Be My Escape (boyxboy) [ON HO...

By XxSimplyWeirdxX

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Logans mom has recently decided to adopt a foster child and his life has been awful. Devins parents have been... More

Chapter One [EDITED]
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine (Part 1)
Chapter Nine (Part 2)
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Ten

747 33 18
By XxSimplyWeirdxX

LONGGG overdue, I know! But this chapter has just been so difficult to write for some reason. I would finish it, then it would feel wrong, so I would start over and over and over again. But its finally done and I hope I dont get anymore writers block for awhile :) Anyways, this is really just explaining who Aunt May is, and what happened to her. I hope you guys enjoy it even though there really isnt any romance in this.

Devins POV:

Tears streamed down my face as I clung to her desperatly, afraid that she might just disappear into thin air, just like before. She- she just left me there, with those people. One day she was there, and the next, she was gone, and I never saw her again. Until now of course. My Aunt May was squeezing the life out of me, but I didnt care. I was just...Happy. There was no other way to describe it. She may have left me all those years ago, but shes here now, and thats all that matters. 

"Ahem," I heard the awkward fake cough come from Logan, and I jumped a little, having almost forgotten he was here too. "Not to break up your reunion or anything, but what the hell, is going on?" His face was masked with confusion, along with a tad bit of worry. 

I gently eased my way out of Aunt Mays arms and looked back and forth between her and Logan for a bit. I didnt know what to tell him. I wasnt quite ready to tell him about my... Parents- if I can even call them that. But I couldnt deny him an explanation either. I smiled sheepishly at him before turning back to Aunt May, seeing her eyes narrowed on Logan with suspicion. 

"Aunt May-"

"Devin, who is this?" Her dark tone revealed what she was thinking: She didnt trust Logan, not one bit But from the look on Logans face, I can tell her feels the same about her. He had his arms crossed over his chest, making him appear to be very intimidating. But I knew he was just a big old softy. 

"I'm Logan, his brother. And who are you?" She blinked at him, confused as to why he called me his brother. But the scornful look remained.

Wait, brother? My heart warmed at the unintentional gesture. He didnt call me his step brother, or 'the kid we're fostering'. He actually called me his brother, something I've never had. While I loved being referred to as his brother, something about the setiment didnt sit well with me. I smiled brightly at him, wanting nothing more than to give him a big hug, but I dont think that would go over well with my Aunt. Speaking of which, she was currently having a very intense stare off with Logan. 

"That is none of your concern." The hold she had- which I didnt notice until this very moment- on my arm tightened considerably, causing me to flinch slightly as her long nails dug into my flesh.

The glare Logan had plastered on his face fell at my look of pain, as he made his way closer to me, concern written all over his face. "Devin? Are you okay?" His eyes flashed to my Aunt as he slapped her hand away, and inspected my arm for bruising. 

"I'm fine Logan," I said with a light laugh and a smile. He didnt look convinced, but nodded his head regardless, then turned to face my Aunt once again. 

"For your information lady, anything or anyone that is involved with Devin is my concern. So tell me who the hell you are and what you want with Devin." He practically snarled at her, and I placed my hand lightly on his arm to calm him down. He looked down at me, and the creases in his forehead slowly fell away, and he smiled slightly. 

"Why dont we just go to our hotel room- all of us- and talk this out? Alright?" I said and looked to both of them for answers. Logan nodded, even though I know he doesnt want her anywhere near me. But that will all be sorted out soon, and he'll understand. I moved my gaze to my Aunt, who seemed reluctant to join us, but knew that this was the only way she would be able to talk to me. 

So we all got off the elevator at our floor and headed to the room that Logan had booked. We all piled into the living room, which was connected to the kitchen and bedroom, and sat down. Logan and I sat side by side on the couch, while my Aunt chose to sit across from us on the arm chair. We were all silent for a long moment, waiting for someone to start talking. 

"So does someone want to tell me whats going on?" Logan looked at both of us, waiting for an answer. 

"Um, this is my Aunt May," I said, and he raised his eyebrows. 

