Bending or Breaking (S05 Liam...

By Love-N-Live

18.5K 456 26

Six months after Mexico life seemed to be great for Phoebe. Her werewolf boyfriend was sweet, her friends and... More

Regression To The Mean
Werewolf Tracy, Not Friend
Working With Brett
Masked Men
Cursed Book - Part 1
Cursed Book - Part 2
Heartbreak Is Different To Pain
Science Experiments
All I Need
Running Or Staying
No More
The Changing
Anchors And Symbols
Demon Wolf
The Hellhound And The Beast
Horrible Realisations
Planning Eichen Escape
Escape From Eichen - Part 1
Escape From Eichen - Part 2
Escape From Eichen - Part 3
Escape From Eichen - Part 4
The Murder Game
Blood Doesnt Always Mean Family
The man of GĂ©vaudan

Emotional Wreck

556 13 2
By Love-N-Live

A scream filled my ears as well as an exploding pain in my shoulder. My breath caught as I absorbed the fact that one of my friends was in trouble. Pulling away from Scott, Kira, Brett, Mason and Liam, I ran out of the club Sinema and to my bike.

Pulling on my helmet I ignited the roar of my baby and followed my gut to the school. I saw Stiles' jeep parked and pulled to a stop at the end of the block before pulling out my spear and racing inside. I sensed there was more than just stiles in the building as I hurried to the library.

I tried the doors but they were shut tight. Looking through the window I saw stiles climbing the scaffolding with Donavon behind him. Turning to my right I saw the keypad for the doors and smashed it with my spear, hearing the click of the doors opening. Running in I noticed the key ring stiles was trying to grab and the hissing of a Wendigo.

Pulling out a knife at the end of my spear I took a second to call on my inner power before looking at Donavon, pulling my arm back, pushing it forward and letting the knife fly through the air and into Donavan's spine. He froze allowing stiles a second to grip the key and pull it out.

Poles fell and a slicing noise filled the air, sounding more louder than any other pole vibrating on contact with the floor. Donavon was stabbed through the chest by a pole that fell from the scaffolding, my knife still sticking through his back as he choked and coughed on his own blood.

I walked behind the dying boy as stiles stood in front of him, his eyes solemnly fixed on the boy. He reached out an took the pole in his hands. Donavon growled and hissed through his teeth causing both of us to freeze up. I watched, feeling cold as the boys head went limp. My breathing was all that filled my ears as mercury flowed down the pole, giving a silvery tone to the red blood.

Tears filled my ears as I watched stiles' own brown ones turn watery. I carefully walked forward and touched the hilt of my knife, taking a second before pulling it out. Blood covered my hands and small parts of my clothes as it spitted from the wound. I couldn't see the blood against my black jeans or matching shirt. My hair and face still covered by the helmet and my bracelet was hidden by my jacket.

Unfortunately my favourite pair of vans were ruined. The golden knife felt warm to the touch but sent ice through my veins. "Who are you?" Stiles asked but my voice didn't seem to work. Turning I walked over to the library phone and called nine one one. "What are you doing? You can't call them here, they'll see what we did. What I did," he rephrased.

"Nine one one what's your emergency?" A female voice asked but I didn't say anything and neither did stiles. "Nine one one please state your emergency." Silence "nine one one this line is for emergencies only, if you do not have an emergency please hang up."

"Want me to send a car out?" Another voice, male, asked. "What's the address?"

"It's the school, Beacon Hills High." The women answered.

"Let's see if we can get a car in the area." The man answered as the line went dead. I put the phone back down and stared at the knife in hand. The symbol for La Loba was covered with blood standing out so brightly the moonlit sky reflected it.

"We have to go," stiles said. His voice wavering and I nodded in agreement. Getting a clean bit of cloth from the scaffolding I cleaned my prints from the phone as stiles worked on keeping the door to the library open. Suddenly a phone vibrated and I had my knife in defending position in a second, my metal pole hidden beneath my jumper.

We looked at each other as stiles slowly crept towards Donavon and slowly took his phone back from him. I caught a glimpse of Malia's name before he declined and pocketed his phone. Walking forward, I gently took his arm and pulled him out to his abandoned car. We worked in silence jumpstarting the jeep before getting in and taking a second to reverse an watch as the deputy got out of his car an look around.

Out of fear I gripped stiles' hand with my less bloody one. He looked at me and I could see the confusion written on his face and I was glad he didn't know it was me under the mask. It felt like hours went by before the deputy walked out again. Stiles turned on his police radio and we listen in.

