Bad Boy's Curse

By karback2

182K 6.6K 644

The Bad Boy, Ethen Wolfe, comes from a cursed family with bad luck with love. The first born boy from the Wol... More

1.New state, New house, New school, New life.
2. Team two
3. New Girl
4. 20 Questions
5. Pitty
6. Behind The Bad Boy
7. Chemistry Project
8. Mini Van
9. First Kiss
10. Potty Break
11. Skateboard
12. Freddy's
13. Milkshake
14. Spin The Bottle
15. Froyo
16. Buddies and Buttercup
17. New Enemies
18. Almost
19. Something Fishy
20. Drunken Days
21. The Curse
22. Snap Like Thunder
23. Who's Your Daddy?
24. Just Another Day In Paradise
25. Once You Fear them, You Fear Them.
26. Secrets Unfolding
27. Never Gonna Live it Down
28. Where There's A Will, There's A Way
29. All Eye's On Us
30. Guts
31. Wake up
33. Back Again
34. Giving Up
35. Always There
36. Graduation
37. Next Level
Bonus Chapter #1
Author's note: Important!!
Bonus Chapter #2

32. Birthday Fools

3.3K 130 13
By karback2

~Ethen's P.O.V~

Things shouldn't have turned out this way.

This wasn't supposed to happen.

What am I supposed to tell Lexi?

Why does this keep happening to me?

*9 hours ago*


I got a notification on my phone that woke me up.

I pulled myself up and grabbed my phone and checked the message. It was a notification on Facebook saying that it's Lexi's birthday today.

I wished her a happy birthday, checked the time and grabbed my stuff for school.

I didn't bother getting breakfast because I'm just too lazy and tired today.

I went into the living room to grab my bookbag when my mom was sitting on the couch looking at me.

I stopped what I was doing and walked over to her and sat down next to her.

She followed me with her eyes.

"Mom, what's wrong?" I asked after she didn't say anything, plus she had this look on her face that said 'worry'.

"I'm not gonna beat around the bush, I'm just gonna come out and say it," she took a breath, "Were loosing the house. "

I looked at her blankly, "your kidding right?"

"No, why would I joke about stuff like that?"

"Because it's April fools day."

"Oh ya, forgot about that."

"Mom, are we really loosing the house?"

She nodded. "I couldn't keep up with the bills, I was too late on the payments. I'm sorry honey." She placed a hand on my shoulder.

I agressivly moved her hand off of my shoulder. "Don't give me that crap! We both know that you didn't pay the bills because you were too busy spending it on beer or some pimp."

She didn't say anything, just looked at me. Her eyes started to glisten.

I grabbed my bag and ran out of the house. Slamming the door behind me.

I gritted my teeth and got in my truck and speed to school.


"Hey man, what's up?" Jesse asked me.



"How you doing?" I asked.

"Not so great, but the nurse said that I'll be fine. I just have to avoid any stress. You know, like anything that can cause me to loose anyone else."

I nodded my head, not wanting to tell him about my home life. He doesn't need to hear about that.

"Hey guys!" A very chipper Lexi hopped up to us. She grabbed my shoulder and stood up on her tippy toes for a kiss. I leaned down and returned it.

"Happy birthday babe." I smiled.

"Today's your birthday?" Jesse asked, smiling.

She smiled and nodded really fast.

My guess is sugar high.

"Ha, your a joke!" Jesse yelled.

Lexi stopped smiling. "What?"

"Get it, you were born on April fools day?"

She looked down, her eyes started to tear up.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry. Are you okay. I didn't mean that." Jesse slurred.

"April fools!" She yelled.

I smiled.

Jesse glared at her, "C'mon no fair. I actually thought you were crying."

She smiled evilly," just wait, I have more planned."

"What I miss?" Austin cut in.

"Oh, Austin we-, oh you have something on your shirt,"

Austin examined his shirt, "where?"

"Right here " she pointed to his chest, he looked down, she brought up her finger and hit him in the chin.

He growled, she laughed and walked away, sending me a wink. Telling me that I'm next.

I swallowed.

"I love my birthday." She said walking into a classrom.


Jesse got a shaving cream filled locker, Austin's desk and chair colapsed on him, Malory's purse blew up with flour, and I got my pants pulled down in from of everyone in the cafeteria.

She said that she is just getting started.

"But since I'm your boyfriend, don't that mean that you should go easy on me?" I asked.

"Nope, that's just a word. We were friends before we became an item. The only difference is, is that we are a bit closer. So that means that I don't have to take it easy on you. Besides, it's just one day. You'll survive. I'm not that mean."

"Do you ever breath?" I awed.

We started to laugh.