"I thought you didnt have any blood relatives left?" He asked. "Thats why you were put up for foster care, right?"

Aunt Mays head snapped to me as he spoke. "Your parents are-"

"No. They are alive...Just not around at the moment."


"Leave it alone, Aunt May," I said with a warning look. Realization dawned on her as she caught on. 

"Ohh...So he doesnt know then?"

"What dont I know?" Logan asked, looking at my Aunt. I was glaring at her now, as she smiled smugly. I loved my Aunt May, she was the mother I never had, but she does tend to meddle.

"Aunt May... Stop it."

She completely ignored me as she continued talking. "His past. Why he was put into...foster care, you called it?" She raised an eyebrow at him, beckoning him to ask more questions. 

I was just about to scold my Aunt for provoking him when Logan spoke up. "No, I dont know his past. Nor do I need to. That is his business and his alone. I dont care if he never tells me. His background wont change how I feel or what I think about him." I could feel unshed tears come to my eyes, and I could see my Aunt was looking at him with what seemed to be respect.

I boldly took hold of his hand and smiled big at him. He smiled back and squeezed my hand lightly. 

My Aunt looked at us with an expression of satisfaction. She reached over the coffee table in front of us and held her hand out to Logan. 

"I am Devins Aunt, my name is May Lincoln. And I'm happy that you are in my nephews life." Logan looked at her in shock before a smile spread across his face as he reached over as well and shook her hand. She stood up and looked down at me. "We have a lot to discuss. Perhaps we should wait until tomorrow though? Its quite late."

I nodded my head in agreement, I could feel the bed calling out to me for some sleep. "Tomorrow then," I stood up and found myself wrapped in her warm arms once again. She kissed my forehead and said goodnight one last time before she walked out the door. 

Logan looked at me expantantly, waiting for me to tell him about my Aunt. But I decided that could wait until tomorrow, so I dont have to go through explanations twice. 

"I'm pretty tired...Mind if we go to bed now?" Logan sighed, but nodded, knowing I wasnt planning on spilling my life story tonight. 


I woke up snuggled up to something warm and soft. I tried to get closer to the source of heat, to realize seconds later that it was also moving. Tilting my head back, I saw that I was practically on top of a sleeping Logan. To be more specific, a SHIRTLESS, sleeping Logan. With wide eyes, I slowly eased myself away from Logan, trying not to wake him. I was unsucessful. 

He groaned a bit and rolled over, capturing me against his chest. "What're you doin?" He mumbled, not fully awake yet. He had me pinned against him with his eyes still closed while he tried to wake himself up. 

I ignored his question, and asked him my own. "Um, why am I in your bed and not my own?" He opened his eyes at my questions, and gave me a small frown. 

"You dont remember?" 

I squinted my eyes in confusion. Did something happen last night? "I guess not."

"I guess thats good I guess. You had another nightmare. You were screaming in your sleep, and I tried to wake you up, but you wouldnt, so I just got in your bed and held you until you were okay."

My face flushed with humiliation. I had woken him up once again because I couldnt control my emotions. He was probably so tired of having to comfort me; And he didnt even know what was going on in my head when he did. 

"I'm sorry," I said, not looking at him. 

"Sorry? Devin, you never have to be sorry. Its not like you're burdening me. To tell you the truth, I kinda like knowing that I'm the only one that can make you feel better." I looked up to see him with slightly red cheeks and a big smile on his face. I gave him a meek smile back, and that seemed to satisfy him. 

We talked a bit more, trying to wake up some before we got ready to go and see my Aunt. After we were both showered and ready, we left to go to her own room- she stayed another night- where we would leave to go get some breakfast. 

When we arrived, she greeted us with hugs and kisses, making Logan sufficiently uncomfortable, causing me to laugh at him. Then we went to the resturaunt. They seated us in a secluded area so we could talk in private, thankfully. 

And now came the part that I dreaded, but I was also excited. I was finally going to know why my Aunt left all those years ago. But I would also be revealing a lot about my past to Logan, who I trusted, yet I wasnt ready to tell him the full story. 

