Teacher (camren)

By FifthHype

449K 9.4K 5.7K

Camila is a rebellious student. Lauren is her teacher. What happens when they hook up the day before school s... More

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 AGH GOODNIGHT


7.6K 169 136
By FifthHype

I'm leaning against the front of Lauren's car; my bag is on the ground next to my feet. I'm resting my right foot against the grill on her car as I spot Lauren leaving the building, carrying a box of books. I take a drag of the cigarette I'm holding in my left hand. She looks up at me and smiles as she begins to walks towards me. I grab my bag off the ground and sling it over my shoulder, I drop the cigarette on the floor and then put it out with my foot. I lean against the car again and smirk at her as she walks across the parking lot.

"Hey baby." I say, looking up at her as she walks up to her car. She just shakes her head at me while unlocking her car; I take the box off her and put it in the back of the car.

"Aren't you a gentle-lady?" She says smirking at me.

"Only for you Jauregui, don't go telling people." I say opening the passenger side door and then climb into the car. Lauren gets in and then smiles at me, placing her hand on my thigh and then squeezing it gently.

"What happened to your hand?"

I glance down at my hand and realise that not only is it still covered in Nick's blood, it's also bruised and slightly cut up. I just shrug at her and cover my hand with my Jacket. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket as Lauren continues to stare at me.

"Nothing, it doesn't matter anyway."

"It looks bad, what did you do?"

"It doesn't matter Lauren, just know that Nick is no longer an issue." I mutter, sliding my phone out of my pocket and then unlocking it. I open the message off Rachel, and sigh as Lauren glares at me.

Rachel: what the hell have you done to Nick?! If you remember correctly you're the one that left me so don't take it out on him.

Camila: You're so fucking self-obsessed, you're not the reason I did what I did to him. Get over yourself Rachel...

"Stop texting her Camz, and why is Nick no longer an issue?" Lauren asks as I slide my phone back into my pocket. She drives out of the parking lot, gripping on to the steering wheel. "What have you done to him?"


"Lauren your hand is covered in blood and is bruised and you're telling me that Nick isn't an issue anymore." She says, stopping at a red light and then turning to face me. "Just fucking tell me what you've done to him."

"Fine, Shawn brought him to me and we started talking, he called me a whore, he called you a slut and then I hit him."

"You did what? You could ge-"

"Not finished yet." I say, cutting her off. "He made comments about Austin, asking if I learned to hit from him, saying that he taught me well. So I hit him more, he ended up on the ground."

"Fucking hell." Lauren mumbles and I just look at her. "Let me guess, not finished yet?"

"I told him to stop texting you, he said what if he doesn't. I told him that if he doesn't things are going to get worse that what I just did to him."

"You're crazy, what if he tells someone? What if he tells Joe and he comes after you?" Lauren asks, panicking as we pull up outside her apartment block. "Get out we'll talk inside."

"Lauren I did it for us, I got him to stop."

"Just shut up until we're inside." She says, shutting the engine off and then opening the door. I sigh and climb out of the car; I walk towards the door of the apartment block and lean against the wall next to it. I watch her get out of the car and then grab the box of books from the back of the car. She walks towards me and dumps the box on the ground while she gets her keys out of her bag. She then unlocks the door and then pushes it open, holding it open and glances at me.

"Get in, now." She demands, I groan and then push myself off the wall, walking into the apartment block and then making my way towards Lauren's apartment.

I push the door open, knowing that Normani is probably already inside, I walk in and she's sat on the sofa watching TV while eating fries. She glances up at me and smiles as Lauren walks in, dumping the box of books in the ground next to the door and then slamming the door shut.

"Bad day at work?" Normani asks, looking between me and Lauren. I slide my bag off my shoulders and dump it on the ground next to the sofa.

"Why don't you ask this little thug."

"Laur don't be like that." I say, glancing at her. She just glares at me and I look down at the ground.

"Get in my bedroom now."

"Whoa if you two are fucking at least let me go out."

"We're not fucking, we're going to be talking considering this fucking idiot beat Joe's brother."

"As in Joe Jonas?" Normani asks, staring at Lauren as I walk down the hallway and into Lauren's bedroom. I close her door behind me and the make my way towards her bed, sitting on the edge. The door opens and Lauren walks in, throwing her jacket on the ground and then staring at me.

I just stare at her as she throws the unfastened bow tie on to the bed before unbuttoning her shirt; she slides it down her arms, I bite my bottom lip and smirk at her as she turns around to face me.

"Don't look at me like that Camila."

"Don't get undressed in front of me then." I reply, still smirking as she unbuttons her pants and then slides them down her legs, she kicks then off so she's stood in front of me wearing matching black and white underwear. She turns around, grabs a hoodie and slides it over her head before picking up a pair of jeans and then sliding them on.

