Bending or Breaking (S05 Liam...

By Love-N-Live

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Six months after Mexico life seemed to be great for Phoebe. Her werewolf boyfriend was sweet, her friends and... More

Regression To The Mean
Werewolf Tracy, Not Friend
Working With Brett
Masked Men
Emotional Wreck
Cursed Book - Part 1
Cursed Book - Part 2
Heartbreak Is Different To Pain
Science Experiments
Running Or Staying
No More
The Changing
Anchors And Symbols
Demon Wolf
The Hellhound And The Beast
Horrible Realisations
Planning Eichen Escape
Escape From Eichen - Part 1
Escape From Eichen - Part 2
Escape From Eichen - Part 3
Escape From Eichen - Part 4
The Murder Game
Blood Doesnt Always Mean Family
The man of GĂ©vaudan

All I Need

591 17 3
By Love-N-Live

~~Ashley's POV~~

As soon as the door to the alphas house opened I jumped from Bens arms to my daughters doll like form. "What happened? Oh my baby, what happened?" I asked Hayden as I pulled her from Theo's hold into my own.

"They experimented on her," she says and I stare at her with sadness. "I didn't know what she was doing until it was to late, but she took my pain and started throwing up the black liquid they were injecting into her." I nod my head.

"Ben, we have to go or else she'll die." I said seeing the scales behind my eye lids every time I blink. Ben takes our daughter from me as we hurry from the house without another word and into the car.

We drove all the way home and hurried into the basement where we stored all stuff supernatural. "Ashley, you can't do this by yourself you know what will happen." Ben said as he lays our pale daughter on the wooden table, black liquid falling from the corners of her mouth, eyes, ears and nose.

"Cammi won't make it back in time and if I don't she will die. Better me than her." I pulled a brown leather bound book from a chest and flipped to the back of the book before landing on the page I needed. I gathered the herbs and followed every step until all that was left was my voice.

Ben turned me around to face him before cupping my cheeks in his hand and kissing me. Even though he had aged from the first time I saw him, his hair had lightened and had flecks of grey appearing, his love and safety never aged or wavered. "I love you Ashley and this isn't goodbye." I smiled and touched his cheek with my smaller hand.

"I know, it's only a knew chapter of our lives." He pulled away and stepped back as I turned to my dying daughter. "I love you honey, my baby." With that I took a breath and began to sing the language of healing and death.

~~Phoebe's POV~~

Dreaming is weird when you think your dead, because when you wake up you still think your dreaming. So when I woke up and saw the ceiling of my families basement I thought it was another dream. Groaning I rolled my head to the side only to have a flower fall from my hair.

Lifting my arm felt like lifting a truck. Picking it up I studied it. African violet, used for healing. Healing? Suddenly I remembered everything, the dread doctors, me and Hayden stuck in the cage, my mothers voice.

"I love you honey, my baby." Sitting up I found I was on the table used for discussing our plans of attack, only it was surrounded by purple African violets and herbs. Looking around I saw a book open that I've never seen before. Moving was worse than ever, it felt like my insides were concrete.

Reading the book I realized what had happened. "Mum! Dad!" Forgetting about the pain, about my shattered heart I bolted for the door and searched the whole house until I found them both out side on the deck. Sitting side by side and holding hands. I opened the glass sliding door and dad turned to face me.

"Phoebe? What are you doing up?" I had tears in my eyes and held out the book. Nothing passed over his face as he moved closer to mum. "Please, you don't want to see this Phoebe."

"Phoebe? Is that you?" Mum asked, only it wasn't her voice. "Ben, let me see my daughter before I go." Dad kissed her one last time on the cheek before letting go of her hands and moving away. I slowly stepped forward and held back a gasp because in front of me was my mother aged by about forty years.

Her blonde hair was grey and her fare skin wrinkled and a tiredness surrounded her hazel eyes. Even with all these changes she was still the most beautiful person I had ever seen. "Mum? What happened to you?" I asked and sat next to her, putting the book aside. She took my hands, her ones still warm to the touch and soft.

"I healed you from what those awful things did to my baby girl. I paid the price for healing you and i'll pass on when the sun is up." She said and tears rolled down my cheeks and she put a hand under my chin to place it high. "Do not cry Phoebe for my power will pass to you when I am gone, from mother to daughter and La Loba will finish your training." I shook my head.

"But how? My heart is shattered as you warned me Liam would do and it will only break more when you pass, mother tell me what to do to reverse it please." I sobbed and hugged her and she combed my hair, which has grown down my back to the end of my shoulder blades.

