I'm Only Human (Justin Bieber...

By UndercoverGirl26

7M 106K 65.9K

Popstar sensation Justin Bieber has been the victim of paparazzi for months and months now. They’ve bothered... More

~ Prologue ~
Ch. 1 - Music To My Ears?
Ch. 2 - She's A Fan
Ch. 3 - Cali, Baby
Ch. 5 - Questions
Ch. 6 - Text Messages
Ch. 7 - Being A Guest, Getting A Guest
Ch. 8 - Only Her
Ch. 9 - What It Meant
Ch. 10 - He's Dead
Ch. 11 - San (Die)go
Ch. 12 - Fun Gone Wrong
Ch. 13 - Where Did We Go Wrong?
Ch. 14 - Going Through It Alone
Ch. 15 - Heartbreaker
Ch. 16 - Make It Right
Ch. 17 - You Kinda Ruined Me
Ch. 18 - Guy Problems
Ch. 19 - Quite A Large Mess
Ch. 20 - Time Is Ticking
Ch. 21 - The Real Question Is...
Ch. 22 - Canuck Beaver
Ch. 23 - Giggly
Ch. 24 - Allegations
Ch. 25 - Not Broken
Ch. 26 - Rainy Moods
Ch. 27 - Won't Give Up
Ch. 28 - Misery Loves Company
Ch. 29 - If You Give Me A Chance
Ch. 30 - You Just Don't Give Up
Ch. 31 - Build It Up Or Fall Apart
Ch. 32 - Radio
Ch. 33 - Where To Look
Ch. 34 - Getting Nowhere
Ch. 35 - Better
Ch. 36 - Trying To Move On
Ch. 37 - Don't Hate Me
Ch. 38 - Do You Believe Me Now?
Ch. 39 - Wait... What?
Ch. 40 - Concert Numero Uno
Ch. 41 - Belieb In The Biebs
Ch. 42 - Trapped
Ch. 43 - You'll Be Happy
Ch. 44 - Can't Believe This Is Happening
Ch. 45 - Face-To-Face
Ch. 46 - I Understood
Ch. 47 - Hidden Mistake
Ch. 48 - Her Secret
Ch. 49 - Ache
Ch. 50 - Lingering Feelings
Ch. 51 - Now or Never
Ch. 52 - Accusations
Ch. 53 - After One
Ch. 54 - Walk The Distance
Ch. 55 - You And Me
Ch. 56 - Me And You
Ch. 57 - Problems
Ch. 58 - Jackie's Situation
Ch. 59 - By Your Side
Ch. 60 - The Surprise
Ch. 61 - Midnight
Ch. 62 - What Ever Happened To That Girl
Ch. 63 - Unexpected News
Ch. 64 - In Some Deep Shit
Ch. 65 - More Guy Problems
Ch. 66 - Still Alive Today
Ch. 67 - Fuzzy
Ch. 68 - Silent Night
Ch. 69 - Coincidence
Ch. 70 - Should We?
Ch. 71 - Memories
Ch. 72 - Well...
Ch. 73 - Slim Chance
Ch. 74 - Messing Up
Ch. 75 - For Now
Ch. 76 - An Agreement
Ch. 77 - The Miller Family
Ch. 78 - Stars That Sparkle Your Name
Ch. 79 - Don't Know What To Do
Ch. 80 - Unforgettable Scent
Ch. 81 - Apologies
Ch. 82 - An Old Friend
Ch. 83 - Warmed My Heart
~ Epilogue ~

Ch. 4 - Turned Up

143K 1.6K 999
By UndercoverGirl26

~ Chapter 4: Turned Up ~

[ Justin’s POV: ]

“I so owned you,” I laughed, watching as Alfredo pouted in sorrow. We were playing Call Of Duty to pass time here and he was, unfortunately, pretty bad at it compared to me.

“I hate you,” he mumbled, glancing at me.

“Love you too,” I winked, just as my phone rang for the second time today.

“Well you’re popular,” Fredo teased and I ignored his comment before standing up and going to my room to have some privacy. I looked at the called I.D and felt my heartbeat accelerate at Jackie’s name on the screen. I quickly answered it, pressing the device to my ear.

“Hello?” I said, trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach.

“Justin?” her voice rang in my ears, making my knees grow weak.

“Jackie,” I breathed. “How are you?”

“I’m good. I finally got to my friend’s house and I just wanted to see how you were doing. How’s everything?”

“Everything’s great,” I felt myself smiling. “I’m just here with Fredo and I’m creaming him at Call Of Duty.”

“That’s not surprising,” she giggled, sending me to heaven and back. It was silent for a moment before I remembered something.

“Hey, I forgot to ask you. What part of California do you live in?”