"You do realise that Joe will be after you now."

"I don't care Lauren, I can take it."

"Camila I don't want you to be able to take it, I don't want you do get hurt." Lauren says, walking towards me and then standing in front of me. I look up at her and she leans down, pressing her lips against mine. "I just want you safe, I don't want you to get hurt anymore." She whispers against my lips, running her fingers through my hair as I pull her on to my lap.

"I love you Lauren, I don't want Nick and his asshole of a brother to ruin you."

"They won't ruin me...much; I just don't want Joe to hurt you."

"I told you, they won't hurt me I'll be fine, plus I've handled worse."

"That doesn't make me feel better; I'm meant to keep you safe." She says, resting her head against my shoulder and then holding me close to her. "I just don't want you to get hurt again, because you're too perfect to be put through that." She whispers against my neck, before pressing her lips against the soft skin. I lie down, pulling her with me and she giggles before rolling on top of me and then sitting up so she's straddling me.


"Zen, I can't I'm busy." I say into my phone as Lauren curls up, getting closer to me and then resting her head on my shoulder as I wrap my arm around her. I kiss the top of her head while she flicks through the channels on the TV. "Just pick something." I whisper to her while Lauren rambles down the phone to me.

"But we've not been out in weeks, and I miss getting high with you." She whines down the phone, I giggle slightly as Lauren looks up at me and pouts at me.

"But we both know what happens when we go out together."

"Yea but I want to go out and you're the only cool person I know." She says as Lauren presses her lips against mine, I kiss her back before realising that I have to actually answer Zendaya.

"Fine, come to mine. I'll be there in ten minutes."

"Are you at my sisters? I can hear you kissing Lauren, you little whore." Zen says, as Lauren places her head on my shoulder again and I pull her close to me.

"Yes I am, why?"

"I'll just come round then."

"I've only got a bit with me." I say into my phone causing Lauren to glance up at me while kinking her eyebrow.

"So, we can go to yours can't we?"

"You really want to see me don't you?"

"Of course I do, I'm on my way I'll be there soon. Is my bitch of a sister there?"

"Fine, and no she's at Chris'." I reply, Lauren sits up and stares at me as I try to concentrate on whatever Zen is saying to me.

"Okay see you in like fifteen minutes."

"Bye." I mutter, ending the call and then sliding my phone into my pocket. Lauren presses her lips against mine and then pulls back, smiling at me. "What was that for?"

"I wanted your attention."

"Well now you have it, what did you want Miss Jauregui."

"Who's coming round?" She asks, sitting on my lap and then pressing her forehead against mine.


"Why, I thought you two stopped fucking?"

"Stop getting jealous, we haven't slept together in months. She's just coming round because she wants to go out, plus she wants to get high." I reply, quickly kissing Lauren and then wrapping my arms around her neck, pulling her closer to me.

"Normani will kill you if you get her sister high, you know that right?"

"Yea I know, but I've seen Zen do worse than just get high so whatever."

"Fine, but if she tries to kill you don't come running to me." She says, laughing as she slides off my lap and sits next to me. "Anyway what's Zendaya done that's worse than getting high?"

"That would be telling, plus you'll tell Normani anyway."

"Tell me." She whines, placing her legs on my lap and then trailing her fingers up and down my arm while pouting at me.

"Don't look at me like that, you're not a fucking five year old." I reply, glaring at her causing her to pout at me even more. "Although you have the mental age of a five year old."

"That's mean, I hate you now."

"No you don't Lauren, you love me." I say, leaning towards her and pressing my lips against hers. She moves her legs from my lap and then wraps them around my waist, pulling me closer to her. I place my hands either side of her head before pulling her bottom lip between my teeth causing a moan to escape her mouth.

"And how do you know that?" She mumbles as I suck her bottom lip into my mouth, she slides her tongue into my mouth as her hands tangle in my hair, tugging on it slightly. I grind my hips against hers as she moans into my mouth, I smirk against hers lips as she tightens her legs around my waist, pulling me even closer to her. "Fuck I do love you."

"Knew it." I mutter into her mouth as her hands slide down from my hair and she begins to tug on the bottom of my t-shirt. Her hands slide under the material of my shirt and then rest on my stomach.

"Shut up and kiss me."

I smile before sliding my tongue into her mouth and then grazing it over her tongue, my hands getting closer to her hair. My fingers slide into her hair and I begin to tug on it slightly causing her to bite my bottom lip.

"No need for that Jauregui."

"You love it when I'm rough." Lauren mumbles, smirking against my lips and then pulling on my hair as she slides her tongue into my mouth once more.

