RWBY x Assassin!Male!Reader C...

By hhysteriia

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Sequence I, Chapter 1: Weiss - Breakup
Sequence I, Chapter 2: Weiss - New Students
Sequence I, Chapter 3: Weiss - CRDL
Sequence I, Chapter 4: Weiss - Confession
Sequence I, Chapter 5: Weiss - End
Sequence II, Chapter 1 : Ruby - Ruby Rose
Sequence II, Chapter 2 : Ruby - Beacon
Sequence II, Chapter 3: Ruby - Awakening
Sequence II, Chapter 4: Ruby - New Friend
Sequence II, Chapter 5: Ruby - Conclusion
Sequence III, Chapter 1: Yang - A Vacation?
Sequence III, Chapter 2: Yang - Attacked
Sequence III, Chapter 3: Yang - Preperation
Sequence III, Chapter 4: Yang - A Twist of Fate
Sequence III, Chapter 5: Yang - All roads lead to...
Sequence IV, Chapter 1: Blake - Y/N, Edward.
Sequence IV, Chapter 2: Blake - A demon, unleashed.
Sequence IV, Chapter 3: Blake - The End?
Sequence IV, Chapter 4: Blake - Date
Sequence IV, Chapter 5: Blake - Because of you.
Sequence V, Chapter 1: Neo - Betrayed
Sequence V, Chapter 2: Neo - Mind Link
Sequence V, Chapter 3: Neo - Host
Sequence V, Chapter 4: Neo - A Healing Promise
Sequence V, Chapter 5: Neo - Retribution
Sequence VI, Chapter 2: Velvet - Creatures of the Crimson
Sequence VI, Chapter 3: Velvet - The Transformation
Sequence IV, Chapter 4: Velvet - The Traveller, and the Bad Wolf.
Sequence VI, Chapter 5: Velvet - Demons Run(Part I)
Sequence VI, Chapter 5: Velvet - Demons Run(Part II)

Sequence VI, Chapter 1: Velvet - Discrimination

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By hhysteriia

It was hard, living in seclusion. You were a wolf Faunus, living in the streets. You barely got by in life. Your parents were killed by human discriminators and you longed to rip their throats out and stuff it down their necks, however, doing so would only prove that Faunus were vicious beings.

You spent most of your time in the library, reading. It was the only that gave you piece.

You were walking down the streets, not making contact, until you accidentally bumped into someone. You saw that it was a man, with rather peculiar clothing.

"My apologies, mister." You said.

"It's quite alright, mate."

You were going to continue heading to the library until the man spoke up again.

"Hey, you're homeless, aren't you?"

You turned and nodded your head.

"D'you think you could help me with a little something? It'll be worth your while, I swear."

You contemplated what he said for a moment. It was barely that someone even talked to you, much less ask for help. You narrowed your eyes.

"Why me? Humans are as capable, probably even more so than us."

He chuckled.

"Who said anything about your kind being incapable? Besides, I would rather do this myself than ask help from them." He said. "Also, it seems like you would need help to get by, am I right?"

"Alright, fine. I'll help you."

"Splendid! My name is Haytham. Haytham Kenway."


"Now that we're acquainted, let us go."

You walked up to him and he continued on the path he was walking.

"What ARE we doing, anyway?" You asked.

"Oh, you'll see."

He continued down the streets and turned to an alleyway. You narrowed your eyes and you could feel that something was wrong.

It was also at this point that you realised he was leading you to a trap. You hovered your hand over your hidden dagger you hid for situations like this.

You heard a faint click and you instinctively jumped back, narrowly avoiding a net. You gritted your teeth as you glared at Haytham, who had you in gun point.

"You're all the same. Easily tricked. You, however. Are smarter than the others." He smirked.

"Stop right there, pal!" You heard a voice shouting from behind you. You turned to see students from Beacon academy. You looked back at Haytham to scrambling up the building.

"No you fucking don't."

You jumped after him, scaling the wall with as much efficiency as Haytham, however your claws gave you an advantage and you caught up to him fast. You grabbed his cloak and threw him down to the ground.

You jumped down and held his shoved him against the wall, placing the tip of the dagger on his throat.

"Now listen here you little shit. You're the one that has been kidnapping Faunus off the streets for money, yet no one has stepped forward to find you, and know that you're here, I'll make you suffer."

