Bending or Breaking (S05 Liam...

By Love-N-Live

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Six months after Mexico life seemed to be great for Phoebe. Her werewolf boyfriend was sweet, her friends and... More

Regression To The Mean
Werewolf Tracy, Not Friend
Working With Brett
Masked Men
Emotional Wreck
Cursed Book - Part 1
Cursed Book - Part 2
Heartbreak Is Different To Pain
Science Experiments
All I Need
Running Or Staying
No More
The Changing
Anchors And Symbols
Demon Wolf
The Hellhound And The Beast
Horrible Realisations
Planning Eichen Escape
Escape From Eichen - Part 1
Escape From Eichen - Part 2
Escape From Eichen - Part 3
Escape From Eichen - Part 4
The Murder Game
Blood Doesnt Always Mean Family
The man of GĂ©vaudan


821 22 1
By Love-N-Live

I entered the clinic just as Scott finished injecting a dog. The dog yelped and bit Scott before growling. "He's a little one but his teeth are still sharp," Deaton said and they both chuckled.

"Aren't you going to apologize to the poor thing?" I asked and Scott sent me a smile. Before apologizing to the dog and taking him over to the little girl Stephanie.

"Here you go Stephanie," he said.

"Thank you doctor McCall," I smiled as Scott shook his head.

"I'm not a doctor yet." This caused Deaton to smile as I pulled out a talon and handed it to him as he examined it. "Find anything?" Scott asked and by the look on deatons face he had.

"Maybe, are you sure this guy was a werewolf?" I nodded my head.

"Yes vividly, but he seemed different from Scott and Liam." I said and Scott gave me a nod to confirm.

"As far as I can tell these claws are actually talons. I fact there talons of a harpy eagle one of the largest known birds of prey."

"How does a werewolf get talons?" Scott asked.

"Actually I'm more interested in how these talons were able to absorb your power. The only one who should be able to do that is a beta of your own making." Silence filled the room for a second.

"You mean to say that if Liam kills Scott, Liam becomes an alpha?" I said dumbfounded.

"Exactly," Scott gave me a look of many meanings.

"What if he lets someone into his pack, another beta?" I asked and Scott's look changes into one I can't name.

"I would normally say no, but I wonder if the rules to our supernatural world aren't as rigid as I once thought." Almost exactly like what my great ancestor grandmother told me last night. Now I'm worried.

"Someone's trying to change the rules." I said before looking at my watch. "I gotta bounce, class starts soon." I left and was completely oblivious to the look Deaton and Scott were giving me.


I got to school and saw stiles with Malia walking up the steps. "So you ran a background check," Malia said just as I fell in step with her. My sneakers making a soft sound as I jogged beside my coyote friend. "All you found was a speeding ticket?"

"Speeding ticket signed by Theo's dad eight years ago." He answered.

"Which means what?" Malia asked.

"Which means, people trying to get away from something." I stared at the senior boy facing us.

"Well how many tickets do you have?" The senior girlfriend insisted.

"None," smiling to myself I spoke up.

"How many would you have if your dad didn't get you out of them?"

"Seventeen," as if in sync both Malia and I gave stiles the same look.

"I don't know stiles," Malia sighs "I mean I see why your worried. He's really hot he's got like great hair, perfect body. You should definitely feel threatened," I smouldered a laugh as the coyote looked to me. "Don't you agree?"

"Oh yeah I do, but I only have eyes for one boy and Malia, maybe next time don't say a boy is incredibly hot in front of your boyfriend." I smiled before walking away. My shorts allowing the heat of the sun to warm my bare legs and my cream ruffle layered lace top allowed the sun to hit my shoulders.

I sighed in relief as I entered the building and went to my locker where I found Liam waiting for me. "Hey," I say and his face lights up as he greets me with a kiss. "How's your dad? He get enough sleep?" He shrugs as I get my books.

"Yeah he's ok, could do with better hours though," he drops his arm over my shoulders as mason walks up beside me. "Hey mason," Liam greets.

"Hey guys, this is the one I was telling you about," he says and my mood dims a little. Mason got trapped in the school with Lydia when Kate turned Scott into a berserker. They were held here by a different berserker and now he is obsessed with finding answers. We agreed not to tell him because then it puts his life at risk and Scott said no.

"I got it from a rare book dealer in Germany cost me two hundred bucks but it was totally worth it." We were walking to class, history, as Liam dropped his arm and grabbed my hand instead.

