Eternity (A Ryley Love Story)

By RyleyBridges

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*Cover made by camypoo* Ryder Lynn is dead. He's been dead for over 100 years but still, he is walking around... More

Eternity (A Ryley Love Story)
Everything Has Changed
Come What May
Love Somebody
More Than Words
A Thousand Years
Lay All Your Love On Me
No One's Gonna Love You
Love Don't Die


502 17 4
By RyleyBridges

So when Jake transitioned, I didn't realise how long and painful the transition to being a vampire is. Possibly, with the next transition, it will be longer and painful (and for anyone who watches The Vampire Diaries, it will possibly close to Elena's transition in Season 4 and might be close to how Stefan's one was too)

Previously in Eternity...
Then everything just goes so quickly in front of Ryder's blurry vision...five quick bodies enter the room, a slow human paced one behind them. The human paced one is a girl and she screams at the sight of Ryder. The five quick ones fight off Kitty and Noah slowly but that might just be Ryder's mind.
Kitty is too quick for them but she's still in the room. Then Ryder hears a neck being snapped and a stake being plunged into the heart of Noah.
Ryder hears a scream and his vision adjusts when he sees Kitty holding onto Marley. The blonde bitch has her fangs ready and is ready to kill...
"No!" Ryder shouts, feeling himself be a little stronger. He pulls on the chains holding him and they break. He then falls to his knees, grunting in pain.
Kitty flashes her fangs at Ryder with an evil smile then bites into her own wrist, blood pouring out slowly. She presses her wrist to Marley's mouth, forcing her to drink from her wrist.
"No!" Ryder shouts, pain clear in his voice.
Kitty then flicks her own wrist to snap Marley's neck. A loud crack is heard through the room then Marley's lying limp on the floor as Kitty escapes.
Ryder crawls along the floor to Marley's side, cupping her cheeks.
"Marley, no." Ryder mumbles, looking at her wide and blank eyes.
"Ryder," Jake says and places his hand on the dirty blonde haired boy's shoulder, "She's going to be okay but as a vampire."
"I didn't want her to be a vampire just yet." Ryder says, lifting Marley's face to his own so he could kiss her cold lips.
Rachel, Finn, Santana, Blaine and Jake watch as Ryder places Marley's head softly back down on the cold, hard concrete floor. He brushes his hand over her eyes to close her eyes since it's kind of creepy when she's got her eyes wide open.
"She should be awake soon." Finn says.
Ryder sighs and watches Marley just lay there, lifeless. He brushed a strand of brown hair out of her face then strokes down the side of her face.
He then hears a gasp that shocks him just a little. Marley's eyes open quickly and she sits up.
"Marley..." Ryder says in awe.
"Am I dead?" Marley asks, looking around quickly.
"Sort of. You're in transition." Ryder says.
"What?" Marley asks.
"Kitty fed you her blood then killed you." Ryder says.
Marley's eyes wide more and she doesn't know what to say. She's technically dead and she needs blood soon to live.
"We have to get her human blood and a lapis lazuli ring or necklace." Finn says.
"We gave our last charmed one to Jake." Rachel says.
"We need a witch to charm it." Santana says.
"Are there any witches in town?" Ryder asks, helping Marley to her feet after he gets up. He's still shirtless and there a few scars along his chest but due to his fast healing, the cuts are gone.
"I've had a feeling that Tina Cohen-Chang is a witch." Blaine says.
"Tina? We've been friends for years and she's never mentioned being a witch." Marley says.
"Most supernatural creatures do like to hide their true selves from others. Even their best friends." Finn says.
"We need to go talk to Tina." Santana says.
"We can't until the sun is down." Ryder says.
Blaine looks out a small crack in a window, "It's dark."
"We should still be careful." Ryder says. He grabs Marley's hand and everyone slowly leaves the room. Finn carries a limp Noah to burn when they get the chance to.


