My Bosses' Secret

By craziilnlove

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Cassie 24, a young full of life young woman has a job at a restaurant in the city. Her boss is a crazy loud... More

The Beginning
Getting to know you
Road Trip
Christmas Party
Welcome to Toronto
Seeing the real James
Drunk Cassie
Truth hurts
Author's Note
Here we go again
Im not...
Damn you, Ryan
What to do?.
Judgment Day
Authors note
Not today
Suggested Therapy
Guess who?.
Away from Home
Repeat Cycle
Rescue or Nah?.
So close
Baby shower troubles
Far away
Unlikely Visitor
This would happen
Special Delivery?. Maybe
Part 2
Last but not least
Ending part 1


3.6K 177 11
By craziilnlove

Everything was happening in slow motion...

I heard commotion in front of the door. I wasn't going to bring attention to it so I ignored the voices I heard. Didn't want James hurting anyone else.

Disappearing to the room just to get away from James he's been acting weird all day. Before I knew I heard a loud bang which made me jump. I stood still and held onto my stomach because I didn't know what the hell that was. I heard yelling.. So much yelling. I was scared to come out of the room. Not knowing who or what that was.

What if James just snapped and tried to kill someone?. Or maybe he tried to kill himself and someone like the house keeper walked in. So many different things were running through my mind.

"Is anyone else in here?!. I repeat... Is anyone else in here?". The loud voice boomed from the living room.

I wanted to yell but I was scared. My throat was dry I tried getting out something.

"If anyone is here please come out!. I'm an police officer and I'm here to help you".

About time... I felt my eyes filling up with tears. I was so happy. I slowly took steps to come out of the room. The officer looked at me and nodded for me to come closer. I looked over to see James on his stomach and his hands cuffed.

"Cassie right?". He looked at me waiting for me to confirm his assumption.

I nodded. All I knew I started crying. I've been through so much for the past two weeks. The officer hugged me and said "everything is going to be okay".

He walked me out the room and placed in an ambulance truck.

"Take her to the hospital to make sure she's okay and that the baby is okay". He quickly instructed the EMT's.

"Thank you so much". He smiled and headed back upstairs.

In the hospital, the doctor checked me inside and out to make sure nothing as wrong with me. Except with a few bruises I was fine and so was the baby. But he did want me to stay the night to make sure. Plus, I felt safer here than my own home.

"Cassie by the way before this all happened did you get an ultrasound so you can know what you're having?" As the doctor asked.

"No I didn't. But I would like to know".

"Well when we did the ultra sound before it was clear on what you were having".

"Which is?". Why keep me in suspense.

"It's a girl!. Congrats". The doctor smiled and walked out.

I'm having a girl. I started tearing up again. All the things that happens could've put us in harm. I rubbed my belly and smiled to myself.

"Cassie you have a visitor. Her name is Marissa?". The nurse informed me.

"Send her in, thanks".

Marissa walked in and she took one look at me and started tearing up.

"Don't cry, you'll make me cry again. And that's the third time today".

"Cassie I can't help it. You scared the shit out of me!. And James crazy ass... It was crazy".

"Thank you for saving me. I know you did something you didn't want to do. But thank you. You saved me and my little girl".

"You're welcome, and what?. A little girl. Awe, I'm going to have a god daughter".

"Does Ryan know about where I was?". I had to ask.

"No! And I wouldn't tell him either. But he'll soon know your in here. Just watch yourself around him. The apple doesn't fall to far from the tree".

"I know, but it's his daughter too. He has the right to know".

"Cassie I wish you could leave his god forsake place and start over somewhere else. You don't need this bullshit".

"Me too!. But I can't... Or Ryan will try everything to take this child away from me. I'm in no mood to go through that".

"You messed with the wrong guys". She shook her head in frustration.

"Sorry to interrupt... But you have another visitor he says he's the father of your child?". The nurse informed me.

"Damn!. Who told him?". Marissa scrunched up her face in disgust.

"Just let me talk to him". She nodded and walked out.

Ryan walked in and just stood at the door and stared at me. He looked stressed out. He grew his hair too.

"Cassie I was so worried about you. I tried to look for you but I knew he took you to Toronto. But I didn't know what to do".

"Don't worry I'm fine, right?. So relax".

"And how's the baby?". He stood next to me and just looked at me. He didn't look like himself nor did he act like himself.

"She's fine. We both survived the worst".

"She?". His eyes lit up once I confirmed it was a girl. He rubbed my belly and said "daddy's girl".

"What happened to James?".

"He's in big trouble. I heard he's looking at kidnapping, endangered welfare to a child, assault, and some other stuff. He could face up to 10 years in prison".

"Wow. Well he deserves everything that happens to him from here on out".

"I'm happy you both are safe. Now I can sleep at night again".

"I see you grew your hair out. Looks nice". I ran my fingers through his hair.

"That was not intentional. But I was stressed out with you getting kidnapped. So I wasn't keeping up with anything".

"Awe, you can breath now. I'm fine and she's fine".

"Cassie I want to ask you something and feel free to say no to this. But I was thinking... Since she's coming soon. And you'll need help and all. If you wanted to move in with me?. I have space for her. Actually I have a room ready basically".

"Umm... I don't know. I can't answer you at this moment but let me think it over".

"Yeah sure. I just wanted to ask you anyway. But I'll let you think it over. I just want us to be a family".

"We will be a family. Just let me cross this hurdle first and try to relive my life again".

He smiled "I'll let you relax and I'll see you tomorrow okay". He placed a small kiss on my forehead before leaving.

I wonder how come my mother hasn't come to see me. I know she has to know I'm here...

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