Can I Keep You? (1D fanfic)

By MEJ_2020

4.1K 82 10

Together at one time now brought back together again but for a different reason she has been put in a coma, t... More

Phone call
Flashback to yesterday?!
Three other voices
Goodbye for good?
Waking up
I cant protect you! (Just Harry's POV)
Harry drunk (Louis POV)
Back at the hospital
Protecting Her
Because I love her
What ifs
Unfinnished ending

Alone time

128 5 0
By MEJ_2020

Louis POV:

Josh goes to open the door I try to go to block him but it was of course no use. He swings the door open and sees Harry, his eyes puffy and red from crying. I wanted to feel bad for, him wanted to feel bad for keeping him from the one person who might be able to make him better, but I just couldn't. I saw the hurt he left her in. I was there when he hung up on her, practically left her for dead. Josh looks at him surprised.

"What are you doing here?" I hear Liam walk up behind Josh.

Harry sniffles. " I came to say sorry. Sorry to Louis, sorry to you , Niall, Josh, and Megan." He looks over Josh's shoulder at Megan who was snuggled in Niall's chest.

"No." I was shocked when Josh says it. I was waiting for Liam to agree, but he just stares at Josh confused. "No Harry."

"Josh please. I need to talk to her. Just let me see her at least ."

" You can see her just fine from here." He doesn't move.

I could tell Harry knew this was going to happen and he had a plan. In all honesty I didn't want to stop him. I wanted him to see the pain he had caused her. I wanted him to see the lack of sleep he thought he had last night was nothing compared to the lack of comfort and sleep she had last night combined.


I watch as Megan turns toward the door. Her face pale, her lips a little chapped, she sits up shaking. Josh and Liam stand to the side and watch his reaction as he sees Megan. Her voice was dry when she speaks his name.


Harry sees her and immediately cries. "Oh Megan... Megan, what did I do to you? Megan, I'm so sorry. I promise I will never leave you again!"

"Harry, I don't care! Harry just please just come here please?!"

Harry wipes his tears and slowly moves to the bed to Megan's outstretched arms. Niall gets up from the bed and watches as Harry climbs in. Megan immediately wraps her arms around him and kisses him. Harry still was shocked by her condition, he didn't really kiss back.

"What have I done to you?! I made you do this didn't I?"

"Harry, you didn't make me do anything. I did this to me."

"But was I the reason? Megan, be honest."

She could't answer him.

"I'm sorry. I swear I will never be the cause of any of this ever again. I promise"

Megan just holds him tight savoring the moment, but I couldn't take anymore of his garbage. I walk out the room and down the hall to the elevator. The elevator dings, I get in and turn to see Niall and Liam following me. I sigh somewhat annoyed.

"Do you believe any of it?" Niall asks as I push the first floor where the food court was. I ignore his question.

"Personally no." Liam says with his most serious voice.

"I'm done with his empty promises! I'm done with all his fake tears." I almost scream. "That's not a way to treat someone you love. Especially if shes's been hurt from things like that before! Doesn't he know her past? Hasn't he seen her scars? Damn that boy!"

"You really think he's that stupid?" Liam looks at me seriously.

"Dude he was dating her for like ever. You think he didn't know how to tell wether a girl was fine or not?"

"I don't know what to think anymore. Funny, when she woke up, she just stared directly at me. Not at the wall in front of her, not at the door, at me. She saw my eyes, and to see her eyes just open scared at first, and you get to see them soften and calm down when they see you. I don't know I just felt this sort of connection. Like I was the one who needed to protect her."

Niall looks at Liam then back at me. "Louis, she's not yours."

"I don't care!" I yell frustrated. I grit my teeth and stomp out the elevator doors.

"Louis? Where are you going?" I hear Liam call.

"Out!" No one followed me, no one tried reasoning with me telling me I was being ridiculous, they just stayed behind and let me walk alone. I feel my phone buzzing in my pocket, I pull it out to see a text from Niall. I open the text.