"Um, can I head to your house today? I have some mom issues, and I really don't wanna be there with her." I admitted.



"You cant, I have a date."

"With who?"

"Now, I can't tell you that." She smiled.

I gritted my teeth and tightened my fists. "Who?" I said a bit louder.

"APRIL FOOLS!" Lexi yelled.

I loosened my fists and let out a deep breath, and put my head down on the table. "You gotta stop doing that to me."

"I can't help it, you guys are so gullible."

"I am not gullable."

"Yes you are. It's okay, your just going through denial. It's one of the many stages of grief."

"I'm so sick of being played! It's not funny when you think that your girlfriend is cheeting on you. It doesn't feel good at all. You can't joke about things like that. Just like you can't fake being pregnant. Some people aren't as fortunate as some people. I have worked so hard to be where I am now!" I yelled.

Everyone stopped talking and eating, to look at me. I stood up and walked out into the hall to calm down.

I balled up my fists, ready to punch something.

As Austin walked out to find me, I punched some nearby lockers.

"Dude, what's wrong?" Austin came up and grabbed my shoulders and made me sit down on the floor.

"I'm loosing my house." I stared blankly at the bulletin board in front of me.


"My mom is wasting all her money that's supposed to go to bills on beer and sex." I felt tears weld up in my eyes.

"Hey, don't cry on me now. Why we're you yelling at Lexi earlier?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know, something inside my head was telling me that she was minipulating me. And told me to push her away."

I closed my eyes and felt a tear run down my cheek. My lip started to quiver.

"Stop crying, you look horrible when you cry. You look like some kind of baboons butt." We began to laugh.

"What am I gonna do?" I stopped laughing and turned my head to the side to see him.

He stood up and let out and hand and waited for me to grab. I slowly gripped onto his hand and he helped me up. "You get the girl. Don't listen to that voice in your head. Fight it, don't let it take you over."

"Let what take over?"

"Just get the girl, you'll find out soon enough."

"Dude, you sound like some kind of wise person. Your like that rat off from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles."

"Go." He pushed me towards the cafeteria doors.

I smiled and whipped my eyes.

Here goes everything.

I walked into the doors to the cafeteria, Lexi noticed me and I motioned my head for her to join me in the hall.

She got up and followed me out into the hall. She held her arm and looked down at the floor.

"Im, I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have lashed out at you like that. I can't understand it, but-" I was cut off by my phone ringing.

I sighed and took my phone out of my pocket. It was a unknown number.

I answered, "hello?"

"Hello, is this Ethen Wolfe?" A lady asked me.

"Yes, who's speaking?"

"This is Doctor Blarge. I am calling you about Trever Wolfe. I have DNA results saying that you are his half brother by your father. Am I correct?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"You were listed on his emergency contacts. Mr. Wolfe is dead, the police are looking into the situation, and you will have to contact them for the main details. But he had came in with a deep cut wound in his stomach. He had been in the hospital for only two days, but we couldn't stop the bleeding before he was completely drained. I am terribly sorry for your loss sir."

I had a mini heart attack. That means, that the curse is back.

Things shouldn't have turned out this way.

This wasn't supposed to happen.

What am I suppose to tell Lexi?

I can't tell her this now. Not on her birthday.

"Okay, thank you." I hung up the phone and stuffed it in my back pocket.

"What's wrong? Who was that?" Lexi asked me.

"I'm loosing my house." I didn't tell her about the phone conversation, or who really called. So I confessed to something she might handle a little better.

"Why?" She brought her hand to my shoulder.

"Couldn't afford it."

"Well, you can stay at my place for the time being." She sighed. "Are you okay?"

I smiled because no one has asked me that.

"Ya, I'll be fine."

"So, what were you saying?" She smiled.

"I can't remember, can you just forgive me and kiss me for goodness sake." I smiled when she pressed her lips to mine.

"Ethen Wolfe, I forgive you. I can never stay mad at you. Pinky promise." She held out her pinky.

I shook my head, "How about we make a new kind of pinky promise."

"And what do you have in mind?"

"Kissy promise."

"You are so cheesy, just twist your pinky with mine or I'll make you sleep on the couch."

"Now we sound like a married couple."

Only if...

I twisted my pinky with hers. She smiled. "See, wasn't so hard."

I rolled my eyes.

Lexi looked straight in my eyes before saying, "I love you."

Hey guys, Cliffhanger!
I'm sorry for the long wait, I just haven't been able to think about what to write. I know I'm a little late on the April Fools thing, but when I started writing it, it was April fools.
So Thanks to all yall who have read this and all that jazz.
I hope you liked it, please let me know in the comments.
So on that note,

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