"Oh she likes it when everyone is rough." Zendaya says, Lauren shoves me off her and I end up on the floor in between the coffee table and the sofa. I sit up and glare at Lauren before glancing towards the door, Zen is leaning against it smirking at me with a cigarette in her hand, black skinny jeans on, a white vest top, a leather jacket and a pair of black killer heels.

"You could've at least knocked." I mutter, standing up and then brushing myself off as Zendaya laughs, walking in and shutting the door behind her.

"Normani gave me a key so I used it."

"So what do you want me for Coleman?"

"Can't a girl just want to hang out with her friend?" She says, placing her hand on her chest while acting like she's hurt.

"Not when it's you." I reply winking at her. "Anyway I think there are a few joints in my bag and no doubt little miss no so perfect here has some in her room." I continue, looking up at Lauren while smirking at her.

"I know where Normani keeps hers, in the same place she kept it at home."

"Under her bed." Lauren and Zendaya say at the same time before bursting into a fit of giggles, I roll my eyes and grab my bag from the side of the sofa before opening it and pulling out three joints that I hide in there.

"Lauren go and get the damn stuff from Normani's room." I say, looking up at her as Zen sits next to me on the ground.

"Fine, but you owe me."

"Alright I'll fuck you later." I reply winking at her, she blushes as she slightly glares at me and then gets off the sofa. She makes her way towards Normani room; I light the joint and pass it to Zendaya, who smiles at me as she takes it from between my fingers.

"So is she good in bed?"

"Don't even get me started, she's dominant as fuck." I reply, grabbing the joint out of Zen's hand and then taking a drag.

"That's what you get for fucking a teacher."

"Shut up, you fucked a teacher too." I reply, passing the joint back to her as she glares at me.


I'm laying on the ground with Zendaya's head resting on my stomach while Lauren is sat on the sofa with a joint and a guitar, that she just pulled out of thin air! I run my fingers through Zendaya's hair and she turns to face me, smiling at me.

"I've missed this."

"Missed what?" I ask, continuing to play with her hair while Lauren moans about being hungry.

"Us doing this, hanging out and not actually having sex all the time."

"Well excuse me; I thought I was the best fuck you've ever had."

"You are, I never said you weren't." She replies giggling as I begin to graze my fingers across her neck. "Stop it, it tickles." She says, swatting my hand away and then glaring at me. I just smile at her and place my hand against her neck again, lightly grazing my fingers over the same spot, causing her to shiver slightly.

"You're so ticklish it's cute."

I hear Lauren clear her throat, I glance towards her and she's glaring at me. I just smile at her while slowly shaking my head at her. I look down at Zendaya again and she's smiling at me.

"No it's not, stop it." She whines, attempting to move away from me. I wrap my arms around her and pull her back towards me and she just pouts at me.

"You know I love you really Zenny."

"Whatever Mila bear, just stop tickling my neck." She mumbles, pouting at me and then cuddling against me. I begin to run my fingers through her hair again; I slide my hand into my pocket and pull out a joint and my lighter. I pull my hand away from Zendaya's hair and then light the joint before bringing it to my lips and then taking a drag.

Lauren glances towards me and I smile at her while blowing the smoke out, she just giggles while shaking her head at me. I wink at her, taking another drag and then looking at down at Zen.

"You know what I'm thinking." I say, blowing the smoke out and then sitting up causing Zendaya to roll off me and sit next to me.

"Blowbacks?" Zendaya suggests, smirking at me.

"Fuck yes!"

Zen sits in front of me, taking the joint out of my hand and then placing it between her lips and then taking a drag. She pulls it out of her mouth and then motions for me to lean towards her, I move closer to her and she presses her lips against mine before blowing the smoke into my mouth. I hear Lauren get off the sofa and make her way towards the hallway. I place my hands either side of her head as I feel her smirk against my lips. She pulls away; I breathe the smoke in and then blow it out.

"Better go get lover teacher." Zendaya says, nodding towards Lauren's room and then taking another drag of the joint.


I push myself off the ground and begin making my way towards Lauren's room; I push the door open and slowly walk inside. She's lay in the middle of her bed quietly sobbing.


"Hi Mila bear." She replies bitterly, I sigh making my way towards her. She looks at me, glaring and then turning to face the wall.

"Lauren we're just friends."

"Camila I saw you kiss her."

"I didn't kiss her, we did blowbacks." I reply, sitting on the edge of her bed. She shuffles away, I move closer to her, lying behind her and then rolling her over.

"You still kissed her."

"Lauren I didn't kiss her, you're the only person I want to kiss." I whisper in her ear while tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She presses her forehead against mine as she continues to cry.

