For Eternity #Book 2

By Ann-jey

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"I want you. I want us. I want it all. With you. For Eternity." Davina Claire was a beautiful and carefree w... More

1. Pilot
2. The Girl In The Shadows
3. It's Been A While
4. It Sounds Like A Long Time
5. Remember The Words
6. Home
7. Love Bites
8. The Note
9. Talk On The Top
10. Hunting Down The Enemy
11. Just A Small Message
12. A Special Death For A Special Person
13. 30 Minutes Alive
14. Killer Mode Activated
15. Surgery Play-Time
17. The Attic
18. Lust
19. A Battle Between Sirelines
20. Nicolette
21. A Jar Of Hearts
22. A Deal With The Devil
23. Roommates
24. Last Waltz
25. Beyond Eyes
27. I Wish You Weren't
28. A Night Out
29. The Butterfly Effect
30. Harvest Girl
31. Darling, The Eyes Never Lie
32. The Best People Are
33. The End Of A Lie
34. Fury
35. Finders Are Keepers
36. Yours Sincerely
37. Round 1: Final Memento
38. Round 2: The Waiting Game
39. Final Round: Davina Claire
Author's Note

26. A Ball To Remember

1.4K 32 14
By Ann-jey


This chapter is dedicated to MeTheFangirl96 for giving me that awesome idea for the story! Thanks a lot, girl! Hope you all enjoy this part!

Davina's POV:

I was waiting for him at the top of the old church, my favorite place. Each time I wanted to clear up my head or just shut the world out, I came up there, ready to inhale the fresh air and take a break from reality.

I was looking down at the cars passing by when I felt a pair of strong arms wrapping around my tiny waist, pulling me closer to the person's chest.

"Hello darling."

I smiled, not really wanting to. "Hey." I breathed out.

Kol buried his face in my collarbone, inhaling heavily. "I missed you already love and it hasn't been even a day since the last time I saw you."

I sighed, shaking my head. "Why didn't you tell me you talked with her? Again?"

He immediately pulled away, releasing me from his embrace. "Because it didn't matter."

Well now he started to piss me off. "Didn't matter? Didn't matter that a crazy girl that had or still has a thing for you talks to you and touches you and you are not even telling me?"

Kol smirked amusingly, like all this was a joke to him. "I sense a hint of jealousy."

I rolled my eyes, shooting on my feet. "That's your answer? Really? You know that she is deranged and the fact there is a prophecy threatening your existence doesn't matter to you at all? What if she is one of the people who will take you down?"

Kol stoop up too, raising his eyebrow. "I never said I would be bff with her or something like that, because it's not going to happen. So did I calm your pretty head down now?"

I exhaled, still being suspicious. "And what about the ball the Strix organize tonight? Were you going to tell me about it or you would keep it a secret too?"

I didn't care about a stupid ball. It wasn't this that bothered me but the fact he preferred to hide things from me to just tell the truth. And I can't even find the reason why he would do that.

He looked genuinely surprised, but he managed to hide it. "Darling, we can't go there. Those immortal savages are playing dirty tricks and I can't risk it."

I raised an eyebrow, "What exactly you can't risk? See, even now you don't explain things. You just avoid to blatantly answer to me."

His eyes lost the spark of playfulness and suddenly grew darker as they were staring right into mine. "You don't really want to start this conversation darling, trust me."

"Okay I won't. Because I don't want to end up into another argument with you Kol. I'm done with that. But I'm going to the Strix's ball, whether you come or not." I said sharply and turned around ready to flee but Kol's fingers wrapped around my wrist and forced my body to turn around, pulling me as if I was a feather.

"I don't know what made you so furious and I can't understand why you think not telling you about Nicolette was so important, but I don't see a reason to explain things here."

His eyes were unrecognizable. They were black, a dark look had taken over his face. His grip around my wrist became tighter, but the pain was still bearable. I took a big breath and stared at his black now eyes, narrowing mine in the process.

"You are right. There is not." I said, my words confusing him more. "If you don't want to come, it is fine by me. I can always go with Josh and help them with the matter while you can sit here and wait."

I tried to release myself again and I actually did when Kol removed his hand from my wrist, only to place it on my cheek. He placed his other one two, eventually rubbing his thumbs on my skin. "She is going to be at the ball, Davina. You mustn't go there. If something happens and I won't be there then she-"

"I have told you so, so, so many times that I am capable of protecting myself, Kol. You just seem though like you don't trust me. And if this is your way to protect me, then it is not working."

That was the last thing I said before leaving him there, without saying another word.

~ • ~

"Okay so you prefer to wear the red one, or the black one?" asked me Rebekah as she was showing me the dresses one by one.

"Black." I replied staring blankly at the wall.

