All Things Possible - Distric...

By MyMindAmusesMe

5.5K 101 13

[Book 2] - I wouldn't say I like him but I can't stop these intimate feelings for him. Like, I want nothing m... More

All Things Possible - District3 - Greg West
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Not an update.
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30

Part 22

105 1 0
By MyMindAmusesMe

Part 22: -

Elianna’s POV

We’d all been sitting round the TV in Greg’s flat, anxious. We were anxious for the arrival of Dan and for the reappearance of Lottie. After Ella went nuts, she burst out crying and muttering a few words of being horrible to her best friend and whatnot. I was thankful that she done it but I was also scared for the relationship between them two. They were the ultimate best friends and I had ruined that. I had ruined their bond by coming into their group. I had ruined everything. I’ve ruined Greg and his future because he was dragged into the unfaithfulness that my so-called friends showed me. I wish I could turn back time and not even meet him, just so he didn’t have to go through what we’ve gone through. I hate that I ruined him, I really do. He was so sweet and pure before, and now he has to rely on someone else to help him sleep at night.

   We’ve all been sat here, patiently waiting and unfortunately, the time is nearer. Dan’s just text Micky that he’ll be home soon. And to be honest with you, it’s flipping scary as hell. I know we’re all in for it when he comes home. Especially me. I’m the one who’s caused the friction; I’m the one who’s caused all the mishaps. So maybe it’s best I take myself out the group, that way, no one else will get hurt. Because, all I seem to do is attract attention and hurt and they can’t live like it anymore. I can’t live like it anymore.

  Fifteen minutes later, Dan was home and his face was full of thunder. It was as if Lottie had phoned him and told him what had gone down. I just hoped she hadn’t and we have a chance to explain what happened.

“So is someone gonna tell me what happened with Lottie or do I have to guess?” Dan questioned.

“Uh, Lottie began shouting her mouth off at Elianna, blaming her for Lottie not being able to get a job or anything. Therefore, I stuck up for her. I maybe did say things that were irrelevant to the cause but there was some past feelings in there too. I apologise Dan but she literally went apeshit on Elianna, blaming her for getting herself kidnapped. She literally said to us all that Elianna should’ve gotten hurt more than she did so I argued back. I did bring Greg into it because she wished that he should’ve died too. I may also have said that she was just using you for fame and fortune, which was wrong on my behalf but I was angry, Dan. I was angry because she was attacking someone so vulnerable to the least wee thing. Sorry for saying that Elianna, but Dan, it’s true. Elianna isn’t as strong as she was a few weeks ago. She was literally tortured and abused, alongside your best friend. What was I meant to do? Ignore it? I couldn’t do that, not when she’s attacking such a weak individual. Call me a narcissistic bitch or whatever, but I’m just looking out for friends. Your best friend.” Ella spoke. I was glad that she did the talking because I couldn’t’ve done that. I would’ve lost it at some point during the middle.  I’m not a wimp but talking to Dan, scares me a little. I feel like I’m virtually invisible around him. Or that, I’m third best to anything - wait, no, it’d be like seventh best or something. He has everyone else around him before I have to be anything to him. However, I feel, because of me, he’s not gonna like Ella for much longer.

“Look, I’m not having it out with you all, I’m just trying to pinpoint what exactly happened because all I got was a frantic phone call from Lottie, saying that you - Ella - wanted nothing more to do with her. That you were gonna phone her a taxi back to Windsor. I just wanna know exactly what happened” Dan spoke softly.

“Look, Dan, I already told you what happened. I can’t get any more detailed than possible. I did say that because one - she was being a bitch and two - Elianna isn’t exactly steady right now, so you can understand as to how defensive I actually am”

“I understand Ella but you and Lottie, though? You two are the best of friends, the one you tell everything to, so how can you just ignore her? Go off on one at her when all she did was say something”

“She didn’t just say something though, Dan. She basically went off on one, saying that it was Elianna’s fault for everything that happened and basically blamed Elianna for Lottie not being able to get a job. Lottie said that because Elianna were kidnapped and stuff, and because Elianna was on national news, Lottie said that Elianna was the reason that she couldn’t get a job. I’ve already explained this before so why am I going over it again?”

