Bending or Breaking (S05 Liam...

By Love-N-Live

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Six months after Mexico life seemed to be great for Phoebe. Her werewolf boyfriend was sweet, her friends and... More

Regression To The Mean
Werewolf Tracy, Not Friend
Working With Brett
Masked Men
Emotional Wreck
Cursed Book - Part 1
Cursed Book - Part 2
Heartbreak Is Different To Pain
Science Experiments
All I Need
Running Or Staying
No More
The Changing
Anchors And Symbols
Demon Wolf
The Hellhound And The Beast
Horrible Realisations
Planning Eichen Escape
Escape From Eichen - Part 1
Escape From Eichen - Part 2
Escape From Eichen - Part 3
Escape From Eichen - Part 4
The Murder Game
Blood Doesnt Always Mean Family
The man of GĂ©vaudan


596 14 1
By Love-N-Live

~~Hayden's POV~~

"It's not working is it?" Liam asked. I was on the table used for treating pets with a needle in my hand trying to draw out the metal in my body from the dread doctors. I was cold and sweating and gripped Melissa's hand when she came to my side.

"Hayden?" She asked.

"Call Val, my sister. Valery," I said in a whisper.

"She's a deputy."

"I think I might know where she is," Scott said coming in. "Theo just texted me about the high school said there's cops everywhere, might be another chimera." Turning to him a stared.

"My sister, I don't want to die without my sister."

"I'll get her." Reaching out with my other hand a caught his stopping him.

"Phoebe," he seemed to freeze in place. "I need her here too." I remembered a story she told me while we were trapped. 'Why haven't you told them about being supernatural?' I asked and she smiled at me. Her hazel eyes always sparkling and her black hair dark as the night, no wonder liam dated her but I still don't know why he broke up with her.

'Cammi, my ancestor told me that people would trap her and torture her by killing her family and the animals. She can heal everything emotionally and physically and when she sings it's like music that travels to the underworld. If she wishes it she can bring people back from the dead. However she keeps balance of the dead and living, if someone comes back from the dead a price needs to be made.' I stare at her as I gripped my side.

'Why are you here? Why did you sedate liam and help me?' I ask and her smile fades and so does the spark in her eyes.

'Even after shattering my heart I still couldn't bare the though of harm coming to him. I told you to run and you could've gotten away if you kept running but you didn't. I envy you Hayden," this surprised me. 'People don't see you and think death or werejaguar. They don't walk in the other direction, they see you and smile, they see you and have a joke with you. While they look at me and if they knew what I am, they would forget about all the healing and think about Kate argent and berserkers.'

She is so strong and yet so fragile. Taking her hand I squeezed it. 'I promise I won't ever do that to you Pheebs.'

Coming out of the memory I realised I did something far worse than break a promise. I took away her first love and shattered her already broken one. "Phoebe," I whispered "Phoebe I'm sorry."

~~Phoebe's POV~~

"Phoebe, Phoebe I'm sorry." I heard Hayden say and I jerked awake. Sitting up I felt my power serge and Hayden in pain. Jumping out of the spare bed in masons house I ran to Mason's bedroom and knocked on his door.

"Mason! Get up now!" He opens his door and was fully dressed. "Hayden's in trouble we need to go now." I said and went back to my spare room and pulled on a pair of dry black combats boots that Mason got from my house last night as well as the clothes.

"How do you know that and what about what Scott said?" I turned to him and left my hair down, it wasn't to messy and pulled on a leather jacket while slipping my spear belt in my belt loops.

"I heard her and felt her pain. I don't care what Scott says he isn't my alpha anymore but Hayden is my friend." Masons phone buzzed and he pulled it out.

"It's liam, Hayden's at the hospital and Melissa needs supplies." I nodded my head.

"Let's go, but let's make a quick stop at my place I may have something that might help. We got to the hospital about an hour later and I hitch my bag on my shoulder as Mason carried bandages and other hospital stuff. We ran to the elevator and when the dorms opened on our floor we both hurried into the room.

"Over here yeah," Melissa said and stopped and stared at me. "Phoebe what are you doing here?" She asked but I walked forward and took her hand. I calmed my beating heart as I took her pain. I grimaced before realising she was staring at me.

"You came?" She whispered and I nodded.

"I promised you were stuck with me and Scott can't ask me not to not worry about you." I said and Melissa once again stopped what she was doing to stare at me. "Your gonna get through this Hayden, I won't take no for an answer." She smiled and gripped my hand.

"I'm sorry Phoebe, for taking liam away from you. I promised I wouldn't look at you different and yet I hurt you by taking him away from you." It hurt me that she thought that and I shushed her gently.

"Sh, it's ok it's ok. You didn't do anything and there's nothing to apologise for." I looked at Melissa as I stroked my friends face. "I have something that might help."

