Demons Together (A Blue Exorc...

By sunshinestar14

187K 6.9K 1.8K

This is a Blue Exorcist Fanfiction! \(^o^)/ **************************************** After defeating Satan, t... More

1:Who are you?
2:It's just a dream
3:You're Real?!
4:Remembering You (part 1)
5:Remembering You(part 2)
6:Not What I Thought
7:How Did I Get Into This?
8:True Intentions
9:You're Brothers!
10:Waking Up Surprises
11:Properly Reunited
12:What To Do
13:For Now
14:The Exwires VS. The Naberius
15:I'm Sorry and Thank You
17:Mr. Creepy Clown
18.5:Let's Scare!(Halloween Special)
19:I Need You
20:Ready For the Consequences
21: The Vatican Trial
22:Happy Birthday
23: Wake Up Rin!
24: The First Day
25: Sidetracked
27:The Familiar
29: Kina's Story (part 2)
30: Friends
31: Mount Hikaru
32: A Very Confusing Demon
33: Realizing
34: Out Of All The People.
35: Battle With Flames And Fists
36: A Bit Too Far
37: I Hope She Will
38: Missing Her
Got Tagged!
39: You Belong
40: Deal

28: Kina's Story (part 1)

2.7K 92 11
By sunshinestar14

***Third person***

"Kina?!" Ayana exclaimed. And Kina smiled at her with glee,

"So it is you!"

"Wha... What are you doing here?... And..." Ayana slowly looked around the room until her eyes landed back on Kina. Seeing the ears at the top of her head and her pointed canines, "You're... A demon?"

"Oh," Kina looked at herself. Her white hair drooping over her shoulders, then gave Ayana a sheepish grin, "yeah... Surprising huh?... But..," Kina's eyes trailed to the black tail swaying behind Ayana,"I didn't know you were a demon too"

"Hold up!" Rin walked up between the two girls. He couldn't take just standing and watching anymore,"could someone tell us what the heck is going on?! Ayana, you know her? How? When?"

Rin looked at Ayana curiously with his blue eyes and Ayana and Kina exchanged glances. Then Ayana said, "well... It wasn't too big of an event... We met each other only once..."


"When?" Izumo now asked,

"Umm... Seven years ago?"

"Seven?!" Bon yelled, "seven years ago, and only once you met each other?! What happened in this event of yours? Must have been quite something."

At that moment, Kina's smile froze. Her green eyes lowering to the ground as they filled with sadness. She walked over to a desk on the first row of the class, the sat on it cross legged. She still had a sad expression though.

"Kina?" Ayana questioned.

"Um... Who exactly summoned me, may I ask?"

"Ah.... That was me." Ayana replied. Kina glanced up at her, then placed her gaze on the ground again,

"I see." She mumbled.

Silence enveloped the room, until Yukio asked,

"Ah... Kina-San right?" Kina looked up at him, and nodded her head slowly. Her green eyes blank, "may I ask you specifically what kind of demon you are? You see... Exorcists normally don't summon demons that have a human form... Are you a half demon by any chance?"

Kina's face softened and she let out a small chuckle, "no, I'm a full demon. Flesh and blood. But you see, I'm a Akuma o shifuto keijō. Which is a shape shifting demon."

"Shape shifting? So that means you...?"

"Yes. I can shape shift into many forms. Anything at all."

"Oh! Like Mephisto?!" Rin asked,

Kina glanced at him curiously, "Mephisto?"

"Yeah! He can shape shift too!... But now that I think about it... He really only shape shifts into a dog... Maybe it's just because he likes dogs?" Rin started rubbing his chin. His eyebrows furrowed as he thought about Mephisto's shape shifting.

"I guess it's something like that," said Kina, "but I can shape shift into more than one thing. I can do a dog though,"

Suddenly, a white puff of smoke engulfed her, and everyone's faces were filled with confusion.

Then the smoke cleared revealing a fluffy, white dog with green eyes.

"Or I could be a bird!" Kina said, but only Rin, Ayana and Yukio were able to hear it. Everyone else only heard a bark.

The white smoke came again, and she was a pure white dove.

"Or even a tree!"

This continued on and on. Everyone watched as Kina transformed herself into different things. Like, an owl, a piece of paper, a car, a cat, anything at all.

"Oh! Can you transform into me?!" Rin asked,

"Sure!" Kina replied as she now was a bright red parrot.

The next thing they all knew, an exact replica of Rin Okumura was in front of them,

"Awesome!" Rin yelled, "it's like I have a twin! A twin that actually looks like me unlike Yukio...", Yukio sighed, as a vein popped on his forehead,

"Oh!" Shima exclaimed, "maybe you can transform into Izumo nake-" but he was cut off, when he was kicked across the room by none other than Izumo. Her face was red with anger but she only let out a huff.

