Want (BoyxBoy)

By DrGigglez

176K 4.8K 1.1K

Want 1. To feel a need or a desire for; wish for I turned to Jared and gave him an ugly look. "You're friends... More

Want (BoyxBoy)
1-You're crazy!
3- I can't stop
4-hot sauce and noodles
5-Something new
6-Take a little time.
7-Great Minds Think Alike
8-Come and Go
9- Glad You Came
10- I Guess
13-ice ice baby
14-You Better Study
15-I'm ready
16- Not this time
17-Too much
18- Liar
19- Don't talk about it

11- Demands

3.9K 142 14
By DrGigglez

Hi back with another part, I hope you all enjoy.



He was so quiet I didn't think he was going to answer.

"Stressful..I did everything I could to make him happy but it was never good enough and I mean I didn't really speak my mind because I dated one of the hottest guys at school I mean How dare I complain when he gave me the time of day?". He said staring off into space. "But of course even though he broke up with me it's my fault I should've been a better boyfriend". He finished. Looking through the shirt sizes.

I quieted after that letting him look at what he wanted "Want a shake, my treat?". I said, changing the subject for now. He looked up at me and smiled. "Duh, who am I to turn down Marble Slab?". He asked holding up the two shirts he wanted.

"Marble Slab? I was thinking of the dollar menu frosty at Wendys". I joke, He shook his head no. "Oh no, you've already exposed me to luxury we not stopping now". He said walking to checkout, I paid and let out a chuckle. "What am I gonna do with you?". I asked laughing.

"Take me to Marble Slab and buy me the biggest cup". He said in a 'Duh' tone. I laughed and followed him to Marble Slab. "Next question, are you seeing anyone?". I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No..I'm not". He murmured, getting in line. I hoped it stayed that way. "What do you normally get from here?". I asked, his eyes lit up and he smiled. "I get the cheesecake one or the Vanilla Bean..it's so good, try it!". He said. I nodded and we walked up to the cashier "Can I get two Cheesecake, Vanilla bean shakes with white chocolate chips as the topping". He said lightly jumping up and down.

"Coming right up, how are you on this fine day?". The guy asked and Micah smiled. "I'm alright". He replied.

Micah turned to me with the drinks in his hand and gave me a smirk "Try it". He said handing it to me. I thanked him before taking and put the straw in my mouth, he leaned in and waited. "Quit playin and taste the damn thing". He growled . I chuckled and tasted it giving him a thumbs up.

"Okay I give you credit this is pretty good". I say, walking out the food court. "I know, duh. Trust me I know good food". Micah said.

"Oh is that why you eat at Taco Bell". I said.

I saw his face light up slightly and I smirked "Don't be an asshole". He whispered ,taking a sip from his drink. "Any other questions?". He asked, looking up at me.

"How long have you and Jared been friends?". I asked, Micah chuckled. "Years man, I didn't want to be friends with him but my mom forced it and I'm so glad she did ". He said smiling.

I loved his smile.

"He seems pretty great, you guys never...". Micah shook his head "That's two questions in a row". He said,walking towards Forever 21. I rolled my eyes and followed behind him.

"You're done?". I asked him. He nodded "Yeah, thanks". He said smiling as we headed back to the car. "You don't want any food..or anything?". I asked, trying to stretch time. "I'm still fool from breakfast and I should go check on Jared". He said, getting in the car "Understandable". I say, getting in the passenger seat.

"I'll take you back to get your stuff and i'll talk you home I guess". Micah says driving away from the mall.

I kept silent during the ride back and grabbed all of the bags "I had fun, you know". I said to him. He nodded and looked away from me, "You said that already". He whispered grabbing his key and unlocking the door.

I caught him off guard and kissed his forehead before running upstairs to grab my things.

"That wasn't the question, did you like it?". I heard Jared asked as I walked near the stair case. Micah huffed and there was silence "Hah..I knew you would". Jared boasted.

"Okay shut up, he's still here you know". Micah said harshly and I decided it was time to go down. I made my presence known by walking heavily down the stairs. Jared looked much better and had more life to him as he gave me a smirk and crossed his arms.

"Well I guess we'll drop you off now". Micah spoke, walking out the front door. Jared and I followed behind and I got in the backseat. "Can we stop and get me some food?". Jared asked, and Micah gave him an ugly look "Why didn't you make something in the house!". Micah snapped. Jared giggled and placed his fingers on Micahs nose.

"Because I want fast food, taco bell to be specific silly". Jared said laughing. Micah pursed his lips before nodding "Okay, I want some too". He whispered, pulling out the driveway.

"Wait, maybe Branson would want something from there". I said, and Jared turned to look at me and snorted "He don't like me, Taco bell is a safe zone, He's not apart of the safe zone". Jared carefully. Micah laughed. "Invite him". He simply said.

"Micahhh, why do you hate me". Jared whined, leaning back into his seat and pulling out his phone.

"He's just a peoples person". I said.

"He's on the hockey team!". Jared, yelled and Micah smacked him.

When he pulled up into the Taco Bell parking Lot, I could already see Bransons car and I got out and greeted him. "Yo whats with the mean face all the time, you're scaring Jared". I joked, Branson rolled his eyes "I'm only here for you and Taco Bell". He said.

"Whoa, you know I don't feel for you that way". I joked, Micah and Jared walked to us and Jared crossed his arms "Branson". Jared spoke, looking away from him.

"Twink". Branson spoke ,crackling his knuckles . "I'm almost your height!". Jared yelled throwing himself at Branson. Micah caught him by his shirt and dragged him into the place.

"That is probably why he doesn't like you". Micah spoke to Jared, who let out a huff.

"I want Two Tostadas ,a twelve pack of those balls and a baja blast.. and and, a burrito". Jared said.

"Double that whole order and add in two more burritos". Micah said, pulling out his cash. I stopped him and quickly swiped my card before he could say anything.

"Asshole". He murmured.

"That's not something to say to someone who paid for your food". I teased, He scoffed and rolled his eyes walking to the side to wait for the food.

"Can I get a 7-layer burrito, a six pack of cinnabon delites and a crunch wrap..Make that three crunch wraps and a rice bowl, extra cheese and two Starburst blast". I said, swiping the card again .

I turned to Branson who had a hand on his heart. "You know me so well". He said, closing his eyes and nodding.

"Shutup". I said. Watching Micah and Jared walk to a booth as their food arrived.

"You got it bad". Branson said, shaking my shoulder.

"I know..".


So sorry it took so long for me to update, haha it's been months but i'm here I have not left.Just didn't know where to take some of my books but i'm back! Hope you enjoyed.

-Gigglez out

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