Bending or Breaking (S05 Liam...

Por Love-N-Live

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Six months after Mexico life seemed to be great for Phoebe. Her werewolf boyfriend was sweet, her friends and... Más

Regression To The Mean
Werewolf Tracy, Not Friend
Working With Brett
Masked Men
Emotional Wreck
Cursed Book - Part 1
Cursed Book - Part 2
Heartbreak Is Different To Pain
Science Experiments
All I Need
Running Or Staying
No More
The Changing
Anchors And Symbols
Demon Wolf
Horrible Realisations
Planning Eichen Escape
Escape From Eichen - Part 1
Escape From Eichen - Part 2
Escape From Eichen - Part 3
Escape From Eichen - Part 4
The Murder Game
Blood Doesnt Always Mean Family
The man of Gévaudan

The Hellhound And The Beast

496 11 0
Por Love-N-Live


Warning: this chapter cantains spoilers for those who haven't seen teen wolf season 5. However this isn't in the season I just made it up to how I imagined it to go. Thanks for all your support guys :)

~~Phoebe's POV~~

I sat at a café in a town unknown to me. I travelled at my top speed almost all night and had to catch my own food like Malia. It honestly didn't taste that bad to my jaguar side but my human side was still not comfortable with the whole situation.

I had a short two hour nap before sneaking into a hotel room and refreshing. With my credit card I bought some clothes and that is how I got to where I am now. Being a gather doesn't necessarily mean bones for my kind, it can also mean gatherer of information.

I gathered information saying the demon wolf, Deucalion, was here but no one knows where. However Scott saved a piece of his fight with this alpha and I have his scent. I followed it to an abandoned building where I heard three voices.

"You seriously want to try and kill me with that?" One voice said and it was amused but also quiet threatening. Peaking through a hole in the metal doors I saw a lean man tied to a metal wired wall hooked up to a machine with electricity running through it.

"Oh, we weren't going to kill you but that can be arranged after you tell us some information." Another guy said and smiled to his partner who turned on the machine and the guy tied up cried out.

His eyes flashed red and I knew he was the demon wolf. "Where's Scott McCall? Where's the were-jaguar? Where is La Loba?" They screamed and turned up the machine and sparks flew out as Deucalion roared in anger and pain.

Walking back I kicked the door open and light lit up the dark room. Walking in I shrugged my shoulders and looked around before eyeing the two men. One was muscular and cute while the other was leaner and not as cute.

"Who are you? How'd you find us?" The leaner one asked and I licked my lips before walking towards them. They pulled out guns and I shook my head freezing.

"Not necessary boys, I just want to talk to my mate over there then I'll be out of your hair." I say and take another step forward as looks were exchanged.

"No, now get out before I shoot you." The cuter one said and I sighed in disappointment.

"That's a shame you see, I was gonna give you the location of Scott McCall and that new La Loba I heard of." That sparked their interests as I back away, including Deucalion.

"Wait," they said as I slowly turned away. "What are you talking about? How'd you find them?" Shrugging my shoulders I stepped right up to the barrel of the gun.

"You'll never know." Grabbing the gun I butted it against the guys head hard and spun around kicking the other guy over and before knocking him out. I turned to the alpha as he stared at me. "Now how does an alpha like you, get caught up in something like this?" I asked as I turned the machine off and untie him.

"Not hard when you try to make peace with your enemies." He answers his red eyes replaced by brown ones and his light hair was damp with sweat. "Now why are you helping me? Who are you?"

Backing away I pulled up my claw necklace and he stared at it in awe. "Your-."

"La Loba? Yeah," I flashed my green eyes before getting to business. "Scott McCall, my former alpha needs your help. The beast of Gévaudan has risen." I retold the alpha everything and he listen patiently.

"How do I know you are telling the truth?" He asked and after a moments hesitation I walked over to a seat and turned it around so I rested my arms on the top of the back rest. Moving my hair from my neck I took a breath.

"Check my memories, they don't lie." He didn't waste a minute. His claws sank into my skin and I saw my memories replay like a movie. Me after my operation, meeting Liam then Scott and stiles. All of it.

He worked his way through and I pushed him to the more important details about Theo, the dread doctors, the beast and the chimeras. Some how after he saw all those he went to theo killing me, to my out of body experience and then to my family, Cammi, my dad, and my mothers death.