"Still reading about this stuff?" Liam asks a bit harshly and I squeeze his hand in warning but he ignores me.

"I was attacked by an armoured plated giant wearing a bear skull, it left an impression. Look, have you ever seen anything like this?" he shows us a picture of a berserker and I feel Liam tense behind me. Turning I gave him a smile which he returns before we both turn back to Mason.

"Ah no never," Liam says before walking away and pretty much pulled me with him.

"And then there's this whole section about the Nagual, have you ever heard the name Tez, Tezcat." Liam and I look and before I could help it I spoke.

"Tezcatlipoca," mason stared at me as I realized what I just it. "Nah, nah never heard of him." I said before hurrying into the classroom and taking a seat in the second row in the middle with Mason diagonal to my left and Liam behind me. Or so I thought.

He made a sound and I turned to see him staring at the girl beside him, "great." He said as she blew a bubble from her gum. I turned to Mason as he gave me a look of shock and amusement. Liam looked around and I was so confused I didn't know what to do.

"Liam," Mr Yukimura said "your not going to just stand there are you?"

"Maybe," he said and I knew then that these two had a history. I felt jealousy over come me but I tried to control it.

"The whole semester?"

"Maybe," he said again.

"Liam have a seat," Liam sat down and a sound came from behind me. Slowly turning around I saw the gum the girl was chewing was now on pants. He gave the girl a look as she smiled innocently causing Liam to make one of his 'I don't know what to do' faces. I quickly turned to the front of the class controlling my heart beat thumping heart.

My phone buzzed and I saw it was from my mum. 'Sorry we missed your first day at school be home tomorrow, read some more on La Loba tonight. Xx.' Smiling I quickly texted back.

'Ok will do, see you tomorrow xx hope you had fun.' Then I got one from Mason.

'There is nothing going on with Liam and Hayden.' Turning to him I shot him a look.

'I'm not jealous if that's what you mean,' I texted back.

'You said that not me.'

'Mason, shut up.'

'I didn't say anything.' Turning around I glared at him as he smiled and smouldered a laugh.

"Phoebe," looking up I saw Mr Yukimura staring at me.


"Can you answer the question on the board for us?" Staring at the writing I saw it was about some president in some war. I shook my head.

"No sir," he sighed.

"Well, maybe you can spend less time on the phone and more time learning about pearl harbour." He gestured for my phone and I quickly turned it off before getting up and giving it to him. I walked back my seat stared into nothingness for the whole lesson.

Just as the bell rang I packed up my books as Liam waited for all the other kids to leave. "Do you want me to do something?" I asked and he went to answer only to have the teacher call my name.

"Thanks but I think you might have some of your own problems to deal with." Smiling I nodded and turned away before anything else could happen.

"Don't let me catch you with it again ok?" I nodded my head as he gave it to me. Turning around I walked down the hallways and kept walking until I hit the pool room. Hardly anybody uses the pool these days so I changed into a bikini and hit the water, feeling more free than anything. Sure running, mixed martial arts and sports gives me freedom but the water, I miss the beach.

I lost track of how many laps I swam until my muscles were worn. I jumped up to solid ground and just sat there thinking. "You know most guys don't know what their doing until it's to late." Turning around I jumped to my feet to see Theo standing there holding out a towel.

"Thanks," I said grabbing it "what do you mean?" He shrugs his shoulders but I noticed his eyes fell to the three claw marks on my side.

"I mean Liam and Hayden. Liam, not noticing your jealousy as Hayden smiles at him while he hides his smile." I stare at him confused as I wrap the towel behind my neck.

"It's non of your business about my relationship but for your information wolf boy, I trust my boyfriend." I turned and started walking away only to be stopped by his comment.

"But you don't trust him," turning around I stared at him dumbfounded. "Your heart jumped when you said you trust him, you lied." He stepped closer until he was right in front of me.

"No, you lied. I trust Liam with my life." I said confidently but the brown eyed boy shook his head.

"No, you don't." I flinched as he put three fingers in my scared skin and traced them. Anger wielded up in me as my skin crawled with disgust. I stared at him as he stared right back. Suddenly my fist exploded with pain as Theo fell backwards onto the concrete.

I turned and ran into the girls locker room. I changed quickly before heading to the library where I found Scott, Kira and Malia sitting at a table with stiles standing over them and waving a piece of paper.

"So you found something," Scott said.