“I just need to know the full reason. I don’t wanna have it out with anyone, and I certainly don’t wanna argue with my own girlfriend”

“Dan, it’s as Ella said, Lottie did have it out with Elianna and even at one point wished it went further. Look, no one is trying to start arguments but it’s how it went Dan. All we did was come in through that door, put Jonah in his Moses basket, asleep and then Lottie started. And all Ella done was ask her what was wrong. We all did nothing wrong, except let Ella deal with Lottie, with the occasional input from Elianna. No one wants to have any arguments but when your girlfriend is having it out with mine, especially after what we’ve both gone through, there is going to be some friction,” Greg explained. I know he’s right in some sense but I’m not going to be the cause of each argument. I don’t want to be. It’s bad enough when I was the centre of my parents’ arguments. I was always the problematic child or the stupid one. It’s hard to explain but my childhood wasn’t exactly nice. I was on either TV or just being a brat. Not really my fault, just how I was portrayed by the media, I wasn’t like it and I’m not like it.

Dan’s POV

When Lottie phoned me frantically, I was scared. I was scared in case she foiled onto my plan. I wasn’t actually in the studio, putting down vocals, I was actually out searching for an engagement ring. I wanted to get married to Lottie; I was excited for that because I knew what I wanted.  Jayne - our manager - has also been lying for me; she’s the only one who knows of my plan. It wasn’t that I was scared to tell the rest but I knew they’d be judgemental, they’d likely tell me that Lottie was only using me for my fame or whatever, but I didn’t think so. I hoped that she was actually in love with me, as I was with her.

   After I arrived home from the frantic searching, I found them all - minus Lottie - sat on the sofa, in silence. I knew they were all expecting my arrival. Since Lottie didn’t exactly say much, I knew I had to get it out them, but who would tell? All I was told was that Ella had said that she’d sent Lottie home in a taxi. I’ve no idea. However, when they all told me what had happened, I was actually annoyed with Lottie. She basically hinted that my own best friend would be better off dead. Greg can’t live without Elianna, she’s his safe heaven and if Elianna had died, then Greg would be in tatters. He’d be suicidal and alone, that he’d be inconsolable.

   I just can’t get over the sheer nastiness of Lottie, I know she’s my girlfriend and all but she just literally wished death upon someone who’s just gone through something majorly death defying. How both of them are coping, I’ll never know. Well, none of us will ever know because they’re both so quiet and very leave me alone.

“Can I just talk to Lottie and ask her why she said what she did? Because, this is all crazy to me. She’s not normally like that, especially not that cold hearted.” I said, sighing.

“Dan, we don’t expect you to do anything, we understand that Lottie has her reasons and her opinions on things, and we all know that she doesn’t exactly like Elianna somehow” Greg spoke.

“I know, but she’s my girlfriend Greg and Elianna is yours. I just need to know why she became extremely angry with Elianna, blaming her for Lottie’s misfortunes. I just can’t comprehend the fact that she did it” I spoke.

“Dan, I probably didn’t help the fact with arguing back with her but after Elianna told me what she’d been through in her life, I felt protective. I know being a mum isn’t helping my case but Elianna hasn’t had the best childhood or the best anything really, and Lottie’s shouting probably scared her into thinking we were all as bad as her. I’m not saying it’s true but Dan, I’m the one who made things worse for us all. No one else” Ella spoke from beside Micky.

“Ella, I don’t blame you, I seriously don’t but what did you say that might’ve upset her so much?” I asked as I sat down on the armchair.

“I told her that Alex didn’t particularly like her, especially not when he was fucking around behind her back. I said that apart from him wanting me, that he was probably having it off with other women behind hers. I know that was a low blow on my behalf but it slipped out. I just feel like Lottie’s probing at Elianna because she’s an easy target. No offence Eli but you are. I also said that she was only using you for fame and fortune, even though she’s getting nothing out of you being famous. I don’t know what impulse I had when I began shouting and screaming at her and I really do apologise for it happening. However, I don’t regret sticking up for Elianna” Ella concluded.

“I don’t blame you for sticking up for Elianna, but I do wonder as to why you said everything you did but, I’m over it. Lottie needs to realise that if you bite, be prepared to be bitten back at.” I spoke.

“Nice metaphor” Ella spoke.

“However, Elianna, how do you feel about what Lottie said?”

