Bending or Breaking (S05 Liam...

By Love-N-Live

18.5K 456 26

Six months after Mexico life seemed to be great for Phoebe. Her werewolf boyfriend was sweet, her friends and... More

Regression To The Mean
Werewolf Tracy, Not Friend
Working With Brett
Masked Men
Emotional Wreck
Cursed Book - Part 1
Cursed Book - Part 2
Heartbreak Is Different To Pain
Science Experiments
All I Need
No More
The Changing
Anchors And Symbols
Demon Wolf
The Hellhound And The Beast
Horrible Realisations
Planning Eichen Escape
Escape From Eichen - Part 1
Escape From Eichen - Part 2
Escape From Eichen - Part 3
Escape From Eichen - Part 4
The Murder Game
Blood Doesnt Always Mean Family
The man of Gévaudan

Running Or Staying

622 13 0
By Love-N-Live

~~Phoebe's POV~~

After spilling everything to Mason I felt a weight lift off my chest and never, had I ever felt so alive. After he left, I sat there listening to the sounds of people and letting my imagination fly as I read a novel. I was sitting on the stairs when I sensed Stiles and Theo but happened next was freaky, when I focused I heard their voices clear as day.

"And she's sure that's where Parish is taking the bodies?" Theo asks as they enter the room.

"It's what he says happens in his dreams." Stiles answers before Theo states the truth.

"Hey, you know if Lydia finds the nematon she's also gonna find Donavon." I raise my head slowly from my book but don't turn around. I sensed stiles mood change and used my hearing to tell he came to a stop. Turning my head slightly I saw his back turned away from me as he stared at Theo. "Sorry."

"Yeah she's also gonna find Josh." Josh, another Chimera killed and from this conversation, not by the dread doctors as stiles told us but by Theo.

"You know maybe she should." Taken back I waited patiently for him to elaborate. "I think things are different now for Scott especially after what he did to Corey. I don't think he's gonna blame us for defending ourselves. Look I know he won't blame you."

I know he won't blame stiles and Theo's his new emissary but to him, I'm just a stranger. He doesn't know that I'm still the same person who almost died for him in Mexico. Or took a job at the animal clinic to learn more from Deaton and him.

There was silence, before hearing loud noises vibrate through my head. I covered my ears as I heard conversations and heartbeats, smelled emotions and Mercury. Gripping the claw around my neck they suddenly stopped and I looked around before hurrying to my feet. Putting the book back I grabbed my bag and hurried to the door only to bump into stiles.

In my hurry to escape I'd forgotten about them both and now I was face to face with them. Stiles look was one of confusion while theo looked concerned. "Sorry, I just, excuse me." I moved around the both of them and bolted for the doors I started hyperventilating but I managed to walk to the gym where I collapsed in a heap.

"Phoebe?" I heard a voice say and I looked to see my mother before me, standing tall and proud with her long blonde hair and fare skin. "Phoebe honey, what's wrong?"

"I can't, I hear loud noises and voices from across the hall and I can't...." I said starting to cry. She shushed me and knelt in front of me before taking my hand.

"Focus on the sounds you want to hear. Focus on your anchor, what your heart wants and loves." I focused but everything was so loud. Shaking my head her tone grew firm. "Focus Phoebe, focus." I did, clearing the fog I closed my eyes and saw all the friendships I made, or thought so before they all ignored me, all but one.

Mason. His brown chocolate eyes and dark skin, cheeky smile but full of support and honesty. "Phoebe are you alright?" Opening my eyes I saw Mason and Corey staring at me, Mason's hand where my mothers was and I looked around to find her but she wasn't anywhere.

"I - I don't know," telling them what happened they nodded and listened.

"Your becoming supernatural, like Scott and all that." I shook my head.

"Not like Scott, my ancestor Cammi she was the first La Lobian and has many names but she prefers La Loba. Healer and Gatherer. She is also a fighter and doesn't forget." I said and look at the weights. "What are you body building or something?" I asked changing the topic.

A look past through the two of them and I raised a brow. "Did I interrupt something?" Mason blushed as Corey looked away embarrassed. "Hey don't get embarrassed it's cute." I said with a smile as they stared to deny anything. Laughing we spent most of our time together before mercury spilled from Corey's mouth. "Corey!" I scream and caught him as he fell.

The silver liquid covered my hands and shirt as Mason called nine one one. The ambulance got here quickly and we helped getting him on the stretcher. I took some of his pain but since my part in the experiment, it's been weak.

A crowd had formed outside the school doors and watched as they put a silver Corey in the ambulance. "He just started bleeding everywhere, I don't know...." Mason trailed off and I turned to see he was talking to Scott and theo. Scott rested his eyes on me and I saw the look of confrontation in them.

"It wasn't me, I didn't do anything to him." I said and turned back to my recently made friend and saw, plus felt, his pain.

"Don't let them do it," he croaked. "Don't let them kill me." Taking a step forward Mason grabbed my silver hand in his.

"Phoebe don't." He said and I turned to him, no longer hiding my abilities.

"I can take his pain and slowly heal him." I said and he shook his head. Suddenly something occurred to me. "Hayden." I didn't wait for anything as I bolted back down the hallways and spotted her coming down the stairs. I ran to her and she looked at me with worry.