"Well we'll take anything right now." She says and I nod, taking my backpack off my shoulder I pulled out a bunch of herbs and African violets. Following my instincts i make a type of paste and set the flowers around Hayden. Taking out a spoon I started feeding Hayden until the paste was all gone.

Holding her hand in one and putting my other across her forehead I started to sing. I felt the herbs slowly kill the mercury and her body started to heal. "Oh my god," Melissa said as she stared.

I finished singing but felt drained. Taking a seat I took a short nap before waking to Melissa panicked voice. "No, no, no, no."

"What? What is it?" I asked and move to my friends side as the doctor checked Hayden's pulse.

"I think you better get liam." She says and I gripped my friends hand.

"What about Scott?" Mason asks.

"He's not answering and if Liam wants to be with her he needs to get here now because she is dying and I don't know what else to do." I reached across to the women and touched her shoulder. "Go, I'll text you if anything changes just get him here Mason. Go." I look at my friend and nod my head.

"I'll stay now go." He runs out the room and I turn back to Hayden. "Hey, it's ok. Your gonna be fine." My voice wavered as I tried to think of what else to do.

"We both know that's not true Pheebs," she whispers and stares up at the ceiling. "Just promise me, you'll fix thing with Liam." I stare at her in shock before shaking my head.

"He broke up with me-." She cut me off.

"Because he heard what you said back in the school before the doctors took us." I stare at her. "He told me when after your parents took you. I told him you still like him and he told me he heard you talking to Lydia about growing old, having children and grand children. He broke up with you because he wants you to find someone who can give you that." I blinked the tears away and I stared at the anchor bracelet on my wrist.

"Why didn't he just tell me?" I asked.

"Because he knew you wouldn't fully move on if you knew." I cried while I rub her hand. "Can you do one more thing for me?" I nod my head. "Can you sing again, not heal me sing, just a lullaby."

I cried as I started to sing. I continued to sing until her last breath and I broke down in tears. I watched as one tear of mercury escaped her eye. Crying I lifted her off the table and collapsed to the ground with her head in my lap. Liam came in with blood on his hands and face and I knew it was Scotts blood.

He stared at me and collapsed beside me and taking her into his arms. I put my head on his shoulder and cried. The smell of smoke awoke and I looked up to see parish standing there in shorts burnt at the ends and his eyes flared a fiery red. I nod and give Hayden a kiss on the forehead and a African violet. Liam kissed her cheek and opened his arms as parish took her and we watched him go.

"Did she say anything to you?" He asked and I sat there staring at were I last to my friend.

"She asked me to do one thing for her," turning to him he looked at me. "She asked me to fix things with you." He looked surprised and I nodded before feeling my anger boil inside of me.

Getting to my feet I walked to the opening. "Where are you going?" He asked and I turned to him.

"I'm going to get some pay back." Turning around I ran from the room I ran all the way to the one place I knew our traitor would go. The one place he would need to go to get his pack. The nematon. Theo played us all, twisted his way into our heads before destroying us from the inside.

I stood there waiting for him and he did come with Lydia hobbling beside him. "Come on Lydia, come on!" He says in a dark voice. He stops and drops when he sees me. "What are you doing here?"

"Coming to avenge those who have suffered at your hand Theo." I said and brought out my spear. He smirks and steps forward a green liquid catching my eye in his hand. "You can't bring them back theo, there is a balance that needs to be kept."

"I came here for a pack, and I'll have one. I'm an alpha now Phoebe, I killed Scott." I stared at him as my hope slowly dies. "Now get out of the way."

I stepped forward and slashed my knife ended spear across his face. "Never going to happen Theo." He turns to me and drops his green liquid syringe down before pulling out his claws and fangs. Charging I ducked under his arm and he blocked my attack.

We fought, my spear against his claws. I got a few good hit on him and he did the same. I managed to trip him and I aimed the killing blow to his throat but I hesitated. "You won't do it, you won't kill me." He says.

"How do you know that?" I asked, my knife centimetres away from his neck.

"Because your still loyal to a dead alpha." He kicks my stomach and I drop my spear and stumble back in surprise only to suddenly feel cold and hot at the same time. I blinked and looked down to see my spear through my stomach and out my back. Looking up I saw the triumph in Theo's eyes.

"I feel sorry for you theo. Your heart is cold and made of ice, nobody will follow you because your barely even human." Anger crosses his features as he pushes me back next to Lydia who was frozen, paralysed.

I stare at the sky as theo slowly brings back Tracy, then Corey, josh and then, Hayden. They all look up confused. "What's happenings?" She asks.

"Who are you?" Tracy asks.

"I'm your alpha and all of you, all of you belong to me." He turns and walks away and slowly one by one they began to follow.

"Hayden." I whisper but it was to soft, looking down at the blood coming out of my wound I knew I was going to die. I knew I had to keep fighting but I felt tired. I looked up at the stars as my eyes slowly closed and darkness surrounded me.


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