Bending or Breaking (S05 Liam...

By Love-N-Live

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Six months after Mexico life seemed to be great for Phoebe. Her werewolf boyfriend was sweet, her friends and... More

Regression To The Mean
Working With Brett
Masked Men
Emotional Wreck
Cursed Book - Part 1
Cursed Book - Part 2
Heartbreak Is Different To Pain
Science Experiments
All I Need
Running Or Staying
No More
The Changing
Anchors And Symbols
Demon Wolf
The Hellhound And The Beast
Horrible Realisations
Planning Eichen Escape
Escape From Eichen - Part 1
Escape From Eichen - Part 2
Escape From Eichen - Part 3
Escape From Eichen - Part 4
The Murder Game
Blood Doesnt Always Mean Family
The man of Gévaudan

Werewolf Tracy, Not Friend

625 16 1
By Love-N-Live

~~Phoebes POV~~

"Ok, hands on the wheel at ten and two," Kira says to Malia who is in the drivers seat going to drive on the real road.

"Actually the recommended position is nine and three." Lydia said from the passenger side. "At ten and two a deployed could break your thumbs." We all nodded along as Malia stated the truth.

"Mine would heal." I smiled and leant forward, my head over the coyotes shoulder.

"Save your strength," the other two girls smiled as I continued. "Try not to destroy your beautiful new car."

"Nine and three," Lydia said again this time directing the girls hands into position. I noticed her hands tighten on the wheel. Taking a breath I closed my eyes and pulled at the power inside me. One of the tricks I learnt over six months was tapping into emotion and Malia was giving off powerful waves of fear and anger.

Reaching forward I directed a soothing motion of power to Malia by touching her shoulder. "You got this, you past junior math. How hard can this be?" She smiled at me and shook her head before turning the ignition.

"Alright, just ease into it." Kira said as Malia slow crept forward before building up speed. "Ok, good good there you go."

"Please shut up," Malia said as I felt her fear slowly creep up again only this time I didn't send it away from her. 'Fear can be a good thing Phoebe, it can keep people in check or can defeat a person and drive them over the edge,' my mother said.

"No problem, shutting up." The fox said.

"Ah, Malia?" I asked as we slowly started heading off the road. "Other way, Malia."

"Malia, please go the other way," the fox said just as the cars warning system kicked in and started beeping loudly.

"What is that? What is beeping?"

"The cars telling you not to run into a tree, turn the wheel." The banshee said calmly before seeing how close the tree actually was and yelled. "Malia!" The short haired brunette turned the wheel and I collapsed into the seat with relief only to feel us going in a continuous circle.

"Ok, sure this is called a u-turn." Kira said obviously better with continuous turning than running into a tree.

"You said turn the wheel." Malia stated.

"She meant turn the wheel so we don't hit a tree and ruin your new car." I stated. "Maybe you should press a little harder on the gas," before I finished the sentence we were speeding off down the abounded road.

"Turn up here," Lydia said and Malia did only she didn't slow. "Slowly, slowly," Lydia kept making suggestions before we finally made it onto the main road.

"Ok, anybody want to tell me where we're going?" Malia asked.

"The school, we can practice parking in the lot." Kira and I shared a look and I looked out the front twice before speaking up.

"Lydia, we're actually heading downtown." The banshee looked out the front confused.


"If we want to go to school we should do a u turn shouldn't wear?"

"No, keep going." The banshee said knowing it was pointless trying to fight herself.

"You sure?" Malia asked.

"Yes. We're almost there." We stopped in front of a black police van with three bodies sprawled out on the ground around it covered in blood. I watched as one man raised his bloodied hand to us. "Call nine one one," was all Lydia said as we stood around him.

The police showed up not long after, followed closely behind was Scott and stiles. I saw the sheriff call them over and I adjusted my position to here their conversation. "Scott," the sheriff said. "You saw this kid Donavon, he, he wasn't like you right?"

"Don't think so," he said.

"Unless he knows how to hide his scent." Stiles said and I remembered Scott telling us that some werewolves know how to hide their scent from other wolves. Like Brett and his pack.