They arrive at the house of the vampires quickly. Marley still hasn't had human blood so the transition isn't complete. Ryder's now wearing clean clothes.
"How are we going to give Marley the human blood?" Ryder asks.
"Well, we need to get a human blood pack from the freezer downstairs obviously." Santana says.
Ryder sighs then goes downstairs into the basement. He grabs a blood pack from the freezer, telling himself it isn't for him; it's for Marley. He had a hard time getting himself off human blood when he was a new vampire. He took Finn years to get Ryder off the blood. Ryder went off on his own for a few years, ripping the throats of innocent humans to drink them dry. He then realised how painful and lonely the life he chose was so he found Finn and the two went off around the world, not drinking human blood.
He returns to real life when he goes up the stairs and gives Marley the blood pack. It's not big and should be enough to help Marley go through the transition. She opens it up and drinks up, enjoying the taste it has. She then releases a breath of relief once she finishes it. She smiles at the taste then looks at Ryder, "Can I have another?"
"Sorry, Marls but we now have to help you drink animal blood." Ryder says, taking the empty pack from her.
Marley pouts at him as he throws it in the bin. Finn, Santana, Blaine, Rachel and Jake enter the room. Jake has his phone next to his ear. He must be talking with Tina.
"Tina will be here in a few minutes." Jake says, putting down his phone.
"Awesome." Ryder says, sitting down next to Marley. He grabs onto her hand and gently lifts it to his lips to kiss it. He then returns it to her knee and places his hand on top of hers.
After a while, Tina arrives.
"You never told me you were a witch?" Marley says.
"I never told anyone." Tina says, going to a seat by Marley.
"But you were one of my best friends. We were so close." Marley says, sounding a bit pissed and emotional.
"Calm down, Marley. Your emotions are heightened by this transition." Ryder says, putting his arm around Marley.
Marley takes a deep breath to calm herself.
"Where's the ring you want charmed?" Tina asks.
"Here." Finn says, passing Tina a small silver ring with a blue gem. Tina takes it and places it on the coffee table. She kneels beside the table and puts her hands out, focusing her power on the ring. She quietly mumbles words in some language then gives the ring to Marley.
"Enjoy." Tina says, gets up and goes to leave.
"Wait." Marley says and uses her newly possessed vampire speed to catch up to her friend, blocking her from leaving.
"What?" Tina asks.
"Why are you acting so cold?" Marley asks.
"I don't like vampires that much. My Grandmother who has taught me everything I know warned me about vampires. I never wanted any of my friends involved in this world now two of them are." Tina explains. Marley can see Jake past Tina look a bit saddened.
"You should probably know that Sam is also a vampire." Marley says.
"So three of my friends are?" Tina asks.
Marley nods. Tina sighs then goes past Marley to leave.


Marley doesn't want to go back to her house the next day. She's afraid she'll hurt her mother. She sits on Ryder's bed, hugging her legs to her chest and thinking about everything that's happened. She's dead now. She's like Ryder and they can live an eternity together.
"What're you thinking about?" Ryder asks as he enters the room.
"The fact that I am now dead." Marley says.
"Well, at least Kitty didn't kill you properly. She could've but she didn't. She turned you." Ryder says, going to sit next to her.
"Why? I want to know why she turned me." Marley asks.
"We'll never know." Ryder says.
"Maybe you two will." A voice says from the door to a balcony attached to Ryder's room. It goes onto a deck and standing on the deck is Kitty herself, arms folded and a smirk on her face.
"Why the hell did you change me!?" Marley asks, her voice loud as she gets off the bed and walks towards Kitty slowly.
"Marley, calm down. You shouldn't be this angry. Remember; your emotions are heightened due to the transition." Ryder says.
"You should really listen to your boyfriend, Marley. He knows best." Kitty says, smiling.
Marley glares at Kitty.
"Why did you change her, Kitty?" Ryder asks.
"I thought I was being a good friend because she was going to be a vampire sooner or later so I choose sooner." Kitty says.
"We were never friends!" Marley shouts.
"I know but I was once friends with someone that looked like you. You two look exactly alike." Kitty says.
"The doppelgänger." Ryder says.
"Yes. Her name is Katerina Salvatore. She looks like you but more badass and fun. She taught me the right way to be a vampire in the 90s." Kitty says.
"But when I drunk from a human for the first time, I drunk from someone that looked exactly like Marley. They could've been twins. Is that Katerina?" Ryder asks.
"Yes." Kitty says.
"I drunk her dry though." Ryder says.
"A hybrid saved her." Kitty says.
"Hybrid?" Marley asks.
"A vampire and a werewolf." Ryder says.
"Wow." Marley says.
"The hybrid is one of the most powerful creatures around. He is also extremely dangerous." Ryder says.
"No one knows what he looks like though. Katerina was compelled to forget." Kitty says.
"The hybrid can compel other vampires? How?" Ryder asks.
"Like you said yourself, he is one of the most powerful creatures around." Kitty says.