You were about to press the knife down when you felt yourself being pulled away. You fell backwards as the students from earlier pointed their weapons at you, as well as Haytham.

You got up and a male came after you. You dodged his sword strikes until he manage to cut a bit of your ear. You howled in pain as you laid your ears down. His eyes widened as he backed away.

"Dude, I'm so sorry."

You gave a deep growl before slowly losing control of your usually calm and collected self.

"YOUR KIND KILLED MY PARENTS, YOU KNOW THAT?" You shouted. "Yet here you all are. Picking on another Faunus. I fucking hate all of you."

You turned and scaled the building. You glanced back down for a quick second before turning away and ran.

"That was not cool, Daichi." Coco said, crossing her hands.

"Yatsu. . " Velvet muttered before looking back up at where you were last seen.

"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't know that he was a Faunus, and that the he was the victim. It was dark."

"Don't say that to us. You've probably hurt that Faunus more emotionally, than physically."

"Yeah. ."

Coco noticed Velvet staring at the roof of the buildings next to the alley.

"What is it, Velvet?"

"Oh! Nothing. . It's just. . I think I have seen him before."

This perked Coco's interest as she has never seen Velvet so fascinated with something before. A smirk formed on on her face as she slowly leaned towards her. Velvet noticed it and backed away, blush evident on her face.


"Does the rabbit have a little. . crush?"

Velvet's blush deepened as she tried desperately to defend herself.

"W-What? O-Of course not! I barely even know Y/N!"

Velvet's eyes widened and she covered her mouth. Coco's smirk turned into a full on grin.

"Y/N, eh?"

Velvet was practically steaming from embarrassment and she lowered her ears.

Little did you know, a hooded figure watched you during the whole incident.

A few months after.

News of Haytham's escape spread like wildfire as it was the first time an outsider from Vale escaped. The police had done a full on investigation and confirmed that it was basically impossible for him to have done so, as no footprints or handprints belonging to him were found.

You were in the forest, hunting for food, when you heard conversations for the right. You slowly moved towards the nearest busy, carefully placing steps as to not break any stray branches. You peeked and almost gasped as you saw Haytham talking to someone.

You felt an arm on your shoulder and you swiftly drew your dagger and pressed it against it's neck. The person withdrew a little, holding his hands up.

"What are you doing?" You whispered fiercely. "And who are you anyway?"

"Relax, friend. My name is Ozpin."

You sheathed your blade.

"What?" What's the headmaster of Beacon doing here? Are you out of your mind?"

"I should be asking you that. You're barely armed, and with minimal training, yet you're here."

"Who ever said I barely train? Being homeless has it perks, you know. Besides, all my family are dead. Killed off by humans." You said with such hatred, it intimidated Ozpin.

"Ah, I see. You should also realise that we have them surrounded."

You turned, sure enough. You saw the dark figures of students hiding in the bushes, or on the tree tops.

"Good. Now that you have that done, I'm off."

"Not so fast, Y/N."

You stopped.

"I. . never told you my name."

"It seems that one of our students claim to know you."

"Really? Who?"

"Blake. Blake Belladonna."

Your eyes widened.

"Blake? She's alive?"

"Quite. She's here right now, actually. But enough of that. I'd like to see you clear them off by yourself. If it comes too dangerous, my hunters will assist."

"Who do you think I am? Ezio Auditore?"

He chuckled lightly.

"I see you know your history. Good."

You sighed and looked back at Haytham, who was looking at caged Faunus's he had kidnapped. You narrowed your eyes as your ears flattened against your hair.

You counted eight, with Haytham being the ninth. You drew your blade and slowly descended toward them. You sliced the neck of a guard as you slowly laid him down. You took his sword and slowly made your way to the others, slowly killing them one by one.

Only Haytham was alive, and when you snuck up to him, he turned and gave a roundhouse kick.

"Do you think I'm a fool Y/N?"

You rubbed your head as you stood, hands gripped on the sword you looted. Haytham took a dagger and threw it you, which you barely dodged.

"Fetch the stick, doggy."

"I'm. A. Wolf."

You rushed him down.

"What's the diff—"

His head rolled.

You flicked the blood off and sunk the sword in to the ground. You sighed and walked away, completely forgetting that hunters were all around you. They all arose from their hiding positions and pointed their weapons at you.

"I am starting to regret staying here."

You unsheathed your dagger.

"Stand down, students. This is Y/N."

