Bending or Breaking (S05 Liam...

By Love-N-Live

18.5K 456 26

Six months after Mexico life seemed to be great for Phoebe. Her werewolf boyfriend was sweet, her friends and... More

Regression To The Mean
Werewolf Tracy, Not Friend
Working With Brett
Masked Men
Emotional Wreck
Cursed Book - Part 1
Cursed Book - Part 2
Heartbreak Is Different To Pain
Science Experiments
All I Need
Running Or Staying
No More
The Changing
Anchors And Symbols
Demon Wolf
The Hellhound And The Beast
Horrible Realisations
Escape From Eichen - Part 1
Escape From Eichen - Part 2
Escape From Eichen - Part 3
Escape From Eichen - Part 4
The Murder Game
Blood Doesnt Always Mean Family
The man of Gévaudan

Planning Eichen Escape

432 12 0
By Love-N-Live

~~Phoebe's POV~~

"There's four steps. We get into Eichen, we get into the closed unit , we get Lydia and get out." Stiles was saying the next day after the beast destroyed the fourth floor in the hospital with the aid of parish who set it on fire.

"We have to do all this while getting passed orderlies, guards, electronic door locks and a mountain ash barrier." Kira, Malia, Liam and I nod our heads.

"And you've got a plan for all that?" Malia asks.

"Stole this last night off an orderly, but it's useless cause they rest the codes each night." I bumped my knee against Liam's just needing to touch him to stay calm.

"So why'd you take it?" Kira asks.

"Getting to that." He says.

"The only way to get Lydia out of Eichen to make that key card work again." Scott said.

"How you gonna do that?" Liam asks.

"We're getting to that ok," he says and I roll my eyes.

"Is there anything you can tell us now? Say how we break into Eichen in the first place?" I ask and he nods his head and turns the computers around.

"Just listen, I pulled all the history from the card. Two weeks ago there's a brown out security system rebutted. During a rebut all the key cards revert back to a default code."

"So if we trigger a rebut," I say and nod as Liam finishes my sentence.

"The card goes back to a default code it works again." We nod and start to get excited.

"How are we gonna cause a brown out?" Kira asks.

"That's your part," Scott says and the girl gets nervous. "Your gonna draw power from the main line but only enough to cause the brown out."

"Not a black out." Stiles says. "You do that It could send Eichen into a lock down which is bad very very bad."

"There's a electrical room behind the reception counter. The main power line goes into two breakers that run the whole of Eichen."

"Ok slight problem, I don't know how to do that." She says.

"That's ok, you have time to practice." Scott says but stiles didn't look to confident.

"Let's say all this goes perfectly," Malia says "how does a brown out get us into the closed unit of Eichen?"

"The system takes five minutes to rebut. In those five minutes all the alarms will be turned off the key card should work."

"Liam, Phoebe you guys and I will get stiles to the gate of the closed unit but after that he has to go on his own we can't get passed the mountain ash barrier. And when we're gone all anyone's gonna think is that there was a rebut of the security system caused by a brown out."

"Ah any questions?" Stiles asked.

"How do we get into Eichen house in the first place?" Liam asks.

"What's our worst case scenario?" Malia asks.

"What if I can't do it?" Kira asks while I just nod along.

"Ok admittedly a lot could go wrong." Stiles says.

"Everything could go wrong but I have complete faith." I say.

"You do?" Liam asks.

"No but I'm a glass half full type person." And Liam nods his head. "Guys, if we we don't do this we loose Lydia, she's gonna die in there tonight and she might take a lot of innocent people with her. I don't know about you but I'm not loosing another friend, not like this." As I finish Scott stares at me and I nod.

I was with Scott and Liam at the hospital as Melissa brought body bags over from the morgue. Liam reach out to get them but Melissa turned and gave them to Scott. "Just promise your not coming back in one of these." She said completely ignoring liam and I as I rub Liam's hand.

"We're coming back with Lydia." He says as she lets out a sigh and walks to get more.

"We still don't know who's actually doing this." I say as I look to the body on a table covered in stretches and blood. "Who the beast is."

"We'll find out." Scott says looking at the body as well.

"Do you think it's someone we know?" Liam asks.

"I hope not." Scott says admittedly.

"Do you think he even knows he doing it?" Liam asks agin.

