Bending or Breaking (S05 Liam...

By Love-N-Live

18.5K 456 26

Six months after Mexico life seemed to be great for Phoebe. Her werewolf boyfriend was sweet, her friends and... More

Regression To The Mean
Werewolf Tracy, Not Friend
Working With Brett
Masked Men
Emotional Wreck
Cursed Book - Part 1
Cursed Book - Part 2
Heartbreak Is Different To Pain
Science Experiments
All I Need
Running Or Staying
No More
The Changing
Anchors And Symbols
Demon Wolf
The Hellhound And The Beast
Horrible Realisations
Planning Eichen Escape
Escape From Eichen - Part 2
Escape From Eichen - Part 3
Escape From Eichen - Part 4
The Murder Game
Blood Doesnt Always Mean Family
The man of Gévaudan

Escape From Eichen - Part 1

385 10 0
By Love-N-Live

~~Malia's POV~~

"Please remember to follow visitor procedure," the guard said as he opened the gates to allow a group of visitors in. "Eichen house has a wide range of patients and we cannot guarantee the safety of those who deviate from the rules." Kira and I shared a look as the gates shut behind us and we walk up the steps to Beacon Hills asylum. Entering the building we hurried off from the group behind a corner when the guards weren't looking and waited for the next faze of the plan.

~~Parish's POV~~

This is officially the worst plan ever. Driving up to the South Gate of Eichen I pulled to a stop and descended the passenger window of my police van. The guard of Eichens South gate stopped in front of the window.

"Delivery to the morgue." I stated and he flicked threw the pages on the clipboard.

"I don't see you on the list." He said and I felt my heart rate pick up.

"You heard about the animal attacks right?" I asked and he simply nodded. "The hospital ran out of refrigerated draws and Eichens the only other up to code morgue in the county."

"Let's have a look." He said with a wave.

"I don't think you want to do that," I said with a smile and pulled him to a stop. "The stench back there almost made me pass out while driving."

"Open the back of the van please." I nodded and formed a little plan to get us out of this mess. Getting out I met the guard at the back and unlocked double doors showing him the body bags as he turned the torched on.

"I need to log the names of their toe tags." He says.

"There's significant dcop. They were found in the county tunnels passed river."

"Open them up please." He says and I walk to the closest on and slowly open it. I wait until the guard was close enough before flipping back the top to reveal a barely recognisable women who stank really bad.

The guard coughed and turned away. I moved to another one and started to open it. "No, no. Go just go." He says with a wave and as I turned back to the body of the women I smiled as I zipped her up and closed the doors.

~~Malia's POV~~

We were both still hiding behind the corner getting more and more nervous. Kira took deeps breaths as a patient slowly walked out of a room completely naked. A women gasp as the reception man got up off his chair.

"Not again, Nelson." The patient, Nelson, turned and ran as the guard chased after him leaving the reception desk unsupervised. I gave Kira a nod as we hurried to the door.

"It's natural." I heard Nelson say.

"So is fifteen thousand volts." The guard said just as we heard electricity and a scream of pain. We both stop before I opened the door and we faced the electrical room door and Kira hurried in and I followed.

~~Phoebe's POV~~

I laid completely still before hearing a zipper move and Scott's rabid breathing. I undid my zipped and bolted up right breathless still half in my body bag. I looked at Liam who just came out of his bag before Stiles managed his own and stared at Scott. "Oh my god." I said.

"Never again." Were Stiles first words. Scott nodded before checking his phone for the timer. I got out of my back and put my black and white van covered feet on the ground. Goosebumps appeared on my legs as I wore denim shorts and a black a white stripped long sleeved top. I had my spear disguised as a golden belt and my black hair in a ponytail.

"Fifteen minutes starting now." Scott says as the boys work their way out stiles thrashed around and fell off his bench and onto the ground.

"Holy hell," I muttered and went to help liam leaving Stiles to work it out himself. "We are gonna die."

~~Malia's POV~~

"We did it," Kira says with a smile as I close the door behind us. "We're in."

"Don't get to excited," I say and get out my phone. "Getting outs the hard part. Twelve minutes." I say and check the timer before putting it away and moving to the electrical metal box and break the door open.

I turn to Kira as she finds the two wires she needs to cause the brown out. "Ok Kira, you can do this." I say as she steps forward. "Eleven minutes." She pulls out a piece of paper and double checks the info.

"I think it's these but they're covered in rubber." I look to the desk and grab a pair of metal scissors before moving to the wires to cut the rubber. Kira gabs my arms and stop me, giving me an 'are you crazy' look.

"You want to electrocute yourself?" I return her look.

"I'll heal." I state but she takes the scissors off me.

"Not if you die." We think again and I pull out my claws, move towards the wires and give a scratch, and make a sound as I get zapped.

"I didn't die." I state as she stares at my burning fingers and claws. She gives me a look as I pull out the timer. "Four minutes."  She moves back in front of the large box and sighs.

~~Phoebe's POV~~

We walked in single file with Stiles in front, then Scott, Liam and I taking up the rear. Liam looked at me and took my hand, giving it a squeeze. I smiled at him as he turned back around just as we were going around a corner, stiles pulled Scott back and Scott held his arm out stopping Liam.