“San Diego,” she answered. “Why?”

“Oh, ‘cause I’m in L.A right now. Maybe when you return, I could go down there and spend some time with you,” I suggested, wanting nothing more than some quality time with her. She just seems like she’s worth it.

“Wait, really?” I could sense the smile on her face.

“Yeah, I told you I want to hang out. I wasn’t lying to get rid of you,” I teased. I heard her laugh quickly before she replied.

“And what makes you think I’m just dying to hang out with you? Hm?” she teased back, causing the smirk on my face to grow wider.

“Weren’t you the one who told me I was your idol?” I pointed out.

“Well maybe I don’t want to hang out with my idol. Have you ever thought about that?” she asked playfully.

“You’re one hell of a weird girl, do you know that?” I laughed.

“Why? Because I’m turning down your offer?”

“So you don’t want to hang out with me then?”

“I never said that.”

“You kinda did.”

“Oh shush,” she laughed, and I bit my lip, loving the sound of her giggles filling my ears. I just wanted to hear them in person.

“How about we go out for pizza?” I suggested.

“Won’t people recognize you?” I could hear the hesitation in her voice. “With all the bad media you’ve been getting, I don’t want to be the reason it gets worse.”

“You won’t make it worse,” I reassured her. “If anything, I could wear a disguise like you suggested before.”

“Oh…” she trailed off. “Sure. I’d love to get some pizza with you.”

“It’s a date,” I blurted out, without thinking twice about the words. I heard her pause at the other end and I quickly covered up. “By that I mean that it’s settled then.”

“Alright,” she said, and I think I heard a bit of disappointment in her voice. “Well, I don’t want to keep you so… See you soon, hopefully.”

“Okay cool. See you,” I smiled, and we hung up after that.

What am I getting myself into?

Scooter even warned me about Jackie. He specifically told me it’s not such a good idea when I just recently got out of a relationship that didn’t end well.

But I couldn’t help myself. I know I want her around. And if that’s what I want, that’s what I’ll make sure I get.


“JB!” Lil Twist greeted me, giving me a man hug while I shook Za’s hand.

“Twisttt,” I dragged out the word teasingly, winking at him. He shot me a glare and laughed, placing his arm around my neck.

“My brotha, you and I have some catching up to do,” he slapped my cheek lightly.

I smirked at him, snatching the snapback from his head and placing it on mine instead. “I agree. Now leggo, I really need this guy’s night today,” I said, adjusting Twist’s hat on my head before walking out of the hotel, hearing the boys following behind me. We all got into Lil Za’s car and Twist began to drive, saying he knew the best club here in L.A.

We surprisingly made it there without being followed by anyone so we took this as a gift from god and made sure to sneak into the club without getting noticed. Once we were inside, I felt a rush of relief run throughout my body and I let myself progressively let loose and enjoy the music that was currently blaring through the speakers. I turned around to look at both Twist and Za before a thought ran through my head.

“One out of three,” I yelled over the music, making sure they could hear me. The two of them looked at each other, debating over the topic internally.

In case you’re confused, I created this secret way of deciding which one of us has to stay sober enough to drag everyone else out of the club in case some of us get too drunk. So every time we turn up at a club, I count how many of us there are, which in this case is three, and say one out of that number, which in this case is one out of three. That one person has to be the one to stay sober enough to watch out for the rest of us.

“I did it last time,” Za murmured. “So it should be one of you two.”

“Well I did it before you, Za,” turning to Lil Twist with a grin on my face, I crossed my arms. “It’s your turn, Twisty.”

He let out a grumpy groan and sighed, murmuring a word of agreement before we went to the bartender and ordered beers for us. I quickly found myself drinking one bottle after another and another, and another until I couldn’t feel my toes, my vision too blurry and I felt as if I was going to throw up.

“Ey yo, hot stuff,” Za slurred at some slutty girl who just came back from the dance floor. “You want to go shake that ass with me?”

“You’re obviously drunk as fuck,” the girl giggled to herself, finding the sight of Za amusing.

“I beg to differ,” I butt in, lazily locking eyes with the girl and shooting her my famous smirk. “We’re fuck as drunk.”

The girl began to laugh so loud that it could be heard over the music, causing a few people to look at her as if she was crazy.

“This should be interesting,” she bit her lip, taking Za’s hand and dragging him out to the dance floor. It was funny because Za could barely walk under the influence of alcohol, so imagine him trying to fucking dance.

“GET SOME!” I shouted to Za, wolf whistling at the two of them before hearing Twist laugh beside me.

“Oh my god, you two are so fucking drunk,” he chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. “I’m so glad I’m sober enough to witness this.”