"Dispatch I'm ten ninety seven and there is no one here. It's a six five three." I didn't here what they said next. I was confused, broken and absolutely terrified out of my mind. My knife still clenched in my hand I waited for the car to get out of sight before rushing out of the car and back into the library.

There was nothing, no mess, no dead body, no blood. Nothing. I turned back to stiles who wore the same expression I felt. Something caught his eye and he walked past me to a pole and gently touched it before pulling away his finger which held red blood. My breathing increased and I just knew I had to run and get away.

Turning I ran from the room. Jumping on my bike I slipped the knife into the waist bane of my jeans and rode. I didn't ride home though, I rode until I came to a stop at the place it all began, the place I have been secretly coming to to clear my head. Derek's old home, the loft.

Running up the stairs I went straight to the shower room and undressed before leaning against the wall as hot water dripped down my back. The water turned red and I cried as I ran my hand through my saturated hair getting caught in the knots. I must've blanked out with grief or confusion because the next thing I know I'm punching a dummy they use for karate.

Dressed in nothing but a sports bar and short tights I punched and kicked, my mind replaying tonight's events, the masked men, Donavon trying to kill stiles, my knife entering his spine, stiles setting the poles loose that killed Donavon. Stopping I turned to the red golden knife laying on top of my bloodied cloths.

Walking towards it, I felt a cold sensation of death as I got closer. My fingers touched the hilt of the blade and the dried blood. My phone buzzed on the nightstand causing me to drop the blade in shock. Looking at the ID I saw it was my mother.

Tears sprinted to my eyes I wanted so badly to tell someone, anyone, but I knew they would never look at me the same. Ignoring it I walked over to a bag and stuffed my clothes in it, reaching for the knife I couldn't bring myself to throw it away.

Reaching for my golden spear I let it reach to its full length and undid the end, seeing the hole at one end of the spear I reattached the knife to the other end, cleaned of most of the blood, before turning it back into the pole. Laying on the bed I couldn't sleep, the thoughts and images haunted me. How could anyone love me, a killer?


School was a blur I don't remember anything at all. I don't remember eating, writing, talking to anyone. I needed to tell someone or ask a question about anything. "Hey, Phoebe I need your help." Jumping out of my thoughts I saw Malia staring at me with confusion. "Are you ok? You reek of anxiety and... Something."

I nodded my head but didn't make eye contact. "Yeah, just didn't get much sleep. What'd you need?" I asked and she looked at me for another second before pulling me towards the very last place I wanted to be. The library.

"I need your help with homework, and understanding a couple of things." She said as we made our way to the door an didn't waste a second before pulling me in causing a wave of unpleasant memories. Freezing up I saw the scaffolding and where Donavon landed to where the blood should be.

"I- I shouldn't be here." I said and the girl in front me looked even more confused.

"Why not?" I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head.

"No, I meant. Malia your a senior and I'm just barely a sophomore or junior, whatever you American kids call it. I can't help you with your homework."

"You mean you can't help me here," she stated. "Ok, did somebody physically hurt you or something because I have never seen you freeze up so bad?" I shook my head and realized I could ask her something.

"No it's just, last night Lucas he wasn't going to hurt us, he was going to kill us. If Scott, or Brett or Liam even Kira, if they weren't there and it was just me and him, would you treat me badly or kick me out of the pack if I had to kill him in self defence?" She shook her head.

"No,I wouldn't." I sighed in relief feeling a small weight lift off my shoulders. "But I can't say the same for Scott. His moral is the save everyone but I understand the point where self defence has to be justified." I felt so much more broken than I did before I walked in the door. Pushing my feeling aside I nodded.

"Ok, what do you need help with?" We got a table at the second level and I helped her study before pulling a book out of my bag. It was written in an ancient language very few knew to read, Latin. The original La Loba originated in Rome, hence the golden spear and fighting instincts.

We were silent and in peaceful environment until Theo came and sat with us and I didn't need to look up to know it was him. Emotional level, but Malia's changed when he was around. "Page turner?" He asked her.

"Not exactly" she answered while he held up his book.

"Neither is this," he said and I looked up to see a complex looking book. I felt the awkward tension filling the air around the poor coyote and I gently touched her foot with mine and took some of that tension away and sent her calming reassurance. The problem with doing what I did was bad because it enhanced my already bad and tense mood.