"Human or otherwise, this kid might've just murdered his lawyer and mortally wounded two officers. We've got an APB out on him, but you think you can find him faster?" The alpha took a moment to process before nodding.

"I can try," was all he said.

"Alright," sheriff said before handing over a radio. "Keep it on channel two." And just like that Scott was off.  

"Dad, what if it wasn't Donavon?" Stiles asked as he watched Scott disappear.

"I'm guessing you already got a theory." It came out as a statement but I think he meant it as a question.

"Yeah I think I do," I turned to face him only to catch another werewolf staring at the scene from above. Theo watched stiles like a hawk until he went to turn away and disappeared. The cop finished questioning us when Scott came on the radio.

"Scott is that you?" Parish said.

"Yeah, I found Donavon. He's really freaked out and keeps saying some name."

"What name?" Sheriff asks.

"Theo," stiles mumbled causing me to feel the need to speak up but my throat won't work.

"Tracy. He keeps saying Tracy," Scott replied.

"Tracy who?" The man persisted.

"Stewart," the banshee said and I turned to her in surprise. "Tracy Stewart."


"Tracy wasn't just having trouble sleeping, it was a real disorder it was night terrors." Lydia said to us the next day around the jeep and buses. I wore ripped denim shorts with a cropped two layer green top, which showed my scares but I didn't care. I had my knitted leather jacket on with my favourite pair of vans.

"Now well she's the night terror especially if no one can find her," stiles said.

"Ok, I know we are all tired and miserable, except for you." Scott directed to Mason who was smiling from ear to ear. Scott was right though I barely got five hours sleep and was practically falling on Liam, who stood behind me with an arm around me.

"Oh I'm sorry, this is all just mind blowing." After telling him everything he was jumping off walls. "Your a Kitsune," he said to Kira "I don't even know what that is."

"I'm still learning." She said.

"Liam, we said you could tell him not invite him to the inner circle." Stiles said to my boyfriend who was uncomfortable.

"I'm in the inner circle?" Mason said and Stiles, Liam and I answered at the same time.

"No," he looked at me confused.

"But why is Phoebe in the inner circle? She's human." I held up both my hands before ticking off my fingers.

"Firstly I was attacked by a Wendigo and almost pushed off a roof-."

"I was pushed off the roof," Liam said and I nodded my head.

"Then I was kidnapped by the  alpha werewolf next to you and interrogated by this guy over here," I pointed to stiles. "Then I witnessed Malia and liam in full out supernatural form before once again being kidnapped by professional assassins, who I thought were my friend, before getting stuck down a well for two whole days with no food or water. That's not even the worst of it," I said to my friend as he stared at me dumbfounded.

"That's not the worst of it?" He looked to my scares on my side which still give me nightmares. Liam obviously noticed masons gaze and stepped up next to me, placing his body in masons line of vision.

"No," I said "its not." Scott spoke up and put us back on track.

"Guys look back to Tracy she's just one lone wolf, we can find her."

"One lone serial killing wolf." Malia said next to me.

"No she only killed one person, the other two were mould" stiles said making the mood weird. "What do we when we catch her?"

"I say we put her down." Malia said bluntly causing looks to move around but I focused on my primal instincts like Cammi's teaching me. La Loba was a healer and brings the dead to life but she also kept balanced. I felt like death was closing in on Tracy but not by any of our hands.

"Intense." Mason said as he brought me from my thoughts and directing my gaze to Scott.

"Guys let's concentrate on catching her first. We'll figure out the rest later." Scott answered as the bell rang. Liam took my hand and led me to class.

"What are we going to do with Tracy? I mean she doesn't have control and probably doesn't know what's going on." I said as we approached the classroom. Liam looked at me and shook his head.

"I don't know, all we can do is focus on history and hope that she's-." I cut him off.

"Not killing anyone else? Sure sounds like a ripper." I stopped walking and stood on my toes and kissed his lips. He made a sound as he pulled me closer and kissed me for longer than I intended. I pulled away and smiled, "we should get to class."