Rebekah noticed my moodiness and sat beside me on the bed, sighing. "What did my wimp asshat brother do this time?"

"Nothing. Just forget it, it doesn't even matter." I said, standing up from the bed as I gently took the elegant black dress in my hands.

"Kol might be a ridiculously bad-tempered reckless person, but eventually he will come to his senses."

"No Rebekah, it is also my fault. I overreacted for nonsense." I said as I walked in the bathroom to change into the pretty dress.

"He will certainly be there. He won't last a minute away from you." she laughed, as I heard her exhaling. "Don't tell him I said that. He doesn't like it when I talk about you two, especially about him."

I laughed in agreement. After a few minutes I walked out of the bathroom only to find an already dressed up Rebekah, staring at her reflection in the mirror. She gazed at me and smiled proudly at the dress choice, winking at me.

"My brother is one of a hell lucky bastard, love." she said and I chuckled, looking down at me.

The dress was simple; a sleeveless black dress with a gold sparkling waistband, matching perfect with the gold feather necklace around my neck. I slipped into a pair of black high heels as I fixed my curls in front of the mirror, adding a small amount of mascara in the process and a red lipstick.

"Ladies, are you ready to go?" shouted Marcel from downstairs, as we both rolled our eyes.

"Coming, Marcel. Don't have to be so impatient."

I could hear him sighing from downstairs and I could guess there was a chuckle on his face. Snatching my bag and shoving my phone in it I climbed down the stairs, Rebekah right behind me.

"You are gorgeous D. I'm actually worried if I should take you in a room filled with thirsty vampire guys."

Elijah, standing a few meters away gave us a smile. "I will be waiting outside. Coming, Niklaus?"

Klaus smirked, glancing at his brother. "Let the fun begin." he muttered and exited the mansion.

~ • ~

The music was blasting loudly, all the people in the ball room talking with each other in groups; most of them were vampires but I could sense the presence of a few witches near by. That made my body clench.

I found myself looking around, searching for a specific person. But Kol was no where to be found. I felt disappointed because a part of me believed he would still come, despite our small fight a few hours ago. Was he really that mad at me?

"Is this Tristan?" I whispered in Marcel's ear, my eyes locked on the blond guy.

"That's him. And if I'm informed right, almost every person from the Mikealsons' sireline is here."

I furrowed my eyebrows. Just like Kol had said, Nicolette would come here. But even if she did, I wouldn't recognize her so I just hoped I wouldn't have to bump into her crazy punk ass for the rest of the night. My eyes darted around, as I bit my under lip.

"Is this girl, Nicolette, here?"

Marcel looked surprised by the fact I knew her name, but did not comment on that. "I haven't spotted her anywhere but I have seen her brother."

I flinched. "Her brother? She has a brother?"

Marcel nodded, pointing with his head at a direction and as I followed his gaze, my eyes met the pair of the emerald ones I had once happened to see. And I wasn't happy at all. My face turned pale when I noticed the guy I had bumped into in the bar, Kendrix, waving his hand back and forth, winking at me like he had just seen his childhood friend after a long time.

Bastard. "I think I'm going to get a drink."

Without waiting for Marcel to reply, I slipped through the crowd, making my way to the bar. The bartender gave me a smile and poured into a glass red wine as he placed it right in front of me. I quickly thanked him and took it in my hand, gulping the liquid fast.

Her brother. What if he purposely appeared on the bar this morning, bumping into me in order to find out what kind of person I was? It was a possibility but it could also be a coincidence. Or not. She could have put him to spy on me, since she would go to great lengths to "protect her sire from me". And it wasn't only Kol who said that. Rebekah, Elijah and even Klaus admitted how unstable she was and how possessive she could get. And who was I to get in her way? But I wouldn't be scared that easily as she thought I would, I knew that I could take care of myself pretty good.

Either way, I was not pleased to find out that he had followed me to the bar, taking a seat right next to me.

"You are her brother."

"Oh good, finally they told you. But I don't understand how this affects you."

I raised my eyebrows, "Did she tell you to keep an eye on me tonight?"

He pretended to think for a moment, as he tapped his fingers on his chin. His eyes had a different spark this time, mischievousness filling his now darkened eyes. "Hm no. Hell no. I just find you amusing so it was my own idea to watch over you, since Kol was not able to do that tonight."

I glared at him, gripping my fists, "Look, I don't know what's up with you and your sister but you better stay the hell away from me, did I make myself clear?"

He turned his whole body to face me, a smug look on his face. "Oh but that would ruin all the fun now, wouldn't it?" he whispered, straightening up. "Besides, I am not really talking with Nikki. She is too distracted to even bother talk to me."

"Then what do you want from me?"

"I want to know what makes you so fascinating. Your animated and fierce eyes are a reason why."

