Mates Forever

By bookslover16

41.9K 898 48

Have you ever had a secret? I mean, not like a, "honey, i secretly don't like your ties so I threw them all a... More

Friends till the end?
New Day
dress shopping...Darn!
Double Date
Birthday Surprise
I can't deal with this
The Pack
Peaceful Tides
Ominous Winds
Secrets no more
Evil plans
Mates, forever, and always
Battle Plan
Torturous Surprise
It's Over

What do you mean, Mate?

1.7K 37 0
By bookslover16

Sam's POV

I opened my eyes, wondering where I was. I felt something move and roll towards me, and someone placed their arm over me, bringing me closer to him. I looked over into the face of Josh, and he looked different somehow. His face kind of shined, and his muscles had more definitions, and his hair had gotten blond streaks, with a little bit of blue on the end. So little, that if I wasn't looking very hard, you wouldn't see it. I shook my head, confused.

Suddenly, his eyes opened. I flushed, embarrassed that he caught me openly staring at him. At first, he didn't move, then he smiled, and wrapped his arms around me more. I nuzzled my way closer to him, sighing contentedly.

"So, what are we?" I suddenly heard from him. I felt my head snap up, clipping him in the chin. He groaned, and I gasped, putting my hand up to my mouth.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hit you!" I told him. He smiled, and said it was fine.

"Well, what are we?" He asked again. I rubbed the back of my neck, uncomfortable.

"Well, what do you want us to be?" I asked him, avoiding the question. I didn't know if he still wanted to be just friends, even thought we kissed last night. He blew out a sigh, and looked straight into my eyes.

"I would like it if you would be my girlfriend." He said, still staring deeply into my eyes. I felt my eyes widen, then a smiled broke through. I threw my arms around him.

"I would love to!" I almost squealed, then jerked back a little, embarrassed. I laughed softly.

"Sorry about that. I'm just a little excited, you know, considering I've had a crush on you for years..." I trailed off, then realized what I said. My eyes flew to his, and he was smirking.

"So, how many years did you say you had a crush on me?" He teased me, and I laughed, blushing, and hit him gently on the shoulder. He didn't even flinch.

"About four years..." I muttered. I felt his hand on my chin, and he kissed me softly.

"Funny. That's about how long I've liked you." He stated, and I smiled.

"Wow." I jumped out of bed, and threw some clothes on. I looked back at where Josh was still on the bed, hands resting behind his head.

"Race you to the kitchen," I said as I ran down the stairs. I felt him come after me, and heard his footsteps on the stairs, coming down fast. I rushed into the kitchen, gasping for breath. I felt him slide in behind me.

"I win," I stated as I went to the fridge to get some eggs out.

"Nope, I win," I felt his breath down the back of my neck. I smiled, then bent down and reached into the fridge for milk, and stuff. I felt his hands on my hips, and I backed up, and turned around. He had a pained look on his face. I stifled a giggle and leaned in slowly to whisper in his ear. I heard his erratic breathing.

"No, I think I win." I pulled back, and went to get the pots to cook breakfast. I heard him growl in frustration. I turned to look back at him.

"Hey, I was wondering this morning. Why does your hair have blond and blue streaks in it? and Your muscles seem more defined." His jaw set a little. Then I remembered last night. How he looked with fire in his eyes, and his slinking walk, with veiled lust for me in his eyes. I shivered just thinking about it. He was staring at me with his jaw muscles working.

"What was going on last night? You seemed so different than you usually were." I asked him flatly. I saw him stiffen, and I couldn't help but think that he was hiding something.

"I felt a little different last night. I think I might have been a little sick," He told me smoothly, but I thought it sounded like a lie. But there was nothing I could do to make him tell me the truth. So I just left it at that, and dished up breakfast.


"So, what did you want to do today? Anything interesting?" Josh said as I felt him playing with a strand of my hair, twisting it gently around his finger. We were sitting comfortably on the couch in my living room, after eating a delicious breakfast. I heard him take a deep breath. I turned towards him.