"It's Corey isn't it?" She gestured to the mercury covering my shirt and hands. Nodding I wiped my hands as best I could getting most of the liquid off.

"Yeah, they're taking him to the hospital and it most likely means your next." I said and took her hand in mine, not caring about the silver.

"They're coming for me." She said and I saw the sadness in her eyes. We might not be that close, or on the best of terms right now but I still count her as my sister. She squeezed my hand as I stared into her eyes.

"They're coming for all of us which is why we need to find liam and get you out of here. I'm going after Corey, try and save him. I've lost to many friends in a day and I'm not losing anymore." I stared at her just as liam showed up. "I'm sorry for everything Hayden," turning to Liam I let go of her hand. "Get her somewhere safe liam and don't leave her side." He stares at me before nodding.

Turning I ran for the car park where I found my motorbike. I finally got my license and was able to drive without any worries of heading to juvie. Getting to the hospital, I saw them just get Corey off the ambulance and into the hospital. Turning my bike off I ran in just as the boy stared causing chaos by punching people and pushing others over.

"Corey!" I scream and he turns to me before taking my hands and I felt something crawl on my skin before covering my whole body. "What the hell?" I ask as he pushed us against the wall.

"Camouflage, now be quiet." I did just as Scott and theo walk in to survey the damage.

"They're already here," Scott says and they walked straight past us to the corner.

"This wasn't them." Theo says.

"It was Corey." They walked away and I felt the crawling sensation disappear before looking at his silver covered mouth and nose. They'd cleaned him up but the bleeding had started again.

"That would be cool if it were under different circumstances." He managed a smile as I took his hand and lead him to the basement car park where all the ambulances were. "Ok we need to get you out of here as fast as we can. They may already be here." I said just as the sound of electricity and frequency filled the air.

I turned to Corey and nodded just as we pushed against the the closets ambulance and camouflaged. I felt both our fears increase by fifty as the dread doctor with the cain walked down the isle towards us. He took out a sword from the cain and I let go of Corey's hand and pushed the doctor just as he stabbed Corey.

Spinning around I kicked him and let my anger fill me and I laid hit on him. He brought his hand down and got me across the face and i crumbled to the ground holding my bleeding head. I turned and saw Corey fall to the ground as well. "Corey? No, Corey!" I scream and crawl to his side.

Putting pressure on the sword wound tears fell down my cheeks and I turned to see the doctor disappear in thin air. Shaking with rage I turned back to my friend as the life slowly faded from his eyes. "No no you stay with me. Corey?" I said as tears fell from my eyes. "Corey?" I whispered and tried to take his pain but it was to late. I touched his cheek with my black sliver liquid coloured hands. "Corey."

I stared at him in shock for a few moments before wiping my tears away and feeling blood on the side of my head. Shaking my head I gave his slowly cooling hand one more squeeze before getting up and heading to my bike. Getting on I put my helmet on and starting the engine up before roaring back to where my gut told me Hayden and liam was.

I tore my helmet off and ran to the door only to stop as a wave of dizziness took over. Taking a minute I blinked to clear the fog that covered my eyes before walking in to see Hayden opening the door to the safe. "Wow, we've got a possible criminal in our midst."

They both turned to me in surprise but liam smiles. "Yeah? Well it wasn't like you obeyed the road rules speedy." He said and I could help but smile at him.

"Yeah well you never seemed to complain." We stared at each other, lost in each other's eyes until Hayden spoke up.

"What happened to Corey?" My breath caught and I could barley meet her gaze before shaking my head. She looked at the two hundred in her hands before changing the topic. "My sisters gonna go out of her mind worrying about me."

"You'll call her from the city and tell her." I said and blinked as the fog set in again. I stumbled forward but liam caught me. "I'm fine." I said as he moved my hair away from a gashed head.

"No your not, you need a doctor." He said and I shook my head.

"Your gonna get as far away from here as you can." I said still very aware of Liam's arms around me and yet I didn't want them to let me go. Hayden gave me a look of confusion as she rose to her feet.

"Your not coming with us?" I shook my head.

"I can't. My dads still getting over mu-." I cut myself off again but decided to continue. "My mum saved me from death. The experiment the doctors did would've killed me but my mother decide to sacrifice her life for mine. She saved me but it ruined dad, he's barley sleeping but he's trying to be strong for me." I met her sad gaze with my own. "If I leave it'll ruin him but I'll send you cash, it's the least I can do."

Pulling from Liam's arms I walked over and hugged her. "Be safe Pheebs, I don't know what I'll do if-."

"You won't have to know. Once your friends with me your stuck with me." She laughed despite everything and pulled away. Turning to Liam I felt the awkward tension returning. "You be safe to Liam." He nods and holds out his hand but if this is the last I'll see if him I didn't want it to be a handshake. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him, not to long but a hug all the same.

The lights started flashing and the electricity went on and off. "Oh god," Hayden said "I think they're here."

I pulled them both behind a counter and waited. The sound of crashing bottles and glass made me flinch before liam grabbed both our hands and pulled us to the exit only to have another doctor come out in front of us. It smacked liam aside like a doll before they all zoomed in on Hayden and I.

We were trapped.


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