“Err, I’m alright with it. I know I didn’t expect it to happen. I mean everything and not just, what Lottie said. I didn’t know my friends were going to turn on me and make me out to be like this scared little twat. I just feel like everything I’ve tried to do is a failure. I know Lottie doesn’t like me, that’s been evident since I met her. I also know I’m this frigid, little person who’s not very good at like answering people back. I know no one expected her outburst earlier but she is right though, I’ve done nothing but bring trouble to you all ever since you’ve met me. I’ve been nothing but a burden to you all” Elianna spoke clearly. When she said that, Greg’s face turned to stone. I know he’s angry with her answer, especially the ending but she’s right though. She has brought a lot of trouble to us, but if we say that aloud, then Greg would literally chop off our balls. However, Elianna is also Greg’s safe heaven, a place where he can go to whenever he’s feeling down and angry about what’s happened. I know no one can take away those horrible memories but sometimes, I actually wonder if they’re playing on them sometimes. Maybe, I’m just being mean and egotistical since I don’t actually know what they’ve went through or what, but that’s generally the idea I’m getting. Maybe I’m wrong, but who knows?

Greg’s POV

When Elianna announced that, she was the cause of all the mishaps that’s happened, I wanted to snap but I knew not to. I knew to keep it to myself because I know that she’ll likely break with even more hatred placed upon her. Its horrid knowing someone so close hates you but at the same time, it’s not really that surprising. Especially not on Lottie’s radar. Lottie hates almost anyone in sight. She actually hated Ella when they met during school; she hated Ella because Ella was much more prim and proper than Lottie. Stupid reason I know but that’s what happened. I just actually wonder what goes through her thick skull. I actually wonder if Lottie is seriously delusional. However, I don’t know.

   Lottie suddenly walked through the door, with a face full of thunder. She had Shannon with her; so obviously, she’s pulled her from crèche but maybe not. I don’t pay attention to Lottie’s schedule, only my own and the boys’. When Lottie noticed us all sat down fine, she scoffed and walked off. It was as if she was expecting us all to be arguing and Elianna not to even be here, but wherever I will be; my girlfriend will be there too.  I might be too overprotective of Elianna but I love her, I know that’s not an actual excuse but I do and I just want to be near her a lot. That sounds obsessive on my behalf but I’m not obsessive. Never will be.

“So the bitch is still here then?” Lottie spoke nastily.

“Lottie, where the hell do you actually get off saying that? Elianna has done nothing to you, so why are you saying that she’s the person behind your misfortunes? Maybe the fact that you cannot get a job is because the only experience you have is working a stripper pole!” Dan snapped.

“For your information, Daniel, it wasn’t a stripper pole I worked, it was the effing streets”

“It’s still the same but you know what, Charlotte, since we’re on a full name basis, you’re acting like such a bitch. You’re my girlfriend and I’m meant to be sticking up for you but you know something, right now you’re acting like such a bitch towards Greg’s girlfriend. Elianna didn’t ask to be sexually assaulted constantly, she didn’t ask to be kidnapped, she didn’t ask to be assaulted on a daily basis and she certainly didn’t ask for you to be such an evil cow towards her. You know something, if my best friend had died that day, I don’t think you’d have either Micky or I around, maybe Micky would still be here since he has Jonah now but me? I don’t think so. Nevertheless, you know, wishing that my own best friend had died that day, along with Elianna, and then you’d probably be burying two people, not just one or three. But, you know something, I had things planned for our future but since you’re gonna be a bitch to my best friends girlfriend, then I really don’t see where we can go from here”

“So you’re ending things because of a bitch that’s just came into your lives?”

“No, I’m ending things because of you. You think you’re the boss around here, you think you can go round blaming everyone for your mishaps but in actual fact, you have no experience for whatever job you’ve applied for. You think that everyone should bow down to your feet, I included but in a relationship, it’s meant to be fair. I love you but Lottie, you aren’t being fair to anyone, you’re being big headed and not even caring about what people have gone through” Dan spoke. Was he seriously breaking it off with her? Lottie made Dan happy but now he’s breaking it off. We’re all just sat here watching everything unfold and it’s the most awkward thing possible. We don’t know whether we should speak or not. It’s intense.