"I still don't like that fact you did it, I don't like the fact you two were all lovey dovey either." She mumbles as I wipe away the tears on her face.

"I'm sorry Laur, come and do blowbacks with me and Zendaya, you'll see why we do it." I say, sliding away from her and then getting off her bed. I hold my hand out of her, she grabs it and I pull her off the bed. We walk out of her bedroom and make our way back into the living room; Zen is still sat in the same place as she was when I left her.

I sit next to her, pulling Lauren down with me and then taking the joint out of Zendaya's hand. I place it in between my lips and take a drag of it as someone knocks at the door. Lauren groans and then stands up; she makes her way towards the front door and pulls it open.

"What the fuck have you done to my brother you stupid slut?!" Someone screams, barging into the apartment and then pinning Lauren against the wall next to the door. "Fucking answer me!"

"J-Joe, get off me." Laurwn stutters, attempting to get his hands off her neck. I quickly stand up and so does Zendaya, we rush to Lauren as she begins to cry.

"Tell me why you beat my fucking brother then!"

"She didn't you meathead!" I yell, shoving his shoulder. He turns to face me, releasing Lauren causing her to fall to the ground as Joe glares at me.

"What did you just call me?"

"I called you meathead,"

"Fucking whore." He snarls, walking towards me. I don't back away; I've had enough 'men' attempt to intimidate me before.

"What do you want meathead and what is with you calling women sluts and whores?" Zendaya asks, standing next to me while looking Joe up and down and then crossing her arms over her chest.

"What is this, the leather lesbian convention?"

"Yes it is, and you're not invited so get lost slime ball." I say, keeping eye contact with him as Lauren stays sat on the ground next to the front door.

"Are you going to make me?"

"If you want me to make you look like your brother I will."

"That was you? You fucking whore!" He screams, lunging forwards and grabbing hold of my t-shirt. He lifts me up and I just look down smirking at him. "What are you smirking at?" He hisses at me.

"You know what's great about being short?" I ask, looking down at him and smirking. "When someone picks you up, you can do this." I continue, before kicking him in the balls. He drops me to the ground before curling up in front of Zen. I stand up and walk towards him as Zendaya kicks him in his side. I glance towards Lauren, she's got her hands over her eyes and she's shaking.

"Get off me you fucking sluts."

"Excuse me moustache, I believe you're the one that came here. To an apartment full of girls acting like a big tough man, you like scaring women? Do you enjoy beating women? Because I hate men like you." I hiss at him while gripping on to his hair and making him look in my eyes.

"I came here to see why my brother came home a fucking mess!"

"Because he got beaten up by a girl, the girl that fucked his 'innocent' girlfriend because he wouldn't." Zendaya says, pressing her foot to the side of Joe's face.

"Zendaya what the fuck are you doing?!" Normani screams, rushing towards us and then grabbing Zendaya. "Oh it's him, carry on." She mumbles, releasing Zen and then making her way towards Lauren. She makes Lauren m focus on her while Zendaya crouches down next to Joe's face.

"So you think Lauren is a slut?" I ask, standing over him while Z holds his head in place so he's looking up at me. "Answer me."

"Yes she is."

"Why is that?"

"She wouldn't fuck me!" He yells at me.

"So she's a slut because she wouldn't have sex with you, are you a fucking moron? Do you know the meaning of the word slut?" Lauren says, bitterly laughing as she tugs on his hair.

"You girls are fucking crazy."

"That's what the leather lesbian conventions do to you, but Joey you're not going to tell anyone are you? Because if you do we'll tell everyone about how you tried to get Lauren drunk so she would sleep with you, you're that much of a lowlife."

"Fine, I won't fucking tell." He says, Zendaya releases his hair and we both pull him up off the ground before dragging him towards the front door.

"Time to go home Joe, tell Nick I said hi." I say, as me and Zen throw him out on to the hallway. I slam the door shut and Lauren just looks up at me. She stands up and walks towards me, wrapping her arms around me and holding me close to her.

"Never do that to me again, never stand up to anyone again Camila. I could've lost you; you don't know what he's like."

"Lauren I can handle these situations, I've been in enough of them. Plus I had Zen with me and she's never let me down before." I reply pressing my lips against Lauren's as Zendaya gets dragged into the kitchen by Normani.

"I just love you and I never want you to get hurt."

"I love you too, I'm just protecting you, and he had hold of your neck Lauren. I had to do something, so I did the one thing I know how to do, be mouthy."

"He'll be back, you know that right?" She mumbles against my neck as I rub her back and hold her close to me.

"And I'll be here when he turns up again, I'll always be here to protect you Lauren."

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