"Only when you love again will it heal, but take this as a reminder to keep fighting." I pulled away as she reached behind her neck and undid the necklace she never took off. She placed it in my hand and I stared at a pure black claw, it was smooth but yet rigid to the touch. "La Loba gave up one of her claws to pass down through the bloodline as a reminder of the sacrifices we make to survive. I sacrificed my life so my daughter, my only child, could live. I love you honey." I stared at the women in front of me and hugged her again.

I felt the warmth of the sun break through the trees. "Forgive my child, it's the only way to live your life in happiness. To forgive those who hurt you out of love." I pulled away and stared at her as she stared back with a smile. Dad knelt beside me and held my mothers other hand as tears rolled down his face. My mother slowly turned to dust and the wind collected the dust and blew her through the trees. It finally took her hand and mine felt cold without hers there. I collapsed into my dads arms as we both cried our broken hearts, the pain being the only reminder that this was reality and not a nightmare.


School was the last thing on my mind, especially since dad told me that all my pack knows now what I am. It turns out I was out for longer than a couple of hours, I was out for a whole day. Scott came by and my parents told him everything. Everything.

When I got to school nobody was laughing, nobody was smiling. It was like they knew something was coming, something bad. When I saw stiles and Malia, they turned and went the opposite way. Corey gave me a sad look before doing the same. I went to my locker and saw no Liam, well what do you expect? He broke up with you I remind myself.

I touched the necklace and stopped my tears. I pulled out my books but didn't feel like going to class. Walking around during first and I stopped when I saw Hayden against a wall showing her healed skin to Liam who rubbed his thumb against it. My skin ached for his touch but I shoved those feeling away and walked off to the gym.

Changing clothes I wasted away the rest of first and second at the gym, working off my anger. After all my spare time reading or training with Cammi I have toned up and gotten a fair bit of muscle. Showering I stared at my scares, three claw marks before something occurred to me. Turing off the water I dried and changed into shorts and a black and white stripped long sleeve top. Lifting up the end of my top I pulled off my necklace and traced over my scares with a perfect matched claw.

My skin tingled as I left my finding to myself. Walking out of the locker rooms to the bus area intending of being by myself again only to see Hayden and Liam together between two buses. I went to turn away only to see Hayden nose bleed out Mercury as she wiped it away before looking at Liam. I read her lips as I was to far away to hear.

'Don't tell anyone. You can't tell anyone." I stared at my friend, every fibre of my body filled with an urge to heal her but I knew it wasn't something I could heal. Just as she caught my eye I turned away but she called after me. "Phoebe wait!" But I didn't, taking off into a dead sprint I bursted through the doors and got about five feet before Liam's hand grabbed my hand.

I stopped and ripped my hand out of his. "Don't touch me liam." I met his eyes and saw the hurt flash through them but I was to hurt and in pain to care. Hayden jogged up behind him and looked between us, sensing the tension.

"Phoebe, I just want you to-." Snapping my gaze to her I nodded.

"Don't worry I won't tell anyone about your nose bleed." She nodded her head and I did the same. "Cool and if that's all?" I asked and she stepped forward, concerned.

"Phoebe what's wrong?" She asked and I felt the tears threatening to spill.

"Pheebs, you can tell us." I turned to Liam and gave him a look.

"Can I? Because every friend that I have ever made is either not speaking to me, avoiding me or both. Yeah doesn't matter what we've been through together, doesn't matter that I risked my life to save them over and over again. No, what does matter is that I lied to protect everyone that I love an yet they couldn't give a damn, let alone that my mother-." I cut myself off because it want any of their business since they didn't care. Hayden and liam wouldn't even look at me now and I shook my head, breathing with rage. "You know what, go ahead and be together if that's what you want. I won't be around much longer anyway to worry about being hurt by anyone in this town."

Turning on my heel I walked to the library where I slowly let my tears fall. I felt masons presence beside me in a chair. "Mason if your here to hurt me in anyway, just please go away." I voice broke at the end and I turned not caring that he'll see my tears. Unlike the others he shook his head, his eyes still the same warm caring Mason I knew when I was human. Even after everything he still sees the good.

"I came to see if your ok." He touched my hand and that undid me. I broke down silently and shook my head. "Hey, hey I'm here for you Pheebs. What's wrong?" I wrapped my arms around his neck and he hugged me back. No one was in the library at the moment, just the two of us.

"Everything. She's gone Mason. She died to save me...." I trailed off at the end as I told him everything since the moment I first spoke to the berserker. He just sat there rubbing my back and listening and right then that was all that I needed.


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