"Go his signature," stiles said as I came up beside him and looked. "This is Theo's dads signature from a speeding ticket eight years ago and now this his his dad's signature for his transfer script to beacon hills high school for just a few days ago."

"How did you get his transfer form?" Kira asked

"Did you break into the administration office?" Scott asked.

"No I did not break into the administration office," we all stared at him. "Ok I might've broken into the administration office can you please focus on the signatures please, they're different."

They're sort've different." Malia said.

"They're completely different come one the -." I was cut off Malia's staring at my hand. I looked down and saw blood on the knuckles. I backed away from the group and went to the car park and broke into stiles' jeep before jumping in the back and laying down before putting my earphones in and listening to AC/DC. Just as I was falling asleep I rolled to the side and my head slammed against the back of the jeep.

"Holy hell!" I groaned as I sat up holding my head and pulling out my earphones before looking at two stunned boys. "Seriously guys? I've already had enough drama today I don't need a headache on top of that."

"What the hell are you doing in my jeep?" Stiles asked as Liam just stared at me.

"I was ditching second and the rest of school." I stated as I rubbed my head.

"Hey, why is your hand bleeding?" Liam asked as he grabbed it. The bleeding had stopped but my knuckles were red.

"Punched a werewolf in the face, Theo." stiles jerked the jeep over to the side of the road before facing me.

"Why did you punch Theo?" He asked eagerly. I rolled my eyes as Liam started cleaning my hand.

"After history I went for a swim to clear my head. When I was finished he told me that boys have no idea what their doing till its to late," I stared at their confused faces.

"Ok, what did he mean by that?" I met Liam's blue gaze but dropped mine, pulling my hand away and crossed my arms.

"He smelt my jealousy of Liam and Hayden because they have a past. I told him to mind his own business and that I trust Liam but then said that my heart skipped at trusting him. He's wrong but then he got close to me and touched my scares so I punched him and made a run for it. Does that help you?" I didn't wait for his answer before grabbing my bag and sliding out the door.

"Phoebe," Liam called but I turned around and shook my head.

"Leave me alone Liam. Please just-." He cut me off by gripping my hands.

"I'll punch him ok, the next time I see him I'll punch him as many times as you want. You don't need to be jealous, how many times do I need to say it?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"I try not to be because I know you have friends who are girls but I just don't like the idea of having other girls who have known you longer and better than I do," I met his blue gaze that just entrance me. "Does that sound weird?"

He smiles at me before cupping my head. "No, no it doesn't do you know why? Because I feel the same way." I laughed as his smile grew before he kissed me and I touched his hands with mine.

"I like your shorts by the way," I said against his lips as he looked down at his lacrosse shorts before sighing.

"I knew you would which is why I wore them just for you." I laughed as he pulled me back into the jeep and sat next to me. It was night as we watched Theo enter a restricted landmark.

"I told you he was up to something," stiles said.

"We just spent three hours watching this dude play video games in his bedroom, maybe him and someone are covering up a mass murder."

"Let's find out," I said before heading around the bush and into the restricted area. I was wearing a black hooded jacket as the temperature dropped bellow what it does in my home country. Liam was next to me tracking Theo by scent.

"You still got his scent?" Stiles asked.

"Don't need it," he replays which got a look from the human but I pointed to where Theo's shoe prints were in the mud. I kept walking until Liam's hand wrapped around my fingers.

"What? What's wrong?" Stiles asked as Liam turned his head to his surroundings.

"I forgot I was suppose to meet Mason at the school gym." I heard the ache in his voice.

"Ok, why don't you just tell him?" Stiles asked.

"Tell him what?"


"I can't just tell him anything."

"Why not?"

"Cause I haven't," he threw his hands up before shoving them in his pockets. "I haven't told him everything."

"So, we said it was ok." I looked at him wide eyed.

"You did?" He nodded then I turned to Liam. "You said they said it wasn't ok to tell him. He just wasted two hundred dollars on a stupid book."

"I know but it's not that easy. It's a lot to accept."

"He watched my dad blow up a berserker with a land mine, I think the ground work has been pretty thoroughly laid for acceptance. Scott and I, we've been through this ok, more than once. It's just always better when they know."

"What if he freaks out?" I asked as Liam races after stiles and I race after Liam. "What if he doesn't want to talk to us? What if he tries to stab him with something silver? Or what if-." I was cut off with the sound of sticks breaking then Liam suddenly started falling and me right after Liam.

