The A Boy (Scolex)

By miss_c_does_writing

15.5K 640 58

autism ˈɔːtɪz(ə)m/ noun a mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by great difficulty i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Book 2?
Love is Love
BOOK 2!!!! Go read!

Chapter 6

813 35 6
By miss_c_does_writing

"What happened?" Alex asked trying to remove Scotts hands from his ears but he wouldn't move them.

"I don't know he just showed up crying and out of breath from running." Mrs Koop stated.

"Scotty what happened?" Alex cooed as he rubbed the blonds back.

"I can't do it" Scott whispered barely loud enough for Alex to hear.

"Can't do what?"

"I can't do it on my own. He took your headphones and I couldn't tell him I was allowed them, I needed them. I was too
scared. I needed you and you weren't there! Why weren't you there?!" Scott shouting the last part removing his hands from his ears and fisting them in his hair. Alex pulled them away before he hurt himself letting hold on tight to his hands instead.

"I'm sorry. I would have been there if I could have. You know that. I would never leave you if I had a choice. I'm sorry." Alex felt like crying and breaking down too. He wasn't there when Scott needed him although it wasn't his fault he felt terrible. "Mrs Koop do you have headphones we can borrow?" She nodded handing them over to Alex, he plugged it into his phone placing one in Scotts ear and the other in his own. He scrolled through his phone to find the perfect song to calm Scott down. He went with halo by Beyoncé because that was the song he was listening to when they met. As the music played Scott squeeze Alex's hand managing to smile when the brunette looked up.
"Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace." Alex sang out loud.
"Baby, I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace" Scott joined in smiling wide.
"You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby, I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away"

"You guys are very cute but I have a teacher asking for Scott to go see him. Once your calm I think you should go, and you go with him Alex." They waited for the song to finish before they made there way to Scotts English class. Mr Daniels was sat at his desk on his computer. Alex knocked and waited until he was told to come in.

"Hello Sir. I'm Alex, I just wanted to explain what happened earlier with Scott"

"Why can't he explain?" he asked pointing to an afraid Scott stood so close to Alex that it would had looked awkward if it wasn't them.

"Well if you'd let me explain. You see Scott has autism and he finds it hard to socialise an talk to people he doesn't know very well and well he's allowed to have headphones because it calms him that's why he wouldn't give them to you. This is the first time we didn't have class together so he's just getting used to being on his own. If he has his headphones he won't cause anymore trouble for you."

"Okay, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding" he handed Scott the headphones with a smile that Scott reciprocated.

"Maybe we should get Mrs Koop to write you a note to show to the teachers if they ask for your headphones" Alex suggested.

"And they say I'm the smart one." Scott smiled as he grabbed Alex's hand and then walked to Mrs Koop's office for what felt like the tenth time that day.

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