Bite Me

By MADcreations

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Living with a hot boy is fine. Living with five hot boys is hard. Living with five hot brothers is tough. Bei... More

Never Go To A Club With Your Twin Sister At 1:30 AM
The Vampire Brothers Who Kidnap Me
Bart Is Probably The Nicest Vampire I Have Ever Met
Charles Is Either PMSing, Or He's Got A Rock In His Shoe
Burgularizing Your Own House? Now, That Just Doesn't Make Sense
I'm Guessing High Heels Aren't A Very Good Weapon...
These Manly Vampires Can't Handle The Word 'Bra'
Someone's Got A Crush On Nell!
The Man At The Cafe Isn't Who He Appears To Be
Cheering Up Charlie Involves Singing
Stalkers Are Needed To Protect Me-Day And Night
Bones Just Doesn't Give Up
A Shock That Sends Shocks Throughout Me
The Good News Turned Out To Be Bad News
Nell Missed Me Like A Pig Missed Mud
Nora Isn't The Only One With Romance Problems
A Threatening Threat That Threatens Me
Miss Independent Might Have Fallen In Love
Meet The Vampire Parents
They Can Be Real Jokesters
Looks Like I Have A Third Stalker
The Brothers Like To Show Off Their Powers
The Answers I've Been Looking For
Still One More Secret
They Don't Ever Listen, Do They?
Badness Is A' Brewing
Don't Worry, Be Happy
One Problem Down-Another One To Go
And The Two Reunite
The Big Bang Theory
Even Blowing Teddy Bears Up Get Charles Jealous
It Just Goes To Show You, Vampires Work Fast
The Master Plan
Edward Wants To Look Good For Bella
Vampire Turning
More Stronger Than We All Thought
Cotton Eye Joe Comes In Handy When Fighting Vampires
Getting Shot Was On My Bucket List
Just A Regular Hospital Day With Bart
The Parents Pick
This Single Lady Left The Building

Saved By The Nell

148K 3.3K 370
By MADcreations


Thirty One-Saved By The Nell

Oh my fucking god. Why the hell does my head hurt so bad?

Millions of questions and memories run through me, but I shove them down. The first question I need to answer is, where the fuck am I? I force myself to open my eyes, and a bright light causes me to shut them again. Ow.

More slowly this time, I open my eyes so they can adjust to the light. I look around after they’re adjusted, and I se I’m in some type of grey prison cell. It’s walls and ground is concrete grey, with cracks and rocks all over the place. It isn’t very big, and there’s a wooden table with two chairs over near the left. On the right is a white door, and there’s only one window.

Next question: What the hell happened?

I look down at my self and see that I’m tied to a chair, and not very well I might add. It’s like the person that tied me up was a kindergartener.

My hands tied behind my back, tape on my mouth, and my legs tied together, I cant move unless I get the knots out. I wince when my head throbs because I’m moving my head around too much. The memory of Bones hitting my head with a baseball bat shoves through my mind, and I scowl. Once I get my hands on a metal baseball bat he’s the first one going down.

I hold my breath to see if I can hear anybody. Either there’s nobody outside or this room’s soundproof, because I cant hear anything. I guess that makes my chances better to escape then. Good thing I played a lot of escape games when I was a kid, otherwise I would suck at untying these knots right now.

Who knew those games would actually come in handy?

Just when I was about to un-do the first knot, I hear voices. So this room isn’t soundproof.

“Hey, I think she’s up.” A voice, Bones, says.

“Good. Faster she’s awake, the faster we can get this done.” Another voice, I think Willard, says.


I quickly shut my eyes tight and steady my breathing, to act as if I were asleep. I hear the handle on the door jiggle, then the door creak open.

“Is she up?” Willard asks.

I hear a sigh. “No. Damn it.”

“Bones, what if you hit her too hard on the head and she doesn’t wake up? This isn’t gonna work then.”

Bones curses. “Willard, shut up. Don’t add more stress to my pile. If these brothers find us, game over. And if she doesn’t wake up soon, game over.” I hear footsteps, then the door creak open and then shut again.

I squint my eyes a little bit to see if they’re gone, and yes, they are. Score for me! In those movies where people get kidnapped, they always stay awake and never fake that their sleeping so that the kidnappers wont kill them. What idiots.

I go back to untangling the knots, which is harder than it seems, since you cant see what your doing. I hear the door jiggle again, and I fall back into my position.

“Just wait, I’ll see if she’s really up.” I hear Cain chuckle. Shit.

I hear footsteps, then nothing, but I remain in my position, eyes shut tight. A sharp pain on my shoulder makes my eyes shoot open and I shriek in pain.