"Did you just smell my hair?" I asked him, eyebrows raised. He looked sheepish, then nodded.

"What? I can't help it if my girlfriend has amazing smelling hair." I smiled as I heard the word girlfriend come out of his mouth. That would take a while to get used to. I then frowned, thinking.

"What should we do...I got it! We should go to the beach!" I squealed excitedly. He looked at me.

"What beach?" He asked me flatly. I frowned. That's right. We don't have a beach. I brightened up.

We should go swimming!" I said, jumping up and down. He laughed at me.

"Sure. Let's go get our swimming suits." He said, jumping up and heading out the door.

"Be right back," he shouted through the door. I walked up the stairs, wondering what suit I should wear. I got an evil idea. I ran to my dresser, and plucked my lime green piece of material from the drawer. That's right, I called it a piece of material. It is too small to be a bikini. It had thin straps, and fit snugly, form-fitting. the bottoms were like bikini-underwear sized.

"He's going to have a shock!" I said to myself as I stripped, put my bathing suit on, and put my clothes back on. I smirked, thinking about his reaction.

"Are you ready to go?" I heard from the hall. I ran downstairs, grabbing a towel as I went by.

"Yup, let's hit the road!" I shouted. He smirked. I got in the car.


We reached the pool, and I got out, relishing the feel of Josh as he walked beside me, holding my hand. It felt good to be finally with him, like my soul was at rest. What a load of sap, I know. But still...I felt happier than I have ever been.

"Okay, I'll wait outside the changing room for you to get out. Then we can go swimming." He told me, as I headed into the change rooms. I nodded.

I stripped off my clothes, and put them in a locker, and locked it, fastening the lock to my shorts.

I walked out of the changing room, and I swear, as soon as Josh saw me, his jaw hit the floor. He shook his head and snapped out of it. He rushed toward me, looking at me from head to toe. I held in my blush. I checked him out too. Wow.

He had a nice six pack, but not overdone. He wasn't too muscly, but you could tell he was in great physical shape. He was more lean muscle than bulging muscle, and I was glad.

"How can you wear that in public!? It doesn't even pass as a scrap of underwear, much less swimwear!" I heard him say. I looked coyly into his eyes.I felt the stares of the other guys' in the pool.

"Oh, but I know you like what you see." I whispered into his ear as I walked past swaying my hips enticingly. I felt his hot gaze on my back, then he walked up to me. I dove headfirst into the water, and we had the time of our lives.


"Wow, that was fun!" I said to Josh as we made our way to his car. He wrapped am arm around me, smiling.

"Yeah, it was pretty fun." He said, then his head snapped to the right. I followed his gaze, and saw three guys coming out of the woods, heading for us. I felt him growl under his breath, an he shoved me behind him. I was confused. Why was he protecting me? Who were these people?

"Hello, Josh. It's been a long time." The first guy said. I could feel the tension between the four guys.

"Trevor. Ashton. Kain." He nodded stiffly at each one. I was still confused. I felt Trevor's eyes on me, or were they Ashton's? I couldn't tell. I think they were Trevor's.

So, what do we have here? Is she your girlfriend?" He said, baring his teeth.

"Leave her out of this." Josh growled, stepping more in front of me than before.

Suddenly, Ashton laughed. My head snapped to his face. He was grinning, a feral smile, his teeth bared.

"So, it seems the pup has grown up. He found himself a mate." He sneered. I almost felt my heart stop beating for a second. I looked at Josh, who had his teeth bared at the guy's. I looked back and forth between them. I saw Josh's gaze flicker to me, looking like he was waiting for me to react. I swallowed, then spoke.

"What do you mean, Mate?" I asked.


Ooooh, who are the guys'? And how will she respond knowing that he is a...I can't say it yet! But you obviously know what's happening! Vote, comment, fan! I love you all :)

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