"Ah, yeah definitely." He nodded but his blue eyes stayed on mine. Pulling away I turned and walked into the class but not before stopping suddenly seeing Tracy sitting at the back of the class. I grasped Liam's hand and turned seeing his expression of shock as well.

"Go find Scott," I could tell he didn't like leaving me alone with her and I stepped closer and showed him the same weapon Deaton uses. "I'm fine ok now go." He nodded and ran out of the door while I walked calmly to my seat in front of Hayden and diagonally in front of Tracy.

Minutes ticked by as I tried to write down the information on the board and focus on Tracy who was gripping her desk tightly and her breathing a little hoarse. Suddenly the sound of wood cracking filled my ears and I turned back to see Tracy slowly breaking her desk in half.

"Hey, are you alright?" Hayden asked her before meeting my eyes and giving me a scared look. "Are you suppose to be in this class?" She said turning back to Tracy.

"Ah, Hayden," I said as I saw the dried blood and dirt on Tracy's bare feet. The fire bell rang and I sighed in relief. "Thank god Liam." I muttered as I sipped up my bag.

"No rushing please, I'm sure it's just a drill." Mr Yukimura said as the class slowly exited.

"Hey we need to go," Hayden said to Tracy when the girl didn't leave her seat. I stood up and moved beside the brunette.

"Hey, you go I'll help her." She looked at me then back at Tracy.

"Is she alright?" She asked me and I shook my head.

"I don't," suddenly Tracy gripped both mine and Hayden's wrist in a deadly grip, digging her claws into my skin. "Tracy," I said between laboured breaths of pain.

"Tracy," Scott said soothingly like he did with the animals at the clinic. Tracy's hazel eyes were glassed over as they looked at Scott. Her grip tightened and blood drew from her claws causing both me and Hayden to whimper.

"Your hurting us," Hayden said and I looked at Liam who was staring at Tracy like he wanted to murder her.

"Tracy, let go." I said calmly and used my power to calm her but it didn't work. "Tracy. Let. Go."

"Their coming," she said and let go of our wrists. Hayden cradled hers as I slowly pulled her away from Tracy. Liam moved to my side and wrapped me in his arms. "Their coming for all of us," was all she said before falling forward and silver liquid poured from her mouth.

"Oh my god," Hayden said in disgust I rushed to her side at the same time as Scott. Meeting his gaze I nodded.

"Take her to Deaton," he picked her up in his arms and rushed to the door. Liam and I stopped in the hallway and watched them disappear outside.

"She wasn't even suppose to be in our class," Hayden said beside Liam causing my jealousy to rise but I pushed it away knowing she wasn't a threat. "Where they taking her?"

"Ah, hospital I guess," Liam answered cautiously. "Do you need help getting to the nurses office?" I looked away then, down at my own wounds seeing they weren't as deep as I thought.

"I think I'll make it," she answered before turning away and jogging down the hall. I took off my jacket and folded it around my wrist.

"What about you? Are you ok?" He asked and took my jacket away from my wrist seeing the damage.

"I'm fine Liam, let's go find Lydia and Kira." He nodded and walked ahead of me. I pulled out a tissue with a sample of the liquid that came from Tracy knowing both my mother and Cammi would be interested in it. I put it in my pocket as Liam ran into two of our groupies.

"Their taking her to the animal clinic?" Kira asked.

"Yeah, to take her to Deaton to see what wrong with her." Liam answered.

"What's wrong with her is that she killed two people," Lydia stated. "Her father and, according to her grandparents, her physiatrist."

"Isn't there anyone else we can talk to?" Kira asked "does she still have her mum? Any family?"

"Alpha," Lydia answered. "If she's a werewolf she has an alpha right?" We all nodded. "Anyone know if a new one has moved into beacon hills?"

"No but there's an old one, one of the oldest and we know her." I said and felt Liam's mood shift into one of frustration.

"And her pack," he answered with about as much happiness as a roast.


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