I landed on top of Liam who was groaning. "Damn, this wasn't where I imagined us like this." He said and I felt my cheeks redden as I pushed myself up enough to place my arms on his chest and look into his amazing blue eyes.

"So, you imagined us in this position?" I stated and actually saw his cheeks redden. "Oh my god, Liam Dunbar are you embarrassed?" He shook his head while I laughed.

"Oh and you haven't thought about us like this before?" Smirking I bent my head and put my lips to his ear.

"A girl doesn't kiss and tell." I teasingly kissed his sweet spot just below his ear before pulling away.

"What the hell are you two doing?" Stiles asked as I gave him an innocent look, considering I was on Liam's lap, before he looked around an froze. "There he is hurry up, stop screwing around." I turned to Liam who shrugged before pulling me in an kissing me.

Tangling my hands in his hair he did the same with one hand while the other traced my scares. Unlike Theo's fingers that made my skin crawl Liam's made mine alight with fire. One of my hands had a mind of its own as it reach the bottom of Liam's shirt and my fingers brushed his tone stomach. I pulled away out of breath like Liam.

"We should probably find stiles before he does something stupid." He nods his head as I get to my feet. Liam finds his phone which is covered in mud but still works as he opens it, and finds texts from Mason. "We should tell him," I say.

Liam looks at me, "but what if he hates me forever or stabs me with something silver?" I shrug my shoulders.

"Do you really want to ruin a friendship like what you have with Mason with what ifs? Wouldn't you rather risk the chance of telling him the truth over ending it forever?" Shrugging his shoulders he turns on the torch and a silver leaf like necklace shines bright. I went to reach it only the sound of sticks breaking snapped us to attention.

Liam jumps out first and I follow with his help. We took off and found stiles watching Theo from behind a tree, who was on a small bridge. I felt his emotions though couldn't decipher them.

"Try and get his scent," stiles saids. "Get anything?"

My boyfriend as whispers in my ear. "Vanilla cherries smells good on you." I felt my blush redden as he try's for Theo's scent. "Soap," I cover up a laugh. "It's nice it smells good."

"Not his soap, his emotional state chemo signals remember?"

"Oh right, yeah ok." I watched as one emotion stood out of all. "He's sad."

"He's sad?" Stiles voice held confusion.

"Well not just sad it's more like grief." Puzzles slowly slipped into place.

"Grief." The last puzzle slipped into place as he dropped a flower into the river.

"Oh my god, guys we need to go now. Don't ask just do, go." They didn't ask question and I didn't explain until after. "That's the bridge where they found his sister."

"What sister?" Liam asked.

"The one who got lost and died of exposure, the one he's leaving a flower for." Stiles answered.

"That doesn't sound evil." Liam stated.

"I know," I felt another presence and stopped the boys as we looked up and found Theo standing on a tree. He jumped and landed like a cat before rising to his feet with a smile.

"What are you guys doing?" He took two steps forward and Liam put me behind him and made a growl only to stop when stiles put a hand to his chest and I gripped his hand. "Woah, why do I get the feeling this kids tougher than he looks?"

I stepped out from behind Liam with my punching fist cleched. "Only when we let him off his leash." Stiles said. Theo's eyes travelled to mine and paroled with amusement as they landed on my fist.

"Really, you can't break my nose Phoebe, it'll just heal."

"Oh, but it gives me a reason to keep punching it so everyone can-." Liam squeezed my hand and I shut my mouth.

"Stiles we were in little league together, why are you so suspicious of me?" I glared at Theo but felt my anger fade as Liam circled his thumb over my hand.

"Cause of these," he handed over the two copies of his dad's signature. "Ones a speeding ticket signed by your dad eight years ago the other ones a signature transfer form to beacon high, there're different."

"Huh, yeah they do look a little different."

"No they're totally different signed by two different people." I was getting tired of this argument and my stomach rumbled quietly but Theo heard it and turned to me, a smile playing on his lips. I haven't eaten since breakfast. My senses woke as I felt Cammi watching from the woods, I turned my head and saw her green eyes flash.

"So my dads not my dad?" Theo asked confused. "So he's an imposter?"

"Something like that," Liam said as he moved to stand over me again.

"Who do you think I am?"

"We don't know yet," stiles said and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Some one who loves to make good first impressions I reckon." I said and he turns to me again.

"Look, I'm sorry ok. I didn't mean to come off like that." Now it was Liam's turn to get angry.

"What? To make her try and doubt me? To make my girlfriend doubt her trust in me so you can come and be a hero for her?"

