Bending or Breaking (S05 Liam...

By Love-N-Live

18.5K 456 26

Six months after Mexico life seemed to be great for Phoebe. Her werewolf boyfriend was sweet, her friends and... More

Regression To The Mean
Werewolf Tracy, Not Friend
Masked Men
Emotional Wreck
Cursed Book - Part 1
Cursed Book - Part 2
Heartbreak Is Different To Pain
Science Experiments
All I Need
Running Or Staying
No More
The Changing
Anchors And Symbols
Demon Wolf
The Hellhound And The Beast
Horrible Realisations
Planning Eichen Escape
Escape From Eichen - Part 1
Escape From Eichen - Part 2
Escape From Eichen - Part 3
Escape From Eichen - Part 4
The Murder Game
Blood Doesnt Always Mean Family
The man of Gévaudan

Working With Brett

594 19 2
By Love-N-Live

~~Phoebes POV~~

Watching Brett play lacrosse shirtless was, on one word, different. He has a rocking body, cute haircut and adorable eyes. I leant on one foot as i analysed the score Brett made, "so he's a werewolf to?" Mason asked and I turned to see a smile on my friends face while my boyfriends had mixed emotions.

Smiling myself I turned back to the game, "yep." I answered.

"This just gets better and better." He says causing me to shake my head.

"You know I hear he's single to," I turned to my friend who's eyes were glassed over as he stares at Brett who was on full display. Liam pressed his lips together and turned to me, his arms crossed. My smile vanished as I bit my lip and shrugged my shoulders. "What?"

"Are you seriously trying to hook our best friend up with a werewolf?" I opened my mouth to reply only to have him cut me off. "The same werewolf who tried to beat me up on the lacrosse field and make my life hell while I was in anger management?"

"Ok, fine bad idea." I said "but we need his help do there's no harm in him and Mason getting along under supervision. So," i threaded my arm through masons and pulled him along. "Come on big guy I'd like you to meet another werewolf."

"Brett!" I called and he jogged over away from his group of friend. "Nice to see you when your not beating up my boyfriend or trying to die from assassins." I said and he smiled.

"Yeah, nice to finally talk to the person who helped save my life." His eyes moved to Mason. "Hey man, nice to know your in the know." All Mason did was nod. I felt Liam move up behind me and I knew it was him because I felt his emotions. Frustration, longing, happiness, need.

"Hey Liam, what's going on?" Brett asked and I moved both my hands behind my back to squeeze Liam's larger ones.

"We need your help." He said before digging out his phone and showing Brett a photo of Tracy.

"Cute, never seen her." He said.

"Could Satomi have turned her without you knowing?" Liam asked still holding my hands as he listens to Brett.

"After the dead pool Satomi isn't doing much recruiting." Couldn't really blame her, she pretty much lost all her pack, her friends.

"That's how it works? Alpha werewolves just go around biting people?' Mason asked and I shrugged.

"How do you think Scott turned?" I asked meeting his gaze before nodding to Brett. "Or your born like him and his sister."

"Satomi took us in after our family died in a fire." Liam pulled his hand from mine and I turned to face him as he zooms in on the photo.

"Guys I think I just found something." I pulled the phone out of his hand and saw he had zoomed in on Tracy's necklace. The same one we saw in the hole we fell in while watch Theo.

"Holy hell," I said and stared at Liam as he looked straight back at me and nodded. "The hole, we need to get back to the hole." We explained to the two boys what we found and agreed to meet up at the spot. It was dark long before we were anywhere near the hole.

"Sure you know where your going?" Brett asked.

"I know where I am," Liam answered annoyed as I walked next to Mason.

"So do I, in the middle of nowhere." I walked off and suddenly landed on my back with dirt covering my face.

"Guys," I called as I sat up rubbing my head. Looking up I saw all three guys staring at me. "I think I found it," turning on my torch I started looking around.

"See the necklace?" Liam asked.

"Dry leaves, dry leaves and oh my god," I said and looked up to see my boyfriends worried face. "More dried leaves," he gave me a look while the other two grinned. "Nah I don't see it." I held up both my arms as Liam reached down and pulled me up. "Thanks," I said pulling out some leaves from my black hair.

"Liam, I thought you said it was a sink hole?" Mason said as he crouched down and examined it.

"It's a hole what's the difference?" He replied as we crouched down next to beside.

"We'll look at all these hand prints and all this dirt." He stated and it slowly fit together in my head.

"She didn't fall on here." Brett said coming to the same conclusion.

"She was buried." I breathed out and fisted the dirt in my hand feeling a need to punch something.

"Intense," Mason said as I stood up and rubbed the dirt from my hands. Liam jumped down into the hole to have a better look, but something didn't feel right.

"Why isn't it here?" I heard him mumble.

"Maybe she probably came back for it." Brett said and I gave him a look as Liam used his speed and strength to jump out. I wish I could use my agility but my mother reminds me of why I can't.

