledgeable than us and that meant that he always made me see things in a different way, usually the way I should of seen things in the beginning.

2. He always gave off that disappointed older brother vibe when he found out certain things and I hated it. I wanted to be the person that people  thought I was, I never wanted to let people down yet I seemed do that now more than ever.

"She kinda left early. She wasn't feeling well you know?" I lie and I feel stupid as soon as do because Ashton can always see through my bullshit.

"Okay well we know that's not true." Ashton rolls his eyes at me. "What happened?"

"We got in to a fight and she was upset so she left." I tell him giving him probably the shortest explanation that I could. I knew that as soon as Ashton and the boys found out what I had done they would be pissed at me. They all loved Everly and they didn't get why we couldn't or wouldn't fix things but things were a lot more complicated than they could ever understand.

"A fight about what?" Ashton presses and I know that he isn't going to drop this anytime soon and if he couldn't get an explanation from me then he would just go to someone else, that someone else of course being Everly and I honestly didn't want him to hear her version of our fight.

"She thinks I slept with Lana." I tell Ashton and he frowns at me.

"Lana H?" Ashton asks and I nod. "Why would she think that? None of us have seen her since the beginning of the year." This was the part I dreaded.

"She may of texted me something a little suggestive and I may of maybe told Everly that I slept with her." I admit and Ashton's face instantly drops in shock.

"What the fuck Calum?!" Ashton demands now looking pissed.

"I know. I know." I shake my head. "It was stupid." I didn't sleep with Lana a couple of days, in fact I had never slept with Lana. I may of hooked up with her once upon a time but it never went any further then a stupid hookup. Lana had always tried to sleep with me but I wasn't in to it. Why would I be when I had Everly?

"More than stupid." Ashton scolds. "Why did you tell her that you did? I don't get it Cal."

"It probably doesn't make sense to you or anybody else but I just think it's easier for her to hate me." I admit getting an instant look of confusion from Ashton. I didn't expect Ashton to understand, hell I barely understood why I felt like that. "I guess I feel like I can't hurt her anymore if she hates me." I add. 

"There's only one problem with that Calum." Ashton sighs. I know he feels sorry for me, he had for a long time when it came to the whole Everly thing, I'm sure Luke and Michael felt the same way too. I didn't really get it though, why feel sorry for the guy who single-handedly destroyed the best thing to ever happen to him?

"What?" I ask a little harshly. I didn't want to be a dick to him or to anyone but some days it just seemed to come naturally to me. I was working on that though. 

"Even if Everly does hate you she's always going to love you and I personally don't think that she could ever hate you as much as she loves you." Ashton points out. "In the long run you're probably just going to end up hurting her more." 

Everly's P.O.V.

If I could use one word to describe how I both looked and felt today than I would say Zombie, like A real life zombie except without the ruthless craving for blood or human flesh. I was looking exceptionally pale today which only highlighted my red puffy eyes which were a picture perfect result of both crying and not getting any sleep.  

And I hated myself for it. I shouldn't of spent the night crying over Calum and his dumb reckless decisions, I shouldn't of let it get to me, I shouldn't of even asked him about the stupid text message and of course I shouldn't still care this much. 

"Good morning lovely!" I'm greeted by the very cheery Kelsey who was looking more than prepared for this morning's photo shoot, Of course to top off everything I had to get all dolled up and pretend to be as happy as can be.

"Morning Kels." I respond taking a seat in the make up chair before removing my sunglasses that were providing me and everybody else with some sort of protection from the disaster that was my face. 

"Oh Ev. What's happened?" Kelsey asks looking like a very concerned older sister. I guess I really did look as bad as I felt.

"Is it okay if we just don't talk about it?" I ask her not wanting to share just how messed up my love life currently was. I didn't even want to know about it so I figured I would save her and many others from having to know all the gory details. 

"Sure but if you do need to talk then you know I'm always here." Kelsey tells me sweetly and I swear I feel like crying. I was so unbelievably lucky to be able to work with people who were practically like family to me, I really had the best support system.

"I know and I love you for it so thank you." I tell her and manage to crack a smile. Kelsey was not much older than me, she was only twenty-five and she definitely understood me in a way that none of the others could.

"Of course." Kelsey smiles at me. "Now you usually make it very easy for me but today is going to be a little challenge." Kelsey says teasingly but I knew how terrible I looked today and I knew that she was going to have to work some serious make up magic, the make up magic that I knew she was perfectly capable of creating.  

"Your fairy god mother has arrived!" I hear Dallas before I see him and I can't help but smile at the sound of his voice. Dallas was in his mid thirties but he had the heart and soul of a twenty something year old, he was the absolute life of the party and whenever he was around I knew that my day would be filled with way too many laughs and not just the usual laughs but the laughs that made your stomach ache in the best possible way. I was sure everybody needed a Dallas Monroe in their life and I felt bad for the people who didn't know anyone like him. 

"I think that's just what Everly needed for today." Kelsey giggles shaking her head in amusement at Dallas' perky mood. 

"Well perfect because I have just what everyone needs in the morning, A wonderful white Mocha with a triple shot." Dallas announces as he places a coffee cup in front of me. Maybe he really was my fairy god mother? 

"You're amazing." I tell him and he gives me a wink. 

"Only for you Ms.Everly, only for you." Dallas responds in a very dramatic voice. "So what are we shooting again?" Dallas asks and I love him even more for not commenting on my appearance. I was sure Dallas just knew when to not say things and it was perfect for a day like this.