“Are you sure you’re sober?” I asked him, sloppily reaching over to steal the drink from his hand. Raising the bottle to my lips, I took sips from the alcohol, feeling my heart pumping loudly in my chest.

“Yes, I’m sure, Justin. Now stop drinking my beer,” he snatched it back from me. “You’re drunk as it is.”

“I’m not drunk!” I protested, slurring the words and almost losing my balance on the stool I was sitting on.

“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” he laughed, looking over at Za, who was making a complete full of himself on the dance floor. I began clapping loudly and cheering him on while Twist silently laughed his ass off, enjoying the sight of his friends completely drunk in front of him.

At one point, I stopped clapping and looked down at my hands, my eyes widening as I stared at myself.

“Uhh… Twist?” I called out, causing him to turn and look at me.


“I think I lost a finger,” I said, flipping my hands to get a view at the back of them before switching to my palm side. “I was clapping too hard.”

“Justin,” he chuckled, “You didn’t lose a finger, you’re good.”

“But look!” I raised my hands up to his face. “Where’s my pinky?”

Twist stared at my hands, reaching up to touch my smallest finger. “It’s right here, see?” he spoke to me as if I was a child. “You have all ten fingers!”

“But then where’s the one that’s always in the middle?” I asked him, smirking helplessly.

“It’s still in your hand,” he sighed.

“You mean right here?” I raised my middle finger up so he could see it clearly as I flipped him off, causing him to burst out laughing, grabbing my hand and pulling it down to my lap.

“I admit, that was pretty clever but stop it,” he grinned.

“Whyyyy?” I sing-sang. Before he could answer me, there was a loud crash and we snapped our heads over to see that Za had fallen to the floor and spilled his drink all over his shirt.

“Shit,” Twist murmured. “I think it’s time I drive you two home.”

“No, it’s fun here,” I whined, only to be ignored by Twist, who walked over to Za and forced him to stand up. He led him over to where I was sitting and dragged me out of my seat before taking Za’s hand as well as mine and forcing us to leave the club. He gave us both water bottles to replace the beer we once held and while Lil Za and I were muttering drunk sentences to each other, Twist managed to get us out of the club.

The minute I heard him curse under his breath, I looked up and saw about 4 paparazzi men with cameras pointed at us. When they saw the three of us come out of the club, they began taking pictures nonstop and shouting our names continuously.

“Twist! Were you all clubbing in there?” one of them shouted.

“Justin, are you drunk?”

“What were you three doing in there?”

I shoved my hand away from Lil Twist, successfully escaping his grip before turning towards the paparazzi and stepping closer to them.

“What the hell does it look like we were doing, guys?” I laughed humorlessly, feeling slightly lightheaded from all the alcohol. “It’s a fucking club, you dumbasses.”

The men’s eyes widened, shocked that they actually got a juicy reply from me. One they didn’t expect, causing them to take a bunch of more pictures, one of them probably recording this as they kept their eyes locked on my every move.

“So, what, you knocked up a few chicks?” one of them asked, an amused grin plastered across his face.

“Justin, don’t,” I heard Twist whisper in my ear. “This is bad.”

I slapped his hand away and kept my attention on the four men in front of me.

“Even if I did, that’ll be way more chicks than all of you four could get to talk to you combined,” I smirked, slurring the words. There was no way they didn’t know I was drunk. After what I just said and the way I had said it, it was obvious what my state of mind was.

“You’re drunk, Justin,” one of them laughed. “Go home, you little shit.”

“Home?” I scoffed. “You want me to go home? Did Spongebob go home when Patrick wanted a job?”

The men narrowed their eyes slightly, looking at each other before focusing back on me.

“What the hell did you just say?” the one on the far left spoke up.

“Who the fuck knows?” I shrugged, suddenly remembering the water bottle Lil Twist gave me before dragging us out of the club. Shaking it vigorously, I swiveled the cap open and laughed to myself. The four paparazzi watched me curiously as I stepped closer to the one on the right end and threw water at him, causing him to yell out something about his camera, warning me not to get it wet. The other three men took it upon themselves to snap pictures of me, making me turn around and soak them as well.

Lil Twist began to yell at me to stop and, once the bottle ran out of its water, I dropped it on the floor and felt Twist’s hand drag me back. He quickly took hold of Za as well and started leading us back to the car we came in.

“You definitely made things worse for yourself, I hope you know that,” Twist spoke sternly.

“I think you’re missing the point,” I cleared my throat before smirking at him.

“Oh yeah?” he raised his eyebrow. “What point am I missing?”

“The fact that,” I threw my hands to the back of my head and leaned on the car seat. “I don’t give a fuck.”


Well shit just got real… Mhm...

- Nina xx

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