I leaned forward to see two guards standing at the door. "What are they doing there?" I asked confused.

"I don't know their round should've ended five minutes ago." Stiles says as he looks at the guard confused.

"I can take them." Liam says causing Scott and Stiles to give him crazy looks. I look from the guards to Liam.

"I totally agree let's do it." I say and get the looks thrown my way while Liam smiles.

"No ones taking anyone." Scott says before Stiles pulls him away.

"How much time?"

"Three minutes." Scott says.

"Let's just knock them out and hide the bodies." Liam says.

"Oh my god please stop." Stiles says desperately just as a banging sound came in causing us to jump and me to reach for my spear. We turn to see a patient, an Asian looking boy about mid to late twenties, looking at us.

"Did you see the doctor?" He asked and I stepped forward confused.

"What?" I asked.

"Did you take the doctor? I haven't had my medication..." He starts talking about his quantities but I turned to the guards to see they were looking our way before back to the gate.

"We'll get the doctor." Scott says.

"Doctor Frenris." He says and the guards turn back around to face us again. "Doctor Frenris." The guy says again "I need doctor Frenris." He bangs against the wall and I flinched away, my need to heal him slowly bubbles.

~~Malia's POV~~

"I can smell how nervous you are." I say to Kira who rubbed her hands.

"Not helping." She says.

"Ok," I move from her side to diagonally in front of her. "You can do this, it's just like we practised." I tried to say with confidence and encouragement.

"You mean when I caused a major blackout?" She ask.

"Not like that," I said straight away. "No." I moved away to check the timer. "Ten seconds. Nine, eight."

"Please stop counting," she says as she reached forward to the wires and wrapped her hands around them. Nothing happened.

"Why isn't it working?" I asked.

"Because I have no idea what I'm doing."

~~Phoebe's POV~~

The guy banged against the wall continuously and kept asking for the doctor. "Ok someone shut him up." Stiles said as the guards slowly made their way towards us. "Shut him up."

Scott pulled forward his eyes and fangs and the boy immediately backed away from the hard glass. I looked to the guards as they exited the room. Stiles waved us on and we moved to the gate.

~~Malia's POV~~

I looked around to see nothing happening. "Kira, nothing's happening."

"I'm aware of that. I'm don't wanna lose control because I'm scared I'm gonna fry the entire system." I looked around before moving to her side and her dark eyes met mine.

"Stop worrying about what you might do. This isn't about you, or me, this is about Lydia. We're here to save Lydia. We're here to save our friend." She nods her head and exhales before closing her eyes for a second, re opening them and stared at the wires determined. She attached her hands to the wires and electricity flared and zapped along with her eyes.

Everything dulled, "Kira, it's working. Keep going." I said and heard a beep from the computer. I moved forward to see it read rebutting.

~~Phoebe's POV~~

We were about to reach the gate when the light went out then back on again. "She did it. Kira did it." Liam says and I shake him arm with happiness.

"Ok, five minutes." Scott says as we reach the gate. Stiles goes to swipe the card but there was nothing for the card to swipe.

"Where's the card reader?" He asks and we all look around the metal gate for the reader, there wasn't one. "Where is it? It has to be here."

"They must've taken it out when the dread doctors got through." I said and Stiles stares at me.

"Are you telling me we came all the way down here just to be stopped by an ordinary key, are you kidding me?" He says annoyed and I rub my face and look at liam who was staring at the door with a thinking look on his face.

"Liam?" I ask.

"We don't need a key," he says and we all come to the same conclusion. "Not if we can break it down." Scott looks at Stiles and then me before gripping the door with liam and using their combined strength.

~~Hayden's POV~~

I was pacing back and forth in front of Deucalion nervously, clenching my fists. "Do I make you nervous?" He asks.

"Shouldn't you already know the answer to that?" I ask.

"Well, I thought it would be more polite to ask but yes. A girl your age shouldn't have a resting heart rate of one hundred and ten beats per minute." I continue to pace slowly and try not to think of Phoebe and Liam in that place where Theo and everyone else was off to. "How about you unshackle me from this... Thing and we would both be a little more at ease." He says.

"How stupid do you think I am?" I ask staring into his blind red eyes.

"Since I highly doubt you want me to answer that question honestly, let me propose an alternative. You set me free and I tell you a secret about those talons sitting in that jar over there. I maybe blind but my other senses paint a very detailed picture. I know the talons were created by the dread doctors."

"So what?" I asked curiously.

"So, Theo believes he can fit them onto his own claws like a couple of press on nails. Use them to siphon the power from the beast, good luck with that." He said with a laugh.

"What do you mean?" I ask coming to a stop beside the table with the talons.

"The dread doctors would've desgined those talons with a pacific frequency, for a specific  person. As a genetic chimera I would've thought you'd understand, how often a body rejects an organ, especially from an outside donor." It slowly came together.

"If he puts them on... Then...." I couldn't finish the sentence.

"Yes Hayden, they'll kill him."


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