The students reluctantly bought their weapons down as you slowly sheathed your dagger. You turned and was about to walk away, however Ozpin made it impossible to do so.

You sighed. "What is it again?"

"After all these years, Y/N, and you didn't even tell me that you were alive?"

That voice.


"Hello, brother."

You smiled. It truly has been a long time since you last saw your sister. She was taken away from you when you both were barely eight years old. Blake ran and hugged you, almost making you fall backwards. She broke the hug and smiled.

"Good to see you again, sis."

"Likewise, Y/N."

You turned to Ozpin.

"Can I go now?"

"Not yet. I'd like to introduce you to some of my acquaintances. Come with me."

"Hey!" Blake protested. "What do you mean 'can I go now'? I haven't seen you in a long time, and you act it's nothing."

You laughed as you rubbed your sister's head.

"Relax, sis. I was kidding."

You walked to Ozpin as he led you to a group of people whom you don't recognise. There were hooded, with outfits unfamiliar to you.

"This is Y/N. Y/N Belladonna."

"Ah. Quite the wolfy one, you. My name is Desmond Miles. These people here are Shaun."



"Hi there."

"And Lucy."


You gave a small wave. You were about to say something until a student of Beacon ran up, panting.

"Professor! It's team CFVY! They've gone missing! They were not at their posts when we checked."

Ozpin gave a small nod. He then looked at you.

"Y/N, could you help locate that team? I'll be sure to greatly award you. And don't forget about what you did for us by slaying Haytham."

You nodded as you followed the Beacon student, who introduced himself as Jaune. He led you to the spot where team CFVY were stationed. You immediately smelled. . . a rabbit?

"Jaune? Are there any sightings of the Dust Infused Rabbit around here?"

Jaune looked at you with a blank face before bursting out laughing.

"Y/N, thats one of CFVY's members. Velvet. She's a rabbit Faunus."


"And what do you mean Dust Infused Rabbit?"

You hesitated for a second. "Let's leave that for another day."

You focused your senses as you searched for any clue of where the missing team were. You noticed faint footstep trails and you followed it with Jaune right behind you.

It abruptly stopped, with the smell of rabbit strong at the point. It was as if they. .

You looked up, and there they were. Perched up on the branch. You recognised one of them and drew your knife. The guy realised who you were and fell backwards, landing on the floor.

You tried to contain your laughter, which ultimately failed as Jaune was snickering. You burst out laughing. The male stood and rubbed his bum, snickering.

The others dropped from the tree, also laughing.

"You're such an idiot, Yatsu."

"Hey! He was scary, okay?"

You noticed the rabbit Faunus and you had sworn you've seen her before.

"Speaking of which. ." You said. "Ozpin planned this all out, didn't he?"

"Oh, wow. You caught on really fast. Yeah, he did. I'm Coco, this here is Fox, and thats Velvet, and that idiot is Yatsu."

"I'm Y/N."

"Oh, we know. We saw what you did with that Faunus trafficker, and we're quite impressed, actually." She continued. Coco looked to her side and nudged Velvet, who seemed like she was deep in thought.


"Velvet says that she recognises you Y/N. We've seen you during your first encounter with the Faunus trafficker."

"Ah, that was you four that stopped me from killing him that day. All you did was prolong the inevitable." You said. "Furthermore, I also do feel like I've seen Velvet somewhere before. Even though we've just met."

Velvet smiled widely, as she had came into a conclusion. Coco nudged her playfully and she blushed, looking down on the floor.

"Well, looks like you all are acquainted." Ozpin said, approaching from a rather well beaten path you did not see. "We've been watching you, Y/N. And I would like to offer you a place in the Brotherhood."

Ozpin showed you his wrist, and the Assassin insignia was carved on a hidden blade.

"It exists? So, you're telling me that-"

"Yes, Ezio Auditore was part of the brotherhood."

You took a full minute to contemplate Ozpin's statement.

"So, will you accept our offer?" Desmond asks, dropping from the tree tops.

"Why me?"

"We knew your father, Y/N. Yours and Blake. How do think you were so natural in dealing with all those just now? With very minimal training. Your father was an Assassin." He explained. "Furthermore, we found you by chance. He told us that he had a male offspring and we did not expect to find you like this, and as an addition. You'll join our academy."

Your father. You've always been convinced that he was killed from Faunus discriminators and now it seems less so.

"Alright. I accept. It's what my father would have wanted."

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