violent (ziam mpreg)

By chocolateziam

54.2K 3K 1.2K

in which liam is a famous boxer and zayn thinks he's too violent More

kind of face reveal


3.4K 238 99
By chocolateziam

there's this video on YouTube of a girl doing a makeup tutorial and then she just starts smashing her face against the desk and bleeding

has anyone else seen this because its been freaking me out since yesterday

"you are not wearing that to your date." louis said, eyes widening as he looked zayn up and down. it had been about a month since liam asked zayn out.

zayn was very big on stalling.

"why? i quite like it." zayn said, looking down at his jumper and blue jeans.

"what kind of fucking date are you going on?!" louis snorted. "i'll help you, c'mon."

zayn raised an eyebrow and followed his friend to his bedroom, sitting on the bed as louis looked through his closet.

"what the bloody hell is this?" lou asked in a disgusted voice. he held out a kanye west t-shirt zayn had gotten when he saw him in concert.

"hey, i like that shirt." zayn pouted. louis wrinkled his nose and put it back, continuing to look through. he finally pulled out a grey sweater, pointing at it with his eyebrows raised.

"this," he said, tossing it at zayn. "is what you wear on a date."

zayn took it, not even remembering buying it in the first place. louis then handed him some black jeans, putting his hands on his hips and nodding.

"perfect." he said. zayn raised an eyebrow as his eyes fell to louis' neck.

"how many love-bites did harry give you?" he asked curiously.

"not nearly as many as i gave him." louis said smugly. zayn rolled his eyes and shoved him out of his room, changing into the clothes. he looked in the mirror, twisting his mouth. he hated how he looked in everything.

zayn grabbed some cologne off the dresser and sprayed some before walking out of the room, going out to the living room and giving louis a twirl.

"niiiice." he said, nodding proudly. zayn was about to comment when he heard a knock on the door.

"you have your phone incase he kidnaps you?" louis asked.

"louis." zayn hissed before walking to the door and opening it. liam stood there, smiling shyly as if he was nervous. he was wearing a white button down and some black jeans.

"h-hi." he greeted sheepishly.

"hey." zayn said softly, staring into liam's eyes. he had never realized how pretty they looked until then.

"you ready to go?" liam asked. zayn nodded and looked back at louis, who was smiling cheesily and giving him two thumbs up. zayn rolled his eyes and shut the door behind him.

liam led him to his car, opening the passenger side door for zayn. zayn blushed and thanked him, getting into the car. liam shut the door and walked over to the drivers side, and zayn started to notice liam's car was really nice.

"i like your car." zayn said. liam smiled and looked over at zayn.

"thank you." he replied, starting the car and driving off the curb. the car ride was filled with awkward silence.

"'d you get into boxing?" zayn asked stiffly, trying to break the barrier of silence built between them.

"i...uh...was bullied a lot as a kid." liam confessed. "i got into it when i was around fifteen. it was sort of like a self defense thing my dad encouraged, but i got really into it."

the mention of the word 'dad' made zayn shudder.

"oh, that's really cool." zayn commented, and he genuinely thought it was. liam smiled shyly and nodded, pulling into a parking lot surrounded by trees.

"where are we?" zayn asked confusedly.

"dinner." liam replied, getting out of the car. zayn raised an eyebrow confusedly and followed liam, noticing liam carrying a cooler.

"what's that for?" he asked.

"i have a story for you." liam said, completely ignoring the question. "i know you were probably expecting a nice restaurant, and i'm sorry i didn't take you to one, but let me explain."

"my dad brought my mom here on their first date. she would always tell my sisters and i about how romantic it was and how much she loved it. i thought maybe you'd love it the same."

now they were approaching a large, open are. it was the top of a cliff. there was soft green grass and trees everywhere, surrounding the place. the cliff overlooked a beautiful field of flowers, and zayn was in awe.

"woah." he whispered. liam smiled, setting down the cooler and sitting on the grass so he was facing the cliff.

"i've always loved this place." he said softly. zayn sat down next to him, looking out into the open sky. he was really happy he was seeing this side of liam. the non-cocky, sensitive side.

"this is beautiful." zayn breathed. liam smiled softly, looking over at zayn.

"they've been here every anniversary, every single special occasion." liam said.

"it's so gorgeous up here." zayn commented. "don't people get tired of looking at gorgeous things all the time?"

"i'm not tired of looking at you yet."

smut in the next chapter 😛

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