'Forgive my child, it's the only way to live your life in happiness. To forgive those who hurt you out of love.' I forced him out of my head and I launched forward against the seat, being in control of my own head again.

"Why did you do that?" I growled and turned to him as he regained balanced. He stared at me in awe and sadness. "You had no right to pry there that's personal."

"You mean you didn't want to relive all the pain. You boyfriend breaking up with you, your mother dying, Scott kicking you out, dying yourself and coming back, having trust issues."

I stared at him in rage feeling myself slowly shift but thought of Liam and his warm kisses. Slowly I calmed down. "You know, I dated your great great grandmother once. She gave birth to a baby girl and disappeared of the face of the earth," I stared at him in surprise. "You know a Jaguar can't kill its own family?"

"I do which is why even though right now I want to rip you apart I can't." I answered and he smiled. "That's out of the fact as to why I'm here-."

"Is it?" He asked and I stared at his bloodied fingers. "Who else have you tried to kill but couldn't? A enemy maybe?" I shook my head.

"No, we are here for Scott not me. The chimeras are gonna come for you," I said snapping his attention into action. "Let them, pretend to be blind and to hate Scott, some how trick theo into breaking up his pack or killing them." I stated and we went over the plan until I was satisfied a left, heading home.


When I got home I had another shower and changed my clothes. 'Forgive my child,' that echoed in my head until I finally reached for my jacket ready to find Scott when the alarm went off. Shrugging on my jacket I turned it off just when I smelt Scott's scent and the senior opened the door.

We stared at each other until he cleared his throat. "May I?" Nodding my head he walked in and looked around as I walked to the book case and pulled out a random book. "I like what you've done with the place."

"What are you doing here Scott?" I asked and put the book back before turning to him as he stared back with sadness.

"I came to apologise. Theo got to me, to all of us and even you came out about what you are I didn't treat you right." He said and I nodded.

"No you didn't. I risked my life for you multiple times in Mexico and in these last couple of weeks. I saved your best friend from dying and Lydia who would've died if I didn't heal her. I had my own spear impaled through my stomach because I couldn't kill a massive jerk who screwed us all over. I trusted you Scott, but where was your trust when I needed it?" Tears were pouring down my face as I collapsed into a ball on the ground.

Arms came around me, warm and safe,and Scott's voice in my ear telling me sorry over and over again as I cried into his shoulder. "You know Theo's going after Deucalion right?" I asked and he nodded. "I got to him before they did and we formed a plan." He pulled back surprised and stared at me.

"He doesn't know you so how did you convince him you were friends with me?" He asked and I couldn't help but touch the back of my neck. He followed my hand and his eyes widened.

"It wasn't bad it actually helped me. I found out the guy is actually my great great grandfather." If possible his eyes widened more. "Anyway, my mother before she died told me I needed to forgive. I know I lied to your face for six months and kept things from you so it was fair for you to push me out of the pack. You couldn't trust me then, but I just need to know if you'll ever trust me again?"

He nods his head. "That's why I'm here Phoebe, the pack fell apart without you and I didn't know what to do." He pulled out my spear from his back pack as well as the book I snuck into his bedroom. "We need you back, we can win this together." Smiling I took my clean spear and book before looking at the blood on his shirt. Fresh. "When I came back the wound never healed from where theo killed me and I don't-."

"I can't heal that for you. You need to get passed what ever it is that got you to that position and then it'll heal." I said as I stared at my spear, the images of that night haunting me. Pulling out my phone I texted Liam, 'coming over tonight?'

'Sure, I'm down in the tunnels we were in while looking for you and Hayden. Malia says we were a lot closer than we thought.'

"Hey has Malia talked to you?" Scott shook his head. "Well she told Liam that the tunnels you were in while looking for us, she told him that you were a lot closer to the doctors than you thought."

He got to his feet and I did the same, "let's go find the doctors liar." We went down the tunnels and stood there watching Liam walk around in circles. He slowed down before turning to us.

"You lost?" Scott asked as I jogged forward and hugged the junior. He returned the hug before looking at Scott.

"Completely. How'd you know I was down here?" I shrunk back as Scott looked at me and then Liam.

"Ok, before you get mad I thought it might help you two to talk and to forgive. I did."

"Plus we followed you." Scott said which was also true. We got to the tunnels and found Liam as he walked in and we followed.

"Why are you following me?" He asked and Scott returned.

"Why are you down here?"