"What did you do?" She asked me and I looked up from my family tree.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused and tired.

"You did something just now. You did something to me and it changed your scent." I blinked before shanking my head.

"I don't think i'm the only one who hasn't gotten enough sleep." I muttered before shoving music in my ears and continued reading. I shook my head and turned the page only to read something about Cammi and don't tell me how I knew it was her because it was a feeling.

La Loba is the toughest and fiercest of her pack. Her bright green eyes fill with a passion and love for the challenge. Undefeated she protects women and children as she triumphs her rivals and is the leader of the pack.

I stare at the piece unable to take my eyes off it, toughest and fiercest? Undefeated? I felt lost and broken as I could no longer here my music, just the sound of my heart in my ears.

Malia touched my arm and I looked at her seeing her things already packed up. Pulling my earphones out I did the same. "Need a ride?" Theo asked as I finished packing my bag. His words were directed to Malia but I looked to see his eyes on me.

"We can take the bus," Malia said and I turned to her now and mouthed we? She kicked my foot and I turned to Theo nodding my head.

"We're fine thanks." He stared at the two of us, my gut screaming at me to drag both Malia and I out, away from him.

"Last one left an hour ago." He stated with a small smile.

"We'll walk to my place then," I said even though it was at least and hour and half away.

"I've seen you come out of drivers ed," he said to Malia.

"I hope not," she said and I rolled my eyes at her drop in voice. Ok she's not that bad.

"I'm pretty sure I saw you destroy a couple of traffic cones the other day, and nearly take out a sophomore." I hitched my bag on my shoulder as Malia did the same thing.

"The sophomore shouldn't have been standing there." She stated and looked at me as I smiled. "Don't you agree."

"Yeah, totally, one hundred percent," we turn back to Theo as he pulled out his keys.

"Sounds like you could still use some practice." He throw his keys to Malia who caught them with no effort. She turned to me and smiled while I raised my eyebrows in a go get'm manner.

"Your coming to Pheebs," theo said as he packed up his stuff. "I'm not letting you walk around alone this time of night, beside you could get a few pointers." I opened my mouth to argue but he came around an was already walking down the stairs.

We are in his car, or blue ute should I say, and we were going steady. I was in the backseat in the middle. I saw Malia's death grip on the steering wheel, unbuckling I leaned forward and spoke.

"You don't have to strangle the poor thing you know?" I said "and we can go a little faster to if you want."

"I'm doing the speed limit," she stated and theo spoke up this time meeting my gaze but directing his speech to Malia.

"Nobody does the speed limit, and phoebes right you don't have to hold the wheel that tight." I tore my gaze from his and touched Malia's hand taking some of her stress away and relaxing her hand, gliding it down to where I feel comfortable driving car back in Australia around my place.

"Better?" I asked and she smiled at me, nodding her head. When I pulled my hand away I winced at her emotional pain an gripped my hand into a fist before shaking it out. Opening my eyes I saw Theo staring at me with confusion but I shook my head.

We suddenly sped up and I had to grip Theo's shoulder to keep balance. His hand came to mine and I saw black lines appear on his skin and my pain easing. Jerking my hand away I spoke to Malia.

"Ok, we said a little faster not one five." She didn't slow only went faster, putting her foot flat on the gas.

"Malia are you ok?" Theo asked "Malia slow down," he said and went for the wheel but she jerked it away causing theo to fall back in his seat.

"Malia!" I yelled and touched her shoulder only to experience high levels of emotions and pain. My breath caught as I my body shake with all the emotions, hers and mine, weld together. I felt my power stir up inside as it tried to heal Malia emotionally.

"Stop the car!" Theo yelled but we kept going faster. "Stop the car!" She slammed on the brakes and the connection was lost. I was dizzy and exited the car, as I held to many emotions an pain.

I stumbled forward and collapsed to the ground my whole body shaking. My body was trying to heal but there was to much pain as I clawed at my head and groaned in pain.

"Phoebe, come on get up." Theo said from behind me. "Come on we got up." He grabbed me from the waist and throw us out of the road of an on coming car. I shook from head to toe, breathing hard as I laid in Theo's arms trying to figure out what I needed.

"quod amor et ipse vivet propter tria carmina morte" I whispered.

"What?" Theo's said and I turned to face him, not realizing how close we were, before seeing Malia staring at me.

"I- I need to," I felt so pale and light headed that I collapsed against theo with no hesitation. "Home, I need to get home." I muttered before passing out.


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