My human mate

By maia_l

152K 3.1K 260

One simple school fight. That's how this all started. Well it wasn't that simple of a school fight, it was ac... More

My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
my human mate
my human mate
my human mate
my human mate

My human mate

10K 225 49
By maia_l

<filler chapter, going to be really boring. I'm sorry! And please please read authors note at the end. I kinda confessed something to you guys that was kinda of hard to do>

Alison's P.O.V

When I woke up it was 1:37 in the morning.
I was slung over my bed, taking up almost the whole thing.

When i sit up, I see Cole half on the bed and half off.

That's when everything comes back to me.
I jump up to go to the bathroom down the hall, when I get there I turn on the light and move the top if my shirt down.
Sure enough there is a big red and purplish bite mark on my collar bone/ neck.
I stare at it bug eyed and dropped jaw for a good 3 minutes.
I trace along the bite marks but quickly pull back when I realize how sensitive it is.
I'm trying to think why cole would do this, but nothing comes to mind.
That's when I remember the pain in my stomach. I quickly grab it, expecting to feel the pain again, and I'm shocked when I don't.
I try and think back to everything that happened last night, trying to remember when it stopped.

It stopped when cole bit me.
That's why he did it, he must have known it was going to stop the pain, but how did he know that? And why did he know that?
I stare at my bite mark a little longer, more confused then when I first entered the bathroom.
Eventually I slowly make my way back to my room.

I remember that cole is on my bed, for a reason un-known to me. I gently try to push him off but the most I can do is make him move his arm. I get a better grip and use both arms to knock him off the bed.
There is one thing about me and that's I don't like sharing beds with people I don't really know. I like to take up every part of my bed, and sure maybe one day I will share my bed with a dude. But this day is not today.
When I'm attempting to push cole off I try to ignore the feeling that I get from touching him.

After many tries I give up. He is just going to have to stay there. That guy must be like ALL muscle or something.
When I lay back down on my bed and snuggle underneath the covers I can't help but feel this magnetic pull towards cole.
I try to scoot further away from him but I find myself slowly moving closer towards him.
Soon I give up on this also and let myself basically be pulls towards him. When I'm close to him I breathe in his scent.
Let me tell you, this is probably the best smelling guy I have ever smelt. And I've smelt a lot of dudes.
I snuggle myself close too him. Wanting more and more.
His arm drapes around around my waist as I move as close as possible.

I slowly let myself drift off to sleep again. Happy and content. But still highly confused. When I'm about to fall asleep I hear cole whisper in my ear, "you smell better then any if the girls I've smelt also, sweet tart."

My eyes pop open when i hear him.

And there goes my chances of sleeping tonight.

When I wake up for school in the morning, cole isn't there.
I try not to be upset by this but I know that I am, no matter why I say to convince myself other wise.
I quickly jump in the shower and let the cole water rush down my back.
I scrub myself clean and hurry up to get my uniform on.
Most people hate uniforms, but I find it very simplifying.
I don't have to worry about pickin out an outfit that matches and looks good on me. I just have to wear the same plain blue skirt and white collared shirt every day.
The only thing I have to worry about it a touch if makeup and my hair.
And I don't even really wear that much makeup.

When I've finished fish tailing my hair, I grab my book by and rush down stairs.
I see my dad in his normal spot, reading the Times magazine. Like he does every morning.
"Bye dad!" I say to him. I almost make it out the door, but I'm to late. I hear him calling out to me, "eat something!" Right when in air to open the front door.
I slowly slump my way back into the kitchen and grab the bagel he hands me.
I can't help but think how many calories it has, especially adding the cream cheese he has already lathered on it.

When my mom first died, I dint have an appetite for anything.
I wasn't trying not to eat, I just was never hungry. I didn't pay attention to eating thing and being healthy. I was to busy concentrating on making it through the day and not breaking down or killing myself also. Food just wasn't in the picture. And whenever I had to sit down to eat something, I just wasn't hungry.
And my dad was to busy locking himself in his room to notice that his only daughter wasn't even eating.

Well he noticed when one day I passed out when I tried to stand up. I had gotten significantly skinnier since before my moms death. And whenever I stood up I would get really dizzy and have to hold on to something to balance myself for a few seconds. I eventually stopped getting my period also. Basically I had unintentionally became anorexic.
Anyways, when I passed out they had to rush my to the hospital. I was knocked out cold for a couple days, but when I woke up I was forced to eat a bunch if food and I had to stay in there it about 3 months.
I had I my gotten out recently, and it's still hard to change my eating habits from what they used to be. And me eating is about the only thing my dad pays attention too on me these days.

I frowned at my bagel as I forcefully took a bite.
I didn't think I was fat, sure some people had called me rude things and fat was one of them, I knew I was curvy, which sucked but I didn't think if myself as fat.
I just honestly did not have any appetite for food, it was a struggle for me to swallow my food.

When I had taken enough bites to please my dad (two and a half) I rushed out the door.
I threw the rest of the bagel in the trash as I got the keys to my truck to drive myself to school.
And hopefully I would figure out the whole biting deal thing with Cole.
Sooo sorry that it's so late and I know you aren't going to read this or listen to my exuse. But this is a filler chapter because in really tired right now and don't feel like writing.
And just to let you guys know, I suffer from ED and selfharm, so I thought maybe I can add this in to my character, maybe it will let you guys know a little bit more about me. And recently, I think my best friend is starting to notice my bit eating, and I think my crush saw my scars when I had to take my bracelets off at school. so I've been kinda freaked out lately and just trying to make sure nobody finds out, and honestly not worrying about the story. So I'm really sorry guys. And if you suffer from anything like me leave a comment and maybe we can talk!
Love you guys

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