"Are you so sure it's a he?" Melissa asks and throws the bags at him with no possible care if he actually caught them. He did thankfully but he let my hand go to do it.

"You still mad at me?" Liam asks and I felt her emotions of anger still there and her face says it all.

"No, but if you try to kill my son again I'm gonna put you in one of these myself." Out of all the scary things I've seen that was one of the scariest. Never get between a mother and her kid.

She turns away and liam turns to Scott. "She's still mad." Was all he said.

"Yep." Scott says with a face and I pat Liam's shoulder as we walked out of the room. Liam went off on to do something and I went with Scott and stiles to the library.

"My dads got the lab working on the shoe prints but ah, we're both kinda mystified at how giant claws werewolf feet turned back into a pair of sneakers." He says.

"Argent said it would be unlike anything we've ever seen before." Scott said as we walk to the exit.

"Did he say it would defy the laws of physics?" Stiles ask.

"Who cares about physics?" I asked he stares at me dumbfounded. "The thing is like a... Theo." I said and stopped as the two boys next to me turned to see the cute bad boy reading a book.

"What are you doing here?" Scott asked as I growled. Theo's eyes never left mine as I smile played at his lips.

"That wasn't very nice Pheebs, comparing me to a mass murder." My fists clenched as he put the book at his side and faced us all. "I still need to graduate." He answered Scott's question.

"No, no what you need is to be beaten servilely with a lead pipe." Stiles says and changes his answer. "Wrapped in barbed wire."

"I don't have a lead one but ah," I pull out my spear and stare at theo. "I've got a gold one."

"Ok I admit mistakes were made." Theo says and stares at the spear in my hand.

"Murders," stiles corrects. "Some murders were made."

"You know how the soviets helped us win World War Two?" Theo asks as he flips a page of the book he was reading.

"They knew how to make it through a Russian winter." I answered and he smiled at me, his eyes sending messages which I ignored.

"That it?" Stiles asked "Thank you Theo very informative." He turned to walk away.

"If your planning on breaking Lydia out of Eichen house you still need to get passed the mountain ash." He says making Stiles stop and roll his eyes. "We can make it through, you can't Scott. Or you." He says to me and I step forward.

"What do you really want?" Scott asks as theo and I continue to stare at each other as a challenge.

"I know you saw the fresco," at that I took a small step back. "Two seriously pissed off creatures, the Hellhound and the Beast fighting over a pile of dead bodies. I don't want to be one of the bodies it's that simple. I can get you to Lydia, or we can see who gets to her first."

He puts the book back and give me one last look before brushing passed me. "There's no way he knows what Valack is doing. Why is he so interested in her?" Stiles asked as I stared after theo wanting to repeatedly break his nose.

"He probably thinks what we're all thinking that Lydia has something bigger to do with all of this." Scott says.

"Maybe she's the only one who can actually save us." I say to them.


"She took out the whole school?" Scott asked as Kira and Malia tell us what happened to Kira when she practiced her part in the plan.

"She took out the whole grid." Malia corrected and liam and I shared a look before turning to Scott.

"I failed every single practise try, this isn't going to work." The dark brown haired girl said.

"How far can we get without the brown out?" Liam asked besides me.

"The front door." Stiles says.

"We're going," said Scott like a done deal.

"Scott we went through boxes of light bulbs." Kira said.

"It doesn't matter, you can do this." We all shared looks as the couple argued.

"The key card won't work with a rebut and theres no rebut without a brown out."

"I know you can do this," he said right in front of her before turning to face us. "Anyone here think that she can't?" We all looked at each other sharing the same thought. No she can not do this.

"I know you can do this." I said and nudged liam and stiles.

"Not me." Liam said cooly and I shook my head slightly.

"I was the one who put you in the plan." Stiles stated before we faced Malia.

"What?" She asked through clenched teeth.

"I believe in you to Kira." Stiles said in a fake whisper.

"I'm the one who's gonna be locked in the electrical room with her." She states and she looks at our faces and sighs at the one I give her. "You can do it." We all smile at one an other.

"You guys are crazy." Kira says "we're gonna die."

"Now let's not get ahead of ourselves." I say as liam puts a hand on my shoulder to hold me back. "I'm just saying."


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