Ella’s POV

When Dan was speaking to Lottie about everything, I felt sorry for him. It made me think back on what Rachel’s going through. Ben loves her and their child but Rachel’s dad has banned Ben from even stepping 2 feet towards her. Whenever Ben goes to see his daughter, Rachel’s dad has to be in the room with them. And they have to stay separated and it’s quite weird because they’re both almost 20 and Rachel’s dad is still controlling her life.

“So you’re choosing that obnoxious cow over your own girlfriend?”

“No, I’m choosing my best friends over my ex-girlfriend. We’re no longer together, Charlotte” Dan spoke softly. I knew it was hurting him to do this and I’ve no idea as to why he’s doing it since it is hurting him so much but it his heart and he’s deciding to break it. In my honest opinion, it’s the most stupid thing to do. I know Dan and he’ll be begging for her to come back in a few days, and knowing Lottie, she’ll refuse. Although, I’m unsure.

“No, Daniel, you’re choosing your skanky friends over someone who loves you. Shows how much you flipping loved me. But don’t worry; I’ll be out your hair tomorrow”

“If I didn’t love you I wouldn’t have been searching for engagement rings, would I?” Dan shouted back at her, from the armchair.

“Y-y-you were searching for engagement rings?” Lottie squeaked.

“Didn’t I just say that?!” Dan responded sarcastically.

“Yes, but why?” She asked, stupidly.

“Cause I wanted to flipping marry you! I wanted you to become my wife but you know something, maybe I’ve been to blind with being in love, to actually know what a vindictive, narcissistic bitch you’ve been. Ever since Greg got with Elianna, you’ve been nothing but cold hearted towards her, however, she’s done nothing but make Greg happy and if you can’t allow Greg his happiness, what are you allowing him? Sadness? Depression? Death? Or all three, until he becomes that way?” Dan snapped. I wanted to step in but I was chicken shit. I think everyone else was too because they were all sitting stiff as a board.  However, with all the shouting and arguing going on, Jonah’s woken up. Now it’s gonna be hard to get him back to sleep. Mummy duties never stop, even when they are sleeping.

“Would you shut that stupid thing up,” Lottie snapped in my direction. I understand he’s crying but jeez, give me a minute to get up. I’ve just popped him out me, not like a few days ago.

“Would you mind shutting up? He’s only a few days old and I’m still in severe pain so thanks. You should know since you popped one out your stupid slapper fanny” I retorted.

“Oh do not criticise me when you got pregnant at 16, but luckily for you, you lost it” She smirked. Bringing up the death of my first child was a low blow. That was still fresh on Micky, and I even though it has been 4 years almost, it’s just so prominent. It’s something I’ll never forget.

“Lottie, just get your bags right now and get out. There was absolutely no need to bring up our dead child. You were one of Ella’s best friends but now, now, you’re just a malicious bitch. How you’re allowed to keep Shannon, I’ll never understand. However, you know something, our dead child would’ve been loved at whatever age we had it at. Whether it is sixteen or seventeen, it would’ve been loved like no other. Nevertheless, just get out now. Take Shannon with you and go” Micky spoke up. Elianna was sat there confused as hell. I know this argument originally started out with it being aimed at her but now it just has gotten personal, especially with Lottie throwing things in from my past.

   Lottie packed a few bags and left with Shannon, a few hours later. Dan’s resided to his room in defeat, while Elianna and Greg are at Elianna’s. It’s just Micky, Jonah and I left. I sometimes wonder if it was a little too harsh to kick her out but sometimes I think, it’s not before time. I know Lottie will go home and rant to Rachel and Maria, which will result in Maria hating on Elianna more but its Maria’s fault for letting Greg go. I just don’t know anymore.

“It’ll be alright, El. Lottie just needs to calm down” Micky spoke softly in my ear. But will it be alright? 


College is pretty full on, from what I've learned so far. My timetable is also getting shifted a lot so therefore, I can't actually give you a proper time as to when I'm home and able to write. However, my college days are remaining the same, I'm still in college on a Tuesday, Wednesday and a Thursday. But here's an update for you, and I hope you like. Sorry for the weird change of POV's through the argument kinda thing. 

CONOR MAYNARD'S SONG 'R U CRAZY' IS EFFING EPIC! Sorry, I needed to fangirl. 

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