Cain smirks. “I knew you were faking. Sneaky devil.” He snickers and the others walk in. I grunt at him in annoyance, and he rips the tape off my mouth and I groan in pain.

“Asshole.” I hiss. “What did you do to my shoulder?”

He smirks. “I hit it.” If I could, I would flip him the finger right now, since that adds to my throbbing pain. A headache, a throbbing shoulder, plus the bleeding cuts I have on my knees from the explosion.

I hope Nell and the brothers are alright. If they’re not, I swear I’m gonna come back as a ghost and kill each Blood and Bones member.

“Well, well, well. We have a little faker on our hands, don’t we?” Bones smirks. I spit in his direction, so he chuckles. How do you find something like that funny?

“We have to hurry. The brothers will be able to find us soon.” Scar snaps.

Bones glares at him. “Don’t tell me what to do. I’m the boss.”

“More like an idiot.” Scar mutters.

“What was that?” Bones growls.

Scar plasters on a fake smile. “Nothing at all.”

“Let’s just get this over with.” Tony snaps, glaring at the two.

Bones smirks and nods. “Now, this might hurt….a lot…” He slowly comes at me with a needle, and my eyes widen. Hell to the no.

The knots finally come undone and I swing at him, the needle flying towards the corner of the room. Bones curses and I stand up, balancing my self with my feet still tied together, and swing the hard metal chair at the other vampires. I quickly untie my feet, smirking in victory.

I should join the FBI or something. I just took down five vampires!

I dive towards the needle, grabbing in my hands. Ha! I hear some gasps, and I look over at the worried vampires who have their gazes on the needle.

I smirk. “Yeah. Stay back. That’s right.” I take a step forward and they all take a step backward. Seriously? What’s in this thing that their so afraid of?

A loud thud interrupts my wondering, and all of our gazes go to the small window. “NORA, WHERE ARE YOU?” I hear someone call out. Bart. Bones swears under his breath, and before I know it, I’m knocked to the ground, the needle flying out of my hands and into Bones’s.

“Cain, throw her in the trunk. We need to move. Now.” Cain follows Bones’s orders and lifts me up, and I growl, hitting him with all my might.

“God. Your so annoying.” He mutters, and shoves me into a dark trunk of a black car.

“Hey! What are you-” He shuts the trunk, smirking. My mouth pops open. They just locked me in a trunk of a car. Do they not know how rude that is?

I feel around in the dark for something, anything, and I grin in victory when I feel something hard. It’s got a button, so I flick it, and a light shines through.


“What are the odds of finding a flashlight in here…oh the irony…” I mutter, flashing it around the trunk. I hear the car take off, and I roll around a little bit considering how fast we’re going.

“Watch out! Who is that….?” I hear Bones snap, and then the car swerve. Whoa.

“Is that…is that who I think it is!?” Cain growls, then something smashes into the car, and we swerve again. If I puke, I’m not paying to get the car redone.

“Stupid girl.” Bones mutters, swerving again. Wait a minute, hold the phone. What girl? I don’t know any girl except for Nell….My eyes widen.

No way in hell.

Something hit’s the trunk, and I curse. This feels like a new type of roller coaster. Another thing hit’s the trunk, and to my surprise, it pops open. I look around, letting the light come in, and I gasp.

We’re going over 100mph, on a highway, with wind blowing everywhere, and there’s my sister, in my new car, motioning for me to jump on.

What the monkey fuck.

“Come on. Hurry.” Nell mouths, and I nod quickly.

“Hey, what-WHAT THE HELL!” I hear Bones shout. Better make this quick. Don’t think as this as a life or death situation, think of it as a once in a life time chance. I nod, sitting upward. Yeah. Once in a lifetime chance. A really stupid and crazy one, but yeah.

I crouch down, moving quickly, getting ready to jump. Nell keeps the car in perfect speed with their’s, which makes this easier. I hold my breath, and jump.

The time slowed down, seriously, when I jumped. The wind moving in my hair, seemed to freeze, and all in one second, I landed on the car perfectly. I knew hanging out with the football team would help boost my confidence! Nell grins and opens the side car door, where I happily climb in.

“Nell! Oh my god! How did you get here? Better yet, get away from these people! Now. Let’s go.” I ramble on, and she just grins. Who knew my sister would save me?

She abruptly stops the car, making us go forward in our seats. Then she reverses, going backwards, towards the brothers house. I glance back to see if Bones noticed, but being the idiot he is, he cant see the trunk wide open, so he keeps on driving.

Never met someone so stupid in my whole life.

“Nell! That was amazing! Where did you learn to drive like that? How did you know I was in there?” I gasp for breath.