Niall: Louis, I know you feel protective over her, very protective as a matter of fact. But you can't keep someone you can't have. Harry doesn't seem quite right yet though. He seemed distracted. Just letting you know. Don't be stupid OK?

I look at the text an roll my eyes. I shove my phone back in my pocket and continue waking. I see a swarm of fans outside with security trying to keep them at bay. I smile sadly and pull out my phone and take a video of them. I go to twitter. "All these lovely people out here! But guys this is a hospital, would be really disappointed if anything got destroyed. Please be careful around here and be nice to the patients." I hit the tweet button and it was like a wave of flashlights turned on instantly outside. lighting up all the girls faces. Some girls screamed, and some cried, some even left. In fact a lot of girls left. I tweeted again thanking the girls for coming to say hi and replied/followed a few. More girls left and the numbers dwindled down until there were only about a hundred or less. I walk out to signed some autographs and took pictures, not everyone has a twitter account. The rest of the girls left and I went back inside and walked around more. I see some patients being wheeled around mostly older I smile at them if they looked my way. One of the older ladies beckons to me I smiled and walked toward her.

"Are you Louis Tomlinson?"

"Yeah, that's me"

"Well what are you doing all the way out here? Aren't you supposed to be in some sort of hotel with high security or something? What are you doing out in the open?"

I smile, "Well, me and the boys came to visit someone she's actually a very good friend of mine who got in a bad relationship."

"Why aren't you up there with them then?"

"I needed to leave for a while, I was getting frustrated."

"How so?" She asks her eyebrows gathering as if she was truly curious.

I take a deep breath and exhale.  "That is a very long story."

"I've got time son," She says smiling.

I smile and chuckle. I grab a chair from the nearby table and rest my elbows on my legs leaning on them slightly, and tell her everything. She listens intently, nodding every once in a while as if agreeing. When I was finished she just looked at me. I give a little crooked smile and shrug.

She stares at me, her blue eyes full of wisdom from beyond my years.When she finally speaks she says something completely unexpected.

"You love her."

I sat up. "W-Well I guess. I mean I just want what's best for her. I want her to be kept safe. I don't want to see her go through anymore hurt."

"But how do you know she's been through the hurt?"

"Her arms, the scars, the dark circles under her eyes from so much lack of sleep and stress."

"And how did you see these things?"

"Because I climbed in bed with her to try to get her to fall asleep."

"Well yes that's one way , but you used something that obviously the others have failed to use, you used your God given beautiful eyes to see the pain the girl has been through. You have seen the past, her  past weather she intended you to see it or not, you saw her past, and you fell in love. Not with her, but with her strength. You fell in love with her strength to wake up, her strength to want to continue with her life. It was up to her to move on from this life and forget the pain or continue for the ones she loved. and she chose to continue, that's what you love."

I look back down at my hands. I hear my phone go off in my pocket. I pull it out to see Harry texting me.

Harry: Come have breakfast with us. We need to talk.

I roll my eyes, the lady noticed.

'What's the matter dear?"

"I don't want to talk to him."

"You can't ignore the people you love. Even if they've taken a love from you. He's still family."

I sigh and stand. "I wish he believed the same thing about us. He used to but the past few days, he acted more like the drunken uncle who doesn't give a damn."

"Ever heard of second chances?"

I look back up at her old eyes. They seemed to shun me, like any grandmother would do to get you to confess. I gulp and stand.

"I guess I should talk to him maybe smooth things over." I sniffle and clear my throat.

"Good, good." She smiled. At that time her caregiver came back. "Tell me how it goes! I'll meet you back here tomorrow."

I chuckle. "See ya then." I lean down and hug her shoulders, she whispers in my ear as I do so.

"Your her guardian angel."

Tears start to fill my eyes. I had never been called that in person. I had seen it on tweets and read it on signs at the concerts but never in person. "Thank you." I whisper back. We let go of the hug and she nods. Her nurse turns her wheelchair and she waves. I wave back and watch them disappear behind the corner. I sigh, wipe my tears, and turn towards the cafeteria.

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