"I'm trying to figure out if this is where they took Pheebs and Hayden." He said and touched my fingers lightly. "Malia said she was down here to, that the scent was the same. She said you were right."

After a moment Scott pointed back. "You know there's a turn you keep passing. It's easy to miss." Liam looked confused.

"How many times you watch me pass?"

"Five," I said and he looks at me as I bite my lip and look away before moving in that direction. "Come on let's see if we can find it together." I pulled both Liam's and Scott's hands as we took the turn. We walked for what seemed like forever before Scott held up his hands.

I heard electromagnetic frequency and felt vibrations. "Do you feel that?" Scott ask.

"Like something's vibrating." Liam stated.

"I can't tell where it's coming from," Scott said and I knelt down and put my hand over a spot on the ground and Liam followed.

"It's coming from everywhere." I said and looked up at Scott as he looked around before he looked at Liam. Turning my head I saw pain on his emotions.

"I was just trying to do something right." He said.

"You do a lot right." Scott said.

"Yeah but I did two things really wrong."

"Hayden's alive, everything before that doesn't matter." Scott said.

"It should," he said "I feel like I have to do more than just say sorry. To both of you."

"Actually you still haven't done that." Both Scott and I said in unison.

"Back in my old school, at Devenford, I got into a fight with this kid. Knocked two of his teeth out and they made me write a letter of apology. We both knew it meant nothing, we both knew that sooner or later we were gonna get into another fight. I can't just say I'm sorry, I feel like I have to do something, like I have to save your life," he said to Scott "or take you to a fancy ball room dance." He says to me.

"I don't do fancy," I say to him and it managed to make a small smile twitch at his lips as Scott kneels in front of us.

"Don't worry, I'm pretty sure you'll get a chance."

"Not down here, we've been walking around for hours and all we've managed to find is some stupid snake sculpture on the wall." He says and points to the thing. Scott and I share a look as we turn to it and rise to our feet. "You think it's important?"

Information form my ancestors filled my head. "It's an Ouroboros, a snake or dragon eating it's own tail." I say as Liam gets up behind and and pulls me by the hand around to Scott's side, however staying a few feet away. Scott slowly turns the snakes around and turns to us in surprise. He finishes turning it until it clicks and the humming slowly stopped and Liam pointed to a door that had appeared.

Scott slid it opened and we all walked in only to have a gun pointed at our heads. Argent put the gun away and Scott walked forward only to stop. "You didn't." he said.

Liam and I looked at each other confused. "I had to." It was only when I caught another scent and the man himself stepped forward. My great great grandmothers memories shot forward. The torture and pain.

"Hello Scott." Gerard said and Scott's red eyes flashed. "I haven't seen that colour on you, it suits you." I growl escaped my lips and Liam gently touched my hand.

"Who's the old guy?" He asks.

"At the moment, they would call me a necessary evil but you can call me Gerard.

"A mass murder who killed one of my family." I said and they all turned to me. "Actually you killed Deucalions girlfriend, Anna."

He stares at me as I flashed my green eyes. "I haven't seen those eyes in quiet a while either."

"What were you thinking?" Scott asked.

"That we need him." Argent said while Gerard and I had a stand off.

"He's right, if you want to catch a werewolf like the beast of Gévaudan you need more than one argent." Argent step forward towards us.

"He knows all the stories, all the folklaw, everything written, everything passed down."

"You sure about this?" Scott ask.

"Take a look." He said and we all walk to a wall with paintings of two creatures fighting.

"I don't like this," I said to Liam.

"Neither do I." He whispered back.

"Then why are we doing it? We don't need him I have all the storied and folklaw at home in a book." I stopped him outside the room everyone was in. "I even know something that could change the whole thing Liam."

We stare at each other before Scott called us in. "The one on the right is the beast of Gévaudan. Do you know what the other one is?" Scott shook his head.

"The hellhound," I said "the Guardian of supernatural places."

"They're both creatures of the night but you might know them as ordinary people during the day." The older argent said.

"And most likely neither of them know what they are." Scott turned to Liam and I and we all had a silent conversation. "What is it?"

"We found a message in Latin, DAMNATIO MEMORIAE." The argents shared a look.

"They want it to remember itself."

"That might give us time." Argent said.

"Time for what?" Liam asked as we in twined our fingers together.

"To prevent this." He walked forward and smashed the bottom of the tiled picture to reveal dead bodies under the two beast. All of us were dead.


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