She grins proudly. “Well, I saw you get hit on the head with the bat, then Bones shoved you in the car,” She grimaces, “So I followed him. Since I didn’t have my phone, I couldn’t call the brothers, so I sent Clinton a mental note. They got here as quick as possible, then we saw you get shoved in the trunk, and I was like ‘hell no. Not again.’ So I chased after you, and I won!” She squeals. She might come off dumb, but inside, she’s smart. Sneaky smart.

“Nell! Thank you so much. I love you so much.” I ramble again.

She clicks her tongue once we get to the driveway. “You should have seen Charles. He looked like he was about to jump off a cliff.” A small smile makes it’s way onto my face. He was worried?

We both get out of the car, and enter the house. Bart’s the one who greets us first. “Jesus, Nora! Your alright!” He grins, wrapping me in a hug. He looks at Nell. “You saved her ass. Thanks for that.”

Nell grins. “Anytime. It was a rush!”

The other brothers pop out of nowhere, relief flooding their faces, and they attack me into hugs with random questions. We make our way into the living room and I moan once I sit down on the comfortable couch.

Charles sits right next to me, curling me up protectively in his arms. “I knew that was a bad idea. Look what happened. Are you alright? Did they hurt you? I’ll kill them.” He growls and I smile when he tangles his hands in my hair.

“I’m fine. They tried to hurt me, but I stopped them.” I answer.

Bart smacks his fist to his hand. “That’s right, Nora! Bring the ass whoop!” I laugh, but then it turns into a cough.

Clinton frowns. “She’s not alright. She needs medical help, now. She might have concussion.”

My eyes widen. “What? How do you know that?”

“Nora, you got hit over the head with a bat. There’s a gash on your head with a lump, scrapes all over your body, and not to mention that there’s dirt all over you. You look like you just came back from war.” He says in disbelief.

I grin sheepishly. “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”


Bart sighs, and sits on my hospital bed. They drove me here, practically forcing me to see a doctor. “The doctor said you have a small concussion, and those scrapes will heal. You might be sore for a week.” He grins. “You know what I think? You’re the most awesomest person I’ve ever met in my whole life.”

I smirk and lean back into my hospital bed. “You should have seen when I untied my knots, then swung the chair at all of them. They didn’t see what hit ‘em.” I frown. “What did you tell the doctor? Obviously you cant say I was attacked by vampires.”

He scoffs. “We told him that we were all playing a game of baseball, and the bat slipped and hit you in the head, and you feel to the ground, hence all of the scrapes. Dumb doctor, he fell for it.” I laugh with him. Man, it feels like I haven’t laughed in ages.

Charles walks in and looks at Bart. “Can I have a minute?” Bart nods and walks out of the hospital room. Charles walks over to me, and sighs. I can plain out see he’s been stressed out.

“Charles? Nobody ever clarified how long I’ve been gone…”

He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “Almost two days, Nora. We’ve been searching for you. Nell lost them when she was chasing them the first time, which was what took longer.” He slams his fist down on my bed. “I should have never listened to Bart.”

I shake my head, ignoring the shock from being out cold for almost a day. “We’re all safe now. Including my sister. We saved her, and me.”

He smiles, the leans down to kiss me. Once our lips touched, something sparks inside me. I haven’t kissed him in so long! He puts all he has into this kiss, sorrow, pain, relief, happiness, everything. I can even feel how much he’s missed me, all through that one kiss. He quickly makes it French, tangling his hands in my hair.

“You don’t know how much I’ve missed you.” His words caress my lips.

I nod. “I can imagine.”

He let’s the kiss stand for another second before letting go, reluctantly. “Nora, I thought you were dead.”

I groan, and let my head fall onto my pillow. “Now your starting to sound like Twilight.”

He chuckles. “Well, I know how Edward felt when he thought Bella was dead for over a day. It’s a horrible feeling.”

I smirk. “You’ve seen the movies haven’t you?”

“Nora, every Friday night we watch vampire movies to see if there close to the truth or not.”

My mouth pops open. “No way! I want to do that!” He grins and hovers over me, his face inches from mine.

“Nora, your mental health is not stable.” He chuckles.

I shrug. “But you love me for it.”

He bends down to kiss me, his lips lingering there for a second too long before pulling away. “Your right.”

My eyes start to droop, and I glance over at the I.V. in my arm. “What’s in this thing?”

“Pain medicine. It should knock you out in a moment or two.”

I yawn. “It works just fine. Can you stay here with me?”

He cuddles me into his arms. “I’m never leaving your side again.” He vows, and I smile.

“Love you Charlie.”

“Love you too, Nora.”

Then I fall into a peaceful sleep.


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