Blaine sat in the Breadstix on the main road of Lima. A cup of coffee sat on the table along with a plate of a half eaten burger he wasn't currently eating. He had a book open up on the table and was reading it. The book was The Hunger Games since in all of his years of life, he hasn't had the chance to read an extremely popular book. He'd think that he'd be the one to start the trend of reading this book but he didn't. He has started other trends like Twilight.
"Having fun reading a teenager's book?" A voice asks. It's a high pitch sort of voice but once Blaine looks at the source of the voice, he sees a young man with porcelain skin and light brown hair.
"Um, I've never had the chance to read it so I decided to check it out." Blaine says, flicking his eyes back and forth between the young man and his book.
The young man points at the seat opposite from Blaine, "Mind if I sit?"
"Go ahead." Blaine says.
The young man sits down and smiles at Blaine, "I'm Kurt, Kurt Hummel."
"Blaine Anderson." Blaine says.
There's an awkward silence between the two as Blaine picks up his coffee and takes a sip.
"You new to town?" Blaine asks, breaking the silence.
"I used to live here. It's been a while." Kurt says.
"Well, welcome back to Lima, one of the most boring places in the world." Blaine says with a small smile.
"To me, it's home though." Kurt says.


That night is supposed to be a full moon. If there were werewolves at all in town, they would be changing. The hybrid can change whenever he wants but he likes to change on a full moon then go for a little hunt.
Ryder and Marley had explained all about the hybrid that was supposed to be arriving in Lima soon during the day.
It was almost sunset when Santana places a human blood bag on the coffee table.
"What is that, Santana?" Finn asks, placing his book down from his seat on the couch.
"Human blood. It's what we're going to need to drink if we plan to capture this hybrid. He'll have more strength than all of us combined." Santana says.
"Don't let Ryder drink that. He could go all ripper." Finn whispers, standing up.
"Then he'll be fun." Santana smirks.
Finn goes to the kitchen and turns the water on then turns back to Santana who followed him to the kitchen.
"Do you really want a ripper terrorising the town we're just beginning to enjoy?" Finn asks.
"Fine. No human blood equals we're all screwed." Santana says, exaggerating her arms.
"Human blood?" A voice asks.
Finn and Santana look to see Ryder standing there with a semi-confused look on his face.
"I was saying we should drink some human blood so we can capture this hybrid that might be arriving." Santana says.
"I could slowly go onto human blood. A bit at a time." Ryder says.
"It's not just that easy, Ryder." Finn says.
"At least let me try." Ryder says, putting his hand out for the blood bag.
Santana and Finn exchange a look, Finn picks up the blood bag and passes it to Ryder. The dirty blonde haired boy takes the lid off the bag then drinks a bit of the bag. He drinks about half of it then closes it back up.
"Well done, Lynn." Santana says.
"Thank you." Ryder says.
"We should try your girlfriend next." Santana says to Ryder.
"She might take a while to get used to it so she might need to stay here for a bit." Ryder says.
"We'll slowly try the human blood. I'll get Rachel, Jake and Blaine to try it out too." Finn says then walks out of the room.
"Where is your girlfriend?" Santana asks.
"She's having a nap upstairs. She was tired." Ryder says.
"Tell her to stay home tonight. The hybrid is said to like changing at night and he doesn't use chains to hold himself down like normal wolves do." Santana says.


Kurt Hummel from earlier walked through the forest, heading to a small area of ruins. It was where an old church used to be back in the late 1800s. He finds the ruins and goes down a set of stairs into a basement. He opens the rusted metal gate into the main room and closes it behind him.
He then studies the stone walls that are now covered in algae and moss. He brushes his fingers over the walls then goes to the centre of room. He breaks one of the joints in his body, sweating from it. He breaks more joints then goes onto his hands and knees, his eyes turning yellowy gold. He's teeth sharpen and he begins to grow fur on his body, drifting slowly and painfully into a wolf. He then becomes the wolf and charges through the gate and out into the world.
He runs through the forest, searching for humans to kill. He comes across a group of high school students, drinking alcohol, smoking and joking around.
He snarls at them and teenagers jump in fright.
"It's not going to hurt us, right?" A boy in the group asks, a bit frightened.
"Hopefully not." A girl says.
The wolf snarls again then attacks the group, leaving no survivors.


Oooo, Kurt is a werewolf. Is he the hybrid? (Probably...)
Katerina Salvatore is the first name of a Vampire Diaries character (Katherine Pierce aka Katerina Petrova) and Salvatore is the last name of the (hot) brothers on Vampire Diaries (Damon and Stefan Salvatore)

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