"Ignore anything he says." Izumo blankly said.

Kina then transformed back to her regular form. A girl with long white hair and big green eyes. With her attire of a white shirt and a black vest, skirt and boots. She looked to the other end of the classroom where Shima now was. His eyes swirling in circles from the blow.

Kina then looked back to the group in front of her. Studying the faces that were gazing intently at her.

Until her eyes landed on Rin.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she walked over to Rin. But Rin was completely confused with what was happening.

"Hmm" Kina stared at Rin for a long time. Her eyes squinting at him. Rin didn't understand what exactly she was doing, however he remained tense to her closeness.

"You..." Murmured Kina. Rin raised an eyebrow at her. She then continued, "are you... That boy from back then..?"

"Huh?"but Kina then turned to Ayana and pointed a thumb at Rin,

"Is he that kid from back then?"

Ayana had the same expression as Rin. Confused.

"What? What are you talking about?"

Kina then closed her eyes and sighed. She then murmured, "oh right. You didn't see me when I came back..."

"What are you talking about Kina?" Ayana asked, and Kina walked back to the front desk and sat cross legged on it again.

She then said,"I think I should probably tell you some things."

Kina gazed at the eyes watching her one last time and continued,

"I'll tell you my story."

***Kina's POV***

My name is Kina. I'm a demon. A demon born by my parents love. My mother was a shape shifting demon. As well as I am. And my father... Well, no one really knows what kind of demon my father was. He looked a lot like a human. He wasn't even a half demon. He was a full blooded demon. But you would only know about his demon heritage because of his sharp nails, canine teeth and pointed ears. Really like any demon. And sometimes when he gets really angry, his eyes would glow a haunting green.

My eyes were really the only thing that I inherited from my dad. Everything else was my mother. We were a happy family. A family filled with laughter and love. Even though we were all demons. That never mattered.

Until mom died.

My mother had shape shifting abilities of course. But she also had a curse.

A curse that she would always be hunted by demons.

My mother always attracted demons. But not in a loving way... A way that whatever demon was drawn to her, they'd want to kill her.

Kill her brutally.

I never understood how, but my father was never affected by this. He didn't want to kill her at all. He loved her. They loved each other.

I always thought it was destiny. They were meant to be together forever.

But she died.

She died when I was six years old. And in the most brutal way... Killed by a demon. My father and I were now alone in that tiny house. A worn down tiny house.

Then one day. Two years later. My eight year old self ran down the creaky wooden steps. I ran into the living room seeing my dad seated on the couch.

"Daddy!" I exclaimed with a smile. He looked at me with his tired green eyes. And asked,

"What is it Kina?"

"Look at what I can do!" I shut my eyes tightly, and finally managed to engulf myself in white smoke and turn into a little white cat. But only for a few seconds until I turned back into my regular form.

This was the day, I truly found out that I had shape shifting abilities.

"I'm just like mommy!"I panted, but I was happy. I looked up at daddy with a hopeful smile. But what I saw wasn't what I expected.

His face was filled with horror.

He then mumbled to himself, but I couldn't catch what he said. Before I could ask, he walked over to me, knelt down to my level, and gripped my shoulders tightly.

"Kina." Daddy said sternly, "promise me you'll never do that again."

"Huh? Why?"

"Just don't alright?"


"Promise me!"

I was taken aback. But I quickly nodded my head, and his hands relaxed.

"Oh and also," daddy said,"you're going to stay in this house from now on alright?"

"Huh? What do you mean? I'm already staying here"

Daddy sighed. Then said,"no, I mean that you're going to stay here. You're not going to leave," my eyebrows furrowed as he continued, "it will be dangerous out there now Kina. It won't be safe for you to go outside anymore."

"Why? We always go outside. Why would it be dangerous now?"

"You... Remember how... mommy died right...?"I became silent. But slowly nodded with a sad expression. Daddy continued, "mommy had the same abilities you now do, so you might have gotten the curse she had too... You remember that don't you..?"

I slowly nodded again. I was there the moment my mom died. It was something a six year old shouldn't have seen. But I never forgot what happened that day.


So much blood.

Daddy didn't want this to happen to me too. He didn't want me to become meat for a bloodthirsty demon back then.

But I never thought I would need to stay in that house for as long as I did.

A year.

A whole year in the same house with no where else to go. It would have been more. But I couldn't take it anymore.

I had already forgotten about how the outside world looked like.

And I wanted to see it again.

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