I furrowed my eyebrows, completely confused. His eyes were sincere, a small smirk appearing on his face but not the cocky one he had before. My body tensed as he leaned in, bringing his face closer to mine. I quickly jolted up, avoiding what was going to follow. He just grinned, his gaze falling on my lips and then again on my eyes.

"Like I said, you are a tough girl. Getting to you will be difficult but it is not impossible."

"Oh now I get it." I nodded, giving him a cold glance, "You are as delusional as your sister is."

He laughed at my statement, as he took a glass filled with bourbon in his hand. "I might read people by just looking in their eyes, but what I cannot know is their reactions. You sure are an unpredictable person, Davina Claire. You are bitter towards me now, but let's see if you'll use the same words in the next few days."

I couldn't even understand what he was talking about. Everything he said was nonsense to me and I could not bear standing next to him any longer. I don't know what was going on in his head, but the only guy that could drive me insane and make me love him all over again at the same time is Kol and no one else. My feelings for him were an endless roller coaster ride, which every time thrilled me and fascinated me.

He ordered a glass of red wine for me and quickly he glanced at me, grinning. "A friendly advice: never drink wine so fast sweetheart. You don't want to get drunk in a place like this, yes?"

I stared at my drink, refusing to drink it. "I'm good, thank you." I said sharply.

A slow song started playing and a few couples were now dancing in the middle of the room, moving their feet in the rhythm. I felt Kendrix's eyes on me the whole time when suddenly he held out his hand, smiling.

"Would you like to dance with me, love? I promise I don't bite. Much." he smirked, his determined green eyes fixed on me. I opened my mouth to answer but before I did, he said "And before you say no, I promise this the last thing I'm asking you tonight. I promise I'll be long gone and not bother you if you dance with me."

He was using his charm to seduce me and it would work if my mind wasn't thinking of Kol all the time. I really didn't want to dance with him but if that meant I would get rid of him, so be it.

I took his hand hesitantly, a roguish grin spreading across his face. I just rolled my eyes and followed him to the dance floor, where he twirled me around and eventually placing his hand on my waist gently, his other one tangled in mine. His green eyes were glowing as he flashed me a warm smile, licking his lips in he process. His broad shoulders were steady and strong, like he could crash anything that stood in his way.

Kendrix tilted his head to the side, as we slowly began to dance. "And an amazing dancer too. How many talents do you have Davina Claire apart from being dashing?" he said as he managed to make a small chuckle appear on my lips.

"Is this your strategy to seduce women?" I replied and he grinned, shrugging.

"Only to the ones that they are worth it." he answered.

"Well you should go then if you want to live for the next decade."

I turned my head around instantly at the sound of the familiar voice. Kol was standing right behind me with a chuckle on his face, his hands behind his back and staring at Kendrix impatiently. Kendrix, on the other hand just stepped behind, breaking our contact. I was relieved to see him here but at the same time pissed off at him for god knows why.

"Oh and here he is. Why don't you go to see my sister and let me dance with your pretty girl?" replied Kendrix, challenging him.

Kol's body was tensed and he stepped forward threateningly but I managed to stand in front of him, placing my hand on his chest. He instantly shot me a cold glance, no emotion appearing on his face. He just stared at me for a few moments before raising his head, giving a sweet ironic smile at the other guy.

"Touch her again, you are dead." he said sharply, a different tone in his voice this time.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him questionably. What had gotten into him anyway? "Kol relax. He didn't do anything."

"Yet." growled Kol, shooting another glare at Kendrix. "Be gone now." he warned him.

Kendrix smirked, licking his lips as he gave me a wink and disappeared in the crowd. Yes, I was relieved a few moments ago to see him here but now his strange behavior annoyed me.

"Why did you act like that? And I thought you wouldn't come?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

He smiled, taking my hand in his as he settled his other one on my waist. "I couldn't leave you here all alone, darling." he said sheepishly.

What the hell? He was furious just a few minutes ago and now he acted like a pure angel? "Are you kidding me Kol?" I breathed, still suspicious of him.

He sighed, looking away for a brief moment before glancing back at me. "This guy was-"

"-Nicolette's brother. I know." I cut him off, breathing heavily. "But you acted like you just saw your worst enemy."

He narrowed his eyes. "Are you defending him, love?"

I breathed out, shaking my head. "What the hell, Kol. His sister wants to rip off my head."

"You are not answering though."

"I can't believe you even asked." I said, pulling away. "I don't know what has gotten into you but until you find out, I'll go sit somewhere else." I said and stormed away, slipping through the crowd.

Wow. I thought if he came at the ball I could apologize for overreacting like that this morning but his attitude irritated me. I went upstairs, deciding to relax in one of the quiet rooms, closing the door behind to keep the music out of the walls of the small living room I had just entered into.

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