"I don't think this is the one." Liam says and I nod.

"What'd you mean?" Mason asked confused.

"It was closer to the bridge, much closer. This is a different hole." I say and Liam nods in agreement.

"Then who crawled out of this one?" We all stood around the hole before I got a sudden feeling of pain and suffocation. All I could hear was my own heartbeat in my ears as the pain excelled then dulled into an irritating hum. I stared off into space just as Liam's phone buzzed.

"We have to go, they found Tracy dead but Lydia was injured." Snapping my head to him an covered my mouth with both hands.

"How bad?" All he did was shake his head, grab my hand and run for the car before Brett drove us to the hospital. Scott met us outside as I hurried to him with Liam at my heels before spilling everything.

"Tracy was buried?" Scott said confused.

"Yeah buried alive crawled out and we found another hole." Liam said as we walked towards the elevator.

"Who was buried in that one?"

"Don't know but I think we're gonna want to find out." I answered as we got into the elevator, pulling out my phone I sent a text to Cammi about healing Lydia she replied with a no. Clenching my fists we walked out as the bell dinged and hurried to the group.

My phone went off and Liam stopped to look at me along with Scott. "It's my mother, better take it quickly." They nodded and walked off as I hit the answer button. "Why not? She's my friend."

"Because your not ready for something like this." Cammi answered calmly which made my anger rise.

"Ok, then explain why I felt her pain in my side seconds before the call came in saying she was injured?" Silence filled the other end.

"Explain," she said and I did. "Your more powerful than I thought. What you felt was the bond tying you to your pack mates, when one is severely injured your feel their pain and that only happened when they are going to die." I shook my head.

"No, no she isn't going to die. I- I won't let that happen." I said gripping my head. "I can heal her I-."

"Feel the balance, is she suppose to die?" She asked and I took a breath before imagining the scales seeing them on the back of my eyelids I saw they were out of balance.

"No, the scales are servilely out of balance if she dies..." I didn't finish that sentence but heard the breathing on the other end increase.

"Ok, hear's what you need to do." She said and I listened.


Liam walked me to my front door and kissed me. I responded and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'll be over soon, I'll just get cleaned up." I said against his lips before kissing them once more lightly.

He nodded and smiled. "Not to long ok?" I nodded before pulling away  and entering my house. Walking down the hallway I entered the last door on right and pulled a key out of the pot plant and opened it. Walking down the stairs I turned on the lights to see my parents, and Cammi sitting around circular wooden table with La Lobas symbol carved in the middle. Her symbol, a girl with her hands speed wide with scales in front of them and two bones making a cross behind her.

"Well what ever she was, she wasn't supernatural." My father said after I finished explaining everything. My father was a emissary for an alpha back in Australia before the alpha allowed dad to be with my mum after I was born. He was the one who got me into kick boxing before mum said martial arts would be more fun.

"Definitely," Cammi said as I pulled out the Mercury stained tissue along with one talon I saved and Tracy's claws, that I borrowed from Deaton, and a jar of venom. "A werewolf with the talons of a eagle, it's possibly a shape shifter known in eastern mythology as a Garuda. Tracy's claws, the claws unmistakable claws of a werewolf but a werewolf who also bares the venom and scales of a Knaima."

"What do you even call that?" My mother asks while I pipe up.

"Personally I call it terrifying."

"I'm more interested in how Tracy got across the mountain ash. Nothing supernatural can do that." My dad said.

"Nothing supernatural," I whispered and Cammi tilted her head like a jaguar would.

"Speak, La Loba." She said and i inwardly felt a warmth spread through me as she called me that.

"Nothing supernatural can cross the mountain ash right? But Tracy and wolf man had different creatures of supernatural in them. So, Tracy wasn't born or bitten by anything supernatural, she's not supernatural. She was made.

"I have never heard of an abomination," my mother said while Cammi looked calm and collected.

"We'll talk about this tomorrow as of right now you need to shower and rest. Taking most of that girls damage is going to cost you tomorrow Phoebe, so be prepared." I nodded before walking out and showering. Changing into pyjama shorts and tank top before climbing out, over to Liam's who was waiting for me shirtless on his bed.

"Wow you took your time," he said getting up and meeting me halfway.

"Well I did fall into a hole tonight incase you forgot." I stated causing him to laugh and shake his head.

"No I remember vividly," he said and kissed me deeply.

"You know what else I remember vividly?" I asked against his lips and his blue eyes held some mischief in them as he stared at me. "I remember you imagined us in a specific position..." He raised his brows in surprise as his cheeks reddened with embarrassment.

"Really? Well how about we reenact that see what happens with no stiles." He slowly wrapped his arms around my waist while my fingers pulled playfully at the ends of his hair.

"I reckon so," we ended up doing a lot of kissing before curling up in each others arms and falling asleep.


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