"Cosmopolitan cover." I tell him and watch his face light up in pure delight. 

"Well goody, do you need any crazy sex stories? because I have a few that I'll let you borrow." Dallas asks and I know he's being completely serious. 

"I think I'll be good." I lightly laugh. "But thank you." 

"Yeah Dallas, do you really think Krystal would let anybody plaster details about Everly's sex life on a magazine." Kelsey says and Dallas rolls his eyes at her. 

"Well she is nineteen you know, and in a long term relationship with like a god. It's not like people think she's a virgin." Dallas exclaims and I can't help but cringe. It would always and I mean always be weird for me to hear people talk about my sex life. 

Dallas was right, Krystal was amazing at protecting my image and she always had my best interests at heart because she knew what I was and wasn't comfortable with being asked. The good thing about Cosmopolitan Magazine was that it didn't just cover sexual topics, it also covered fashion, workouts, life advice and it always highlighted powerful woman which I loved.

"Not the point I was making." Kelsey tells him. "Anyway do we know where Tanya is?" 

"She's running late, She had some last minute wedding details to sort out." Dallas informs us. Tanya was planning to get married in just a few months time, she was marrying her high school sweetheart and If I was honest I was totally envious of her. Tanya and Lewis were like the picture perfect couple, they were total goals and I hoped to have something like they did one day. 

"I'm sure we'll be just fine without her." Kelsey grins at me then looks over at Dallas who was grinning right back. Maybe today wasn't going to be so bad after all. 


My cosmopolitan magazine interview and shoot went off without a hitch and somehow Kelsey had managed to make me look pretty decent, that girl was so crazy talented, it really blew my mind just how much. 

I was currently on my way to grab some lunch and then I had another small meeting with Sandra Ellis who was assisting me with my perfume. We had only talked yesterday but they worked fast and wanted me to review a few things already which I was extremely excited about. I did have the next few days off until I started the promo tour for The Cure. The cure was a film that I had wrapped almost six months ago now and I couldn't wait for it to finally be out, It was a drama/thriller film and it had to be one of the best experiences I had had while on a movie set. The cast was great and so were all the crew and the role I played in the film was something that I was very proud of so I couldn't wait for people to see it. 

Originally the days that I had off were going to be spent in L.A. while the boys were here so that Evelum could have a few more photo ops but after last night, the last thing I wanted to do was spend time with Calum so I had made other plans. 

"Everly!" I hear a voice yell and I swear it sounds familiar but then I remember where I am and I figure it's probably just the paparazzi. I really don't get what could be so fascinating to see someone like me going out for food. It was such a normal thing and I really didn't see the need for that to be captured. I mean I could understand if I was on a movie set or at some sort of event or party but while doing normal daily things? I just didn't see why anybody would want to print pictures of that in their magazine or on their website.

I carry on walking until I hear my name again. I stop and turn only to find the figure of  Dylan Waters coming towards me. 

"Oh my god! Hi Dylan." I greet excitedly before returning his hug. Dylan Waters was an old co-star and friend of mine, we had starred in two films together now and we had always remained friends. Dylan was one of the realest people I had met since coming on to the Hollywood scene and I had to admit that I adored that about him, Nobody ever had anything bad to say about him and even though his was quite the superstar actor these days he was still the same humble guy that I had met all those years ago. 

"I thought it was you!" Dylan beams breaking our embrace. "So how are you? And what are you doing in L.A.?" Dylan questions because he knew that I wasn't the biggest fan of this place. If I didn't have to come here then I wouldn't. It wasn't because I didn't like L.A. or anything, I just couldn't be bothered with all the drama and hoards of fake people that came with place. 

"I'm good, yeah really good. I'm just here on business." I tell him and he nods at my answer. 

"That makes sense." Dylan chuckles. 

"So how are you? I haven't seen you in months?!" I ask and think back to the last time I had seen him which must of been at the premiere of  Jurassic world. We were both huge movie dorks and of course we loved Chris Pratt so we made sure to get an invite to that. 

"It has been awhile." Dylan agrees with a big dorky grin. "I'm great actually, busy as usual but great." 

"Well I'm glad to her it, We really need to have a proper catch up." I tell him and he lets out a chuckle, Every time we ran in to each other we agreed that we needed to catch up but seeing as we were both so busy it never seemed to happen. 

"Are you free right now? I have a few hours till my next meeting." 

"I was actually just on my way to get food so perfect timing." I tell him and he perks at my answer almost immediately, I'll admit I was glad we were getting this chance to catch up because he was such a great guy and we got along so well so it was a real shame that we didn't get to hang out more. 

"Food sounds like the best idea." Dylan says and I have to roll my eyes, Dylan was the biggest foodie ever, I actually wondered how he stayed in such good  shape because he always seemed to be out a new places, trying this and that. 

"It definitely does." 

A/N: Hi there sorry this update has taken too long. I've been a little under the weather and I'm also super picky with the chapters for this because I feel like I screwed up the last version and I don't want to do it with this one. If you don't know I have started an instagram account which you can follow for exclusive content like announcements, sneak peeks and it's also just another way for you all to communicate with me since I am terrible at using my twitter, So if you wanna follow it, then my username is Foreverattached12. 

Quick question for future chapters in The Fame Game, I have included Bryana in this so I wanted your opinion on whether I should include Arzaylea. I know she's quite a sensitive/problematic issue in the fandom so that's why I'm asking. So yeah let me know! And thank you for reading <3

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