We began our meal filling in the empty noise with mindless chatter, my Aunt effectively avoiding the real reason why we were here in the first place. 

"Aunt May? Just tell me why." I cut her off in the middle of another one of her pointless conversations with Logan. She looked startled at my sudden statement, but nodded regardless as she set down her fork, ready to talk. 

Flashback (Aunt Mays POV)

How dare they hurt my poor nephew like this? This is the third time he's come to my house, screaming and crying out from the pain they have caused him. At the moment he was resting on the bed in front of me while I watched him, waiting for another one of his frequent nightmares to occur. He had shown up around three AM, bloodied and battered beyond belief. His face was entirely black and blue, not one inch of his cream colored skin showing. They had broken his arm, AGAIN, and he desperatly needed some stitches where his father had thrown a beer bottle at his head.

I wanted to take him to the hospital, but he begged me not to. He knew that social services would get involved, and he would be taken from them. But why was he protecting them? From what hes told me, they've done much worse than what I have witnessed. 

I sighed, rubbing my forehead as I felt another headache coming on. Devin has done NOTHING to them, and yet they are fixed on making his life as miserable as possible. I'm scared that one day, I will show up at their house to find him dead on the floor. 

I couldnt take this anymore. He needed to get out of that house. I picked up the phone, ready to dial 911 when the doorbell rang. I already knew who it was, and I didnt want to answer the door. 

Regardless, I huffed and went downstairs, and opened the door to reveal his parents, standing on my front porch. 

"What do you want?" I sneered at them. 

"We want our son back."

"You're not getting him back. I WILL call the police if you dont leave this instant. You've caused him enough pain; He's only thirteen for Gods sake!" 

Maryse, my menacing sister and Devins mother, raised an eyebrow at me, faking confusion. "May, you're getting confused again." She looked sympathetic, but I knew it was all a scam. 

"What the hell are you talking about?" I give her an accusing glare as she shrinks away from me, looking like a small girl who got scolded at by her parents. 

Jacob stepped forward, giving me a stern look. "Dont swear at my wife," I scoffed, knowing Maryse swore like a sailor. "We are simply here to take our son home, where he is safe."

What in Gods name are they playing at? They're acting like I'M the one that hurt him all these years. Out of nowhere, two officers stepped up behind them, along with someone that looked to be a nurse possibly. 

"Can I help you gentlemen?" 

"May Saunders, you are under arrest, and to be taken to a psychiatric ward for mental help."

Present (Aunt Mays POV)

"Your parents claimed that I was mentally ill, and that I was hurting you myself while I was under the influence of my psychotic episodes. Since I have a medical history of schizophrenia, it was plausable. They wouldnt allow me near you, thinking I would hurt you. They came to the conclusion to not tell you where I went to save you from the 'trauma'." I looked up from my clasped hands to see Devin with tears running down his face, and Logan scooted closer to him, trying his best to comfort my nephew. 

I watched as they interacted smoothly, like they've known each other for years, which surprised me. Devin always had the issue of trusting people, but he seems to have accepted Logan into his life so easily. 

I'm not stupid, nor am I blind. I know Logan has feelings for Devin, and Devin for Logan. But Logan is oblivious to his own feelings and probably thinks its just brotherly love. Devin, however, probably refuses to accept the fact that he does like Logan. He hasnt exactly felt much love in his life, so he most likely isnt prepared to experience it now, especially in a romantic way. 

You learn a lot in a mental hospital. 

Now all I have to do is wait for one of them to realize their feelings so they can both be happy. 

SO? I know it was probably on the boring side, but its okay, right? Good.

BTW: There will be no more goals :D Mainly because I feel like its unfair to ask for votes and comments, but I DO encourage it. It gives me a better idea as to who is reading, what you want to see next, and if I should even continue the story. It makes me want to upload more often. 

CHAPTER QUESTIONS (Like always, you dont need to answer all of them, or any of them, do what you want):

1. How much do you want to kill Devins parents?

2. Do you want to see what Devins nightmare was?

3. What do you think of Aunt Mays thoughts on the boys?

4. What do you think will happen next?

5. What do you WANT to happen next?


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