"Liam, calm yourself ok, he's not worth it." I rubbed his arm and he turned me before back at Theo.

"Want me to give you a DNA sample or something?"

"No, I don't have anything from fourth grade to match it to." Stiles said.

"You know stiles, I came back here for Scott. But I also came back for you, some one like you. Someone who's willing to walk into the middle of the woods to protect his friends." Something crossed over the two boys beside me faces. "I don't have anyone like that, Scott does. You all do. I know I'm in the right, I know I'm meant to be here I'm meant to be apart of this pack."

We walked back to the jeep and found Scott there with his bike. "Find anything?" He asks.

"Nope," stiles says and head to the jeep.

"I fell in a hole," I looked up at him as Scott walked passed us.

"I remember," he looks down and smiles.

"How would you know? I don't remember you down there." I mocked a chocked expression.

"Well then, we might need to fix that problem." He smiles and I kiss him gently before listening to Scott and stiles.

"It was the bridge where his sister died wasn't it?"

"Yes it was very embarrassing, so we're gonna leave now." Just then he turned the key and the engine wouldn't catch. "Son of a, Liam do me a favour get in the car and turn the ignition when I say." I pulled away from Liam who walked to the drivers side door as stiles went to the hood.

"Stiles," Scott said as we watched the skinny boy turn so wires and played with some things.

"Give me a sec, try it." Didn't catch.

"Stiles," he cracked.

"Yes ok, we followed him out here what do you want me to say? That I'm a stalker ha, that I'm crazy that I'm totally paranoid? Non of this is knew information." There was silence as I stood there awkwardly.

"Now can you at least try and give him the benefit of the doubt?"

"I give people the benefit of the doubt, I've given a lot of benefit to a lot of people." He turned back to the engine.

"Like Derek?" That name held so much meaning it seemed to freeze time. "Kira, Liam,"

"I was worried about Peter, try it again!" Nothing. "You know I bet you think there is still something about him that can be saved."

"Maybe," he answered and stiles hit the jeep.

"Try it again!" Still nothing and I felt the anxiety roll off him as I took a step forward and gently touch his arm passing a soothing feeling into him. It worked until Scott spoke.

"Why can't you trust anyone?"

"Cause you trust everyone!" He punched the jeep and I heard the crack.

"Are you ok?" Scott asked.

"Fine," he said.

"Could've broken it," the alpha continued.

"It's not broken," the boy said.

"Let me see it."

"I'm fine." I stepped forward and between the two.

"How about I have a look," I said to Scott who nodded and grabbed the boys hand gently. I drew the pain through one hand and healed through the other. Unlike Scott you couldn't see the pain travelling up my arm but it has effects on me. Bringing someone from the dead we are bound emotionally, if either person dies it effects the other, like something will be forever missing. Healing someone you experience their pain for a few hours depending on the wound.

"Must just be a sprain," I say trying to delay the fact his once injured hand is now healed. "You'll be fine." He nodded and the car turned on. Stiles drove us to the school where Liam ran to Mason.

"Hey, hey sorry I'm late."

"Oh no, your not late. You missed it, I worked out for two hours." My friends voice was breaking.

"Yeah I know I forgot and I'm gonna tell you why. Actually, I'my gonna tell you a lot of things. Really hard things and-."

"There's a wolf," Mason says suddenly and I turn around to see it.

"Yeah I'm getting to that."

"No, there's a wolf right behind you." I grabbed Liam's hand and turn him around to see the dark wolf growling lightly.

"That's a wolf," Liam says.

"Yeah, thanks Sherlock you solved the mystery," I stated "ok don't run, it'll kill us then." Before I knew it we were running through the school, I felt an instinct kick in as I slowed enough to run backwards I look the creature in the eyes. I sang softly and the wolf slowly to a halt shaking it's head. Turning around I caught up to my friends.

"Did we loose it?" Mason asked just as Liam looked behind us.

"Nope run," and we did until Mason and I ran up the stairs and Liam was in the ground floor. Turning back I watched as he roared with fangs claws and eyes on full display. Mason turned in shock and stared at his friend while I walked down and watched the creature walk away. Touching my boyfriends hand he stared at me with his eyes and fangs slowly turning human.

"There's something I gotta tell you," Liam said as we turned to our friend.

"Your a werewolf," he says with a smile. Liam and I share a look before I turned to Mason with a smile.

"Who wants a study session at my place, there's popcorn and you can stay over? We've got a lot to tell you."


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